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2023-03-24 01:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


sentry 模块的入口在文件 cmd/sentry/main.go 中。

准备工作 读取命令行参数 const ( defaultCredentialsPath = "/var/run/dapr/credentials" // defaultDaprSystemConfigName is the default resource object name for Dapr System Config. defaultDaprSystemConfigName = "daprsystem" healthzPort = 8080 ) func main() { configName := flag.String("config", defaultDaprSystemConfigName, "Path to config file, or name of a configuration object") credsPath := flag.String("issuer-credentials", defaultCredentialsPath, "Path to the credentials directory holding the issuer data") flag.StringVar(&credentials.RootCertFilename, "issuer-ca-filename", credentials.RootCertFilename, "Certificate Authority certificate filename") flag.StringVar(&credentials.IssuerCertFilename, "issuer-certificate-filename", credentials.IssuerCertFilename, "Issuer certificate filename") flag.StringVar(&credentials.IssuerKeyFilename, "issuer-key-filename", credentials.IssuerKeyFilename, "Issuer private key filename") trustDomain := flag.String("trust-domain", "localhost", "The CA trust domain") tokenAudience := flag.String("token-audience", "", "Expected audience for tokens; multiple values can be separated by a comma") ...... }

logger  和 metrics 的参数需要展开:

loggerOptions := logger.DefaultOptions() loggerOptions.AttachCmdFlags(flag.StringVar, flag.BoolVar) metricsExporter := metrics.NewExporter(metrics.DefaultMetricNamespace) metricsExporter.Options().AttachCmdFlags(flag.StringVar, flag.BoolVar)

获取 k8s 的 配置文件路径:

var kubeconfig *string if home := homedir.HomeDir(); home != "" { // 读取 home 路径 kubeconfig = flag.String("kubeconfig", filepath.Join(home, ".kube", "config"), "(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file") } else { // 通过 `--kubeconfig` 传递完整的 kubeconfig 文件路径 kubeconfig = flag.String("kubeconfig", "", "absolute path to the kubeconfig file") }


flag.Parse() 设置环境变量

将 kubeconfig 的值设置到 KUBE_CONFIG 环境变量:

var ( KubeConfigVar = "KUBE_CONFIG" ) if err := utils.SetEnvVariables(map[string]string{ utils.KubeConfigVar: *kubeconfig, }); err != nil { log.Fatalf("error set env failed: %s", err.Error()) } 初始化


log.Infof("starting sentry certificate authority -- version %s -- commit %s", buildinfo.Version(), buildinfo.Commit()) log.Infof("log level set to: %s", loggerOptions.OutputLevel) 初始化metrics // Initialize dapr metrics exporter if err := metricsExporter.Init(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } 初始化监控 if err := monitoring.InitMetrics(); err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } 读取配置 // 拼凑文件路径 issuerCertPath := filepath.Join(*credsPath, credentials.IssuerCertFilename) //issuer.crt issuerKeyPath := filepath.Join(*credsPath, credentials.IssuerKeyFilename) // issuer.key rootCertPath := filepath.Join(*credsPath, credentials.RootCertFilename) // ca.crt // 读取 sentry 配置: config, err := config.FromConfigName(*configName) if err != nil { log.Warn(err) } // 保存证书相关的各个路径和参数 config.IssuerCertPath = issuerCertPath config.IssuerKeyPath = issuerKeyPath config.RootCertPath = rootCertPath config.TrustDomain = *trustDomain if *tokenAudience != "" { config.TokenAudience = tokenAudience } 启动服务 启动sentry server ca := sentry.NewSentryCA() // Start the server in background err = ca.Start(runCtx, config) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to restart sentry server: %s", err) } 启动 health server log.Infof("starting watch on filesystem directory: %s", watchDir) // Start the health server in background go func() { healthzServer := health.NewServer(log) healthzServer.Ready() if innerErr := healthzServer.Run(runCtx, healthzPort); innerErr != nil { log.Fatalf("failed to start healthz server: %s", innerErr) } }() 监控目录变化 issuerEvent := make(chan struct{}) watchDir := filepath.Dir(config.IssuerCertPath) // Watch for changes in the watchDir // This also blocks until runCtx is canceled fswatcher.Watch(runCtx, watchDir, issuerEvent)

这个函数会一直阻塞直到 runCtx 被取消(这意味着要退出 sentry 进程)。

如果有文件更新,则 issuerEvent 会收到 event,issuerEvent 相关的处理代码:

go func() { // Restart the server when the issuer credentials change var restart




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