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#雅思基础语法| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


雅思基础语法第1页/共276页课程安排宏观写作阅读听力微观——73373七种句子成分三种句子类型三大类从句七宗罪三种特殊句型学习了解西方社会的思想文化背景第2页/共276页句子的七种成分主谓宾定状补同位语句子的核心——谓语第3页/共276页谓语词性——动词谓语动词的个数——1造句:有许多同学都想出国有——there be许多同学——many students都想出国——want to go abroad.There are many students want to go abroad. There are many students wanting to go abroad. There are many students who want to go abroad. 第4页/共276页造句许多地方性的报纸和国家发行的报纸都刊登有关于假期的广告和信息。地方性的——local国家的—— national有—— there beThere are advertisements and information about holidays on many local and national newspapers.Many local and national newspapers carry advertisements and information about holidays.第5页/共276页主语名词代词动名词(v-ing)不定式(to do)名词性从句 —— 主语从句第6页/共276页名词作主语一些城市,地区和国家貌似比其他的地区和国家拥有更好的教育。城市地区国家——some towns, cities, regions and countries貌似——seem to have更好的教育——better educationSome towns, cities, regions and countries seem to have better education than others.第7页/共276页动名词作主语动名词——v-ing同其他孩子在一起并且分享经验能够使孩子更有社交能力。同其他孩子在一起——spend time with other children分享经验——share experiences能够——can使孩子更有社交能力——make children more sociableSpend time with other children and share experiences can make children more sociable.Spending time with other children and sharing experiences can make children more sociable.第8页/共276页不定式作为主语在工作有压力时,保持冷静是很重要的。保持冷静—— keep calm是很重要的—— be importantKeep calm [while working under pressure] is important.To keep calm [while working under pressure] is important.It is important to keep calm [while working under pressure].第9页/共276页主语从句作为主语That she used to be a man shocked me.She used to be a man.X shocked me.It shocked me that she used to be a man.It is said …It is said that she used to be a man.That she used to be a man is said.第10页/共276页宾语名词代词动名词(v-ing)不定式(to do)名词性从句

—— 宾语从句第11页/共276页主谓宾/主系表系表结构系动词+表语be, become, seem, appear …表语第12页/共276页修饰成分——定语定语 ——“的”修饰名词形容词贝多芬是一个天生的音乐家。天生的——定语Beethoven is a natural musician.第13页/共276页名词充当定语——前置规律:

名词短语 N1 + N2



Eg. a table

cloth a college

student第14页/共276页有关 Of 的那点事ofprep.“……的”第15页/共276页of 前后连接名词短语the + N1 + of + N2the beauty of nature the book of the teacherthe screen of the computerthe protection of nature the criticism of the teacherthe screening of harmful information第16页/共276页of 前后连接名词短语规律:

the + N1 + of + N2

中 ‘of’ 的理解方法N1是普通名词,则 ‘of’ 结构翻译成:

N2的N12) N1是动词V1变来的名词,且V1与N2为动宾关系,则 ‘of’ 结构翻译成:

对N2的N1第17页/共276页of 前后连接名词短语the beauty of

nature the protection


nature the book of

the teacher the criticism


the teacher the screen of

the computerthe screening of

harmful information第18页/共276页the criticism of the teacherVS the criticism of the teacher’s第19页/共276页练习the softness of the policy the softening of the policythe price of this product the pricing of this productthe manager of this company the management of this company第20页/共276页名词词组的中心词判定(1)规律:of连接名词词组的中心词判定(1) the + N1 + of + N2

N1永远都是中心词(2) a/an + N1 + of + N2 分情况讨论:① 如果N1是普通名词,则N1是中心词

a book of history ② 如果N1是单位名词,则N2为中心词

a cup of tea

a series of books 第21页/共276页名词词组的中心词判定 (1)练习:

the number of students a number of students the series of books a series of books the school of fish a school of fish第22页/共276页不定式作定语The old provide the young with enough money to spend.the + adj.n + (to do)每个人,不论男女,都有在大学学习的同等机会。定语——在大学学习的不论男女——male or femaleEveryone, male or female, has equal opportunities to study in universities.第23页/共276页介词结构作定语穿裙子的男人The man in the skirt is Xiao Shenyang.第24页/共276页分词作定语修饰名词现在分词:v-ing过去分词:v-ed bite vt. & vi.

现在分词: biting

过去分词: bitten

过去式: bit

咬;叮;蛰good dogbad dogbiting dogbitten dogdog-bitten peoplepeople-biting dog第25页/共276页分词作定语修饰名词修饰名词的分词到底是用现在分词?


Dog bites people.

S    V     O

People bites dog.

S     V    O被动语态:

People is bitten by dog.

S       V

Dog is bitten by people.

S     V S – Subject 主语

V – Verb 动词

O – Object 宾语第27页/共276页分词作定语修饰名词结论:主动语态的句子中——




动词和由by引出的施动者 之间构成主动关系。第28页/共276页分词作定语修饰名词biting




dogaccepted attitudes

被接受的态度unspoken beliefs



制造业家庭第29页/共276页名词-分词混合结构作定语bitten people

被咬的人思考:怎样表达“被狗咬的人”?dog-bitten people第30页/共276页名词-分词混合结构作定语This is a _____ refrigerator. A. power-consuming B. power-consumedThis is the _____ power. refrigerator-consuming refrigerator-consumed consume  vt.

消费;消耗;用第31页/共276页名词-分词混合结构作定语people-biting dog咬人的狗Dogdog-bitten people被狗咬的人Peoplepeople-bitten dog被人咬的狗Dog is bitten by people.dog-biting people咬狗的人People bites dog.bitespeople.is bitten bydog.第32页/共276页名词-分词混合结构作定语练习:Jason is a work-consumed manager.Jason is a resource-consuming manager. Mary is a heart-breaking girl. Mary is a heart-broken girl. The book interests me.Jack interests me.第33页/共276页从句作定语定语从句

—— “的”第34页/共276页定语从句Any teacher would be dismissed instantly.Any teacher

who hit children would be dismissed instantly.Teacher hit children. who第35页/共276页状语作用:修饰动词,形容词,或者整个句子可以作为状语的词:副词介词短语(介宾)动词不定式分词从句第36页/共276页副词做状语他们通常会比其他的孩子更有自信。通常——generallyThey are generally more confident than other children.第37页/共276页介宾结构这一周以来,我都感觉我有点病了。这一周以来——for a weekI have been feeling slightly ill for a week.第38页/共276页动词不定式作状语我到这里来,是为了和你说再见。I come here only to say good-bye to you.为了赶上第一辆公车,他跑的很快。He ran very fast in order to catch the first bus.第39页/共276页现在分词作状语He lay still, staring at the ceiling.He lay still.He stared at the ceiling. She went to bed, feeling rather tired.She went to bed.She felt rather tired.She went to bed, because she felt rather tired.伴随状语原因状语第40页/共276页现在分词作状语We saw a flower show, walking through the park.We saw a flower show.We walked through the park.We saw a flower show, when we walked through the park.时间状语第41页/共276页现在分词作状语The children would have been expected to sit quietly and to do their work, copying long rows of letters or doing basic maths sums.The children would have been expected to sit quietly and to do their work.The children copied long rows of letters or doing basic maths sums.第42页/共276页过去分词作状语The city looks magnificent, seen from the hill. The city looks magnificent.

The city looks magnificent, if

the city was seen from the hill.The city looks magnificent, seen from the hill.was seenfrom the hill.The city第43页/共276页分词作状语阅读重要句法:

S + V … , v-ing … S + V … , v-ed …第一种变化:

V-ing … , S + V … V-ed … , S + V …第44页/共276页分词作状语第二种变化:

Conj. + v-ing … , S + V …

Conj. + v-ed … , S + V …Walking through the park, we saw a flower show.When

walking through the park, we saw a flower show.Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent.If

seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent.第45页/共276页从句做状语状语从句 状语从句是行使状语功能的从句, 其作用相当于副词,因此也称为副词性从句。在观众享受赛马或者斗牛的时候,动物们在遭受痛苦。赛马——horse racing斗牛—— bull fighting受苦—— sufferWhen the audience enjoy horse racing or bull fighting, the animals are suffering第46页/共276页状语从句种类:时间状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句结果状语从句条件状语从句目的状语从句方式状语从句让步状语从句比较状语从句第47页/共276页同位语第48页/共276页名词充当同位语He wrote a biography of the Russian writer Tolstoy.You girls are much more active than us boys.This is Professor Baker, head of our department.They are staying at Miami, a summer resort in Florida.We completed the project in six months, half the usual time.第49页/共276页代词充当同位语We both came from Australia.The theory itself is all right.We each put forward a proposal.They none of them said anything.She seemed different from us all.第50页/共276页数词充当同位语Is there room for us two?You three sit here.Another example is John Brown, now 66, who has been here for 40 years.Some 485 million people, about two-fifths of our population, live in this immense area.第51页/共276页形容词充当同位语People, old and young, came out to greet the distinguished visitors.Middle-aged, tall and thin, he used to be a famous singer.第52页/共276页名词词组或分词词组充当同位语Mary, normally a timid girl, argued with them about it.It has several waiting rooms, filled with chairs and sofas.These methods, systematically summarized, are now being popularized in the whole country.Formerly a worker himself, he is now an engineer.第53页/共276页有明确引导词的同位语They visit eight European countries, for example

(eg.), London and Paris.New Zealand possesses rich mineral deposits, including gold.The children like animals, particularly the panda.I like all the kids, especially Lester.I like only one boy, namely George.He is a cutter, that is to say (i.e.), a man who sells knives and sharp tools.第54页/共276页复合宾语结构规律:宾语 + 补足语  复合宾语

S + vt. + O + 补足语第55页/共276页宾语补足语的使用情况当


I asked her to marry me. I made her cry.第56页/共276页复合宾语结构宾语补足语的常见情况:We find Jason a gangster. (n.)We find Jason dead. (adj.)We find Jason killed in his home. (v-ed)We find Jason stealing in a police station. (v-ing)We find Jason in prison. (prep. + n.)We find Jason out. (adv.)We make Jason apologize. [(to) do]We require Jason to apologize. [to do]第57页/共276页复合宾语结构中的形式宾语在复合宾语结构中,当宾语是: (a) 不定式结构

(b) 从句结构 有时可以用 it

作形式宾语,而把真正的宾语放到后面去。第58页/共276页复合宾语结构中的形式宾语make it easier to meet the annual targets make to meet the annual targets easiermake it easier that they can meet the annual targets make that they can meet the annual targets easier第59页/共276页简单句句式1. 主+谓2. 主+谓+宾3. 主+谓+双宾4. 主+谓+复合宾语5. 主+系+表第60页/共276页复合宾语结构和双宾语的区别动词接复合宾语结构:

vt. + 宾语 + 补足语动词接双宾语结构:

vt. + 间接宾语 + 直接宾语We find Jason a teacher.  Jason is a teacher. 

 复合宾语结构We give Jason a computer.  Jason is a computer. 

 双宾语结构第61页/共276页复合宾语结构和双宾语常见的后面接复合宾语结构的动词:

1. “使令让把”

let, make, keep, ask, …

2. 感官动词

see, watch, hear, feel, think, …常见的后面接双宾语结构的动词:

give, show, borrow, teach, buy, …第62页/共276页阅读长难句特点句子冗长结构复杂经常作为出题点第63页/共276页怎样才能真正理解长难句?快速读出主谓宾理解一些特殊句型读懂句子在上下文中的作用第64页/共276页怎样才能真正理解长难句?快速读出主谓宾理解一些特殊句型读懂句子在上下文中的作用第65页/共276页他看书。困倦的他在看书。一夜没睡的困倦的他在看一本发黄的旧书。第66页/共276页斜靠在沙发上,没有血色的嘴唇上叨着一支不知什么时候早已经熄灭的雪茄烟,一夜没睡的他目光呆滞地借助一盏忽明忽亮的摇曳的油灯绝望地在无精打采地看着一本发黄了的、但却保存得颇为完整的现在市面上很难买到的名叫《准备英语考试的你能读懂这句不仅无聊之极而且无耻之极的话么?》的旧书。第67页/共276页句子分类规律:句子的分类判断只有一套主谓关系



——并列句。有两套或以上主谓关系,句子之间用that/if /wh- 等引导词连接

——复合句。第68页/共276页怎样找谓语动词?动词的各种形式:动词原形 v.动词第三人称单数 vs动词过去式 v-ed动词现在分词 v-ing动词过去分词 v-ed动词不定式 to do/(to) do第69页/共276页怎样找谓语动词?一定是谓语动词的动词形式: 动词第三人称单数

am / is / are / was / were

情态动词can / may / must …第70页/共276页怎样找谓语动词?一定不是谓语动词的动词形式: 不定式 to do

独立存在的现在分词 v-ing

独立存在的过去分词 v-ed可能是谓语动词的动词形式: 动词原形 v.

v-ed (过去式)第71页/共276页It involves probing for deeply rooted concerns, devising creative solutions, and making trade-offs and compromises where interests are opposed.找出and并列成分地点状语从句第72页/共276页A world rise in allergies, particularly asthma, over the past four decades, is now said to be linked with increased air pollution.第73页/共276页Automated techniques to measure these characteristics and verify a person's identity infallibly are attracting widespread attention in these days of increased use of credit cards and e-mail.第74页/共276页 Government has encouraged waste paper collection and sorting schemes and at the same time, the paper industry has responded by developing new recycling technologies that have paved the way for even greater utilization of used fibre.第75页/共276页Government regulations limit the oil content allowed to discharged, and the produced water is treated on the platforms to meet those specifications.第76页/共276页The sports that were made by the collision will undoubtedly blow away eventually, but it’s much too soon to tell if there will be any permanent changes in Jupiter.第77页/共276页The chamber is then flushed with dry nitrogen gas for five hours to remove the remaining air and DEZ is introduced at a low pressure into the gas stream in order to keep the state of balance.第78页/共276页三大类从句名词性从句主语从句宾语从句表语从句同位语从句形容词性从句定语从句副词性从句状语从句第79页/共276页名词性从句名词可以做什么成分?主语,宾语,表语,同位语第80页/共276页两大类连接词1. that + S + V +…

只起到引导作用 不充当成分 本身无词义 省略??2. wh- what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether

充当成分 不能省略 句子语序第81页/共276页特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句规律:名词性从句的理解问题wh- / howwhat + S + V ----- S V 的内容:

what he saidwhere + S + V ----- S V 的地点:

where I stay第82页/共276页特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句when + S + V ----- S V 的时间:

when Jack leftwhy S + V ---- S V 的原因

why Jenny refused Forrest第83页/共276页特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句how + S + V---- S V的方式;S如何地V how students should behavehow much S + V ---- S V的程度;



how much I love you第84页/共276页特殊疑问词引导的名词性从句whether + S + V---- S是否V

Whether he comes to the party or not is none of my business. 第85页/共276页主语从句- that 连接词That he survived the earthquake is a miracle.He survived the earthquake.X is a miracle.That Bill divorced Juliet is not surprising.Bill divorced Juliet.X is not surprising.主语从句中的that连接词不能省略!!!第86页/共276页That引导的主语从句后置避免头重脚轻

+尾部焦点原则1. It + be + adj. + that-从句It is natural that they should have different views.It was obvious that she did not want to come.It is strange that he knows nothing about it.第87页/共276页写作练习如果一个社会想要进步,抛弃传统很必要。It is important that …important / essential / vital / crucial / significant / 进步——make progress抛弃传统——reject traditionsIt is essential that a society should reject its traditions if it wants to make progress.第88页/共276页That引导的主语从句后置2. It + be + n. + that-从句It is a pity that he cannot swim.It’s a wonder that he is still alive.It was a disappointment to your mother that you failed the exam.第89页/共276页写作练习保护和推广自己国家的历史和文化遗产是年青一代不可避免的任务。It is an unavoidable task that …保护和推广——conserve and promote国家的历史和文化遗产——national historical and cultural heritages年青一代——young generationsIt is an unavoidable task that the young generations conserve and promote their national historical and cultural heritages.第90页/共276页That引导的主语从句后置3. It + be + v-ed + that-从句规律:it后面跟动词的被动语态形式,再接that从句无主语,理解成“据。。。”It is said that there has been an earthquake in India.It was estimated that 25million school lunches are sold each day.It is reported that the enemy troops have crossed the border.“人们”作主语,进行主动理解;或者直接砍掉,做肯定理解It is believed that Japanese are weird.It was rumoured that he was suffering from a kidney stone.It must be pointed out that English is actually not difficult.第91页/共276页写作练习人们普遍认为国际旅游业促进了跨文化交流。It is widely accepted that …国际旅游业——international tourism促进——promote跨文化交流——cross-cultural communicationIt is widely accepted that international tourism has promoted cross-cultural communication.第92页/共276页That引导的主语从句后置4. It + vi. + that-从句;It + vt. + O + that-从句It happened that she was not in that day. 

碰巧It turned out that she used to be a man.

结果是It occurred to me that perhaps she was lying.

突然想起It struck me that we ought to make a new plan.

我忽然想起第93页/共276页写作练习父母和教育家认为,电视“成功”阻碍了孩子心理的发展。It occurs to parents and educators that …a successful destroyer心理的发展——mental developmentIt occurs to parents and educators that TV has been a successful destroyer of children’s mental development.第94页/共276页主语从句特殊疑问词what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether —— 不能用if第95页/共276页主语从句: wh-连接词How and where man learnt how to produce flame at will is unknown.X is unknown.Man learnt how to produce flame at will.How did man learn how to produce flame at will?Where did man learn how to produce flame at will?How and where did man learn how to produce flame at will?How and where man learnt how to produce flame at will is unknown.第96页/共276页人们是否应该到了某一年龄就应该被强制退休是一个公众话题。at a certain agebe forced to retire公众话题 —— public focusWhether people should be forced to retire at a certain age has been a pubic focus.第97页/共276页找到能够处理我们越来越多垃圾的地方是许多政府都非常头疼的一件事。处理——dispose ofheadacheWhere we can dispose of the increasing rubbish is a great headache to many governments.第98页/共276页宾语从句that 类连接词Experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered.不充当成分只起到连接作用可以省略第99页/共276页wh- 连接词I wonder why he deserved his well-paid position.

谓语动词的宾语That will depend on where we shall go.

介词的宾语Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.

不定式的宾语第100页/共276页宾语从句特殊疑问词what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether —— 可以用if第101页/共276页说到教育,大部分人认为其是终生的学习。When it comes to …the majority of …a life time studyWhen it comes to education, the majority of people believe that it is a life time study.第102页/共276页他们声称,通过补习,孩子可以获得很多实践技能和有用的知识。补习——extra studies声称——claim, maintainobtain, gainpractical skills useful knowledgeBy extra studies, they maintained that their children are able to obtain many kinds of practical skills and useful knowledge.第103页/共276页一项调查显示,许多农民工认为在城市打工不仅有较高的收入,而且能学到一些新技术。show / demonstratefarmer laborers / rural emigrantsAn investigation shows that many rural emigrants consider that working at cities can provide them with not only a high salary but also the opportunity to learn new skills.第104页/共276页我想知道,这个做法是否经得起推敲。经得起推敲——bear closer analysisI wonder whether / if this practice can bear closer analysis.第105页/共276页关于言论自由是什么出现了一场争论。言论自由——freedom of speechThere is a debate over what is meant by freedom of speech.第106页/共276页表语从句that 类连接词The truth is that he lacks the decisiveness to be a leader.What I dislike about the deal is that it is really dishonest.不充当成分只起到连接作用不可以省略第107页/共276页表语从句——wh-类连接词what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether —— 不能用if第108页/共276页The king’s concern is who will succeed to his throne.The question put forward by the consultant is what the management is to do with the worker’s strike.第109页/共276页其中一个争论的问题是一个人是否应选择他喜欢的舒适的衣服,而不管是否时尚。One of the questions under debate不管——regardless ofOne of the questions under debate is whether a person should choose comfortable clothes regardless of fashion.第110页/共276页被一些人忽视的是,国际旅游可能会给当地环境和历史带来灾难性的影响。What some people fail to see …灾难性的——disastrousWhat some people fail to see is that international tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on our environment and local history.第111页/共276页这个问题是由多种原因引起的。一个主要原因是车辆增加的数量远快于道路的建设。另一个主要原因是私家车过多而公共交通不足。There are several reasons for this problem. One of the main reasons is that the number of vehicles is increasing much more rapidly than the building of roads.Another primary reason is that there seem to be too many private cars and not enough public transportation.第112页/共276页同位语从句很多(抽象)名词后可以跟 that 引导的从句,说明其具体内容,这样的从句就是同位语从句。There is no doubt

that he was an excellent scholar.He was conscious of the fact


she did not approve of what he was doing.We received a message

that he would be absent.第113页/共276页同位语从句举例We have proof

that this man committed the crime.I have expressed the opinion

that she can act.I had the impression

that she chose her words with care.He presented evidence

that his thesis was based on original research.第114页/共276页后面经常跟同位语从句的名词doubt, fact, message, proof, opinion, hopes, impression, evidence, idea, belief, feeling, conclusion, rumor, report, possibility, guarantee, thought, assurance, news, story, order, etc.第115页/共276页同位语从句和名词被分开When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. The rumor spread that a new school would be built here.The story goes that he often beats his wife.第116页/共276页由特殊疑问词引导的同位语从句I have no idea

why she left.There is some doubt

whether John will come on time.You have no idea

how worried I was.He has come to the conclusion

what a remarkable woman Maggie is.第117页/共276页当今的年轻人以自我为中心、对人冷漠和不顾及他人这样的事实,在很大程度上是孩童时期父母对他们过分纵容的结果。self-centeredindifferenceinconsiderateThe fact that

young people nowadays are self-centered,indifferent and inconsiderate is largely the outcome of parental overindulgence.第118页/共276页毫无疑问,需求的增长导致了价格的上涨。There is no doubt that…There is no doubt that the increase in demand leads to the rise in prices.第119页/共276页没有人能否认这一重要事实:最近几年交通问题在全世界受到了普遍关注。No one can deny the essential fact that … the traffic problem over the last years has attracted wide pubic concern all over the world.第120页/共276页名词后that引导的从句名词后面跟随that引导的从句时,一般有两种可能: (1)that引起定语从句,该名词是先行词,在后面的句子中充当成分,通常是主语或宾语; (2)that引起同位语从句,解释说明该名词的具体内容。第121页/共276页名词后that从句的判断标准判断标准有两个: 第一,看名词。如果that前面的名词是具体名词,那么that从句通常是定语从句;如果that前面的名词是抽象名词,那么that从句通常是同位语从句。第122页/共276页名词后that从句的判断标准第二,看从句。如果从句中缺少成分,一定是定语从句,而that在从句中充当的就是那个缺少的成分,通常是主语或者宾语;如果从句内容完整,一般是同位语从句,that在从句中没有词意,只起到引导作用。第123页/共276页名词后that从句的判断标准第三,看先行词和从句的关系同位语从句和先行词是同等的关系;定语从句是用来修饰先行词,是从属的关系。第124页/共276页状语从句状语从句 状语从句是行使状语功能的从句, 其作用相当于副词,因此也称为副词性从句。第125页/共276页状语从句种类:时间状语从句地点状语从句原因状语从句结果状语从句条件状语从句目的状语从句方式状语从句让步状语从句比较状语从句第126页/共276页1、时间状语从句该从句表示时间,作时间状语,引导词较多:

when, whenever, while, asbefore, aftersince, once, till / untilas soon asthe moment/minute/second/instantevery time, each time, each moment, anytime the first time, the next time…第127页/共276页whenWhen I opened the door, I found him lying on the floor.When he turned back, the girl had vanished.Someone uttered a cry when I was taking a nap in the afternoon.第128页/共276页whenI was just getting into the bath when the telephone rang.I was about to ask after his wife when I suddenly remembered that they were getting a divorce.I had not been reading for half an hour when I heard steps outside.第129页/共276页机会被忽视就永不再来。忽视——neglectWhen an opportunity is neglected, it never comes back.第130页/共276页许多人觉得职业运动员的报酬不合理,尤其是当他们的高薪和顶级医生或者科学家的收入相比的时候。职业运动员——sports professionals报酬——rewards高薪——super salaries顶级——topMany people find rewards of sports professionals unfair, especially when these super salaries are compared with those of top surgeons or research scientists. 第131页/共276页 whenever / each time / every time / each moment / anytime“每当,每次,无论什么时候”

whenever = each time/moment =  every time = anytime第132页/共276页应用得饶人处且饶人。饶——forgiveForgive others whenever you can.第133页/共276页whenever每当有了目标,一个人就必须牺牲许多的自由去达到目标。目标——aim牺牲——sacrificeWhenever one have an aim, he/she must sacrifice an amount of freedom to attain it.第134页/共276页every time竞争是永恒的,在相对短暂的职业生涯里中的每一次的表现都会遭受到考验。相对短暂的职业生涯—— relatively short career.Competition is constant and a player is tested every time they perform in their relatively short career.第135页/共276页


“与……同时”,表示从句与主句动作同时发生。While she read the paper, I cleared the kitchen.He fell asleep while he was doing his homework.第136页/共276页练习趁热打铁。Strike the iron while it is hot.有生命就有希望。While there is life, there is hope.第137页/共276页as

当……时候, 与……同时,用法相当于“ when 或 while”。As I left my house I remembered the key. We were having breakfast as she was combing her hair.第138页/共276页 before 在……之前 Look before you leap.三思而后行。在你做希望做的事情之前要首先去做应该做的事情。Do what you should do before you do what you want to do .第139页/共276页 beforeIt may be many years before we meet again.可能要过很多年我们才能再见了。It was another half an hour before the ambulance arrived.又过了半个小时救护车才到。第140页/共276页 beforeShe slipped out before I could talk to her.没等我跟她说话她就溜了。第141页/共276页 after 在……之后After you reach a certain point, money becomes unimportant. 当你到达某个阶段之后, 金钱就变得无足轻重。第142页/共276页 since 自从……以来

从句的谓语动词通常为一般过去时,主句的谓语动词通常为现在完成时、过去完成时或一般现在时。I have been very busy

since I came back from holiday.Since she married me, we had been happy.第143页/共276页造句人自从来到世上,就必须为了更好的生活而奋斗。为了……而奋斗 —— fight forOne has to fight for a better life since he/she comes to the world.第144页/共276页

once as soon as directly the instant the moment the second

一旦…… , 一……就第145页/共276页例句:As soon as her car arrived, the crowd started cheering.You won’t be able to cancel the contract once you’ve signed.I’ll be with you directly I’ve finished writing this letter.I recognized her the instant / the moment / the second I saw her.第146页/共276页一旦发现自己的梦想,就要去追求。Once you discover your dream, go after it.从你致力于自己的目标开始,实现目标就得到了保证。The achievement of your goal is assured the moment you devote yourself to it.一旦目标达到,我总是会设定更高的目标。I will always raise my goal as soon as they are attained.要记住:第147页/共276页 till / until 直到……为止



till 和 until 经常用于否定句,表示  “直到…才”。第148页/共276页要记住:我要坚持不懈,直到成功。I will persist until I succeed.设立的目标要高,而且不达目标不要停止。Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.直到明确了方向才开始了成功之旅。You won’t begin the success journey until you know where you want to go.第149页/共276页

hardly…when no sooner…than

刚……就……The door had hardly opened when the crowd rushed in.The door had no sooner opened than the crowd rushed in.第150页/共276页 the first time 第一次The first time he tried to make a public speech , he was laughed off the stage.第151页/共276页 the next time 下一次 The next time you are about to enter into a personal relationship with people you don’t know very wel




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