如何在 Windows 11/10 中关闭或禁用硬件加速

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如何在 Windows 11/10 中关闭或禁用硬件加速

2024-07-10 04:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

简单来说,硬件加速(Hardware Acceleration)一词意味着使用计算机的硬件执行特定任务和功能比使用软件更快。这也允许图形的平滑渲染。在大多数处理器中,指令是按顺序执行的,即一条一条地执行,但是如果您使用某种技术稍微修改相同的进程,您可以更快地执行它们。这个想法是将所有图形和文本渲染从中央处理单元(Central Processing Unit)移动到图形(Graphics) 处理单元(Processing Unit),从而获得更好的性能。

有时松散地称为图形加速器或浮点加速器,硬件加​​速器可以显着提高应用程序的性能。硬件加速器(Hardware Accelerator)一词现在已被更常见且描述性较差的术语(例如显卡和视频卡)松散地取代。

虽然这些设置在Windows中最好保留其默认值,但如果您愿意,您可以关闭或禁用硬件(Hardware) 图形(Graphics) 加速(Acceleration)或减少硬件加速——(Hardware Acceleration –)尤其是当您在软件中看到图形(Graphics)错误时。完全关闭硬件加速(Hardware Acceleration)将以软件渲染模式运行应用程序'。


更新:(UPDATE:) AMD和NVIDIA现在允许您在Windows 10 v2004 及更高版本中启用或禁用硬件加速。

缺少硬件加速的 GPU 调度

您需要打开或关闭硬件加速 GPU 调度。(Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling)(Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling)

在Windows 11/10中禁用硬件加速(Hardware Acceleration)

Windows 11/10中禁用硬件加速,请执行以下步骤:



Windows中的硬件加速(Hardware Acceleration)选项卡允许您指定 PC 上的图形硬件的性能。在Windows 11/10 中,右键单击桌面,选择Display settings。

显示设置(Display Settings)将打开。向下滚动(Scroll)一点,您将看到Advanced display settings。


单击显示适配器属性(Display adapter properties)链接。


如果您当前的显示驱动程序允许您更改设置,您将能够看到更改设置(Change settings)按钮。点击它。


现在,显示适配器疑难解答(Display Adapter Troubleshooter)将出现在您的计算机屏幕上。将指针移动到最左侧以禁用或减少硬件加速,然后单击确定。如果您的图形硬件有问题,这些设置可以帮助您解决与显示相关的问题。

That’s it!

要在Windows 8/7中禁用或减少硬件加速(Hardware Acceleration),首先,右键单击桌面(Desktop),然后从上下文菜单中选择个性化(Personalization)选项。




这将打开您的监视器(Monitor)和图形属性(Graphics Properties)框。然后,您可以通过其疑难解答(Troubleshoot)选项卡按照上面给出的说明的后半部分进行操作。

这是您在Windows 11/10/8/7中启用、禁用或更改硬件加速级别的方法。


如果您发现该选项显示为灰色,请检查您的硬件是否允许,并确保您已更新驱动程序。您还可以查看以下注册表项中是否存在DWORD DisableHWAcceleration并且其值为0。


如果不存在,则创建一个新的 DWORD DisableHWAcceleration。值1禁用硬件加速。值 0 启用硬件加速,前提是系统满足硬件加速要求。

您可以使用上述注册表(Registry)方法在Windows 10中禁用硬件加速。



如果您收到意外错误,新设置无法保存到注册表(Unexpected error, The new settings could not be saved to registry )消息框;那么您可以尝试以下方法:

访问制造商的网站以下载并安装最新的驱动程序(download and install the latest drivers)运行显示质量疑难解答运行硬件和设备疑难解答。 如何禁用硬件加速?

Windows 11/10中禁用硬件加速,您需要按照上述指南进行操作。换句话说,您需要打开“高级显示设置(Advanced display settings )”Windows 设置面板,转到“显示适配器(Display adapter )”部分并切换到“疑难解答”(Troubleshoot )选项卡。然后,单击更改设置(Change settings )按钮,并将栏移动到无(None )部分。

Does Windows 11/10有硬件加速吗?

是的,Windows 11 和Windows 10具有可以轻松启用或禁用的硬件加速。不论是声卡还是显卡,都可以使用向导开启或关闭Windows 11/10中的硬件加速,如前所述。



相关阅读:(Related reads:)

如何在 Microsoft Edge 中禁用硬件加速(disable Hardware Acceleration in Microsoft Edge)如何在 Firefox 和 Chrome 中禁用硬件加速(disable Hardware Acceleration in Firefox and Chrome)如何在 Internet Explorer 中启用或禁用硬件加速如何在 Office 中关闭硬件图形加速。

How to Turn off or Disable Hardware Acceleration in Windows 11/10

Іn simple terms, the tеrm Hardware Acceleration means using the computer’s hardware for performing a certain task and function faster than would be possible using the software. This also allows for smooth rendering of graphics. In most processors, instructions are executed sequentially, i.e., one by one, but you can perform them faster if you modify the same process a bit using some technique. The idea is to move all graphics and text rendering from the Central Processing Unit to the Graphics Processing Unit, thereby getting better performance.

Sometimes loosely called as graphics accelerators or floating-point accelerators, hardware accelerators can improve the performance of an application significantly. The term Hardware Accelerator has now been loosely replaced by more common and less descriptive terms such as graphics cards and video cards.

While the settings are best left at their default values in Windows, you can, if you wish to, turn off or disable Hardware Graphics Acceleration or reduce Hardware Acceleration – especially if you see Graphics error in your software. Turning off the Hardware Acceleration completely will run the application in software rendering mode’.

Before you proceed, you should know that not all computer systems support this. Most new computers using NVIDIA or AMD/ATI graphics cards will not have the ability to change the amount of acceleration. These options are available on older systems and those which use the onboard video.

UPDATE: AMD and NVIDIA now allow you to enable or disable hardware acceleration in Windows 10 v2004 and later.

Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling missing

You need to toggle Hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling On or Off.

Disable Hardware Acceleration in Windows 11/10

To disable hardware acceleration in Windows 11/10, follow these steps:

Right-click on the Desktop and select the Display settings option.Click the Advanced display settings option.Select the Display adapter.Switch to the Troubleshoot tab.Click the Change settings button.Click the bar and move it to the None.Click the OK button.

Let’s check out these steps in detail.

The Hardware Acceleration tab in Windows allows you to specify the performance of the graphics hardware present on your PC. In Windows 11/10 right-click on the desktop, select Display settings.

The Display Settings will open. Scroll down a bit, and you will see Advanced display settings.

Disable Hardware Acceleration

Click on Display adapter properties link.

disable hardware acceleration

If your current display driver allows you to change the settings, you will be able to see the Change settings button. Click on it.

disable hardware acceleration

Now, the Display Adapter Troubleshooter will appear on your computer screen. Move the pointer to the extreme left to disable or reduce the hardware acceleration and click on OK. If you are having problems with your graphics hardware, these settings can help you troubleshoot display-related problems.

That’s it!

To disable or reduce Hardware Acceleration in Windows 8/7, first, right-click on the Desktop and from the context menu, choose the Personalization option.

Then, select Display from the left panel of the window and click on ‘Change display settings’.

Next, click on ‘Advanced settings’.

turn off Hardware Acceleration

This will open your Monitor and Graphics Properties box. You can then follow the latter part of the instructions given above via its Troubleshoot tab.

This is how you can enable, disable, or change the level of hardware acceleration in Windows 11/10/8/7.

Disable hardware acceleration button greyed out

If you find that the option is grayed out, check if your hardware permits it and ensure that you have updated drivers. You may also see if DWORD DisableHWAcceleration exists in the following registry key and that it has a value of 0.


If it does not exist, create a new DWORD DisableHWAcceleration. A value of 1 disables hardware acceleration. A value of 0 enables hardware acceleration, provided the system meets hardware acceleration requirements.

You can use the above Registry method to disable hardware acceleration in Windows 10.

The new settings could not be saved to registry

The new settings could not be saved to registry

If you receive an Unexpected error, The new settings could not be saved to registry message box; then you may try the following:

Visit the manufacturer’s website to download and install the latest driversRun Display Quality TroubleshooterRun Hardware and Devices Troubleshooter. How do I disable hardware acceleration?

To disable hardware acceleration in Windows 11/10, you need to follow the guide mentioned above. In other words, you need to open the Advanced display settings Windows Settings panel, go to the Display adapter section and switch to the Troubleshoot tab. Then, click the Change settings button, and move the bar to the None section.

Does Windows 11/10 have hardware acceleration?

Yes, Windows 11 and Windows 10 have hardware acceleration that you can enable or disable easily. Whether it is about the sound or video card, you can turn on or off the hardware acceleration in Windows 11/10 using the guide, as mentioned above.

Should I disable hardware graphics acceleration?

It depends on the situation you are in. Hardware acceleration is supposed to help you get a better user experience. However, if you find any crash or lag issue while using a certain application on your computer, turning off the hardware acceleration might be handy for you.

Related reads:

How to disable Hardware Acceleration in Microsoft EdgeHow to disable Hardware Acceleration in Firefox and ChromeHow to enable or disable Hardware Acceleration in Internet ExplorerHow to turn off Hardware Graphics Acceleration in Office.




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