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2023-09-07 22:32| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1 SonarQube安装及部署 1.0 在安装sonarqube时,必须先安装jdk1.8,并配置了环境变量, 1.1 下载SonarQube 默认下载 1.2 解压并放置在任意文件夹下 1.3进行bin目录,然后选择win*****与电脑相应的文件夹,点击StartSonar.bat启动启动后,若出现一下界面则表示成功

2 安装数据库 :以安装2014 sqlserver中安装数据库为例 2.1新建数据库,数据库名称为sonar 执行如下语句 Use master EXEC sp_dboption ‘sonar’, ‘Single User’, ‘TRUE’ EXEC sp_renamedb ‘sonar’, ‘sonar7’ EXEC sp_dboption ‘sonar7’, ‘Single User’, ‘FALSE’ GO alter database sonar7 collate Chinese_PRC_CS_AS GO EXEC sp_renamedb ‘sonar7’, ‘sonar’ GO

如sp_dboption存储过程没有,则可sp_dboption.sql文件创建或成sql2008中复制一个过来 在sonarqube7\conf\下,打开sonar.properties文件写入 sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=sonar sonar.jdbc.username=sonar sonar.jdbc.password=111111 sonar.sorceEncoding=UTF-8 sonar.login=admin sonar.password=admin

2.4 打开浏览器进入http://localhost:9000,将会显示一下界面

此时如果出现以下界面并且SonarQube已经启动, 登陆,默认用户名和密码都是admin

2.6 下载中文包插件,汉化网页 链接: 在右下角


点击Lasttest version对应链接便可以下载,下载成功后,放在E:\sonarqube7\extensions\plugins文件夹下。

3 使用sonar-scanner扫描 3.1 安装sonar-scanner 1.解压sonar-scanner-cli-到E:\sonarqube7\下,重命名为sonarScanner3 3.2 配置sonar-scanner环境变量 a.新建变量,name=SONAR_RUNNER_HOME. value=E:\sonarqube7\sonarScanner3 b.打开path,增加%SONAR_RUNNER_HOME%\bin; c. sonar-scanner -v,出现以下信息,则表示环境变量设置成功

3.3 编辑 ${sonar-runner_home}/conf/ 配置数据库 sonar.jdbc.url=jdbc:sqlserver://;databaseName=sonar sonar.jdbc.username=sa sonar.jdbc.password=111111 sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 sonar.login=admin sonar.password=admin 3.4 使用命令行通过maven进行分析 3.4.1 配置maven的环境变量:配置settings.xml文件 org.sonarsource.scanner.maven sonar true src/main/java/com/dse/ src/main/java/com/dse/common/gen/ admin admin 3.4.2 打开cmd命令窗口,定位到相应要分析项目目录下 在命令行下运行mvn clean verify sonar:sonar 运行结束以后,到web上查看结果,运行较慢

插件打包命令: mvn clean && mvn package -Dmaven.test.skip=true 如果报 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/sonarsource/scanner/api/LogOutput错误,可使用如下命令生成 mvn clean install org.sonarsource.scanner.maven:sonar-maven-plugin: 4 使用SonarLint插件动态检查 4.1 SonarLint插件安装

 在线安装:IDEA菜单栏选择File->Settings,左边栏选择Plugins ,在线安装选择Browse repositories,搜索Sonar,选择SonarLint进行安装,之后重启IDEA

 离线安装:IDEA菜单栏选择File->Settings,左边栏选择Plugins ,在线安装选择Install plugins from disk,选择离线安装包,之后重启IDEA 。

4.2 SonarQube服务器配置 4.2.1 1.安装成功后,进入到Other Setting界面

点击+添加SonarQube服务器:配置地址为: 4.2.2 Configuration Name就是标志这个服务器的名字

4.2.3 下拉选择Token登陆还是login/password登陆


4.2.4 最后点击next,finish,便看到添加成功

3.6在Other Setting中SonarLint Project Setting中设置绑定服务器


4.3 IDEA SonarLint使用 4.3.1 自动检查 安装SonarLint插件重启后,IDEA Tool Windows部分会出现SonarLint View。当前打开的java文件会在current file中自动检查

2.SonarLint安装完后,默认情况下是自动检测项目代码的。若觉得影响效率,可通过菜单Settings->Other Settings->SonarLint General Settings进行设置

4.3.2 手动检测

在Tool Windows中选择Scope(可选择All project files或者VCS changed files),再点击左侧的Analyze按钮进行检测

检测完毕后,会在SonarLint Tool View中显示出检测的问题,以类名称进行分类。各类的issue,分为阻断、严重、主要、提示和次要,问题严重性依次降低。点击issue,在右侧会出现对应的Rule,可参照进行修改

5 Sonar 代码检查规范 5.1 Sonar检查类型及要求 Sonar按严重性可分为以下几种 指标名 关键词 描述 阻断 /致命的 Blocker 操作/安全风险: 在生产中这个问题可能会使整个应用程序不稳定。 例如: 调用垃圾收集器,而不是关闭套接字等等 严重 /关键的 Critical 操作/安全风险: 在生产过程中这个问题可能导致出现意外行为,而不会影响整个应用程序的完整性。 例如:NullPointerException,严 重捕获异常,缺少单元测试等 主要 Major 这个问题可能会对生产效率产生影响。 例如: 太复杂的方法,包装循环等 次要 /微小的 Minor 这个问题可能会对生产效率产生影响。 例如:命名约定,终结器只调用超类终结器等等 提示 Info 可能会对生产效率产生影响的未知或尚未明确定义的安全风险 对所有已开发系统sonar检查:需解决Blocker,Critical,Major三种类型的问题。对新开发的系统在提交代码前必须解决Blocker,Critical,Major,Minor四种类型的问题,由系统开发负责人检查开发人员所提交代码,公司会定期扫描抽检

5.2 Sonar 代码检查要点详解 5.2.1 “@RequestMapping” methods should be “public” @RequestMapping("/greet", method = GET) private String greet(String greetee) { //✗ avoid  @RequestMapping("/greet", method = GET) public String greet(String greetee) {//✓ ok 5.2.2 “main” should not “throw” anything public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception { //✗ avoid  5.2.3 “switch” statements should not contain non-case labels, Switch cases should end with an unconditional “break” statement,“default” clauses should be last

switch (day) { case MONDAY:/ /✗ avoid  case TUESDAY: …} 5.2.4 “wait(…)” should be used instead of “Thread.sleep(…)” when a lock is held public void doSomething(){ synchronized(monitor) { while(notReady()){ Thread.sleep(200); / /✗ avoid  //monitor.wait(200); //✓ ok } process(); } … }

5.2.5 Child class fields should not shadow parent class fields

5.2.6 Resources should be closed 5.2.7 Exit methods should not be called System.exit(0); / /✗ avoid  Runtime.getRuntime().exit(0); / /✗ avoid  Runtime.getRuntime().halt(0); / /✗ avoid  5.2.8 Methods “wait(…)”, “notify()” and “notifyAll()” should not be called on Thread instances Thread myThread = new Thread(new RunnableJob()); myThread.wait(2000); / /✗ avoid

5.2.9 Threads should not be started in constructors public class MyClass { Thread thread = null; public MyClass(Runnable runnable) { thread = new Thread(runnable); thread.start(); // ✗ avoid } }

5.2.10 无继承Cloneable则不能复写clone,有则必须Override clone

5.2.11 “if … else if” constructs should end with “else” clauses

if (x == 0) { doSomething(); } else if (x == 1) { doSomethingElse(); }// ✗ avoid 5.2.12 “Object.wait(…)” and “Condition.await(…)” should be called inside a “while” loop synchronized (obj) { while (){ obj.wait(timeout);// ✗ avoid } … .} 5.2.13 “Serializable” classes should have a version id public class Raspberry extends Fruit implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; //✓ ok // private final long serialVersionUID = 1; // ✗ avoid 5.2.14 Cognitive Complexity of methods should not be too high:不能大于15 注多重循环嵌套(复杂度)计算:由以下数来测量 &&和||,if, while,do,for,?:,catch,switch,case, return和throw…

5.2.15 Comparators should be “Serializable” public class FruitComparator implements Comparator, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1; …}

5.2.16 常量不允许在接口中声明,也不允许出现static 5.2.17 Control flow statements “if”, “for”, “while”, “switch” and “try” should not be nested too deeply:不允许超过3层 if (condition1) { /* … / if (condition2) { / … / for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { / … */ if (condition4) { // ✗ avoid … } return; } } } } 5.2.18 Finally块中不允许再抛出异常 5.2.19 Lazy initialization of “static” fields should be “synchronized”

rivate static Properties fPreferences = null; private static synchronized Properties getPreferences() {//去除synchronized则是错误的 if (fPreferences == null) { fPreferences = new Properties(); fPreferences.put(“loading”, “true”); fPreferences.put(“filterstack”, “true”); readPreferences(); } return fPreferences; } } 5.2.20 Locks should be released public class MyClass { private Lock lock = new Lock();

public void doSomething() { lock.lock(); // ✗ avoid if (isInitialized()) { // lock.lock(); //✓ ok … lock.unlock(); } } }

5.2.21 Try-with-resources should be used Java 7引入了try-with-resources语句,该语句确保有问题的资源将被关闭,比旧的try/ catch/ finally要手动关闭要安全 旧的方法 FileReader fr = null; BufferedReader br = null; try { fr = new FileReader(fileName); br = new BufferedReader(fr); return br.readLine(); } catch (…) { } finally { if (br != null) { try { br.close(); } catch(IOException e){…} } if (fr != null ) { try { br.close(); } catch(IOException e){…} } } 新的方法 try ( FileReader fr = new FileReader(fileName); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr) ) { return br.readLine(); } catch (…) {} 5.2.22 不应该使用通配符导入 import java.sql.*; // ✗ avoid

5.2.23 “@Override” should be used on overriding and implementing methods 5.2.24 “hashCode” and “toString” should not be called on array instances public static void main( String[] args ) { String argStr = args.toString();// ✗ avoid int argHash = args.hashCode();// ✗ avoid String argStr1 = Arrays.toString(args); //✓ ok int argHash1 = Arrays.hashCode(args); //✓ ok } 5.2.25 “java.lang.Error” should not be extended

5.2.26 “NullPointerException” 不应该被捕捉,或者抛出 public int lengthPlus(String str) { int len = 2; try { len += str.length();// ✗ avoid } catch (NullPointerException e) {“argument was null”); } return len; } 正确写法: if (str != null) { len += str.length(); } else {“argument was null”); }

5.2.27 “read” and “readLine” return values should be used while (buffReader.readLine() != null) { //✗ avoid

String line = null; while ((line = buffReader.readLine()) != null) {//✓ ok

5.2.28 “static” members should be accessed statically public class A { public static int counter = 0; } private A first = new A(); first.counter ++; //✗ avoid A.counter ++; // ✓ ok

5.2.29 “wait”, “notify” and “notifyAll” should only be called when a lock is obviously held on an object private void removeElement() { // private synchronized void removeElement() {// ✓ ok synchronized(obj) {// ✓ ok while (!suitableCondition()){ obj.wait(); } … } } 5.2.30 Classes and enums with private members should have a constructor class A { private int field; A(int field) { this.field = field; } } 5.2.31 Empty arrays and collections should be returned instead of null public static List getResults() { return Collections.emptyList(); // ✓ ok //return null; // ✗ avoid } 5.2.32 Exception should not be created without being thrown if (x < 0) new IllegalArgumentException(“x must be nonnegative”); // ✗ avoid // throw new IllegalArgumentException(“x must be nonnegative”); // ✓ ok

5.2.33 一个类为能超过1000行,一个方法中不能超过75行,一行不能超过120个字符 5.2.34 Non-serializable classes should not be written, Non-serializable objects should not be stored in “HttpSession” objects

public class Vegetable { //… } public class Menu { public void meal() throws IOException { Vegetable veg; FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(veg.getName()); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fout); oos.writeObject(veg); // ✗ avoid HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute("veg ", veg); // ✗ avoid } } 正确做法 public class Vegetable implements Serializable { //… }

5.2.35 Public methods should throw at most one checked exception 注Error或者RuntimeException的异常称为unchecked异常,所有其他的异常成为checked异常 public void delete() throws IOException, SQLException { // ✗ avoid /* … */ }

5.2.36 Standard outputs should not be used directly to log anything System.out.println(“My Message”); //✗ avoid logger.log(“My Message”);

5.2.37 Static fields should not be updated in constructors public class Person { Date dateOfBirth; static int expectedFingers; public Person(date birthday) { dateOfBirth = birthday; expectedFingers = 10; // ✗ avoid } } 5.2.38 Synchronized classes Vector, Hashtable, Stack and StringBuffer should not be used • ArrayList or LinkedList instead of Vector • Deque instead of Stack • HashMap instead of Hashtable • StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer

5.2.39 删除没有用的import、field、class、method。




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