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2024-06-25 17:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


而专精特新企业中的佼佼者则被称为 “小巨人”,是专注于细分市场、创新能力强、市场占有率高、掌握关键核心技术、质量效益优的排头兵企业。

"Little giants" typically specialize in niche sectors, command high market shares and boast strong innovative capacity.

"Little giants" typically specialize in niche sectors, command high market shares and boast strong innovative capacity.


比如有的“小巨人”企业就专注做减速器。减速器是机器人的三大核心零部件之一,也是很多工业设备必需的零部件,此前高端减速器我们大量依赖进口。现在在很多智能物流仓库里,无人搬运车 (Automatic Guided Vehicle)来回穿梭,精准配送,实现这些物流小车精准驱动的减速机就是由 这类“小巨人”企业制造的。


这些企业在一定程度上和德国管理学家赫尔曼·西蒙提出的 “隐形冠军”企业类似,是指那些不为公众所熟知,却在某个细分行业或市场占据领先地位,拥有核心竞争力和明确战略的中小型企业。

These "little giants" are similar to "hidden champions", a term coined by German author Hermann Simon to describe the small, highly specialized world market leaders in Germany.

These "little giants" are similar to "hidden champions", a term coined by German author Hermann Simon to describe the small, highly specialized world market leaders in Germany.



This year's Government Work Report states that China will work to nurture specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products, and provide them with more support in terms of funding, personnel, and development of business incubation platforms.

This year's Government Work Report states that China will work to nurture specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products, and provide them with more support in terms of funding, personnel, and development of business incubation platforms.


China aims to nurture 1 million innovative SMEs, 100,000 specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products, and 10,000 "little giants" from 2021 to 2025, amid an ambitious plan to trigger the vitality of SMEs in its sprawling industrial economy.

China aims to nurture 1 million innovative SMEs, 100,000 specialized and sophisticated enterprises that produce new and unique products, and 10,000 "little giants" from 2021 to 2025, amid an ambitious plan to trigger the vitality of SMEs in its sprawling industrial economy.


They must see a minimum 5 percent year-on-year average growth rate of its main business income or net profit in the past two years. And its asset-liability ratio is not higher than 70 percent.

They must see a minimum 5 percent year-on-year average growth rate of its main business income or net profit in the past two years. And its asset-liability ratio is not higher than 70 percent.


More importantly, they must have two valid invention patents or other similar proofs of its innovation capabilities. They also need to maintain a certain level of research and development spending.

More importantly, they must have two valid invention patents or other similar proofs of its innovation capabilities. They also need to maintain a certain level of research and development spending.








Xu Xiaolan, vice-minister of industry and information technology, said "If you randomly look into an industrial chain in China, you'll find countless dynamic small players involved. China's industrial chains have withstood the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic largely due to the depth and breadth of its small-and medium-sized enterprises industries.”

Xu Xiaolan, vice-minister of industry and information technology, said "If you randomly look into an industrial chain in China, you'll find countless dynamic small players involved. China's industrial chains have withstood the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic largely due to the depth and breadth of its small-and medium-sized enterprises industries.”





浙商证券首席经济学家李超表示,对于中国来说,创新能力和完善的供应链在经济发展过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用。能够填补国内某些薄弱环节的 “小巨人”企业将有助于改善产业链和供应链,使中国成为制造业强国。

Li Chao, chief economist at Zheshang Securities, said “The little giant companies, which are able to fill certain weak niches in the country, will help improve the industrial and supply chains, and enable China to become a manufacturing powerhouse.”

Li Chao, chief economist at Zheshang Securities, said “The little giant companies, which are able to fill certain weak niches in the country, will help improve the industrial and supply chains, and enable China to become a manufacturing powerhouse.”


"The country's latest move to support little giant companies will help them achieve technological breakthroughs, innovations and upgrades, and boost their core competitiveness in the face of increasing global competition," Li said.

"The country's latest move to support little giant companies will help them achieve technological breakthroughs, innovations and upgrades, and boost their core competitiveness in the face of increasing global competition," Li said.




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