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2022-12-01 11:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





虽然视觉和听觉一起占到了吸收信息的94.3%,能够轻易的通过现代科技的视觉化课程实现,比如录像视频和在线视频、有线电视等, 想象力或白日梦,只是出现在你头脑中的想象,不具有任何的特定目的,然而完全的意识更有效,因为你能够轻易的使用所有的感官习得新知。更像是在大脑里放电影:不但可以将你过去的生活一遍又一遍的重放也能够调用你所有的器官和雕琢你内心深处想要学习的东西。

根据上面提出的理论,所有想象力感官的应用,在这种情况下你应当能够听到女士点咖啡的声音是多么甜美,服务员的笑容是多么可爱,感受咖啡的热度,品尝一口加了一勺糖的黑咖啡口齿留香,非常像观看一部电影。看电影和想象力唯一不同的点在于,通过电影,你只能看到人们做了什么,听到人们说了什么。虽然 这意味着接收到了94.3%的信息,可你不会知道咖啡是热的,闻起来很醇香,如果女人和服务员不告诉你的话,你是不知道这些的。每当别人给你提供一杯咖啡时,你可能会回应“请加入一勺白糖,谢谢。”虽然你可能不喜欢加糖,这只是一种本能地反应。在收到了相似的信号,你会不假思索地自然的作出回应。这就是人们怎样在很小的时候习得第一、第二语言的。





对以上做个总结,能够发现做好关于生活经验的准备关系到你想要学习的英语,把英语材料转换成你脑中的鲜活的想象力, 你可以在梦中用英语,就像文章一开头讲的那样。


imagination and dreamcognitivereceivevital importancevividavailableexaggeratedevelopment of imagination combinationpart of dreamaccumulationimaginationrun freeEnglish languageconversion


ongoing ADJECTIVE 持续的

An ongoing situation has been happening for quite a long time and seems likely to continue for some time in the future.There is an ongoing debate on the issue. That research is ongoing. Synonyms: in progress, continuing, current, growing

2. respectively ADVERB 分别地;各自地

Respectively means in the same order as the items that you have just mentioned.Their sons, Ben and Jonathan, were three and six respectively. They finished first and second respectively.

3. census COUNTABLE NOUN 人口普查

A census is an official survey of the population of a country that is carried out in order to find out how many people live there and to obtain details of such things as people's ages and jobs.

4. solidly ADJECTIVE 瓷实;坚固

A structure that is solid is strong and is not likely to collapse or fall over. [...]

solidly ADVERB [ADVERB with verb]


5. deliberate 故意的 Synonyms: intentionally, on purpose, consciously, emphatically More Synonyms of deliberate

2. ADJECTIVEIf a movement or action is deliberate, it is done slowly and carefully.His movements were gentle and deliberate. ...stepping with deliberate slowness up the steep paths. Synonyms: careful, measured, slow, cautious More Synonyms of deliberatedeliberately

6. consciousness 意识;知识;知觉 UNCOUNTABLE NOUN

You use consciousness to refer to an interest in and knowledge of a particular subject or idea.Her political consciousness sprang from her upbringing. Synonyms: awareness, understanding, knowledge, recognition More Synonyms of consciousness

conscious ADJECTIVE[v-linkADJthat]

If you are conscious of something, you notice it or realize that it is happening.He was conscious of the faint, musky aroma of aftershave. She was very conscious of Max studying her. Conscious that he was becoming light-headed again, he went over to the window. Synonyms: aware of, wise to [slang], alert to, responsive to

7. fragrance 清香;香气; 芬芳 VARIABLE NOUN

A fragrance is a pleasant or sweet smell....a shrubby plant with a strong characteristic fragrance. ...the fragrance of his cologne. href="https://grammar.collinsdictionary.com/grammar-pattern/n-of-n_1">[+ of] Synonyms: scent, smell, perfume, bouquet

8. magnify 放大;凸显 VERB

To magnify something means to increase its effect, size, loudness, or intensity.Poverty and human folly magnify natural disasters. ef="https://http://grammar.collinsdictionary.com/grammar-pattern/v-n_1">[VERB noun] Their noises were magnified in the still, wet air. ef="https://http://grammar.collinsdictionary.com/grammar-pattern/v-n_1">[VERB noun] ...using bank loans to magnify his buying power. ef="https://http://grammar.collinsdictionary.com/grammar-pattern/v-n_1">[VERB noun] Synonyms: make worse, exaggerate, intensify, worsen

9. minify 缩小VERBWord forms:-fies,-fyingor-fied

10. accumulate 积累

When you accumulate things or when they accumulate, they collect or are gathered over a period of time.Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets. ef="https://http://grammar.collinsdictionary.com/grammar-pattern/v-n_1">[VERB noun] Lead can accumulate in the body until toxic levels are reached. [VERB] Synonyms: build up, increase, grow, be stored


11. slight/ subtle/ diminish 轻微


A slight person has a fairly thin and delicate looking body.She is smaller and slighter than Christie. ...a slight, bespectacled figure.



A subtle person cleverly uses indirect methods to achieve something.I even began to exploit him in subtle ways. He is a subtle character, you know. Synonyms: crafty, cunning, sly, designing

This could mean diminished public support for the war. [VERB-ed]

Synonyms: reduce, cut, decrease, lessen

12. manipulate 操纵;操控 They have kids who manipulate them into buying toys. ef="https://ghttp://rammar.collinsdictionary.com/grammar-pattern/v-n-into-n_1">[VERB noun + into] Synonyms: influence, control, direct, guide More Synonyms of manipulate


)Word forms: plural manipulations




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