
您所在的位置:网站首页 specially与special的区别 particularly同义词(particularly和especially的区别)


2023-03-24 11:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录particularly和especially的区别special particularly unusual especially 等几个“特别”的用法区别!最好举例说明!special 和 especial 的区别 speciallly 和especially的区别special与especialparticularly和especially的区别particularly是什么意思particularly 与 especially有何区别英语单词问题particularly,especially,还有specially的区别是什么exclusive是particularly的近义词吗particularly和especially的区别

particularly 与 especially的区别如下:


1、particularly :特别,尤其。



1、particularly :英  



1、particularly :particularly往往着重说明与同类事物不同的个别事物。




special particularly unusual especially 等几个“特别”的用法区别!最好举例说明!

尽量避看中文译义! special=形容词: (1) 特殊的:A special friend; a special birthday gift; a special ocassion. (2) 专门的:A special tool for drilling holes; a special envoy 特使 (3) 额外:A special holiday flight...额外(节日)航班... 副词: (1) specially:“I picked these flowers specially for you.“ 专门为... (2) 特别地(= particularly; exceptionally 同义) :He’s a nice child,but not specially clever.

(1) especial; particular同义=形容词:特别的=You must treat this with especial care. (2) especially; particularly同义=副词:特别=These insects are quite common,especially in hot countries. unusual; extraordinary同义 = 形容词:不平常的=an unusual design;rare and unusual plants;It is unusual for him to arrive late; He has an unusual job; He was an unusual man with great business talents. Unusually=副词:She is unusually cheerful today.不寻常地/不平常地

special 和 especial 的区别 speciallly 和especially的区别

副词specially:1. in a special manner同义词:especially2. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common同义词:particularly, peculiarly, especially副词especially:1. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common同义词:particularly, peculiarly, specially2. in a special manner同义词:speciallyespecial: a. 特别的,特殊的例句与用法: 1. This question is of especial importance. 这个问题特别重要。

2. Give my regards to Mary, John and by especial to Grandpa. 代我向玛丽、约翰,尤其向爷爷问好。 special: n. 专辑,专车a. 特别的,专门的例句与用法: 1. She is a special friend of mine. 她是我一个特别亲密的朋友。

2. Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。

3. This is a special case, deserving special treatment. 这是个特殊的案件,应该获得特殊处理。

4. Take special care of it. 对这东西要特别细心.

5. He takes no special trouble with his work. 他在工作上不特别卖力.

6. Why should we give you special treatment? 凭什麽要我们对你特殊照顾?

7. There’s a special on coffee this week. 本周咖啡特价出售.

8. Coffee is on special (ie being sold at a lower price than usual) this week. 本周咖啡大减价. 英英解释: 名词special:1. a special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price) that is featured in advertising2. a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant3. a television production that features a particular person or work or topic形容词special:1. unique or specific to a person or thing or category同义词:particular, peculiar2. for a special service or occasion3. surpassing what is common or usual or expected同义词:especial, exceptional, particular4. adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose5. having a specific function or scope同义词:limited6. first and most important同义词:particular7. added to a regular schedule同义词:extra


副词specially: 1. in a special manner 同义词:especially 2. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common 同义词:particularly, peculiarly, especially 副词especially: 1. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common 同义词:particularly, peculiarly, specially 2. in a special manner 同义词:specially especial: a. 特别的,特殊的 例句与用法: 1. This question is of especial importance. 这个问题特别重要。 2. Give my regards to Mary, John and by especial to Grandpa. 代我向玛丽、约翰,尤其向爷爷问好。 special: n. 专辑,专车 a. 特别的,专门的 例句与用法: 1. She is a special friend of mine. 她是我一个特别亲密的朋友。 2. Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。 3. This is a special case, deserving special treatment. 这是个特殊的案件,应该获得特殊处理。 4. Take special care of it. 对这东西要特别细心. 5. He takes no special trouble with his work. 他在工作上不特别卖力. 6. Why should we give you special treatment? 凭什麽要我们对你特殊照顾? 7. There’s a special on coffee this week. 本周咖啡特价出售. 8. Coffee is on special (ie being sold at a lower price than usual) this week. 本周咖啡大减价. 英英解释: 名词special: 1. a special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price) that is featured in advertising 2. a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant 3. a television production that features a particular person or work or topic 形容词special: 1. unique or specific to a person or thing or category 同义词:particular, peculiar 2. for a special service or occasion 3. surpassing what is common or usual or expected 同义词:especial, exceptional, particular 4. adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose 5. having a specific function or scope 同义词:limited 6. first and most important 同义词:particular 7. added to a regular schedule 同义词:extra


词义: especially adv. 特别;尤其;格外 particularly adv. 特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地 (其实本来也是同义词,词义并没有明显区别,不用太纠结)用法: 1. particularly经常等于especially ,指“特别、尤其”,especially指用于正式问题,particularly既可用于正式问题,也可用于日常口语。

2. especially 主要是作副词使用连接句子,一般独立使用。particularly 没有特殊要求。


particularly[pL`tIkjəlLlI; pəˋtikjuləli]副词(more ~; most ~)1 特别地,尤其(→ especially【同义字】)I ~ asked him to be careful.我特别要他小心“Do you want to go?“-“No, not ~.“.“你想去吗?”“不,不特别想去2 仔细地,详细地I cannot explain it ~ now.现在我无法详细说明它

particularly 与 especially有何区别

辨析: special adj.特殊的,特别的,专门的(反义词:ordinary.),强调的是事物特有的性质、性格或专门的目的、用途。 especial adj.特别的,主要的,突出的(反义词:common),强调的是重要性,有“优越”、“好感”之意。 particular adj.特别的,讲究的,挑剔的,强调“特定的”,“个别的”,“与众不同的”。 You must have special permission to enter this room.你必须得到特许才能进这个房间。 He solved the problem of especial importance.他解决了非常重要的问题。 It happened on that particular day.事情发生在那个特别的日子。 Adv. Especially 与particularly同义,意为“特别地、 尤其地”而specially则为“专门地” 【变式题l】I‘m sorry you don’t like the skirt._______because he bought it______for you. A.specially:specially B.especially:specially C.particularly:especially D.specially:especially .special(ly), especial(ly), particular(ly) 【分析比较】 special(ly)指非一般、非正常、非广泛,主要含义为“专为”“特殊。 especial(ly)指的是非普通、非寻常,主要解释为“尤其”,一般不能与special(ly)混用。 special(ly)和especial(ly)在数量、程度等方面表示“例外,格外,过分”的意思时,一般可以互换。 particular(ly)“尤其,特别,格外”,通常指以不同寻常的方式突出某一事物的个性或独之处,它常与especial(ly)通用。但它更强调与众不同。 例:I came here specially to ask for your advice. 我是专程来这里向你请教的。 The desk has a special lock. 这书桌有把特殊的锁。 I think this is a matter of especial importance. 我认为这是一件特别重要的事。 The Great Wall had been added to, especially during the Ming Dynasty. 长城不时得到扩建、重建和修缮,尤其是在明朝。 These books will be particularly helpful to those who wish to improve their English. 这些书 对那些希望提高英语水平的人来说特别有用。


副词specially: 1. in a special manner 同义词:especially 2. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common 同义词:particularly, peculiarly, especially 副词especially: 1. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common 同义词:particularly, peculiarly, specially 2. in a special manner 同义词:specially especial: a. 特别的,特殊的 例句与用法: 1. This question is of especial importance. 这个问题特别重要。 2. Give my regards to Mary, John and by especial to Grandpa. 代我向玛丽、约翰,尤其向爷爷问好。 special: n. 专辑,专车 a. 特别的,专门的 例句与用法: 1. She is a special friend of mine. 她是我一个特别亲密的朋友。 2. Take special care tonight because the road is icy. 路面结冰了,今晚要格外小心。 3. This is a special case, deserving special treatment. 这是个特殊的案件,应该获得特殊处理。 4. Take special care of it. 对这东西要特别细心. 5. He takes no special trouble with his work. 他在工作上不特别卖力. 6. Why should we give you special treatment? 凭什麽要我们对你特殊照顾? 7. There’s a special on coffee this week. 本周咖啡特价出售. 8. Coffee is on special (ie being sold at a lower price than usual) this week. 本周咖啡大减价. 英英解释: 名词special: 1. a special offering (usually temporary and at a reduced price) that is featured in advertising 2. a dish or meal given prominence in e.g. a restaurant 3. a television production that features a particular person or work or topic 形容词special: 1. unique or specific to a person or thing or category 同义词:particular, peculiar 2. for a special service or occasion 3. surpassing what is common or usual or expected 同义词:especial, exceptional, particular 4. adapted to or reserved for a particular purpose 5. having a specific function or scope 同义词:limited 6. first and most important 同义词:particular 7. added to a regular schedule 同义词:extra参考资料:










3、specially:specially着重为做某事而“专门地、特意地”,相当于on purpose。






不算是近义词。exclusiveadj. (个人或集体)专用的,专有的,独有的,独占的;排外的;不愿接收新成员(尤指较低社会阶层)的;高档的;豪华的;高级的 n. 独家新闻;独家专文;独家报道particularly adv. 特别;尤其




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