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FreeRTOS Kernel V10.3.1Copyright (C) 2020 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.*Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ofthis software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal inthe Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights touse, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies ofthe Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,subject to the following conditions:*The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in allcopies or substantial portions of the Software.*THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS ORIMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS ORCOPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHERIN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR INCONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.*http://www.FreeRTOS.orghttp://aws.amazon.com/freertos*1 tab == 4 spaces!*/ include “riscv_encoding.h”ifndef __riscv_32edefine portRegNum 30elsedefine portRegNum 14endifdefine portCONTEXT_SIZE ( portRegNum * REGBYTES )

.section .text.entry.align 8

.extern switchTask.extern getCurrentTaskStackTopAddr.global prvPortStartFirstTask


\brief Global interrupt disabled\detailsThis function disable global interrupt.\remarks All the interrupt requests will be ignored by CPU.*/.macro DISABLE_MIEcsrc CSR_MSTATUS, MSTATUS_MIE.endm


\brief Macro for context save\detailsThis macro save ABI defined caller saved registers in the stack.\remarks This Macro could use to save context when you enter to interrupt

or exception// Save caller registers /.macro SAVE_CONTEXT csrrw sp, CSR_MSCRATCHCSWL, sp / Allocate stack space for context saving */

ifndef __riscv_32e

addi sp, sp, -20*REGBYTES


addi sp, sp, -14*REGBYTES

endif / __riscv_32e /


ifndef __riscv_32e


endif / __riscv_32e /



\brief Macro for restore caller registers\detailsThis macro restore ABI defined caller saved registers from stack.\remarks You could use this macro to restore context before you want return

from interrupt or exeception// Restore caller registers /.macro RESTORE_CONTEXT LOAD x1, 0REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x4, 1REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x5, 2REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x6, 3REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x7, 4REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x10, 5REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x11, 6REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x12, 7REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x13, 8REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x14, 9REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x15, 10REGBYTES(sp)

ifndef __riscv_32e

LOAD x16, 14REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x17, 15REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x28, 16REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x29, 17REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x30, 18REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x31, 19REGBYTES(sp)

/ De-allocate the stack space / addi sp, sp, 20*REGBYTES


/ De-allocate the stack space / addi sp, sp, 14*REGBYTES

endif / __riscv_32e /

csrrw sp, CSR_MSCRATCHCSWL, sp.endm


\brief Macro for save necessary CSRs to stack\detailsThis macro store MCAUSE, MEPC, MSUBM to stack./.macro SAVE_CSR_CONTEXT / Store CSR mcause to stack using pushmcause / csrrwi x0, CSR_PUSHMCAUSE, 11 / Store CSR mepc to stack using pushmepc / csrrwi x0, CSR_PUSHMEPC, 12 / Store CSR msub to stack using pushmsub */ csrrwi x0, CSR_PUSHMSUBM, 13.endm


\brief Macro for restore necessary CSRs from stack\detailsThis macro restore MSUBM, MEPC, MCAUSE from stack./.macro RESTORE_CSR_CONTEXT LOAD x5, 13REGBYTES(sp) csrw CSR_MSUBM, x5 LOAD x5, 12REGBYTES(sp) csrw CSR_MEPC, x5 LOAD x5, 11REGBYTES(sp) csrw CSR_MCAUSE, x5.endm


\brief Exception/NMI Entry\detailsThis function provide common entry functions for exception/nmi.\remarksThis function provide a default exception/nmi entry.ABI defined caller save register and some CSR registers

to be saved before enter interrupt handler and be restored before return./.section .text.trap/ In CLIC mode, the exeception entry must be 64bytes aligned /.align 6.global exc_entryexc_entry: / Save the caller saving registers (context) / SAVE_CONTEXT / Save the necessary CSR registers */ SAVE_CSR_CONTEXT


Set the exception handler function argumentsargument 1: mcause valueargument 2: current stack point(SP) value/csrr a0, mcausemv a1, sp/TODO: Call the exception handler functionBy default, the function template is provided in

system_Device.c, you can adjust it as you want*/call core_exception_handler

/ Restore the necessary CSR registers /RESTORE_CSR_CONTEXT/ Restore the caller saving registers (context) /RESTORE_CONTEXT

/ Return to regular code /mret


\brief Non-Vector Interrupt Entry\detailsThis function provide common entry functions for handlingnon-vector interrupts\remarksThis function provide a default non-vector interrupt entry.ABI defined caller save register and some CSR registers need

to be saved before enter interrupt handler and be restored before return./.section .text.irq/ In CLIC mode, the interrupt entry must be 4bytes aligned /.align 2.global irq_entry/ This label will be set to MTVT2 register /irq_entry: / Save the caller saving registers (context) / SAVE_CONTEXT / Save the necessary CSR registers */ SAVE_CSR_CONTEXT

/* This special CSR read/write operation, which is actually

claim the CLIC to find its pending highest ID, if the ID 模拟is not 0, then automatically enable the mstatus.MIE, and

jump to its vector-entry-label, and update the link register*/csrrw ra, CSR_JALMNXTI, ra

/ Critical section with interrupts disabled /DISABLE_MIE

/ Restore the necessary CSR registers /RESTORE_CSR_CONTEXT/ Restore the caller saving registers (context) /RESTORE_CONTEXT

/ Return to regular code /mret

/ Default Handler for Exceptions / Interrupts /.global default_intexc_handlerUndef_Handler:default_intexc_handler:1: j 1b

/ Start the first task. This also clears the bit that indicates the FPU is in use in case the FPU was used before the scheduler was started - which would otherwise result in the unnecessary leaving of space in the stack for lazy saving of FPU registers. /.align 3prvPortStartFirstTask: // 开始第一个任务 / Setup Interrupt Stack using The stack that was used by main() before the scheduler is started is no longer required after the scheduler is started. Interrupt stack pointer is stored in CSR_MSCRATCH / la t0, _sp csrw CSR_MSCRATCH, t0 // 暂存寄存器 LOAD sp, getCurrentTaskStackTopAddr / Load pxCurrentTCB. / LOAD sp, 0x0(sp) / Read sp from first TCB member /

/* Pop PC from stack and set MEPC */ LOAD t0, 0 * REGBYTES(sp) // 异常结束后返回到这个地址 csrw CSR_MEPC, t0 // 异常PC寄存器 /* Pop mstatus from stack and set it */ LOAD t0, (portRegNum - 1) * REGBYTES(sp) csrw CSR_MSTATUS, t0 // 异常处理状态寄存器 /* Interrupt still disable here */ /* Restore Registers from Stack */ LOAD x1, 1 * REGBYTES(sp) /* RA */ LOAD x5, 2 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x6, 3 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x7, 4 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x8, 5 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x9, 6 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x10, 7 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x11, 8 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x12, 9 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x13, 10 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x14, 11 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x15, 12 * REGBYTES(sp) ifndef __riscv_32eLOAD x16, 13 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x17, 14 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x18, 15 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x19, 16 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x20, 17 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x21, 18 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x22, 19 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x23, 20 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x24, 21 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x25, 22 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x26, 23 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x27, 24 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x28, 25 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x29, 26 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x30, 27 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x31, 28 * REGBYTES(sp) endifaddi sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE mret // 中断处理结束必须使用mret从NMI服务程序中退出,并返回主程序 // 下条指令从mpec寄存器中读取

.align 2.global eclic_msip_handlereclic_msip_handler: // TIMER生成软件中断 1产生软件中断 0取消软件中断 由MSIP寄存器管理 addi sp, sp, -portCONTEXT_SIZE STORE x1, 1 REGBYTES(sp) / RA / // 保存内容 STORE x5, 2 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x6, 3 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x7, 4 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x8, 5 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x9, 6 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x10, 7 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x11, 8 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x12, 9 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x13, 10 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x14, 11 REGBYTES(sp) STORE x15, 12 REGBYTES(sp)

ifndef __riscv_32eSTORE x16, 13 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x17, 14 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x18, 15 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x19, 16 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x20, 17 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x21, 18 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x22, 19 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x23, 20 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x24, 21 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x25, 22 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x26, 23 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x27, 24 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x28, 25 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x29, 26 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x30, 27 * REGBYTES(sp) STORE x31, 28 * REGBYTES(sp) endif/* Push mstatus to stack */ csrr t0, CSR_MSTATUS STORE t0, (portRegNum - 1) * REGBYTES(sp) /* Push additional registers */ /* Store sp to task stack */ LOAD t0, getCurrentTaskStackTopAddr STORE sp, 0(t0) csrr t0, CSR_MEPC STORE t0, 0(sp) jal switchTask /* Switch task context */ LOAD t0, getCurrentTaskStackTopAddr /* Load pxCurrentTCB. */ LOAD sp, 0x0(t0) /* Read sp from first TCB member */ /* Pop PC from stack and set MEPC */ LOAD t0, 0 * REGBYTES(sp) csrw CSR_MEPC, t0 /* Pop additional registers */ /* Pop mstatus from stack and set it */ LOAD t0, (portRegNum - 1) * REGBYTES(sp) csrw CSR_MSTATUS, t0 /* Interrupt still disable here */ /* Restore Registers from Stack */ LOAD x1, 1 * REGBYTES(sp) /* RA */ LOAD x5, 2 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x6, 3 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x7, 4 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x8, 5 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x9, 6 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x10, 7 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x11, 8 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x12, 9 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x13, 10 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x14, 11 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x15, 12 * REGBYTES(sp) ifndef __riscv_32eLOAD x16, 13 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x17, 14 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x18, 15 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x19, 16 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x20, 17 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x21, 18 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x22, 19 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x23, 20 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x24, 21 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x25, 22 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x26, 23 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x27, 24 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x28, 25 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x29, 26 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x30, 27 * REGBYTES(sp) LOAD x31, 28 * REGBYTES(sp) endifaddi sp, sp, portCONTEXT_SIZE mret




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