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#2023年6月最新英语四六级作文万能模板,建议收藏!| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





The topic of( 主题)has triggered an avalanche of mixed reactions and debates not only in real life but in the network, which boils down to how valued it is to modern society.People’s attitudes towards this topic are different because of their different perspectives.



Some people hold the view that the lack of(主题)consciousness has, at least in part, been the immediate cause of this phenomenon.(主题)consciousness can help us to understand and form reflective values for ourselves.Based on these values and ideals,we can determine our authentic life path as well as learn the appropriateness of addressing certain social issues on a societal level.On the contrary, some others consider ( 抄原文给的句子,即观点).They assert that ,the outlook for ( 填主旨的名词) is highly uncertain, the outlook is not optimistic particularly in the areas of society and life.



From my point of view,I firmly believe that the advantages apparently outweigh the disadvantages .Just as the Chinese proverb goes:anything is a double-edged sword .Thus, we should inspire the advantages and abandon its disadvantages and that our students 、parents、government、media and even the society as a whole should have the wisdom and common sense to distinguish between right and wrong.


二、CET4/6 的另一种类型,如果题目是议论型的,不是利弊型的


The topic of 主题has triggered an avalanche of mixed reactions and debates not only in real life but in the network, which boils down to how valued it is to modern society.



Some factors can account for this phenomenon.First and foremost,it is closely bound up with a series of complicated factors whether or not they are (主旨)including their disposition, schedule, circle of friends, education, financial situation etc.What’s more, from the individual perspective, in the wake of the quickening modernization process, some people, deficient in the consciousness of (主旨),act on their own more often. A person without (主旨) is no more than a ship without ballast.

几个因素能解释这一现象的原因。首先,就他们是否而言,是由一系列复杂因素决定的,而这与他们的性格、计划、朋友圈、所受教育程度、经济状况息息相关。此外,从个体角度来说,随着现代化进程加快,部分人更多的按自己的意志行事,缺乏( )意识。没有( )的人,无异于船舶没有压舱石。(这个类似的比喻句,我自己考研时用过,感觉很能加分,清新)


From my point of view, It is time to take some emergency measures. At the individual level,we should effectively enforce our ability to discipline ourselves and(主旨) through practices in every ordinary moment of our life. At the community level, our students 、parents、government、media and even the society as a whole should have the wisdom and common sense to distinguish between right and wrong.Only the measures step by step are performed, can make our society harmonious, vibrant, system.




Exactly according to the painter Picasso’s words that romantic charm takes precedence when appreciating painting, the above ingenious picture delineates: (_____ ). There is a message expressed in the text of the picture: (_____ ) .Whoever catches sight of the penetrating picture will ponder a long while over it.

翻译:恰如画家毕加索所言:“欣赏画作首先要品味出它的神韵”,上图描绘了:( _____)。图中文字也在诠释:(_____ )。无论谁看到这入木三分的画面恐怕都会思忖良久吧。








When the saying+给出的那句话(或中心思想)+steps into people‘s horizon, it’s quite provoking and indeed wise, the saying aims at informing us of a truth that+这句话(或中心思想)要表达的一些积极健康的思想或这句话的重要性.

There are various examples and reasons to testify the righteousness of my understanding. First andforemost, the most famous disabled female writer Zhang Haidi is a case in the point (审阅四级作文时,90%的阅卷老师只看开头和结尾,所以不要在中间一段浪费时间,张海迪的例子虽然老套,但是这个例子可以应用于很多话题,当然也可以换成霍金海伦之类。), although she is disabled, she still+与作文给出的那句话(或中心思想)有关的品质. What’s more, One can only imagine what would have happened had Tu Youyou indulged in the past glory and accomplishment rather than following her ,in which case China would certainly beone without the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2015 .In addition,与作文给出的那句话(或中心思想)有关的品质is a necessary factor to the success of our life.

The spirit of 那句话的主题—好奇心is the heritage that the gods leave to mankind, which should be delivered from generation to generation, as gift to those who are yet unborn.Consequently, we should advocate to people the importance of+作文要求给出的那句话(或中心思想)所要表达的积极健康的思想, only in this way, can we lead a happy life and have more promising future.






I am excited to know that you are going to visit my(hometown/campus/country)and I am looking forward to see you soon. I cherished everything that happened when I visited your(hometown/campus/country),so It’s my turn to accept you here. To be sure,I will make your stay enjoyable and wonderful.




I’m sure you will very enjoy about all these cultural attractions, and a bunch of interesting activity is waiting for us to participate in. Just pack up and go, I will assure you a wonderful trip. By the way, if you have any question or suggestion,please contact me.I am looking forward to your coming。



Dear Sir/Madame/Executive/Manager,( 或者题目给出的人名)

I am(_____) . This letter is to serve as my 1 recommendation for/ 2 job application for/ 3 thanks for/ 4 apology to/ 5congratulation on/ 6 complaint for/7 inquiry about/8 introduction to/ 9 application for/ 10 resignation/ 11 consulting / 12 invitation/13 request/ 14 suggestion.

I will explain the reasons for the 1 recommendation / 2 job application / 3 thanks for / 4 apology to/5 congratulation on/ 6 complaint for/7 inquiry about/8 introduction to/ 9 application for/ 10 resignation/ 11 consulting / 12 invitation/13 request/ 14 suggestion. Firstly, (_____); meanwhile,(_____) ;in short,(_____)

If you have any questions, please inform me directly, and I will do my best to reply you.It would be appreciated for your early reply.

Yours cordially,

Li Ming


我是_____。我之所以给您写信是想向您提出我的1 推荐/2 求职/3 感谢/4 道歉/5 祝贺/6 投诉/7 询问/8 介绍/9申请/10 辞职/11 查询/12 邀请/13 请求/14 建议。

有几个因素解释这个1 推荐/2 求职/3 感谢/4 道歉/5 祝贺/6 投诉/7 询问/8 介绍/9 申请/10 辞职/11 查询/12 邀请/13请求/14 建议。首先,_____同时,______总之_______。如果还有什么问题的话,请直接回信告知我,我将尽我最大努力回复您。









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