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2024-07-10 11:23| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Sorry, Amos . Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start. This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry. 抱歉,阿莫斯,有些人今天睡过了,大伙们,这是阿莫斯·迪戈里他和我在魔法部共事。

I climbed out of bed pulled back the curtains and looked through sleepy eyes at the closed warehouse over the road. 我爬下床,拉起窗帘,瞪着惺忪的睡眼观望靠近仓库的路面。

In the years following his assassination, a small wall in the sleepy riverside district of Kampa became something of a shrine. 在他被谋杀后的许多年里,河边昏昏欲睡的卡姆巴区一堵小小的墙变成了圣地。

There was the noise of a bolt shot back, and the door opened a few inches, enough to show a long snout and a pair of sleepy blinking eyes. 里面响起了拉门栓的声音,门开了几吋宽的一条缝,刚够露出一只长长的嘴,一双睡意惺松并眨巴着的眼睛。’

Alice felt too sleepy to play, and there was nobody to play with. It was a hot afternoon, so she was sitting in the garden under a tree. 爱丽斯觉得太困了,没精神玩耍,也没人跟她玩儿。这是个炎热的下午,因此她在花园里的一棵树下坐着。

In exterior he resembled a butcher in a poor neighbourhood, and his eyes had a look of sleepy cunning. 他的外表看上去象是生意冷清的屠户,两眼露出困乏的奸诈神态。

There's no sense of straining to stay awake or to stave off sleep. I'm simply not sleepy. 并没有那种持续的竭力保持清醒,从而延缓睡觉的感觉,我根本就没有睡意。

You must be very tired and sleepy since you did not sleep well last night. But, I am sure you will inspire by your nephew once you see him. 因为昨晚没有睡好,我想你一定很累、很困吧,但是我敢肯定你一旦见到你的外甥,你一定会很兴奋,忘记疲倦的。




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