
您所在的位置:网站首页 solstice_冬至微博 【第477期】听歌学文化


#【第477期】听歌学文化| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Immanu El started as a musical experiment in Jönköping, Sweden 2004 by then 16-year-old Claes Strängberg, soon joined by his twin brother Per and friends David Lillberg and Jonatan Josefsson. The band has gained a reputation as one of the most promising bands from Scandinavia and have performed over 300 shows in 30 countries since the debut album was released 2008. During the last years of touring Immanu El performed at festivals such as SXSW in Austin, Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg, Filter's Culture Collide Festival in Los Angeles, CMJ Music Marathon in New York, Canadian Music Week in Toronto and Strawberry Festival in Beijing and Shanghai.


Weeks turn to months, turn to years


We 1


Wide awake


Sorrow won't hurt us


We've got hollow 2


Without a cause until I held you, I held you inside


3 than the sun


Conquer my heart over


Into the night to the cold


We hide our 4


Hide our flaws


Deep cuts won't reach us


We've got hardened hearts


Break through my surface


Let my 5 , my doubts fall apart


Brighter than the sun


Conquer my heart 6


Hold me by your side


Til our night is over



1. hibernate 2. hearts 3. Brighter 4. thoughts 5. worries

6. over


冬至(Winter Solstice)

冬至(Winter Solstice),是中国农历中一个重要的节气,也是中华民族的一个传统节日,冬至俗称“冬节”、“长至节”、“亚岁”等。早在二千五百多年前的春秋时代,中国就已经用土圭观测太阳,测定出了冬至,它是二十四节气中最早制订出的一个,时间在每年的公历12月21日至23日之间。冬至这天,太阳直射地面的位置到达一年的最南端,几乎直射南回归线(南纬23°26')。这一天北半球得到的阳光最少,比南半球少了50%。北半球的白昼达到最短,且越往北白昼越短。冬至过后,夜空星象完全换成冬季星空,而且从今天开始“进九”。而此时南半球正值酷热的盛夏。比较常见的是,在中国北方有冬至吃饺子的风俗。俗话说:“冬至到,吃水饺。”而南方则是吃汤圆,当然也有例外,如在山东滕州、曲阜、邹城,冬至习惯叫做数九,流行过数九当天喝羊肉汤的习俗,寓意驱除寒冷之意。各地食俗不同,但吃水饺最为常见。

The winter solstice (or hibernal solstice), also known as midwinter, is an astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere this is the December solstice and in the Southern Hemisphere this is the June solstice.

The axial tilt of Earth and gyroscopic effects of its daily rotation mean that the two opposite points in the sky to which the Earth's axis of rotation points (axial precession) change very slowly (making a complete circle approximately every 26,000 years). As the Earth follows its orbit around the Sun, the polar hemisphere that faced away from the Sun, experiencing winter, will, in half a year, face towards the Sun and experience summer. This is because the two hemispheres face opposite directions along Earth's axis, and so as one polar hemisphere experiences winter, the other experiences summer.

More evident from high latitudes, a hemisphere's winter solstice occurs on the day with the shortest period of daylight and longest night of the year, when the sun's daily maximum elevation in the sky is at its lowest.[1] Although the winter solstice itself lasts only a moment in time, the term sometimes refers to the day on which it occurs. Other names are "midwinter", the "extreme of winter" (Dongzhi), or the "shortest day". In some cultures it is seen as the middle of winter, while in others it is seen as the beginning of winter.[2] In meteorology, winter in the Northern Hemisphere spans the entire period of December through February. The seasonal significance of the winter solstice is in the reversal of the gradual lengthening of nights and shortening hours of daylight during the day. The earliest sunset and latest sunrise dates differ from winter solstice, however, and these depend on latitude, due to the variation in the solar day throughout the year caused by the Earth's elliptical orbit (see earliest and latest sunrise and sunset).

Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied across cultures, but many have held a recognition of rebirth, involving holidays, festivals, gatherings, rituals or other celebrations around that time.

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