have it easy是什么意思

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have it easy是什么意思

#have it easy是什么意思| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

have it easy have it easy 双语例句 First, cationics are easy to have electrical neutralization function with negative charged reservoirs and HPAM and other polymers, which will result in adsorption loss and precipitation loss, so the selection and use of the cationics should be careful. Second, chromatographic fractionation should be avoided in the application of various surfactants in the combination system. Third, the same type of surfactants makes little combination synergistic action, but it can remedy a defect of single surfactant.表面活性剂复配时应注意:①阳离子表面活性剂易与带负电的油层和聚丙烯酰胺等聚合物发生电中和作用,而造成吸附损失和沉淀损失,因此阳离子表面活性剂的选择和使用应慎重;②避免复配体系中各表面活性剂在应用中出现色谱分离;③同类表面活性剂复配协同效应小,但可弥补单一表面活性剂性能的不足。 It should be easy to scan the letter, and have a logical progression.它应该看上去很容易,有一个合理的主次关系。 Catching the cicadas those could fly and have good vigilances is not easy, a lot of ways, the most interesting way wo did is to tie a horse tail hair that has a slipknot on the end of a thin bamboo pole, just like going fishing, the different is that cicada on tree and fish in the water, when catching, you should put the bamboo pole above the cicada carefully and slowly, and use the horse tail hair slipknot to tease the cicada, when the cicada put it's two front legs into the slipknot, raise the pole, the cicada would become your capture.捉会飞警惕性很高的成熟知了就不容易了。方法很多,我们常用的,最有趣的方法就是将马尾毛一端栓在细竹竿上,另一端打上一个活扣,像钓鱼一样钓知了,不同的是知了在树上,鱼在水里。钓的时候要小心翼翼的把竹竿伸到知了的上方,用马尾毛扣去挑逗知了,等知了把两条前腿全部放到扣里,一提就把知了逮住了,这个方法很有趣但很慢。 While it may seem easy to say you should be satisfied with what you have, it's the truth.人们常说知足者常乐,这是事实。 Not only can it possess the dynamic and static speed regulating performances as the same as the direct current electromotor, but also have the advantages such as avoiding the limitation of electrical brush structure, a smaller capacity, a higher efficiency and easy to control.BLDCM不仅保持了直流电动机的动静态调速性能,而且避免了有刷结构带来的固有缺陷,具有体积小、效率高、控制简单等优点。 Ex: It's easy to have a good day only by putting on light make-up.只要化点淡妆,就容易让自己拥有愉快的一天。 As it turned out, it is easy to have a good day only by putting on light make-up.原来,只要画点淡妆,就容易让自己拥有愉快的一天! When news was brought to him that the people of Sardis had rebelled, it would have been easy for him to reduce them by force; but being unwilling either to sack such a fine city or to maintain an army there to police it, he thought of an unusual expedient for reducing it.当居鲁士得到萨第斯人造反的消息时,本可轻而易举地用武力将他们降服。但他既不愿洗劫这样一座精美的城市,也不愿在那里驻军管治,於是想到了一个不寻常的平叛捷径。 Buddha may be easy subject to understand for many, but to implement it in life one needs to have faith, dedication and determination.佛或许对很多人而言,是一个容易理解的对象,但要把它在生活中实践,需要信心、虔心和决心。 The implementation of each of the mobile hard disk insertion and pull-out operation, we must ensure that these two operations have five minutes between the time interval, if the frequency of operation of the mobile hard disk, then plug each plug when system to produce the peak current or voltage, it is easy to damage the mobile hard disk interface, but also easily affect the overall system performance and even system crashes would result in the phenomenon.每次对移动硬盘执行插入和拔出操作时,一定要确保这两项操作之间留有5分钟的时间间隔,如果频繁地对移动硬盘进行插拔操作的话,每次插拔时系统产生的尖峰电流或电压,很容易毁坏移动硬盘的接口,而且也容易影响系统的整体运行性能,甚至会导致系统发生死机现象。 Was so easy to use, my 5-yr old could have done it.是好用我5岁的老可以做得。 Start thinking of moving to Beijing already, but action is not as easy as talk when you have a family, isn't it?可是又不是单身寡佬,谈何容易呢? Flower brooch, mainly to be used for wedding decoration supplies, he replaced the traditional needle deduction, withholding of goods destructive needle, and the new production Needle brooch that features the use of magnetic attraction, a favorable solution the traditional problem of deduction Flower, and the brooch Needle practical than the traditional multi-button stylus, operation is simple and convenient, it is not easy or bad, there are aesthetic, and this is its different characteristics from the raw material the use of sophisticated and high magnetic plastic, visual appearance, and have ordered please contact us and we can go-store sales胸花磁扣,主要用于新婚做装饰须用品,他取代了传统的扣针式,扣针式对物品有破坏性,而新产的胸花磁扣采用磁性相吸这一特点,有利解决了传统扣针式的问题,而胸花磁扣比传统扣针式实用的多,操作简单方便,不容易坏,有审美性,这就是它的与从不同特点,原料采用精致的磁石和高胶,外观视觉性好,须要订购的请联系我们,也可以到我们的销售店面细谈 Meanwhile, those that have bought investment banks are not all finding it easy to meld the cultures.同时,那些持有投资银行股份的股东们认为投资银行和商业银行的文化很难融合。 It's an easy made dish, and what you need to have is a steamer, and the ingredients needed for this dish is darn easy to find.这可是一道超级容易的菜肴,最主要是有个蒸锅就行了,其他的材料简直就是易找! Detailed easy to follow instructions makes it a snap for anyone to have their own Recipe Library.详细的操作容易,指示它的单元的任何人都有自己的配方图书馆。 It would have been easy, in comparison, to continue with his self-mortification, easy to become more and more famous, easy to attract great numbers of disciples.相对来说,较为容易的方式是继续苦行、变得越来越有名并吸引大量的弟子。 Do not worry, my stomach when seven people are very surprised to see me have asked me soon gave birth to it, or is not two, ah, do I really depressed, each color of amniotic fluid and the children do doctors What is not said is the first major point, all other standards, I still gave birth to one month, or in the belly of the long non-stop it, do not worry too much, check what time the doctor did not say not to worry Some are pre-pregnant pregnant after some post-caring is not easy to see that belly!不用担心,我的肚子七个月的时候人家见我都很吃惊都问我快生了吧,要不就是是不是两个啊,搞得我真郁闷,每次去做彩超羊水和宝宝医生都没说什么,就是头大点,别的都很标准,我现在还有一个月就生了,肚子还是在不停的长呢,不用过于担心,检查的时候医生没说什么就不用担心,有些是前怀有些是后怀,后怀的不容易看出肚子来! The sides of the spiritual terraces are painted a deep red, the red walls and the green tiles providing a striking contrast, making it easy to imagine how magnificent the spiritual terraces must have been.位于银川西部贺兰山下的神秘的西夏王陵是领略西夏文化、寻古探幽的旅游胜地,它以诱人的魅力和与中原地区迥然不同的西夏文物古迹而具有无限的吸引力。 As our country doesn`t have many good marble reserves, Hezhou`s white marble plays an important role in Guangxi and southeast of China. It is rich in reserves, good in quality and easy to exploit.我国的名优大理石矿山并不多,特别是白色大理石就更不多,贺州市的优质白色大理石矿产资源在广西、华南地区乃至全国都有着重要地位,具有资源量大、质量优异、容易开采、荒料率高的特点。 have it easy 单语例句 For students who have been told the jobs they were offered are no longer there, it is by no means easy to find positions at other companies. Coaching a collection of talented players isn't easy as they have a lot of personality and it is an art to make them play together. It's not easy to feed a baby with such a defect as they usually have problems sucking and swallowing. I thought he would have been good for me but it's not easy when you are down there. Inspectors have been on the lookout for the stuff ever since, but identifying it isn't always easy. When Israeli troops go in to Rafah, they rarely have an easy time of it. " With hindsight it is easy to say that this situation could have been avoided, " said team boss Jean Todt. Nor will it be easy for the departments that have committed irregularities to amend their financial systems in order to avoid making the same mistakes. If these products have become so easy to fake, it is because the originals are so poorly produced in the first place. It's a question that some commentators in China have posed, but objectivity is not easy to define. have it easy [hæv it ˈi:zi] 中文翻译 1 [网络] 放轻松;过得舒服;处境很好 相关单词 have it easy 相关单词辨析 easy, simple 的区别和用法

这组词都有“简单的,轻易的”的意思,其区别是: easy: 普通用词,指不需要花费太多精力的工作或事,在实际运用中常与simple换用。 simple: 普通用词,指不复杂、不难懂,从而容易被理解的事物。

it, one 的区别和用法

it: 同一物体, one: 同类不同一 I lost my pen. I have to buy a new one.

cause, get, have, make, render 的区别和用法

这组词都有“使,使得”的意思,其区别是: cause: 正式用词,侧重指使某事发生的原因。 get: 侧重指劝某人做某事,或指使某事物处于某种状态或产生某种结果。 have: 普通用词,指让某人做某事。 make: 普通用词,指强迫或劝诱他人做某事。 render: 书面用词,多指因外界因素而使某人或某物处于某种状态。

dine, gorge, have, swallow, eat, devour, consume 的区别和用法

这组词都有“吃”的意思,其区别是: dine: 正式用词,既可指一日三餐中的任何一餐,也可以指特殊的用餐。 gorge: 侧重指拼命地吃或塞,强调吃饱或吃得过量。 have: 可与eat换用,但强调一次性的动作。 swallow: 主要指吃的整个过程的第二部分“咽”,并常指咀嚼得匆匆忙忙地吃。 eat: 普通用词,使用广泛。既可用于人,也可用于动物。 devour: 指狼吞虎咽地吃,强调吃得既快又彻底。 consume: 侧重痛痛快快地吃得一干二净,可用于人和动物。

have, hold, possess, own, enjoy, keep 的区别和用法

这组词都有“有,具有,持有”的意思,其区别是: have: 最常用词,可指任何情况下的具有,无论是物质的或精神的。 hold: 指拥有并保持财产及持有见解等,暗示不让别人拿走或占有。 possess: 较正式,指拥有或占有并能加以控制与支配,强调其归属;也指具有某种品质、才能、特点或性能等。 own: 不及本组的possess正式,多指所属关系,强调所有权,不管所属物是否在物主手中。 enjoy: 指享有某种权利或长处,带有欣赏或喜爱的情感。 keep: 指长时间地保有,保存某物,防止别人占去,强调安全和感情上的依附。

have to, must 的区别和用法

这组词都有“必须,不得不”的意思,其区别是: have to: 通俗用语,指受客观条件或环境迫使而“不得不”做某事,突出客观性。 must: 通常表示命令或说话人主观认为必须要做某事,含强调语气,侧重主观性。




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