testamento是什么意思 testamento的中文翻译、读音、例句

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testamento是什么意思 testamento的中文翻译、读音、例句

2024-07-06 02:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

testamento是什么意思 testamento的中文翻译、读音、例句 作者:史黛妃 • 2024-06-18 09:58:50 • 阅读 123


testamento是一个意大利语单词,意为“遗嘱”。词性为名词。常见的词组搭配有fare il testamento(立遗嘱)、testamento olografo(手写遗嘱)、testamento pubblico(公证遗嘱)等等。


- lasciare un testamento (留下遗嘱)

- il beneficiario del testamento (受益人)

- leggere il testamento (读遗嘱)

- il notaio che ha redatto il testamento (起草遗嘱的公证人)

- firmare il testamento (签署遗嘱)

- eseguire il testamento (执行遗嘱)

- testamento biologico (生前护理意愿书)


1. Mio padre ha scritto un testamento prima di morire. (我的父亲去世前写了遗嘱。)

2. L'avvocato ha letto il testamento ai presenti. (律师在场的人读了遗嘱。)

3. È importante fare il testamento per evitare dispute tra gli eredi. (起草遗嘱很重要,以避免继承人之间的争端。)

4. La vedova è il beneficiario del testamento. (遗嘱受益人是寡妇。)

5. Il testamento olografo deve essere scritto a mano e firmato dall'autore. (手写遗嘱必须手写并由作者签名。)

6. Il notaio ha pubblicato il testamento del defunto. (公证人公开了死者的遗嘱。)

7. Se il testamento non viene eseguito correttamente, i beneficiari possono fare causa. (如果遗嘱未得到正确执行,受益人可以提起诉讼。)



1. Mi abuela dejó un testamento antes de fallecer. (我的祖母在去世前留下了遗嘱。)

2. El testamento es un documento legal que establece cómo se distribuirán los bienes después de la muerte de una persona. (遗嘱是一份法律文件,规定了一个人去世后如何分配财产。)




例句:[ Beeps ] Righty-oh, righty-oh. - [Typing] - [ Beeping ] (好了,好了 O , O , O,破折分2,破折分9)


例句:I'm his friend, Robert Kardashian. (不行 先生 No, sir. O·J在等我呢 o.)


testamento一般作为名词使用,如在donatio testamento([网络] 遗赠)、donation testamento([法] 遗赠)、manumissio testamento([法] 遗嘱解放)等常见短语中出现较多。

donatio testamento[网络] 遗赠donation testamento[法] 遗赠manumissio testamento[法] 遗嘱解放succession ex testamento[法] 遗命继承, 遗嘱继承例句

1. This is the last will and testament of... (翻译:这是…的临终遗嘱 )

2. Um, at 10:40, I buzzed the gate, but he didn't answer, and I got scared, because I didn't want him to miss his flight, so I called my boss, um, my mom... (翻译:司机就是O·J·辛普森 The driver was o. J. Simpson.)

3. All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.J. Did it. (翻译:都能证明这是O. J. 所为 All of which seems to support the conclusion that o.)

4. Did she know that O.J. was out there? (翻译:那她知道O·J就在外面么 Did she know that O. J.)

5. His accent is a testament to the isolation of this religious sect. (翻译:为什么孩子应该是 尤其是传统的受害者...)

6. O.J., wherever you are, for the sake of your children, for the sake of your family, please surrender immediately to any law enforcement official. (翻译:O·J 不管你在哪 O. J. , wherever you are,)

7. - O.J. Simpson is in the car. (翻译:-O·J·辛普森就在车里 -杰森 - O.)

8. O.J., O.J., we got to talk. (翻译:O·J 我们需要谈谈 O. J. , O.)

9. It's considered New Testament apocryphal writings. (翻译:它被认为是新约次经。)

10. The interesting thing about Paula is she had broken up with O.J. the day of the murders. (翻译:宝拉在案发那天 is she had broken up with O. J. 与O.)

11. You are O.J. Simpson and you are an inspiration. (翻译:Simpson. 你是O·J·辛普森 You are O. J.)

12. We would have to check 2O million years' worth of settings in 2O minutes. (翻译:我们必须检查2O亿年的价值 设置 在2O分钟。)

13. Would Dr. Ralph O. Khan, please report to surgery. (翻译:请Ralph O. Khan医生到外科报到 Ralph O.)

14. Well, first of all, the New Testament came after the Old Testament. (翻译:首先 新约在后,旧约在前,你同意吗? 我同意,但是,这并不意味着任何东西...)

15. ¶ shies from the so-o-o-rrow (翻译:# shies from the so -o -o)




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