LESSON 37 SEASONS AND WEATHER 名词于形容词 名词 形容词 rain rainy 下雨的 snow snowy 下雪的 wind windy 刮风的 cloud cloudy 多云的 sun sunny 晴朗的.

您所在的位置:网站首页 slide形容词 LESSON 37 SEASONS AND WEATHER 名词于形容词 名词 形容词 rain rainy 下雨的 snow snowy 下雪的 wind windy 刮风的 cloud cloudy 多云的 sun sunny 晴朗的.

LESSON 37 SEASONS AND WEATHER 名词于形容词 名词 形容词 rain rainy 下雨的 snow snowy 下雪的 wind windy 刮风的 cloud cloudy 多云的 sun sunny 晴朗的.

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Presentation on theme: "LESSON 37 SEASONS AND WEATHER 名词于形容词 名词 形容词 rain rainy 下雨的 snow snowy 下雪的 wind windy 刮风的 cloud cloudy 多云的 sun sunny 晴朗的."— Presentation transcript:



3 名词于形容词 名词 形容词 rain rainy 下雨的 snow snowy 下雪的 wind windy 刮风的 cloud cloudy 多云的 sun sunny 晴朗的

4 Spring

5 Summer

6 Autumn

7 Winter

8 Read part 1of the lesson and write true (T) or false (F). 1 、 Wang Mei likes winter. ( ) 2 、 Li Ming likes snowy days. ( ) 3 、 Yang Hao likes cool weather. ( ) 4 、 Li Lin doesn't like to go swimm- ing. ( )

9 Phrases and structures What day is it today? 今天星期几? How is the weather ? = What is the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? How about you? =what about you? 用于询问 对方的观点或看法。意思是 “ 你呢? ” 。 Have a good time=have fun = enjoy oneself 玩的愉快

10 Read the clues and answer the questions using “it”. What season is it? 1.This season is hot and sunny. It is summer. 2.This season is warm and windy. ------------------------------ -- How is the weather? 1.I want to fly a kite. ------------------------ 2.Let’s go skating! ------------------------

11 欢迎各位老师指导!


13 Which is the last month of the year? ( 一年中的最后一个月是? ) What’s the date today? ( 今天是几号? ) Thinking

14 掌握星期的英语表达。 学会描述日期。 掌握本课的新单词。

15 mark calendar December best Friday Christmas eve Sunday sale midnight v. 标记 n. 日历;日程表 n. 十二月 adj.&adv. (good/well 的最 高级 ) 最好的 ( 地 ) n. 星期五 n. 圣诞节;圣诞节期间 n. 前夕;傍晚 n. 星期日 n. 出售;卖 n. 午夜;子夜

16 big sales Happy New Year! Boxing Day count down 大优惠;大减价 新年快乐! 节礼日 ( 圣诞节后 的第一日 ) 倒计时;倒读数

17 Reading

18 Read and match the events with the dates. 1 Let’s do it! Nick’s birthday Boxing Day Tony’s birthday New Year’s Eve Decemb er 26 Decemb er 6 December 9 December 31

19 Read the lesson and answer the questions. 2 1.Which month is a very busy month for Nick? 2.How many birthday parties does Nick have in one week? 3.What do Nick and his family do on Christmas Eve? December. Two. They have a big dinner and eat lots of good food.

20 1.What do Nick’s parents like to do on Boxing Day? 2.What do Nick’s family and friends do on New Year’s Eve? They like to go shopping on that day. They have a big party.

21 Fill in the blanks with the correct words. The first letter is given. 3 1.Children usually get many presents on C_________ Day. 2.The day after Thursday is F______. 3.Danny has l___ of friends at his school. 4.Many stores have big s____ on Boxing Day. 5.S_______ comes before Sunday. 6.Don’t forget Mum’s birthday this year. Please m____ it on your calendar. hristmas riday ots ale s aturday ark

22 Work in pairs. Mark your calendar for this month. Is it a busy month? Talk about it and write a short passage. 4


24 1. I am marking my calendar and I can see… mark 动词,意为 “ 标记 ” 。如: Can you mark these bottles with numbers? 你能用数字把这些瓶子标注一下吗? Please mark December on the calendar. 请把在日历上把十二月标出来。 【拓展】 mark 还可以用作名词,意为 “ 分 数 ” ,例如: Very good! You get good marks in the text. 非常好!在这次测试中你取得了好成绩。

25 2. My best friend Tony’s birthday is on… best 形容词和副词,意为 “ 最好的 ( 地 )” , 是 good/well 的最高级,修饰名词时,其 前面通常要加定冠词 the 。 Liu Zike is the best in our class. 刘子可是我们班最好的学生。 Ann is my best friend. 安是我最好的朋友。 【拓展】固定搭配 try one’s/the best 意 为 “ 尽某人最大努力 ” 。如: I’ll try my best to help you. 我将尽我最大努力来帮助你。

26 3. Many stores have big sales! big sales 意为 “ 大优惠;大减价 ” 。 sale 名 词,意为 “ 出售;卖 ” ,常见固定搭配 on sale ,意为 “ 减价促销;大减价 ” 。如: Are these apples on sale? 这些苹果处理吗? for sale 意为 “ 待售;供出售 ” 。如: The apartment are for sale. 这所公寓准备处理。 【拓展】 sell 动词,意为 “ 卖 ” ,是 sale 的动 词形式,其反义词为 buy 。如: The old man sells tea. 那位老人卖茶。

27 4. Boxing day is on Monday, December 26. Boxing Day 意为 “ 节礼日 ” ,在加拿大、英 国、澳大利亚和新西兰,节礼日是一个公 共假期。传统上,在节礼日那天,人们把 钱和礼物放到盒子里,然后把它们送给那 些有需要的人们。但是今天,它已经成为 人们购物的好时机。大部分的商场都会大 减价,人人都去购物。

28 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday mark v.&n. good/well – better – best try one’s/the best big sales; on sale; for sale sale – sell Boxing day My best friend Tony’s birthday is on Tuesday, December 6.

29 Quiz

30 一、 请根据图画内容完成下面的对 话,每空一词 ( 含缩写 ) 。

31 A: (1) ______ the (2) _______ like today? B: It’s hot and (3) ______. A: What ____ is it today? B: It’s (4) _________. ( 星期四 ) A: What’s the (5) ______ today? B: It’s November 1st. A: Oh, it’s my (6) _________ today. B: Happy birthday. (7) _____ old are you? A: I’m thirteen (8) _____ old. What’sweathe r sunny Thursday date birthday How years day

32 1. Today is December thirteenth. Yesterday was ____. A. December eleventh B. December twelfth C. December twelve D. December fourteenth 二、单项选择

33 2. — ___ are you? — I’m sixteen. A. How long B. How much C. How many D. How old 3. We can see ______ sun in the daytime and _______ moon in the night. A. a, a B. an, an C. the, the D. a, the

34 1. 我们学校需要英语老师。 Our school is __ ____ of English teachers. 2. 我们所有人都喜欢圣诞节。 ___ ___ ____ like Christmas. 3. 这些天我感觉很忙。 I ____ _____ these days. 4. 这些衣服是用来销售的。 These clothes are ____ ____. 5. 李明,你喜欢做什么? Li Ming, what do you _____ ___ ___? 三. 根据所给的汉语完成句子,每空一词。 in need All of us feel busy for sale like to do

35 Try to mark your calendar and then talk about your plans.

36 To preview Lesson 39: A Class Calendar To read the new words in Lesson 39



39 December 692425 2631 December sixth December ninth December twenty-fourth December twenty-fifth December twenty-sixth December thirty-first

40 January 17 January seventeenth March twenty-fourth April twelfth June fifth March 24 April 12 June 15

41 1 one first 2 two second 3 three third 4 four fourth 5 five fifth 6 six sixth 7 seven seventh 8 eight eighth 9 nine ninth 10 ten tenth 11 eleven eleventh 12twelve twelfth 20 twenty twentieth Cardinal Ordinal

42 基数词变序数词口诀 基变序有规律 一, 二, 三, 特殊记 first, second, third 八去 t, 九去 e, ve 变 f , th 要从 4 加起 ty 变 ie, 然后再加 th. 要问几十几, 只变个位要牢记。

43 将下列基数词变为序数词: eight______ nine______ twelve_____ thirty______ five_______ thirteen________ forty-two__________ ninety-six___________ one hundred and twenty-five _____________________ eighth ninth twelfth thirtieth fifth thirteenth forty-second ninety-sixth one hundred and twenty-fifth

44 今天是几月几号

45 January 17 March 24 April 12 June 15 We have ___ on 日期. On 日期 , we have__.

46 一年中的月份

47 任务 1 :以组为单位快速读课文 2 分钟。 并写出下列日期的英语拼写 12 月 9 日 1 月 17 日 4 月 24 日 6 月 15 日 任务 2 : 练习以下句型 ---What’s the date today? ---It’s 日期 日期 ---What Month comes after 月份? ---_______. _____ is the 第几 month of a year. In 月份, we have __________. 某节日 is on + 具体日期.

48 Decembe r 692425 2631 December sixth December ninth December twenty-fourth December twenty-fifth December twenty-sixth December thirty-first What’s the date? It’s




52 Jack: Hi, Li Ming. What are you doing? Li Ming: I’ m making a birthday present for my grandfather. Jack: When is his birthday? Li Ming: His birthday is on Wednesday, December 28. Jack: What are you making? Li Ming: It’s a calendar! My grandfather forgets his birthday every year. Jack: Ha ha! A calendar is a good present for him. Li Ming: When is your birthday, Jack? Jack: My birthday? It’s on August 11. Oh, no, tha’s my mum’s birthday. My birthday is on August 23. Li Ming: Ok, Jack. Maybe I need to make a calendar for you, too.

53 Jack: Hi, Li Ming. What are you _____? Li Ming: I’ m making a birthday _____for my grandfather. Jack: ______ is his birthday? Li Ming: ____birthday is on Wednesday, December 28. Jack: What ____you making? Li Ming: It’s a _____! My grandfather ______his birthday every year. Jack: Ha ha! A calendar is a good present ____ him. Li Ming: When is _____ birthday, Jack? Jack: My birthday? It’s ____August 11. Oh, no, that's my mum’s birthday. My birthday is on __________. Li Ming: Ok, Jack. Maybe I ______to make a calendar for you, too.

54 When is your birthday? My birthday is ____ ___. 6月1日6月1日 When ___ your birthday? My birthday is ________ _____. 1 2月8日 When ____ your birthday? It is ____ _________. 3 月 29 日 June first is December eighth is May twenty-ninth

55 When is his birthday? September 12th

56 July 13 th When is his birthday?

57 September 26th When is her birthday?

58 January 18th When is his birthday?

59 month

60 Do you know the months of the year?

61 January February March April May June July August September October November December month(s) /` ʤ ænjuər i/ /`februəri/ /ma: ʧ / /`eiprəl/ /mei/ /səp`tembə/ / ʤ u:n / / ʤ u:`lai/ /` ɔ :gəst/ / ɔ k`təubə/ /nəu`venbə/ /di`senbə/

62 Read part 2 of the lesson and write T or F 1.May has thirty days. 2.June has thirty-one days. 3.February has twenty- nine days on a leap year. 4.November has thirty days. 5.September has twenty-eight days. F F F T T

63 ① 月份是专有名词,首字母 大写。 月份可以用缩写, January---Jan. February---Feb. March---Mar. April---Apr. June---Jun. July---Jul. August---Aug. September---Sept./Sep. October---Oct. November---Nov. December---Dec. ② 月份后面具体到几号, 要用序数词表示。 序数词可以用 阿拉伯数字和序数词词尾 一起构成

64 ________ is the 1st month of the year. ________ is the 2nd month of the year. May is the _______month of the year. August is the _____ month of the year. _______is the tenth month of the year. January February fifth eighth October September is the month of the year. December is the ___________month of the year. ninth twelfth

65 1.Spring Festival ( 春节 ) is in _______ or ________. 2.Tree Planting Day ( 植树节 ) is in _______. 3.Mother’s Day is in ______. 4.Christmas Day is in __________. 5.Teachers’ Day is in _________. 6.Children’s Day is in _______. January February March May December September June


67 Lesson 41 Holidays

68 International Workers’ Day

69 New Year’s Day

70 Children’s Day

71 Teachers’ Day

72 National Day

73 (the) Spring Festival

74 When is New Year’s Day? New Year’s Day is on January first.

75 When is the Spring Festival? The Spring Festival is in January or February.

76 International Workers’ Day is in May. International Workers’ Day is on May 1.

77 This is Children’s Day. It is June 1. Children’s Day is June 1. We have Children’s Day is on June 1.

78 Teachers’ Day is September 10. Teachers’ Day is on September 10.

79 When is National Day? National Day is on October 1.

80 New Year’s Day Spring Festival International Workers’ Day Children’s Day Teachers’ Day National Day A. In January or February B. January 1 C. June 1 D. May 1 E. October 1 F. September 10 Match Chinese Festivals and the date New Year ’ s Day is January 1 A: When is New Year’s Day? B: It’s January 1

81 New Year’s Day Spring Festival International Workers’ Day Children’s Day Teachers’ Day National Day January 1 In January or February May 1 June 1 September 10 October 1 When is It is (on)

82 Happy New Year! Li Ming is presenting his report about holidays. Good afternoon. Today is Tuesday, December 20. The weather is cold and cloudy. I would like to talk about holidays in China. Holidays are fun. We can play with our friends and get together with our families during holidays. We have many holidays in china. International Workers' Day is in May. We have Children’s Day on June 1. Teachers' Day on September 10. National Day is on October 1, and the Spring Festival is usually in January or February. New Year’s Day is on January 1. It’s only eleven days from today. Happy New year to you, everyone.

83 What do you like to do on holidays? watch a movie go shopping go to the zoo go mountain climbing I like to

84 What do you like to do on holidays? My family likes to watch a movie on New Year’s Day.

85 My mum and I like to go shopping during the Spring Festival.

86 My little brother and sister like to go to the zoo on Children’s Day.

87 I like to go mountain climbing on National Day with my cousin.


89 Lesson 42 Happy Holidays! New words textexplanations

90 To: [email protected]@net.cn From: [email protected]@compmail.ca Date: 23/12 9:08 p.m Subject: Happy Holidays!

91 Question : Who is the e-mail from? Who is the e-mail to? What’s the date today? How’s the weather in Canada? Who is Anne?

92 Dear Wang Mei, It’s December 23 and Christmas is coming! I am so excited. Christmas is so fun, but it is very cold now. The weather in Canada is cold and snowy in November, December, January and February. We have long winters. June, July and August are summer months in Canada. I don’t like cold weather very much! I like summer. I like swimming. I also like to go to the beach.

93 Do you see the girl in the picture? She is my friend Anne. She is from Australia. December, January and February are summer months in Australia. I hope to go to Australia and see Anne next Christmas.

94 How’s the weather in China? Do you have any plans for your holidays? Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Yours Jenny

95 I like swimming. And I like to go to the beach in summer time. 我喜欢游泳。我 喜欢在夏天的时候去海滩。 like to do 和 like doing 在大部分时候可以 通用。 不过 like to do 更加强调时间内的 爱好和想法。 like doing 更强调长时间的 习惯,喜欢和爱好。 Please write to me soon. 请尽早回信。





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