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2023-03-28 07:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



语 法 课 可以用两种方法,一个是

归 纳 法 Inductive Method ( 用 PPP: presentation, practice, production) 先给定义,再给范例

演绎法;先给范例,再给定义是归纳法 体验感知→ 归纳讲解→控制性练习→自由应用


Teaching content:This is a grammar class about the superlative degree.

Teaching aims:

Knowledge aims:

①Students are able to master the grammar point the superlative degree. ②Ss are able to understand the teaching material.

Ability aims:

① Ss’writing ability will be improved/enhanced by using the grammar point properly.

② Ss can master the grammar point to write a passage to introduce something.

Emotional aims:

① Ss can be aware of the importance of language accuracy.

② Cultivate Ss' team work spirit through a series of activities.

Key and difficult points (教学重难点)

Teaching Key Points:

①Students are able to master the grammar point the superlative degree. ②Ss are able to understand the teaching material.

Teaching Difficult Points:

① Ss can be aware of the importance of language accuracy.

② Cultivate Ss' team work spirit through a series of activities.

Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Lead in 导入,感知语法现象,了解语法的概念。

形式:听(歌曲, 视频, 猜谜语)

举例:一般现在时单三形式:1.学生先听教师讲述自己一天的学校生活。2.让一名学生转述教师的一天的活动,教师并在黑板上练出主要动词的单 三形式,让学生进一步感知单三时的动词变化。


归纳讲解 (presentation) 观察语言现象,讲解语言规律。体验过后,学生通过仔细观察相关的大量语法现象来归纳其中的规则。教师总结 并详细讲解。举例:1.让学生归纳单三的变化形式及用法。2.教师具体讲解单三的变化规则。

1.Teacher shows the video about Qomolagma and leads Ss to describe the video.

T:What is it? How much information do you know about it?

2.Show the correct sentences which contain the new grammar on the blackboard.Teacher should show examples as many as they can. 8,844.43 meters----dangerous ,the most dangerous a famous mountain--one of the most famous mountains.

Justification: I can make classroom atmosphere easy via this activity.Ss are more willing to learn and take part in activities.

Step 2 presentation(讲授)

1.Teacher leads students to read the passage and find the words describing the mountsains such as :the most dangerous、the highest... Students observe the features of these expressions and summarize what they have found .

T:Can you find the rule of these expressions?

Ss:....... The most active student can get extra points. 2.Teacher should use multimedia to show the basic structure of the superlative degree and explain the usage of it.

Justification: Ss are able to know the basic structure of the superlative degree. Summarizing the rules by themselves is very helpful for them to think independently .

Step 3 Practice(练习)

形式:句子填空,连词成句,看图说话,看图做简单对话,填表格,短文 填空。注意:循序渐进,有层次性。

1.Ss read the dialogue and fill in the blanks with correct words. One of the world’s ______(dangerous) sports is mounttain climbing. Qomolagma rises the _____(high). ...

2.Show some pictures and Ss shall use the new knowledge to describe these pictures.

Justification: Through progressive exercise,Ss can have a further understanding of the garmmar and are able to use the grammar in their own composition.

Step 4 Production(巩固),自由应用--升级练习,全面应用 (production)

情境法:What time do you usually get up? How do you get/go to school every day?

(1)给学生提供交通事故现场图,描述交通事故发生,训练过去进行时态和 被动语态。(2)设置服装店,让学生完成购物对话,训练价格询问。(3)两个同学一起上学,训练频率副词和常用交通工具的表达


(1)调查同学的爱好,训练一般现在时态的提问句和回答;(2)调查假日活动,训练一般过去时态疑问句和回答; (3)调查周末计划,训练一般将来时态的疑问和回答等


(1)祈使句教学; (2)现在进行时态表示正在做的事情用此法。


(1)让学生讨论假日旅游,运用 be going to;(2) 讨论未来生活 will; (3)讨论家乡变化,综合运用现在时,过去时,进行时等。


(1)根据描述画出某个学校的平面图,方位词,there be 句型;

(2) 巧手制成,剪纸,现在进行时,从句。


Divide students into groups and one student acts as a tour guide and the other group members are tourists.The tour guide will introduce the famous spots such as Qomolagma、the Great Wall and so on using the superlative degree.And the tourists can ask questions.Then teacher will choose several groups to present their results.The most creative group will get extra points.

Justifications:Task-based method is used to develop Ss’ comprehensive ability to use language.Ss can not only master what they have learnt,but also promote their interests to learn language.

Step 5: Summary (总结)

Ss should summarize language points, teacher makes supplements timely .

Justifications: Teacher can not only check Ss' learning results, but also adjust teaching methods in time for next class.

Step 6 Homework (作业)

Ss are encouraged to write a short essay to introduce a famous spot using the superlative degree.

Justification: Give open homework to guide Ss to use the knowledge they have learned.


今天的分享就到这里啦,如果你是学生家长或者是英文老师,加我balita90 ,我的朋友圈不定期分享有趣有料的教育观点,有更多的问题请留言给我。










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