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shopkeeper是什么意思/翻译_shopkeeper读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2022年12月31日 pm6:06 • 英文单词 • 阅读 56


shopkeeper是什么意思/翻译_shopkeeper读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 shopkeeper

英 [ˈʃɒpkiːpə(r)] 美 [ˈʃɑːpkiːpər]

n.  (通常指小商店的)店主



Collins.1 / BNC.8491 / COCA.12729

shopkeeper是什么意思/翻译_shopkeeper读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 牛津词典


(通常指小商店的)店主a person who owns or manages a shop/store, usually a small one 柯林斯词典 (小店的)店主A shopkeeper is a person who owns or manages a small shop.

in AM, use 美国英语用 storekeeper, merchant

双语例句 They told the shopkeeper to keep the change. 他们告诉店主不用找钱了。 Last month a shopkeeper’s nephew was shot dead 上个月一名店主的侄子被枪杀了。 The onus is on the shopkeeper to provide goods which live up to the quality of their description 店主有义务提供质量与其描述相符的商品。 That shopkeeper is a scoundrel in the town. 那家商店的老板是这个镇上的地头蛇。 The shopkeeper did me out of1000 dollar. 店主骗了我一千美元。 I’m sure the shopkeeper gave me full measure when she weighed out the potatoes. 我肯定,那店老板给我称土豆时称足了分量。 They were quite unaware that her father was a shopkeeper and had been mayor. 他们不知道,她的父亲曾当过店主,又当过市长。 After hours of talking about the price, the shopkeeper at last closed with the salesman’s offer. 经过数小时的讨价还价,老板终于同意了那个推销员的出价。 That shopkeeper cheats his customers. 那个店主欺骗顾客。 He wrote on a piece of paper the names of several powders and gave it to the shopkeeper. 他在一张纸上写下了几个药粉的名字并把它给了店主。 ‘For you, citizen?’ asked the shopkeeper. 是你用吗,公民?店主问。 The shopkeeper has gone to the wholesaler to buy new products. 店主到批发商处进货去了。 The shopkeeper said the woolen sweaters your size were. 店主说你的尺寸的羊毛衫已售完了。 A shopkeeper would say he sold footwear; we would say he sold shoes. 鞋店老板会说他卖鞋靴用品,我们则说他卖鞋子。 I got some black looks from the shopkeeper when I cancelled my order. 当我撤销订单,店老板对我怒目而视。 The shopkeeper gave his store a thorough checkup. 店主对商店作了彻底的检查。 We’ve squared up with the shopkeeper. 我们同店主的账已经结清了。 Question: What would you say to the shopkeeper? 问题:你该对店主说什么? He owns the shop, so he is the shopkeeper. 他拥有这商店,所以他是店主。 One thief shot the shopkeeper and the other ran away. 一个窃贼射杀了店主,而另一个窃贼则逃走了。 Amused, the shopkeeper asked what I wanted this alleged green leaf for. 菜店老板就很开心地问我要这种绿色的叶子做什么用。 If I can find the shopkeeper, I will pay him for it. 如果能找到店主,我会把钱付给他的。 He tried it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it into a bag. 他试了一下,告诉店主把它放进袋。 Shopkeeper: My scales are all right, madam. Have you weighted your little boy? 店主:我的秤准确无误,太太。可是你称过你的小儿子了吗? The shopkeeper could not find enough change for me so he let me take it out in more cigars. 店主没有足够的零钱找给我,他就多给了我一些雪茄烟作抵充。 The shopkeeper said all his fruit and vegetables are grown locally. 店老板说他所有的水果和蔬菜都是当地出产的。 The shopkeeper give his store a final checkup before closing for the night. 店主在晚上打烊前对商店作了最后检查。 But if you only have the shopkeeper’s word, how can you prove that he said that? 但是如果你只相信店主的话,你如何证实他说的呢? That shopkeeper has had his business for many years. 那个店主已经营店铺多年了。 Shopkeeper: Make it out to Jones and Company. 店主:就写付给琼斯公司好了。 英英释义


a merchant who owns or manages a shop

Synonym:    tradesmanstorekeepermarket keeper



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