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2024-07-12 17:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Don't pretend you miss me and be so dramatic 别堆砌怀念让剧情变得狗血 After all these years please don't ruin the classics 深爱了多年又何必毁了经典 You owe me nothing. I'm not a kid 都已成年不拖不欠 I'm wasting my time, yeah I'll admit 浪费时间是我情愿 It's like watching curtains draw near and audience exit 像谢幕的演员眼看着灯光熄灭 If our love can never be a hit 来不及再轰轰烈烈 Let's decently bid farewell to it 就保留告别的尊严 I'll face it and there's no regret in this finish 我爱你不后悔也尊重故事结尾 When we're parting neither of us should apologize 分手应该体面谁都不要说抱歉 If I dare love you, I dare be traumatized 何来亏欠我敢给就敢心碎 It was us in the past in polaroid 镜头前面是从前的我们 That cheered and cried like we were on cloud nine 在喝彩流着泪声嘶力竭 One decisive depart won't let our history down 离开也很体面才没辜负这些年 Back when each other was the best thing we found 爱得热烈认真付出的画面 Don't let stubbornness spoil what is gone 别让执念毁掉了昨天 I have loved you but I'll move on 我爱过你利落干脆 I'm at the same old place but you're no longer there 最熟悉的街主角却换了人演 Crying my heart out but I think I can still bear 我哭到哽咽心再痛就当破茧 If there's no chance to make it clear 来不及再轰轰烈烈 I'd decently say bye my dear 就保留告别的尊严 We can't work this out but I have tried hard all these years 我爱你不后悔也尊重故事结尾 When we're parting neither of us should apologize 分手应该体面谁都不要说抱歉 If I dare love you, I dare be traumatized 何来亏欠我敢给就敢心碎 It was us in the past in polaroids 镜头前面是从前的我们 That cheered and cried like we were on cloud nine 在喝彩流着泪声嘶力竭 One decent depart won't let our history down 离开也很体面才没辜负这些年 Back when each other was the best thing we found 爱得热烈认真付出的画面 Don't let stubbornness spoil what is gone 别让执念毁掉了昨天 I have loved you but I'll move on 我爱过你利落干脆 Our love 再见 Was never wrong 不负遇见 Don't pretend you miss me and be so dramatic 别堆砌怀念让剧情变得狗血 After all these years please don't ruin the classics 深爱了多年又何必毁了经典 Pretend假装 dramatic adj. 戏剧的,戏剧性的; 激动人心的;引人注目的; Don't get this all dramatic. 不要太小题大做。 Don't be a drama queen: She is such a drama queen. She makes a huge deal out of losing a book or a bad haircut. Once, she wouldn't talk to me for a week because I forgot to call her back. 她总是大惊小怪,小题大作的,丢了一本书也不高兴,剪头发剪得不好也不高兴。有一次我忘了给她打回电,她当然要生气,一个星期不跟我讲话。 You owe me nothing. I'm not a kid 都已成年不拖不欠 I'm wasting my time, yeah I'll admit 浪费时间是我情愿 It's like watching curtains draw near and audience exit 像谢幕的演员眼看着灯光熄灭 Owe:欠 I owe you one 我欠你一次(人情)。 A: Here's the money you need. 这里是你需要的钱。 B: Thanks, Mark. I really owe you one. 多谢,马克。我欠你个大人情。 Admit 承认 draw near 傍; 靠近,临近; 即将来临; Curtain n. 窗帘;门帘;幕(布)?vt. (用帘)装饰;(以帘)遮蔽 Audience n. 听众;观众;读者;倾听;拥护者;正式会见 Exit n. 出口;退场?v. 离去;退出 If our love can never be a hit 来不及再轰轰烈烈 Let's decently bid farewell to it 就保留告别的尊严 I'll face it and there's no regret in this finis 我爱你不后悔也尊重故事结尾 A hit 很受欢迎, 风行一时,轰动一时;博得好评 a big hit 大受欢迎; 很受欢迎的;巨大成功 It's a big hit. Decent  adj. 正派的; 得体的; (服装等) 相称的,合宜的; 相当好的; Decent pay 像样的工资,不错的薪水 Decent dress 得体的裙子 bid farewell to 告别;拜别; Farewell n. 告别,欢送; 欢送会; 告别辞; int. 再见,再会; 一路平安; adj. 告别的,送行的; It’s not a goodbye, isn't it? It's a farewell. 这不是再见,不是吗?这是诀别。 从分离的时间角度来讲,farewell可能会分开更久一点甚至永别。Goodbye更口语化,farewell更正式。Farewell 一般不在日常交流中使用(尤其是美式英语)。它显得正式、老派、在人们的印象中是“旧式精英阶层使用的”。Goodbye 更现代,使用频率更高。Bye! 更口语、随便。




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