【夜话·老师读诗】The Solitary Reaper

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【夜话·老师读诗】The Solitary Reaper

2023-08-21 04:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

知识 夜话英文 第18期 2019-05-11 创建 播放:364次

介绍: “I myself was inspired by this poem and I wrote one of me when I was touched by a scene that came into my sight on a spring morning that moment I saw several students sitting on the key steps reading books. They were so absorbed by what they read and that's seeing almost a form of a motionless picture in fro...

介绍: “I myself was inspired by this poem and I wrote one of me when I was touched by a scene that came into my sight on a spring morning that moment I saw several students sitting on the key steps reading books. They were so absorbed by what they read and that's seeing almost a form of a motionless picture in front of me and naturally associated them was the trees of Sakura flowers nearby because these young people are as beautiful as the blossoms. Yet I realized the quiet hours of reading won't be asked just as the flowers would fade away soon ...“ 女神老师克非在节目中和我们分享了William Wordsworth的《孤独的刈麦女》,快一起快来听听~

The Solitary Reaper---by William Wordsworth

Behold her, single in the field, 看,一个孤独的高原姑娘,

Yon solitary Highland Lass! 在远远的田野间收割,

Reaping and singing by herself; 一边割一边独自歌唱,

Stop here, or gently pass! 请你站住.或者俏悄走过!

Alone she cuts and binds the grain, 她独自把麦子割了又捆,

And sings a melancholy strain; 唱出无限悲凉的歌声,

O listen! for the Vale profound 屏息听吧! 深广的谷地

Is overflowing with the sound. 已被歌声涨满而漫溢!

No Nightingale did ever chaunt 还从未有过夜莺百啭,

More welcome notes to weary bands 唱出过如此迷人的歌,

Of travellers in some shady haunt, 在沙漠中的绿荫间

Among Arabian sands: 抚慰过疲惫的旅客;

A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard 还从未有过杜鹃迎春,

In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird, 声声啼得如此震动灵魂,

Breaking the silence of the seas 在遥远的赫布利底群岛

Among the farthest Hebrides. 打破过大海的寂寥。

Will no one tells me what she sings?-- 她唱什么,谁能告诉我?

Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow 忧伤的音符不断流涌,

For old, unhappy, far-off things, 是把遥远的不聿诉说?

And battles long ago: 是把古代的战争吟咏?

Or is it some more humble lay, 也许她的歌比较卑谦

Familiar matter of to-day? 只是唱今日平凡的悲欢

Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain, 只是唱自然的哀伤苦痛——

That has been, and may be again? 昨天经受过,明天又将重逢?

Whate'er the theme, the Maiden sang 姑娘唱什么,我猜不着,

As if her song could have no ending; 她的歌如流水永无尽头;

I saw her singing at her work, 只见她一边唱一边干活,

And o'er the sickle bending;―― 弯腰挥镰,操劳不休……

I listen'd, motionless and still; 我凝神不动,听她歌唱,

And, as I mounted up the hill, 然后,当我登上了山岗,

The music in my heart I bore, 尽管歌声早已不能听到,

Long after it was heard no more. 它却仍在我心头缭绕。

李: Hey guys! We are very honoured to have Mrs.Ke join this program. First of all, we wanna start by asking why this poem?

克:This poem is by the famous William Wordsworth. I’d like to share you with my appreciation of this poem. It is this appreciation that can be called the reason that I recommend this poem to you. There’ s an old saying “ beauty is eternal”. It is the experience of our forefathers. However, time tires truth. It's correct in many cases even today ,especially in William Wordsworth poem the Solitary Reaper. Why can the classic a poem cater even to the modernist aesthetic? As far as I'm concerned the reasons can be listed as follows:First of all in the poem loneliness is beautiful. In the first stanza, Wordsworth used very words to set the lonely atmosphere such as “single” “melancholy” “solitary” and “ by herself”. Less is more and I believe that in many cases the noise environment is anything but Beauty. So is the reason that the thinker has astonishing Beauty. Secondly, in the poem imagination is beautiful. Without imagination, Wordsworth can never write such romantic and moving words. He imagined that the girl’s voice is more beautiful than nightingale and cuckoo bird which are the beckoning light to illuminate people's way forward with great inspiration. Furthermore, we have no idea of how the girl was and what kind of songs the girl was singing. After finishing reading it my view is that the poet did it on purpose because we can exert our imagination to draw the picture in our minds as beautiful as we can. By the way, to the imaginative, we need to be more sensitive with every subtle change and things around. Thirdly in the poem simplicity is beautiful we can tell from this poem that Wordsworth didn't use a number of new and great words but he has the ability to let those simple words that we all know convey deep sensitive thoughts. I enjoy this poem very much because beauty is ubiquitous but classic. Simplicity with natural essence is already very beautiful and to use a lot of makeup is to guilt the lily. The last but not least in the poem brightness is beautiful. From the atmosphere the poet said, I concluded at first he was not very in the mood but after he had heard the growth songs, the turning part came. The poem line reads “and over the Sickle bending and as a mounted up the hill,” he was encouraged and the mood suddenly shifts in this part from darkness to brightness, from negative to passive. All is well that ends well. How affecting that the poet found the hope and emotion to move on and step up! So from what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that the Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth is an everlasting witness to the eternal Beauty. I'm happy and honoured to have the chance to make an acquaintance with it. I myself was inspired by this poem and I wrote one of me when I was touched by a scene that came into my sight on a spring morning that moment I saw several students sitting on the key steps reading books. They were still absorbed by what they read and that's seeing almost a form of a motionless picture in front of me and naturally associated them was the trees of Sakura flowers nearby because these young people are as beautiful as the blossoms. Yet I realized the quiet hours of reading won't be asked just as the flowers would fade away soon so I wrote a poem to remember that scene and how I felt that moment. Here is the poem. It's very short. Behold them--- reading in the morning young lasses and lads in springtime I stop stand and stare and it gently past into the cherry woods along the path so touched I felled for this plain day yet sorrowful when knowing the blossoms will not stay this thing in my mind I shall retain until it is found again

李: Wow. so touching and inspiring poem





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