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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 ride [sth]⇒ vtr (travel by: bicycle, motorbike)SCSimplified Chinese 骑 qí TCTraditional Chinese 騎   SCSimplified Chinese 骑乘  He rides his bike to school every day.  他每天骑车上学。 ride [sth] vtr (travel by: bus, train)SCSimplified Chinese 乘车 chéng chē   SCSimplified Chinese 坐车 chéng chē ,zuò chē  I ride the bus into work every day.  我每天坐公交车上班。 ride [sth] vtr (go on: a horse)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  The girls love to ride horses.  女孩子们喜欢骑马。 ride [sth] vtr (jockey) (赛马)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  The jockey was riding the favourite horse.  骑师骑着他最喜欢的马。 ride⇒ vi (go on horseback)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  She loves to ride and has her own horse.  她喜欢骑马,自己也养马。 ride n US, informal (transport: lift in a vehicle) (开车的一程)SCSimplified Chinese 一程,一段 yì chéng,yí duàn   SCSimplified Chinese 搭车,乘车 chéng chē  Thanks for the ride! I'd never have made it here on time without it.  谢谢你开车送我!要不是你,我肯定要迟到了。 ride n (fairground attraction) (游乐场)SCSimplified Chinese 乘坐装置,供乘坐的游乐设施 chéng zuò zhuāng zhì,gòng chéng zuò de yóu lè shè shī  The Ferris wheel is my favourite ride at the park.  我在公园里最喜欢坐的是摩天轮。 ride n informal (trip)SCSimplified Chinese (短途)旅程,(骑马、驾车)兜风 duǎn tú lǚ chéng,qí mǎ jià chē dōu fēng  It was an enjoyable ride through the mountains of West Virginia.  那是一次穿越西弗吉尼亚群山的愉快旅程。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 ride n US, slang (car, truck) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 车,车辆 chē ,chē liàng TCTraditional Chinese 車,車輛  Man, you have a nice ride! When did you get that car?  兄弟,你车很赞啊!啥时候搞的啊? ride n US, informal (person: providing lift in vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 开车的人   SCSimplified Chinese 送载的人  There's Emily; she's my ride, so I have to go. ride n (path for horse riding)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马道   SCSimplified Chinese 走马道 ride [sb] to do [sth] v expr US, informal, figurative (harass)SCSimplified Chinese 不停地数落   SCSimplified Chinese 唠叨 láo dao  She kept riding him to get him to follow the rules. ride, ride up vi (clothing: shift upwards) (衣服下摆)SCSimplified Chinese 往上缩(垮在臀部) wǎng shàng suō kuǎ zài tún bù  His pants tend to ride on his hips.  他的裤子要垮到屁股上了。 ride⇒ vi (travel by vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 乘车 chéng chē   SCSimplified Chinese 乘坐 chéng chē ,chéng zuò  We rode for 50 miles but then the car broke down.  我们开车走了50英里,然后车子就抛锚了。 ride vi (be supported or carried) (某装置)SCSimplified Chinese 架,骑,支撑在…上而动 jià,qí ,zhī chēng zài shàng ér dòng TCTraditional Chinese 架,騎  The conveyor belt rides on a series of rollers.  这个传送带是架在一系列的滚轮上的。 ride vi (lie at anchor) (船)SCSimplified Chinese 抛锚停泊 pāo máo tíng bó TCTraditional Chinese 拋錨停泊  There was a fishing boat riding in the bay.  有一艘渔船抛锚停泊在海湾。 ride vi (automobile: perform) (车辆)SCSimplified Chinese 适合骑乘 shì hé qí chéng TCTraditional Chinese 適合騎乘  This new car rides so smoothly!  这辆新车上路表现很好! ride on [sth] vi + prep (be carried)SCSimplified Chinese 骑在…上 qí zài shàng TCTraditional Chinese 騎在…上  His son likes to ride on his shoulders.  他儿子喜欢骑到他肩膀上。 ride [sb]⇒ vtr usually passive (fill, overwhelm: with an emotion) (常用于被动语态)SCSimplified Chinese 困扰, 压迫  He was ridden with anxiety about his exams. ride [sth]⇒ vtr (travel, traverse: distance) (指距离)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马走了   SCSimplified Chinese 乘车行经  We rode 30 km today on our bikes. ride [sb]⇒ vtr (carry)SCSimplified Chinese 驮着 duò zhe   SCSimplified Chinese 驾着  I ride my son on my shoulders. ride [sth]⇒ vtr (be carried on: water, wave)SCSimplified Chinese 使…漂浮于水上   SCSimplified Chinese 冲浪 chōng làng  The surfer rode the wave.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

动词短语英语中文 ride away vi phrasal (cycle off)SCSimplified Chinese 骑走 qí zǒu ride off vi phrasal (cycle away)SCSimplified Chinese 骑走 qí zǒu ride on [sth] vtr phrasal insep informal, figurative (be at stake in)SCSimplified Chinese 押在...上   SCSimplified Chinese 指望 zhǐ wàng TCTraditional Chinese 指望  There's a lot riding on the outcome of this contest - not least, my reputation! ride [sth] out, ride out [sth] vtr phrasal sep (endure)SCSimplified Chinese 安全渡过 TCTraditional Chinese 安全渡過   SCSimplified Chinese 经受住 jīng shòu zhù TCTraditional Chinese 忍受著  We rode out the bad weather in the cabin.  我们在木屋里安全地渡过了暴风雨。 ride up vi phrasal (clothing: move upwards) (指衣服)SCSimplified Chinese 滑上去, 缩上去, 往上缩  This short skirt rides up when I sit down.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 along for the ride expr figurative (not be active participant)SCSimplified Chinese 一路随行   SCSimplified Chinese 被动跟随  My wife is attending the conference in this hotel; I'm just along for the ride. amusement ride n (ride at fairground, theme park)SCSimplified Chinese (公共露天游乐场的)娱乐乘骑装置(设备) gōng gòng lù tiān yóu lè chǎng de yú lè chéng qí zhuāng zhì shè bèi  I think amusement rides are dangerous. be taken for a ride v expr informal, figurative (be swindled)SCSimplified Chinese 被骗了,被蒙骗了  I had donated thousands of pounds before I realised I was being taken for a ride. bike ride n informal (bicycle journey)SCSimplified Chinese 骑自行车 qí zì xíng chē TCTraditional Chinese 騎自行車   SCSimplified Chinese 骑单车  They put on their helmets and went off for a bike ride. boat ride n (trip or outing in a water craft)SCSimplified Chinese 乘船   SCSimplified Chinese 坐船  We went for a boat ride out to the island. bumpy ride n figurative, informal (experience: difficult)SCSimplified Chinese 困难时期 kùn nán shí qī TCTraditional Chinese 困難時期   SCSimplified Chinese 坎坷经历 car ride n (journey, outing in a car)SCSimplified Chinese 乘车兜风 chéng chē dōu fēng TCTraditional Chinese 乘車兜風   SCSimplified Chinese 驾车出行 chéng chē dōu fēng,jià chē chū xíng TCTraditional Chinese 駕車出行  When I was a child, my family went for a car ride every Sunday. free ride n slang (get without working for it) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 不劳而获,无本获利,坐享其成 bù láo ér huò,wú běn huò lì,zuò xiǎng qí chéng 备注: hyphen used when term is an adj before a noun There are no free rides here: if you don't work, you don't eat. give [sb] a ride, give a ride to [sb] (US), give [sb] a lift, give a lift to [sb] (UK) v expr informal (take in car)SCSimplified Chinese 送…   SCSimplified Chinese 让…搭车  I'll give you a ride to the airport. go for a ride v expr (take: car, bike trip)SCSimplified Chinese 骑车出游 qí chē chū yóu TCTraditional Chinese 騎車出遊  I'm bored; let's go for a ride by the coast. hitch a ride, hitch a lift v expr informal (hitchhike)SCSimplified Chinese 搭便车 dā biàn chē TCTraditional Chinese 搭便車   SCSimplified Chinese 搭顺风车 dā biàn chē ,dā shùn fēng chē TCTraditional Chinese 搭順風車  I might be able to hitch a ride to the airport. horse ride n (journey made on horseback)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  We went for a horse ride in the woods together for my birthday. horseback ride (US), horse ride (UK) n (ride on a horse)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马 qí mǎ TCTraditional Chinese 騎馬  We went for a horse ride in the woods together for my birthday. park-and-ride n (bus service from town outskirts)SCSimplified Chinese 停车换乘 park-and-ride adj (relating to bus service)SCSimplified Chinese 停车换乘的 pickaback ride n informal, dated (piggyback ride) (非正式过时用语)SCSimplified Chinese 背上骑 piggyback, piggyback ride n informal (ride on [sb]'s back)SCSimplified Chinese 骑在某人背上玩  The child got a piggyback ride from her older brother. ride a bike v expr informal (go cycling, use a pushbike) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 骑自行车 qí zì xíng chē TCTraditional Chinese 騎自行車  You never forget how to ride a bike.  你永远不会忘记怎么骑自行车。 ride back vi + adv (return via vehicle or horse)SCSimplified Chinese 骑马回去   SCSimplified Chinese 坐车回去 ride by [sth] vi + prep (pass on a vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 骑过 ride [sb/sth] down, ride down [sb/sth] vtr + adv (trample under hooves) (指被马)SCSimplified Chinese 踩踏,践踏 cǎi tà ,jiàn tà TCTraditional Chinese 踐踏 ride [sb] down, ride down [sb] vtr + adv (catch up with)SCSimplified Chinese 赶上 gǎn shàng TCTraditional Chinese 趕上   SCSimplified Chinese 追上 gǎn shàng ,zhuī shàng ride [sth] down, ride down [sth] vtr + adv (nautical: bear down on rope)SCSimplified Chinese 没有提供翻译 ride for a fall v expr informal, figurative (be heading for failure or disaster)SCSimplified Chinese 自讨苦吃   SCSimplified Chinese 自寻死路  Darryl's sister told him he was riding for a fall when he fell in love with his friend's mother. ride on [sth] vi + prep (be mounted on: horse, bicycle, etc.)SCSimplified Chinese 骑在…上 qí zài shàng TCTraditional Chinese 騎在…上  I will ride on the camel's back. ride [sb] out of town v expr US, figurative (force to leave)SCSimplified Chinese 赶出 gǎn chū   SCSimplified Chinese 赶走 gǎn chū,gǎn zǒu TCTraditional Chinese 趕走  The gangster rode his rivals out of town. ride out the storm v expr figurative (endure a crisis)SCSimplified Chinese 走出困境   SCSimplified Chinese 渡过难关 dù guò nán guān TCTraditional Chinese 渡過難關 ride over to [sth] v expr US (travel by car to a place)SCSimplified Chinese 驾车旅行 jià chē lǚ xíng TCTraditional Chinese 駕車旅行  After work, Joel rode over to his buddy's place to watch the game. ride piggyback v expr informal (ride on [sb]'s back)SCSimplified Chinese 骑在…肩上  When Cindy hurt her ankle, she rode piggyback on her husband to get to the car. ride shotgun v expr (ride in front seat)SCSimplified Chinese 坐副驾驶位置 ride shotgun v expr historical (protect a stagecoach) (历史用语)SCSimplified Chinese 保护驿马车 ride shotgun v expr (go with as protection)SCSimplified Chinese 陪同保护 ride shotgun v expr figurative (watch over [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 照看 zhào kàn   SCSimplified Chinese 守护 zhào kàn ,shǒu hù ride up [sth] vi + prep (clothing: move up on) (指衣物)SCSimplified Chinese 沿...往上滑,顺...往上缩  That jumper is far too small for you - it's riding up your back! ridesharing, ride-sharing, rideshare, ride-share n US (traveling together in one vehicle)SCSimplified Chinese 拼车,顺风车 pīn chē ,shùn fēng chē ridesharing, ride-sharing, rideshare, ride-share n as adj US (relating to ridesharing)SCSimplified Chinese 拼车的,顺风车的 roller coaster ride, roller-coaster ride n figurative (turbulent experience)SCSimplified Chinese 过山车之旅   SCSimplified Chinese 跌宕起伏的经历 sleigh ride n (trip on a sledge)SCSimplified Chinese 乘雪橇 chéng xuě qiāo take [sb] for a ride v expr figurative, informal (deceive, fool [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 欺骗某人 qī piàn mǒu rén TCTraditional Chinese 欺騙某人   SCSimplified Chinese 诈骗某人 qī piàn mǒu rén,zhà piàn mǒu rén  When he discovered his wallet was missing, he realized she'd taken him for a ride. take [sb] for a ride v expr (transport [sb] in a car)SCSimplified Chinese 用汽车载某人 yòng qì chē zài mǒu rén   SCSimplified Chinese 载某人一程 yòng qì chē zài mǒu rén,zài mǒu rén yì chéng  He took her for a ride along the coast at sunset. thumb a ride, also UK: thumb a lift v expr (hitchhike)SCSimplified Chinese 搭便车 dā biàn chē TCTraditional Chinese 搭便車   SCSimplified Chinese 搭顺风车 dā biàn chē ,dā shùn fēng chē TCTraditional Chinese 搭順風車  We had to thumb a lift to Glasgow as we had no money left for the bus.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: ride [raɪd] pt (pp rode)ridden[ˈrɪdn] I n [c] 1 (in car, on bicycle) 兜风(風) dōufēng [次 cì] 2 (on horse, bus, train) 出行 chūxíng [次 cì] 3 (=track, path) 供骑(騎)马(馬)用的小径(徑) gōng qímǎ yòng de xiǎojìng II vi (=travel) (on horse) 骑(騎)马(馬) qímǎ (on bicycle) 骑(騎)车(車) qíchē (in car) 乘坐 chéngzuò III vt 1 [+ horse, bicycle, motorcycle] 骑(騎) qí 2 [+ distance] 行进(進) xíngjìn a horse/car ride 骑(騎)马(馬)/乘车(車)出游(遊) qímǎ/chéngchē chūyóu to go for a ride 出游(遊) chūyóu to give sb a ride (US) 让(讓)某人搭车(車) ràng mǒurén dāchē to take sb for a ride (fig) 欺骗(騙)某人 qīpiàn mǒurén to be riding high声(聲)名显(顯)赫 shēngmíng xiǎnhè a rough ride (inf)艰(艱)难(難)的处(處)境 jiānnán de chǔjìng ride out vt ▶ to ride out the storm 安然度过(過) ānrán dùguò 在这些条目还发现'ride': 在英文解释里: amusement - amusement ride - aquaplane - attraction - bicycle - bike - bob - bobsled - bumper cars - bumpy - bus ticket - camelback - canter - carfare - charter flight - cycle - dodgem - gig - go for - go for a whirl - go horse riding - go horseback riding - hack - hayride - hitch - hitchhike - hobbyhorse - horseback ride - jet ski - jitney - jockey - joyride - lift - motorbike - motorcycle - outride - pickaback - piggyback - race - ride piggyback - ride shotgun - roller coaster - roughrider - shock absorber - skateboard - swing - take a spin - whirligig 中文: 乘 - 跨 - 骑 - 乘坐 - 作威作福 - 兜风 - 坐车 - 骑车 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Irregular verbs, PET Vocabulary List - R, 更多……同义词: drive, lift, spin, joyride, passage, 更多……习惯性搭配: ride (on) a [horse, elephant, camel], a [bike, motorbike, motorcycle, car] ride, ride to [work, your house, school], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'ride' 的论坛讨论:

before catching a ride to the moon Since I learned to ride a bicycle ...,but we will not ride in the caboose. - English Only forum ‘en [ride in ‘en] - English Only forum “bus’-up ride”? - English Only forum 100K ride - English Only forum 20 minutes bus ride - English Only forum 7 seats "of" the swing ride is empty - English Only forum a sick fly taking a dizzy ride - English Only forum a 13-hour train ride" vs. "a 13-hour train" vs. "13 hour's train - English Only forum a bike ride - English Only forum a bike ride - English Only forum a car ride away - English Only forum a day's ride - English Only forum A gripping ride - English Only forum a one-way ride to Hell. - English Only forum a piggy back ride straight to hell - English Only forum a ride home - English Only forum a ride home ? - English Only forum a ride off a load of freight - English Only forum a ride/a pick up - English Only forum a roller coaster ride on metro/rail - English Only forum a thrill ride at Disney World - English Only forum A ticket for a ride around the farm is $25. - English Only forum After lining up a ride on a port police cutter - English Only forum After three rides/goes, it will be our ride/go/turn - English Only forum All my friends ride to school on the bus. - English Only forum amounted a Eurostar train ride - English Only forum an exciting ride - English Only forum Anna, with who I ride the bus [comma] - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'ride'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "ride" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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