
您所在的位置:网站首页 spanned翻译 「龙腾网」众所周知欧洲在罗马帝国崩溃后进入了“黑暗时代”


2023-04-08 09:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Hell, Mayans still exists today- according to Wikipedia, There are around 6 million,. So unlike what many may think the ethnic identity never disappeared unlike many others.



I watched a report not long ago about Mayan culture in Guatemala that was VERY interesting. There are definitely still people who identify ethnically as Mayan and who speak Mayan dialects, and try to keep other forms of Mayan culture alive within their communities. A bit more anecdotal but my husband and I did a tour of Tulum and our tour guide identified herself as Mayan in heritage and talked a little bit about it. She was a very intelligent and interesting woman!



Yeah a friend from Yucatan is Mayan but she only knows all the dirty words in the language. At least they will live on!



I live in Guatemala, where there's surely the largest population of Mayans in the world. I work with many purely indigenous Mayan communities. They're 3rd class citizens here, after the mixed middle class and the Spanish pure-bred upper-class/owners.

我住在危地马拉,那里肯定有世界上最多的玛雅人。 我与许多纯粹的土著玛雅社区合作过。 他们是这里的第三等级公民,仅次于混合中产阶级和西班牙纯种的上层阶级/所有者。


I was helping a couple at my retail job, mother and son. She spoke what was obviously not Spanish. I asked the son what language it was. He said it was an old Maya language. It was cool to hear it in person. Language is cool!



I've never had the opportunity to hear it in person, damn that's interesting.



Yep, a friend of mine was a missionary in southern Belize, and brought me out there once. Lots of indigenous Mayans still living in the bush there. He just kinda takes US church money and helps people out over there building houses, repairing the school, etc cuz everyone’s dirt poor out there.



I've met a lot of Mayans, specifically in western Belize there is still tribes. Speak a lot of English and their native languages. Really welcoming people, at least the ones I met



This is the late bronze age collapse right? Maybe the greatest darkage of all time.

这是青铜时代晚期的崩溃对吧? 可能是有史以来最伟大的黑暗时期。


I don't know much about ancient civs. Who were the sea people? Weren't they Mycenians?



Mass migration for whatever reason. They even ended up in Ireland according to the book of invasions



Most likely due to famine



Agreed, and who knows what caused the famine. Climate change; collapse of agricultural systems; Ajax, Achilles, Diomedes and Odyseus pillaging the region :)



I am reading that 1077 bc book and it is intereting. Only thing I don't get is how this collapse brought about the Iton Age. You'd think advanced trade and tech would lead to iron discovery and use, not a collapse and dark age.

我正在读关于公元前1077年的书,它是有趣的。 我唯一不明白的是这场崩溃是如何导致铁器时代的。你会认为是先进的贸易和技术会导致铁的发现和使用,而不是一个崩溃和黑暗的时代。


As i know it was proto Greek civilization, not Greek exactly



"Proto-Greek" is a poor descxtor because it wrongly places classical Greece on a pedestal as the "true" Greece. The Mycenaeans were people who lived in Greece, spoke the Greek language, worshiped Greek gods, etc. They were Greek.

The political organization was different from classical Greece, sure, but that doesn't mean they weren't Greek.




Completely agree with this, its helpful to distinguish how cultures within cultures can diverge for the sake of organization, its not helpful for say understanding how these individuals saw themselves. For example, we describe the Eastern Romans after the "collapse" as the Byzantine Empire because of their varied culture, customs and demographics compared to what most understand as the Roman Empire, but that culture fully saw themselves as Roman and were all intents and purposes were Romans.

完全同意你说的,这种说法有助于区分文化内部的文化如何因为其组织而分化,但这对于理解当时这些人是如何看待自己的并没有帮助。例如,我们把 "崩溃"后的东罗马人描述为拜占庭帝国,因为他们的文化、习俗和人口结构与大多数人所理解的罗马帝国相比有很大的差异,但他们自己本身的文化完全把自己看成是罗马人,自己的一举一动所思所想都是罗马。


The Middle East and most of Asia went through a dark age caused by the Mongol invasions, the secondary empires like Tamerlane, followed by the black death. There was widespread settlement abandonment in 12-13th century North America for an unknown cause particularly in the Mississippi Basin. Slavery collapsed Central West African civilisations about the 15th and 16th century. The precolumbian Amazon Basin civilisations were annihilated by European plagues.



Mongols are like the 1200's Sea Peoples. Horse Peoples.



Mongols were more like unified rampaging war machine. Sea peoples are unclear if they were a confederacy of pirate like civilizations or if the world had gone to shit so badly that there so many random bandits and pirates that the term "sea peoples" was coined to reffer to all that rabble.

蒙古人更像是一台统一的狂暴战争机器。海上民族不清楚他们到底是海盗一样的文明联盟,还是世界已经乱了套,以至于随机的强盗和海盗太多,所以创造了 "海上民族"这个词,来指代那些暴民。


The Middle East is going through another dark age after the fall of the Ottoman empire.



You're right. Fractured and warring. This will be seen as a dark period.



I don't think that you understand what a "dark age" is. Dark ages are not a period of decline, but a period with a significant lack of written source. They are "dark" for us because we do not have as much information about them, not because the life was hard at the time.

我不认为你明白什么是“黑暗时代。 黑暗时代不是一个衰落的时期,而是一个严重缺乏书面来源的时期。他们对我们来说是“黑暗的”,因为我们没有那么多关于他们的信息,而不是因为当时的生活很艰难。


When you say "Dark Ages," are you referring to the collapse of a civilization or a period when we went from knowing a lot about a civilization to suddenly having very little recorded history?



There are potentially several in Chinese History.

Depending on how you slice it, there’s the spring and autumn period during the eastern Zhou dynasty, which although philosophically and culturally vibrant, was a period of intense internecine violence.

Then there’s the period of disunity between the Jin dynasty of the 3rd century all the way into the late 6th century (which ended with the ascendancy of the Sui dynasty). Though you wouldn’t be off base in putting the start date nearly a hundred years earlier with the fall of the Han. Either way, this one definitely counts as a dark age, at least when compared to the Western European standard.

There’s also the five dynasties and ten kingdoms period between the tang and song dynasties in the 10th century, which was a full on shitshow, but maybe didn’t last long enough to qualify.






There is a very clear distinction between the periods of strife in China compared to the dark ages of Europe after the Wall of the western Roman empire.

In China, the periods of chaos always ended with a new dynasty reunifying the entire country, largely with the same form of government. The Han, Jin, Sui/Tang, Song, Ming, and Qing dynasties spanned over 2000 years, and sometimes there might be more than one hundred years of chaos in between the major dynasties, yet each time a very similar form of government and society becomes reconstituted. Absolute monarchy headed by an emperor, passed exclusively through male heirs (with only a single exception), using a vast confucian based beaucracy, with heavy use of eunuchs within the imperial household, usually worshiping the same mixture of buddhism/taoism religion, etc. Some of these dynasties were invaders from the steppes who took over China, yet they still ruled China in much the same way the first Han dynasty emperors did back in the 200s BCE. Even the language didn't change.

That's the difference between China and western Europe. Once Rome fell, it never came back. Maybe Charlemagne or Justinian managed to reconquer parts of the old Roman empire for a few decades, but they soon became fragmented again. The "dark ages" of medi Europe heralded a completely new form of government and society, which would never return to Roman cultural norms.

Europe would remain fragmented all the way through to our modern age, while China remained a united country, despite occasional periods of fragmentation. You can even argue that the current "communist" government of china is actually in many ways still largely based on the old imperial Chinese government model, except only that power no longer stays in the same family, but goes from one paramount leader to another, modern versions of the ancient Chinese emperors.






For Mesoamerican, there was the Mayan collapse that happened rapidly. Unfortunately, there aren't a whole lot of sources from the time period, but I believe it was a couple hundreds years before the rise of the Aztec, so that interlude could be deemed a Dark Age.

For India, I believe the Rajput period (600s-1100s?) was considered their Dark Age.

For Japan, possibly the Sengoku period, but the Edo period is actually considered a dark age by some historians.


对于印度,我相信拉杰普特时期(600s-1100s?) 被认为是他们的黑暗时代。



The comment about the Edo period is interesting because it does highlight a big difference in historians' attitudes towards Japanese culture and "progress."

The camps who use Japan's progress towards modern economic and social systems as the measuring stick of success tend to see it as a "dark ages" where the medi caste system and isolationist policy froze the country in amber and severely weakened it both socially and economically against eventual outside pressure. And that Japan's rapid Western modernization after the Meiji Restoration was a universal good. I'd categorize this as sort of the "Fukuzawa Yukichi" camp of thought.

But there's also the fact that the majority of cultural things now considered "stereotypically Japanese," from tea ceremonies to haiku to geisha to religion to samurai to Hokusai, were all formalized and flourished during the Edo period, once the country was no longer at constant civil war.

The tension between modernization and cultural tradition is an unresolved constant while reading through later Japanese history. While mostly about simple politics and status, one could say the Satsuma Rebellion is an example of this tension. Even still, particularly because of this lack of a black/white definition, I think even those who take a critical eye towards the stagnation of Edo would still hesitate to call it a "Dark Age" on the level of OP's other examples.




在阅读日本后期历史时,现代化与文化传统之间的矛盾是一个无解的常态。虽然大多是关于简单的政治和地位,但可以说萨摩藩的叛乱就是这种紧张局势的一个例子。即便如此,特别是由于这种缺乏黑白定义的情况下,我想即便是对江户的停滞采取批判性眼光的人,也会在与OP(楼主)列举的其他例子的比较下犹豫是否要称其为 "黑暗时代"。返回搜狐,查看更多




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