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2024-06-18 10:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Attention: The information provided in this site/page is intended solely for indicative purpose. While we have taken any precautions to ensure that the content of this site/page is both current and accurate, errors can occur. In all cases you should consult with the IFU accompanying the product before using the product.

The Mölnlycke, Alldress, Avance, BARRIER, Biogel, Biogel Eclipse, Biogel Orthropro, Biogel PI Pro-Fit, Biogel Sensor, Deep Defense, Easywarm, Elset, Epaderm, Exufiber, Granulox, Granudacyn, Hydrolock, EZ Derm, Hacdil-S, Hibi, Hibicet, Hibiclens, Hibidil, Hibiscrub, Indicator, Mefix, Melgisorb, Mextra, Mepiform, Mepilex, Mepiseal, Mepitac, Mepitel, Mepore, Mesalt, Mesoft, Mesorb, Mestopore, Neoderm, Normlgel, PI Indicator, PI UltraTouch, ProcedurePak, Reveal, Safetac, Setopress, Skinsense, Tubifast, Tubifast 2-way stretch and Tubigrip trademarks, names and logos are registered globally to one or more of the Mölnlycke Health Care group of companies.




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