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2024-07-10 16:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

名词,代词,名词化了的动词,形容词,分词,副词,数词,动词不定式或不定式短语, 从句,某些固定词组。例:She would be good for the job.她干这工作很合适。


例:The villagers didn't realize how serious the pollution was until the fish in the river died.   直到河里的鱼死了,村民们才意识到污染的严重性

S(subject主语)+ V(verb谓语动词) +O(object宾语). 主系表结构 :S(subject主语)+V(verb谓语动词,也称为系动词,就是所说的“系”)

倒装:Not until the fish in the river died did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.

注意:倒装在主句,从句不倒装 /did 和not 提前,只剩动词原形

强调:It was not until the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was.



at midnight /in the(泛指)middle of the night

例:It is 9 o'clock when I went home.


一般句:It was nine when I got home.

强调句:It was at nine that I got home.

原形:I got home at nine.

注意:作主语在句首/it作主语构成(常用 v-ing,不常用只有 use,good)

(1)It is +adj. +of sb.(人的属性)/for sb.(物的属性)to do

例:It is necessary to finish the design before National day. Tomorrow is National day.


(2)it is +n.+for/of sb. to do

例:It is not good manners for Arabs to stand close talking to their friends.


在感叹句中必须用it作形式主语:What a joy/ pleasure (it is) to read the book.

在问句中必须用形式主语:Is it possible to go to the moon by spaceship?:可以乘宇宙飞船去月球吗?


Ten out of 100 Americans are over /above /more than 65.


一般 / 完成时

v-ing: 主动/doing/having done

not doing:被动/being done/having been done

注意:doing 无时间限定/与谓语同时出现/在谓语动词后发生having done发生在谓语之前

He still remembers being prized.



Smoking is habit difficult to break:抽烟的习惯很难打破的


Seeing is believing:眼见为实


The old man's taking pity on the snake leads to his death.那个老人怜悯那条蛇,导致他的死亡。

4.“it” 作形式主语:当表语为 no use,no good,no harm,any good,fun等名词或useless,nice,good,interesting,worthwhile等形容词时,句首常用it作形式主语,动名词后置。句型常用于说明“某种活动或某件事情如何”


To +动词原形

Not to do 解释:具有动词的性质,作宾语,状语/具有名词的性质,作主语/具有形容词性质,作定语/具有副词的性质,作状语。除谓语不可作之外,其他都可。

一般式:to do

进行时:to be doing

完成时:to have done

完成进行时:to have been doing

to do:表示动作发生在谓语之后,I want to go home.与谓语动词几乎同时发生

to be doing :表示与谓语动词同时发生

to have done:发生在谓语动词之前 Someone was considered to have done something.

to have been doing :动作从过去开始一直持续到谓语动词这个动作的发生

不定式表示一种确定的动作 To do morning exercises this morning is not good for your health:今天早上去做早操对你的健康不好

名词化的形容词:the poor /the sick

名词化的过去分词:the disabled

名词化的介词短语:From my home to school is three kilometers:从我家到学校有三公里


What an excitement to find a shark when you’re swimming in the sea. 当你在大海中游泳时,发现鲨鱼是多么兴奋的事



a. It +v+ that从句

b. It +系动词+表语+that 从句

c. It is strange that he didn't come here yesterday:奇怪的是,昨天他没来这里

当形容词为important necessary strange /that should +动词原形

It is strange that he should (表示吃惊)pass the exam:奇怪的是,他可以通过考试

2)It is +n +that 从句

What a pity it is that you didn't come to this party:真遗憾你没来这个聚会

当名词为a pity/a shame /a surprise +should +v原形(表示竟然)

What a pity that she should be fail in exam:真遗憾,她竟然考试不及格

3) It is +过去分词+that 从句

It is reported that a car accident happened there:据报道,发生一场车祸

从句s +be v-ed + inf.

He is said to be studying in the USA:据说他在美国学习

有人建议suggest/order/request + 从句 should +动词原形

4) It +动词原形seem/appear /turn out/+that

It seems that it will rain:看来要下雨

It strikes sb. that 从句 :表示“某人突然想…”

It occurs to sb. that从句:表示“某人发生了…”


相关热点: 四级报名




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