several concerns是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

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several concerns是什么意思、发音和在线翻译

#several concerns是什么意思、发音和在线翻译| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

several concerns 双语例句

1. To put forward several views on the aspects that concerns chemical approaches to the research and development of modern traditional chinese pharmacy.    根据新药研制的内在要求,对涉及现代中药化学研究中的几个方面提出了几点看法。

2. Pfizer pushed sales of Bextra for several uses unapproved by the government because of safety concerns.    法扎制药推销Bextra的销售,但是这些都没有得到过政府的批准。因为这些药存在着安全隐患。


3. Headmaster Dumbledore acknowledged these concerns, and reminded faculty that he has spoken to her about her non-attendance on several occasions.    邓布利多校长表示了解这些关注,并且提醒全体教员他已经和她谈过关于她为出席多个场合的事情。

4. I know there are several other contractors that are quoting and is good business...however what concerns me is are the other contractors allowing all the hooding, I have added in my price vent port that will need to be fabricated and installed on the mixers as we have done in Glasgow, Orangeburg and currently doing in Smithville.    我知道有几个是报价和其他承包商是门好生意。。。不过我关注的是什么,是让所有其他承包商的戴头罩,我在我的价格将排气口,将需要制作和安装的调音台像过去一样,在格拉斯哥,奥兰治,目前在史密斯维尔做。

5. A documents describes that, in March 9, 1998 meeting between the US Embassy in Islamabad's Deputy Chief of Mission Alan Eastham and a source who appears to be Pakistan Foreign Ministry official Iftikhar Murshed, the officials review several Afghan-related issues including US concerns over Osama bin Laden's recent fatwa.    一个文件的描述,在1998年3月9日会晤美国驻伊斯兰堡的副团长艾伦埃斯罕和谁的来源似乎是巴基斯坦外交部官员伊夫提哈尔穆尔谢德,官员审查若干阿富汗有关的问题,包括美国担心拉登拉登最近的判决。

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. After several years of practice, progresses have been made, with focused concerns from conceptions to rations in residential design.    经过几年的市场洗炼,我国的住宅设计已逐步从理念和概念的炒作,走向理性和务实的层面上。

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. However, several important concerns, which the claimer fails to recognize, would conduce improper social viewpoint of death penalty.    第二段:随着社会的发展,有些人提出来应该取消死刑,他们的理由是:死刑无法给与犯人重新做人的机会,而通过教育和改造,可以是很多犯人浪子回头。

8. In efforts to balance free speech concerns with those of public welfare and public taste, voluntary standards enacted by the motion picture industry have resulted in a rating system (G for general audiences, R for restricted audiences, and several other categories) that industry—not government—censors apply to films, allowing viewers, parents, and theater owners to better gauge the sexual, violent, or profane-language content of a film.    美国电影业为在言论自由与公共利益及公众品味之间达到平衡,自愿实施了某些标准,于是形成了一个影片分级制度(例如G为一般观众、R为有限观众,等等)。电影业自身──而非政府──将这一分级制度应用于各个影片,从而让观众、家长以及影院主管判断片中所含性及暴力内容或使用亵渎语言的程度。

9. In recent months, policymakers and analysts in New Delhi have voiced concerns on several accounts.    巴基斯坦和印度总理表示打击恐怖主义的行动不应该和两国之间的和谈联系在一起。

10. However, the use of stock as a performance incentive brings with it several concerns.    但是股票激励也有一些问题。

11. several concerns在线翻译

11. It says companies that want to establish telecommuting have dealt with union concerns in several ways.      他们指出希望建立远程办公系统的公司,首先应该从几个方面解除工会的担忧。

12. Marisol Gonzales was one of several workers who discussed their concerns in private with the president.      一些工人中的一员就私下跟总统表达了他们所关心的问题。

13. He listed several trade policy concerns identified by ASA, as well as opportunities for trade market access growth.      他列出了美国大豆协会就贸易政策所关注的几个问题以及贸易市场涌现的入市机遇。

14. Several important concerns remain about the science and safety of nuclear transfer cloning using adult cells as the source of nuclei.      有几个重要的问题仍然是关于科学和安全使用核转移克隆成年细胞的来源原子核。

15. It will address several areas users have raised concerns about, including some of the online modes and My Player.      第二个补丁将会把注意力放在几个玩家发现有问题的地方,包括一些网上模式和mp模式。

16. The invention concerns an installation for steam condensation (1) having, at some distance above ground, several arrays of tubes (5), supported by an infrastructure (2), placed in the shape of an A above a ventilating fan (4) and designed to be self-supporting.      本发明涉及一种蒸汽冷凝设备(1),它在离地面一定距离处有多个由底座(2)支承的成A形或尖屋顶形布置在鼓风机(4)上方设计为自支承式的管束(5)。

17. Building trust online is proposed as solution to consumers'privacy concerns. Drawin from relationship marketing and social exchange theory this study examined several key mechanisms that ca help increase customers'trust of e-commerce an decrease privacy concerns.      在线诚信建设作为解决消费者隐私的方法已被提出从关系营销和社会交换理论出发,对几个能够提高消费者对电子商务诚信,解决隐私问题的关键机制进行研究。

18. several concerns的反义词

18. Attaching the faceplates to the cross-members is a complicated task, as there are several geometry concerns.      附加面板的交叉,是一个复杂的任务,因为有几个几何问题。

19. MVC's several advantages include separation of concerns and decreased redundant code.      MVC的众多优势包括:问题隔离和减少冗余代码。

20. Several operational constraints also mute the impacts of Chinese monetary policy -- especially, a tightly managed currency regime that compromises the independence of the People's Bank of China and ongoing concerns over social stability, which biases wary authorities toward incremental actions.      此外还有一些因素限制了中国货币政策的作用,特别是货币流通领域受到严格管制,使得中国人民银行的独立性受到影响,而且随着高层日益关注社会的稳定,因此倾向于采取渐进性的措施,而非激进的做法。

several concerns 单语例句several concerns的近义词

1. Gillespie was rushed in to bolster an attack already weakened by the absence of Michael Mason and including several other players with fitness concerns.

2. CCS development faces great uncertainties worldwide because of the high costs and safety concerns, and several projects in developed countries were halted last year.

3. The China Securities Regulatory Commission announced two cases of illegal transaction and responded to the concerns over regulations on several hot issues.

4. Fear of unemployment has been one of the nation's main concerns for several years.

5. Britain expects to withdraw several thousand troops from Iraq next year, despite concerns that Iraqi forces are not ready to keep order on their own.

6. Several French science academies said the release of a book and film about the work at the same time as the study raised ethical concerns.

7. The reforms also " realign " India's standing in the US export control regime by removing it from several country groups associated with proliferation concerns.

8. State governors suspended polls in several other councils because of alleged security concerns.

9. Several multinationals have announced aggressive investment plans in China, dispelling further concerns.

10. As interest trailed off toward the end of the year, the refunds stopped and several investors raised concerns with the police.





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