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2024-07-01 14:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文转载于: 翻译教学与研究

中国封建时代的“官职称谓”(official positions and titles)较为复杂,“官衔 ”(official title)与“官职 ”(official position )名称众多,各种各样、有不同等级的“官爵” ( offices and titles),不同于西方的体制,翻译时要注意。可比较英国王室的头衔:爵位(rank of nobility),公爵(duke),侯爵(marquis),伯爵(earl;count),子爵 (viscount),男爵(baron)等。

夏商周三代是我国奴隶制度形成与发展时期,实行君主专制与分封贵族相结合的政体。秦代建立专制的中央集权制的国家机构,皇帝为国家最高统治者的称号,自称“朕”,建立了由“三公”(丞相、太尉、御史大夫)和诸卿组成的中央政府。“汉承秦制”,隋唐确立了三省六部制,在中央建立了尚书、门下、内史(唐为"中书”),并以尚书省为六部核心。明清时期,专制主义的中央集权己经走向极致,国家机构的组织形式与工作程序比任何朝代都要严密。主 要设立了省、州、府三级地方政府。省设有三司:布政司、提刑按察使司、都指挥使司,分别掌管行政、监察与司法。省下属有府、长官为知府,次之有县或是州,设知县或知州。清代只是增设了理藩院、专管蒙古、新疆和西藏等少数民族事宜。

封建时代主要官衔与职位从“三公九卿”(three councilors and nine ministers)到各级“衙门目吏(yamen officials),共七品官职:

一品(大员)the first-rank official; the highest official

二品(高官)the second-rank official

三品(命官)the third-rank official

四品(朝臣) the fourth-rank official

五品(官员) the fifth-rank official

六品(县丞)the 6th-rank official


七品(知镇)he seventh-rank official

丞相(宰相,相国)(the)prime minister

御史大夫 assistant prime minister;secretary

太尉 the highest military officer/governor

大司徒(丞相)chief minister

大司空(御史大夫) chief minister

大司马(太尉)chief military officer 太师 / 太傅 grand tutor to the crown prince

太保 / 少师 / 少傅 / 少保 official assisting the three councilors for the emperor;official tutor for the crown

司徒 minister of culture,land and personnel

司马 minister of war

司空 minister of public works

司寇 minister of justice

总督 governor general ;viceroy

柱国 highest military officer

巡抚 governor of a province

抚台 military governor

吏部尚书 minister of personnel

户部尚书 minister of revenue

工部尚书 minister of works

礼部尚书 minister of rites

兵部尚书 minister of war

刑部尚书 minister of punishment

知州 magistrate/prefect of a prefecture

知府 / 知县 / 知事 magistrate/of a district/a county prefect of counties

通判 sub-prefect;controller-general

郡守 prefect of a prefecture

太守 prefect of a district

府尹 prefectural magistrate

县尹(县令)magistrate of a county

大夫 senior official

廷尉 punishment official

太仆(寺卿)official of transmission and attention


太史 court historian

刺史 feudal province

侍郎 assistant minister

总兵 frontier officer

封疆大吏 high provincial official


司书 official copyist

元帅 commander; marshal; supreme commander

兵法家 military strategist

将军 general

儒将 scholar general

宿将 veteran general

将校 / 将领 high rank officer

将士 officers and soldiers

侍卫 royal guard;卫 士 bodyguard; 武士 / 虎贲 warrior/ royal guards

壮士/勇士/武夫 brave man/fighter;heroic man

骑士 knight;cavalier

士兵 / 兵勇 / 卒 soldiers/fighters






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