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2023-06-13 05:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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1.My brother is very friendly. ________ gets along well with others.

A.He B.She C.I D.You

【答案】A【解析】【刘凯老师详解】句意:我的哥哥很友好。他和他人相处得好。考查代词。He他;She她;I我;You你。根据“gets along well with”可知,主语应为第三人称单数。再根据前文可知,此处应用he代替my brother。故选A。

2.Wu Dajing, a gold medalist, started to practice speed skating ________ the age of ten.

A.on B.in C.for D.at

【答案】D【解析】【刘凯老师详解】句意:金牌得主武大靖十岁时开始练习速度滑冰。考查介词。on在……上;in在……里;for为了;at在(某处)。根据“the age of”可知,此处考查介词短语at the age of“在……岁时”。故选D。

3.—________ do you play basketball with your classmates, David?—Twice a week.

A.How often B.How long C.How soon D.How far

【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:——你多久和你的同学打一次篮球,大卫?——一周两次。考查特殊疑问词。How often多久一次;How long多长时间;How soon多久以后;How far多远。根据答语“Twice a week.”可知,是表示频率,应用How often来提问。故选A。

4.Our parents help and support us a lot, ________ we should be thankful to them.

A.but B.or C.so D.because

【答案】C【解析】【刘凯老师详解】句意:我们的父母帮助和支持我们很多,所以我们应该感谢他们。考查连词辨析。but但是;or或者;so所以;because因为。根据“we should be thankful to them”可知,此句是前句的结果,用so引导从句,故选C。

5.—________ you lend me your dictionary, Laura?—Sorry, I can’t. I have just lent it to Eric.

A.Could B.Should C.Must D.Need

【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:——罗拉,你能把字典借给我吗?——对不起,我不能。我刚刚把它借给了埃里克。考查情态动词。Could可以;Should应该;Must必须;Need需要。根据“Sorry, I can’t.”可知,含有can或could的一般疑问句表示委婉地提出请求,could使语气更加委婉,故选A。

6.We should keep in mind that nothing is ________ than safety.

A.important B.more important

C.most important D.the most important

【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:我们应该记住,没有什么比安全更重要。考查比较级。根据空后的than可知,空处要用比较级,important的比较级是more important。故选B。

7.—Nick, take out the trash, please. —Wait a minute, Mom. I ________ an e-mail to Mr. Smith now.

A.write B.am writing C.wrote D.will write


8.The supermarket ________ at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 8:30 p.m. every day.

A.is opening B.opened C.opens D.will open


9.All of us ________ great progress since we started junior high school.

A.make B.made C.have made D.will make

【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:自读初中以来,我们所有人都取得了巨大进步。考查现在完成时。根据从句“...since we started junior high school.”可知,主句应用现在完成时:have/has+过去分词。故选C。

10.The kids ________ an online lesson when their parents arrived home yesterday.

A.took B.take C.are taking D.were taking

【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:昨天孩子们的父母回家时,他们正在上在线课程。考查过去进行时。根据“when their parents arrived home yesterday”可知,句子强调过去某个时刻点正在发生的动作,主语为复数the kids,故用过去进行时were taking,故选D。

11.A new hospital ________ in the village by the government last year.

A.builds B.built C.is built D.was built

【答案】D【解析】【刘凯老师详解】句意:去年人们在村里建了一所新医院。考查被动语态。根据“hospital”和“build”可知,是被动关系;结合“last year”,是一般过去时的被动语态,结构为“was/were+过去分词”,主语为单数,be动词用was。故选D。

12.—Tom, do you know ________?—Next Friday.

A.when will we hold the sports meeting

B.when we will hold the sports meeting

C.when did we hold the sports meeting

D.when we held the sports meeting

【答案】B【解析】【刘凯老师详解】句意:——汤姆,你知道我们什么时候举行运动会吗?——下个星期五。考查宾语从句。此处是宾语从句,宾语从句是陈述语序,所以排除选项A和C;根据回答“Next Friday”可知句子用一般将来时,故选B。



【刘凯老师解析】【导语】本文讲述了作者在上学期间,经常挣扎于任务规划和拖延症,父母也无能为力,最终在Steve Merrill老师的帮助下,帮作者成功解决了问题。

13.A.counted B.finished

C.changed D.gave

句意:两周前,我的父母检查了我的成绩,数出有20多个失分的项目。counted数数;finished完成;changed改变;gave给。根据“my parents checked my grades”可知,此处是说数出了20多个失分的项目。故选A。

14.A.discussion B.expression

C.competition D.organization

句意:尽管我聪明能干,但我经常挣扎于任务规划和拖延,尤其是在写作任务方面。discussion讨论;expression表达;competition竞赛;organization组织。根据后面“Mr. Merrill told me that his students also had problems in the same areas: task organization and time management.”可知,此处是说任务组织方面。故选D。

15.A.knowledge B.stress

C.freedom D.advice

句意:自由太多了。knowledge知识;stress压力;freedom自由;advice建议。根据“I could do a million other things rather than my homework.”可知我有很多的自由。故选C。

16.A.rules B.efforts

C.habits D.experiences

句意:我父母努力帮助,但是他们的努力远没有达到期待。rules规则;efforts努力;habits习惯;experiences经历。fall short of...意为“没达到……”,结合选项可知,此处是表达“他们的努力远没有达到期待”,故选B。

17.A.searching B.reading

C.joking D.shouting

句意:深夜的学习也总是以争吵而结束。searching搜寻;reading阅读;joking开玩笑;shouting大喊。根据“There were…late-night learning hours and fights”可知,此处是说大喊。故选D。

18.A.reached B.helped

C.worked D.dropped

句意:当妈妈听说了有经验的Steve Merrill可以帮助我时,她联系到了这位老师。reached到达;helped帮助;worked工作;dropped下落。reach out“急切寻求,联系某人求助”,固定短语。故选A。

19.A.better B.fewer

C.stronger D.busier

句意:深夜学习和打架的时间减少了。better更好的;fewer更少的;stronger更壮的;busier更忙的。根据“My work habits were becoming more regular.”可知,工作习惯变得越来越有规律,所以会有更少的深夜学习和打架的时间。故选B。

20.A.shared B.forgotten

C.completed D.mistaken

句意:我在截止日期前两天就完成了大部分!shared分享;forgotten忘记;completed完成;mistaken误认为。刘凯老师解析:根据前面“My grades were improving. My work habits were becoming more regular. There were…late-night learning hours and fights.”可知,我现在学会做规划和时间管理了,强调我的改变,所以此处是说“提前两天就完成了大部分”。故选C。


Jeremiah’s Mistake

Jeremiah hurried into the kitchen and washed his hands. He had exactly one hour until his father got home. He wasn’t used to starting dinner this early. On his nights to cook, Jeremiah generally got dinner ready in fifteen minutes. But Dad always praised Jeremiah’s meals, no matter how simple they were. “Delicious!” he would say. But Jeremiah knew Dad liked more complicated (复杂的) dishes, because on Dad’s nights to cook, he used a ton of ingredients. Dad was a natural cook. Not Jeremiah-at least, not until tonight.

It was Dad’s birthday, and for once in his life, Jeremiah was cooking something complicated: spaghetti with homemade sauce (酱). He’d eaten it a million times, so he knew most of the ingredients. “Tomatoes, onions, garlic, beef,” he thought, looking through the fridge. They had everything except the beef. No problem—they’d go vegetarian tonight.

Jeremiah cut up the vegetables with Dad’s special knife and put them into the pot. Then he turned to Dad’s spice(香料) collection. He picked a few familiar ones and put them in. The pleasing smell of fresh tomatoes amazed him. He tasted it just as Dad usually did. It was terrible! Way too spicy. Aha! A lime would cool things down. He added in as much lime juice as he could. One more taste. Ugh. It was awful! Now the sauce was sour and spicy.

He left the kitchen and went into his room. He could at least order pizza, so Dad wouldn’t have to stay hungry on his own birthday. As he counted his money, he heard the front door open.

“Hi, Jeremiah!” Dad called.


Jeremiah returned to the kitchen, where he found Dad digging through the food cupboard. “I’m buying pizza,” Jeremiah said. “It’s not much of a birthday dinner...”

Dad turned, holding a bag of chips and a bowl of Jeremiah’s spaghetti sauce. “We don’t need pizza!” Dad smiled. “This delicious salsa(萨尔萨辣酱) is a meal in itself!”



24.Why did Jeremiah decide to cook something complicated?

A.Because it was his dad’s birthday.

B.Because his dad told him to do so.

C.Because he arrived home early.

D.Because he was a natural cook.

细节理解题。根据“It was Dad’s birthday, and for once in his life, Jeremiah was cooking something complicated.”可知,今天是爸爸的生日,Jeremiah打算做些复杂的食物,故选A。

25.Jeremiah thought the sauce he made was ________.

A.neither sour nor spicy enough

B.different from what he had expected

C.simple but healthy

D.as delicious as he had imagined

细节理解题。根据“He tasted it just as Dad usually did...Way too spicy...Now the sauce was sour and spicy”可知,制作的酱汁又酸又辣,与他所期望的不同,故选B。

26.What can we learn about Jeremiah’s father?

A.He takes his job seriously.

B.He is creative and strict.

C.He expects his son to be skillful.

D.He is loving and encouraging.

推理判断题。通过第一段“Dad always praised Jeremiah’s meals, no matter how simple they were”和最后一段可知,爸爸很会鼓励Jeremiah,用爱心化解了Jeremiah的失落,故选D。


Why Do Top Athletes Choke Under Pressure?


According to classic economic theory, the higher the reward, the better the expected performance. As a result, we could expect the best performance at the most important moments. But why do we so often see the most talented and experienced athletes perform much worse than expected in important competitions like the Olympics?根据经典经济学理论,报酬越高,预期绩效越好。因此,我们可以期待在最重要的时刻有最好的表现。但为什么我们经常看到最有才华和经验丰富的运动员在奥运会等重要比赛中表现比预期差得多?

Why the Drop in Performance?为什么业绩会下降?

It is not necessarily true that there’s a direct relationship between incentives (激励) and achievement. 激励和成就之间并不一定有直接的关系。Research has shown that increased motivation (动机) beyond a certain level harms an athlete’s performance.研究表明,超过一定水平的动力增加会对运动员的成绩造成损害。We call this phenomenon “choking under pressure”. Greater incentives may lead to higher levels of arousal (兴奋). 我们把这种现象叫做压力下窒息。更大的激励可能导致更高水平的觉醒。The relationship between performance and arousal looks like an inverted U shape (倒U形), meaning that performance is the best at certain levels of arousal and drops with over-arousal.表现和激励之间的关系看起来像一个倒U型,这意味着在特定的激励水平下表现最好,而在过度激励下表现下降。

The desire to perform as well as possible is thought to create performance pressure. Many studies have shown increased pressure has a bad effect on athletes’ performance in skill-based games. When people overthink or consciously monitor each step, the drop in performance happens.人们认为,想要表现得尽可能好会产生表现压力。许多研究表明,压力的增加对运动员在技能型比赛中的表现有不良影响。当人们过度思考或有意识地监控每一步时,表现就会下降。


Beyond the pressure coming from the important competitions, another thing that may add pressure is the level of expectations. An experiment suggested high audience expectations harm performance in a skill-based task. 除了来自重要比赛的压力,另一件可能增加压力的事情是期望的水平。一项实验表明,听众的高期望会损害技能任务的表现。For example, one of the most famous biathletes in history, Martin Fourcade, said it was very emotional for him to compete in his home country and also much harder than competing abroad because of greater expectations.例如,历史上最著名的两项运动员之一马丁·福凯德(Martin Fourcade)说,在自己的祖国比赛对他来说非常激动,也比在国外比赛更难,因为人们对他的期望更高。

We tested this home disadvantage by using data from biathlon (冬季两项) competitions over 17 years. We have found the most titled athletes miss a lot more shots when competing in their home country compared to when they compete abroad. The most reasonable explanation likely relates to the level of expectations from the homeland.

How to Deal with It?

There are several ways to reduce stress, such as a countdown or taking a deep breath before the task. But the base for any solution is to realize that stress affects performance. Choking under pressure can happen to the best athletes and it’s not a shame to admit it. The more athletes know about the effect pressure can have on them, the more likely they are to succeed at the highest level.



27.What can we learn from “choking under pressure”?

A.The higher the reward, the better the expected performance.

B.Better achievement in games results from a drop in pressure.

C.Arousal beyond a certain level harms an athlete’s performance.

D.Athletes’ performance in games has something to do with their training.

细节理解题。根据“Research has shown that increased motivation (动机) beyond a certain level harms an athlete’s performance.”可知,研究表明,超过一定水平的动机增加会对运动员的表现产生不好的影响。故选C。

28.Which of the following would be the best heading for Paragraph 4 and 5?

A.Pressure as a Key to Improving Performance.

B.Pressure as a Push for Becoming Top-level Athletes.

C.High Expectations as a Cause of Choking Under Pressure.

D.High Expectations as an Incentive to Compete in the Home Country.

推理判断题。根据4、5 段所阐述的主要是运动员们在高预期的情况下在比赛中发挥失误的例子。其实就是在告诉我们高预期是造成运动员很大压力,发挥失常的主要原因,故选C。

29.To deal with pressure, the athletes should first ________.

A.avoid the possible feelings of pressure

B.share their worries with friends and coaches

C.try their best to succeed at the highest level

D.recognize the effect of stress on performance

细节理解题。根据“But the base for any solution is to realize that stress affects performance.”可知,解决问题的关键还是需要意识到压力会影响比赛的发挥,故选D。


Nowadays, the online world is nearly as important as the real one. It is not uncommon to see the whole Internet bands together to “cancel” someone after they make a mistake, which is called Cancel Culture. It can result in a person, if famous, losing fans and having to face attacks online. Even a normal person faces risks of losing their jobs or personal relationships. While stepping foot on any social media platform, everyone including young children can fall victim toit.如今,网络世界几乎和真实世界一样重要。在某人犯错后,网络上的所有人聚在一起“取消”某人是很常见的,这被称为“取消文化”。这可能会导致一个人,如果出名了,失去粉丝,不得不面对网上的攻击。即使是一个正常人也会面临失业或失去人际关系的风险。在任何社交媒体平台上,包括儿童在内的每个人都可能成为它的受害者。

Cancel Culture is a lose-lose situation. The person being canceled has to stand the negative effects of the Internet, and the people doing the canceling are contributing to (促成) the mindset that it’s okay to do this to people they don’t know. Young kids may not understand or contribute completely to Cancel Culture, but by simply being on the Internet, they can see it firsthand, affecting their real lives. A New York Metro Parents article describes one girl who was canceled in school the same way people are canceled on the Internet, and her friends wouldn’t even talk to or look at her.

Dr. Pam Rultledge, a media psychologist, explains in her blog post that Cancel Culture discourages kids from expressing their opinions and standing up for others. It’s always an “us against them” mindset; anyone agreeing with the person being canceled is at risk of being left out online too.

So again I ask, what is this teaching our kids? That they aren’t allowed to make mistakes? That they have to be perfect? This may be the current narrative, but it shouldn’t be. Everyone messes up at some point, especially young children. They shouldn’t be publicly punished for it and not given the chance to change people’s minds. Forgiveness is an important skill kids need to learn, and Cancel Culture is encouraging the opposite.

One small mistake doesn’t make someone a bad person, but Cancel Culture makes them feel as if they are. Cancel Culture doesn’t have to exist. We make it exist. And just as easily, we can make it disappear by contributing to an online world full of praise and love.


【刘凯老师解析】【导语】本文主要介绍了什么是Cancel Culture,以及它所带来的影响和危害。

30.The underlined words “fall victim to” in Paragraph 1 probably mean “________”.

A.be attracted to B.get used to

C.be shocked by D.get hurt by

词义推测题。根据“It can result in a person, if famous, losing fans and having to face attacks online. Even a normal person faces risks of losing their jobs or personal relationships”可知,此处解释人们受到的伤害,fall victim to与get hurt by同义,故选D。

31.Why does the writer mention the New York Metro Parents article in Paragraph 2?

A.To explain why Cancel Culture does harm to children’s friendships.

B.To stress the importance of close relationships with friends for students.

C.To show how Cancel Culture has exercised influence on kids’ real lives.

D.To suggest possible ways of changing the habit of overusing the Internet.

细节理解题。根据“Young kids may not understand or contribute completely to Cancel Culture, but by simply being on the Internet, they can see it firsthand, affecting their real lives”可知,作者提及“New York Metro Parents”是为了说明Cancel Culture对孩子们实际生活中的影响,故选C。

32.In Cancel Culture, a person who makes mistakes will be ________.

A.comforted with great patience

B.left out and publicly punished

C.taught how to correct the mistakes

D.blocked from using the Internet again

细节理解题。根据“anyone agreeing with the person being canceled is at risk of being left out online too.”以及“They shouldn’t be publicly punished for it and not given the chance to change people’s minds.”可知,一个犯错误的人会被排除在外并受到公开的惩罚,故选B。

33.By saying “This may be the current narrative, but it shouldn’t be” in Paragraph 4,the writer wants to express that Cancel Culture ________.

A.is easy to change

B.has a two-sided nature

C.is supposed to be canceled

D.stops mistakes from being repeated

推理判断题。结合上下文并根据最后一段第二句“Cancel Culture doesn’t have to exist”可知,作者认为Cancel Culture不应该存在,应该被取消,故选C。



提示词语:support, encourage, advice, helpful, patience

提示问题:Who do you want to thank?

Why do you want to thank him/her?

This is a thank-you note to ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


This is a thank-you note to Amy, my best friend in junior high school. I really want to thank her for her support and warm-heartedness.

At the beginning of junior high, I was shy and hardly made new friends. Amy was the first one to talk to me and our friendship started from there. She has been a helpful friend all the way through. She listens to me patiently whenever I have problems. She encourages me to be brave and speak out my thoughts. She gives me advice on my study and helps me make progress.

It is Amy that has made me a better person. I want to take this chance to thank her and wish this warm-hearted girl a bright future. Thank you again, Amy!

Li Hua


1. 题干解读:题目要求围绕“致我最想感谢的人”写一则留言,根据提示问题和提示词语,讲述自己最想感谢的人以及理由。

2. 写作指导:此作文时态以一般现在时为主;采用第一人称和第三人称口吻;可采用三段式结构,第一段:阐述最想感谢的人是谁;第二段:阐述为什么感谢她/他;第三段:再次表达对她/他的感谢。保证内容完整,结构清晰条理。



提示词语:competition, worried, improve, confidence, proud

提示问题:What experience taught you the importance of preparation?

Please describe it.

What benefits have you got from the experience?

Being prepared is important. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Being prepared is important. I’ve learned it through my experience in the spelling competition last year. Never a straight A student, I was worried that I couldn’t bear the hard work needed in the first place. However, I devoted myself to the preparation, working on the difficult words. My vocabulary improved day by day. When the competition began, I was calm and confident. Words flowed naturally out of my lips. I won the competition, which was something I could never even dreamed of before.

The benefits of the experience are not only about honor and pride. More importantly, I’ve learned to break free from the negative thoughts and self-doubt deep inside. I’ve also realized that being prepared works miracles. All we have to do is to get fully prepared for whatever challenges that come along.


1. 题干解读:题目要求围绕“做一个有准备的人”写一篇短文;根据提示问题和提示词语,结合自身经历,讲述准备的重要性。

2. 写作指导:此作文时态以一般现在时和一般过去时为主;采用第一人称口吻;可采用两段式结构,第一段:阐述让你意识到准备的重要性的一次经历;第二段:阐述你收获的益处。保证内容完整,行文流畅,结构清晰条理。




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