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Why do women still have to choose between careers and families?

From: The Guardian

2 Dec 2012

At the start of this year, David Cameron said: "The drive for more women in business is not simply about equal opportunity, it's about effectiveness." The evidence is that there is a positive link between women in leadership and business performance. Now, with targets of achieving at least 25% female representation on FTSE 100 boards by 2015, it's still a pressing issue.

今年年初,戴维·卡梅伦(David Cameron)说:“推动更多女性进入商界不仅仅是为了机会平等,更是为了效率。”有证据表明,女性在领导力和企业绩效之间存在正相关性。现在,富时100指数企业董事会的目标是到2015年女性代表至少占25%,这仍然是一个紧迫的问题。


威尔·史密斯被禁止出席奥斯卡活动十年文中提到,board作名词,表示“董事会;理事会;委员会”,英文解释为“the group of people who are responsible for controlling and organizing a company or organization”举个 :

Every decision has to be approved by the board (of directors). 每项决定都必须由董事会通过。

board作动词,表示“(使)上(船、火车或飞机)”,英文解释为“to get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft”举个 :

At the airport she boarded a plane to Hangzhou. 在机场她登上了去杭州的飞机。


pressing /ˈpres.ɪŋ/ 表示“紧迫的,迫切的”,英文解释为“urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately”如:a pressing need for housing 对住房的迫切需求,a pressing issue 紧迫的问题。

press有压力的意思,这里ing是其名词形式,pressing 觉得有压力的就是紧迫的,迫切的意思

Research we conducted last month with 2,000 mums across the country highlighted the obstacles women face when coming back to work after having a baby.


这里原来可以用这个介词进行这样的翻译,感觉如果是我,我肯定就直接是research on了这里采用with,,,表示的是研究采访的对象是人,感觉更强调研究性质中有一个对话的交互性在里面(我纯属胡说八道)


作动词,表示“使引起注意,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个 :

The report highlights the need for improved safety. 那份报告强调了加大安全力度的重要性。

作名词,表示“最精彩的部分”,英文解释为“the best or most exciting, entertaining, or interesting part of something”举个 :

Highlights of the match will be shown after the news. 比赛的精彩部分将在新闻之后播出。

There were two worrying statistics from the report. The first one revealed that on average, mums were earning £9,419 less per year than before their child was born. The second statistic highlighted that 70% of the mums surveyed said they are now in jobs that they feel over-qualified for and which before they fell pregnant would have felt "below them".




表示“揭露;泄露;透露”,英文解释为“to make known or show something that is surprising or that was previously secre”举个 :

He was jailed for revealing secrets to the Russians. 他因为向俄国人泄密而被监禁。

我们写英文论文的时候经常会用到这个词,但是在多数情况下都是用来表示“表明的意思”e.g. Statistics reveal that...


overqualified /ˌəʊ.vəˈkwɒl.ɪ.faɪd/ 表示“(对某一工作而言)资历过高的,大材小用的”,英文解释为“having more knowledge, skill, and/or experience than is needed (for a particular job)”举个 :

The problem with employing people who are overqualified for the job is that they often don't stay in it for long. 雇用资历过高的人的问题是,他们通常不会在该职位上做很久。


Recently, Nick Clegg announced that parental leave would become flexible for both parents. It's a clear message that more women need to feel they can be ambitious – and potentially have it all. This is a major step in the right direction to change mindsets, although it will take time for organisations to implement more flexible working and for it to become embedded into working life.

最近,尼克·克莱格(Nick Clegg)宣布,父母双方的育儿假将变得灵活。这是一个明确的信息,即需要更多的女性感到自己可以有雄心壮志 - 并且有可能兼顾一切。这是朝着改变心态的正确方向迈出的重要一步,尽管组织机构实施弹性工作制并将其融入工作生涯还需要时间。

parental leave

parental leave /pəˌren.təl ˈliːv/ 表示“亲子假,育儿假”,英文解释为“time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work to take care of his or her baby”


表示“思想倾向;思维方式;观念模式”,英文解释为“a person's way of thinking and their opinions”如:to have a different/the same mindset 有不同/相同的思维方式。


embedded /ɪmˈbed.ɪd/ 1)表示“嵌入(或插入、埋入)…之中的”,英文解释为“fixed into the surface of something”举个 :

The thorn was embedded in her thumb. 刺扎进了她的大拇指。

2)表示“(感情、态度等)深切的;根深蒂固的;强烈感受到的”,英文解释为“If an emotion, opinion, etc. is embedded in someone or something, it is a very strong or important part of him, her, or it.”举个 :

A sense of guilt was deeply embedded in my conscience. 一种负罪感在我内心打下了深深的烙印。

working life

表示“(一生的)工作时间,工作生涯”,英文解释为“the part of a person's life when they do a job or are at work”举个 :

His entire working life was spent with the same firm. 他一生都在为同一家公司工作。

也可以表示“(一台机器的)工作寿命;工作年限”,英文解释为“the complete amount of time for which a machine can be expected to operate”举个 :

The working life of most vehicles can be increased if they are serviced regularly. 如果定期保养,大部分车辆的工作寿命都能延长。

The reality is that we are all set to work for longer. For many, there can't only be one bread winner – both parents want and have to work – and they both deserve careers with progression.



breadwinner /ˈbredˌwɪn.ər/ 表示“养家糊口的人”,英文解释为“the member of a family who earns the money that the family needs”

As a society we have to accept that employees start families. We need to support them, especially if they have real potential to reach the top and we've invested in their training and development. We have witnessed first-hand the benefits of nurturing high performing staff regardless of whether they are a new mum.



表示“第一手地;直接地”,英文解释为“If you experience something firsthand, you experience it yourself.”举个 :

Most of the older reporters have experienced war firsthand. 大多数年长的记者都亲身经历过战争。


表示“促进;扶助;培养”,英文解释为“to help a plan or a person to develop and be successful”举个 :

As a record company executive, his job is to nurture young talent. 作为唱片公司主管,他的职责是培养有才华的年轻人。

It's important to remember that in every employee's working life there may be times when they need to work in a more flexible way - this could be anything from raising a child to compassionate leave. It isn't just new mothers that benefit from working differently.


compassionate leave

compassionate leave /kəmˌpæʃ.ən.ət ˈliːv/ 表示“(由于亲属去世或患病而特准的)事假,丧假”,英文解释为“a period of time that a company allows you not to come to work because a member of your family has died or is ill”


In further research we undertook, 65% of women between the ages of 18 and 44 years old said that they could achieve more in the workplace but struggle to find a job that fits around their needs. It is clear that mums still have the ambition for career development and growth but they need their options to be widened.


The advancements in digital technology have meant that working a full week flexibly to fit around family life is a reality. No longer are people bound to the office desk or standard office hours. With the cost of childcare being one of the highest in Europe, organisations have to be more understanding and adaptable if they want strong retention rates and to ensure career growth from within.



1)bound /baʊnd/ 作动词,表示“跳跃;跳动;跳跃着前进”,英文解释为“to move quickly with large jumping movements”


2)bound作形容词 表示“去…的;准备前往…的;开往…的”,英文解释为“If a vehicle or person is bound for a particular place, they are travelling toward it.”,通常用法:be bound for,举个 :The train was bound for Hangzhou. 这火车是开往杭州的。


本次列车终点站广兰路,到浦东国际机场方向的乘客请在广兰路换乘。The terminal station is Guanglan Road. You can transfer to the trainbound for Pudong International Airport at Guanglan Road.

3)be bound to表示“一定会;很可能会”,英文解释为“certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth”举个 :

There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced. 引进新系统后一定会发生变化。

4)表示“受束缚的,受约束的;(法律或道德上)有义务的”,英文解释为“having a moral or legal duty to do something”举个 :

The company is bound by a special agreement to involve the union in important decisions. 公司受一项特殊协定的约束,须请工会参与重大决策。

-bound后缀,还可以表示“受限于…的,不能离开…的”,英文解释为“(causing people to be) unable to leave a place because of an unwanted condition”举个 :

During his long illness he was completely housebound (= he could not leave the house). 久病期间,他只能一直呆在家里。


表示“保留;保持;维持”,英文解释为“the continued use, existence, or possession of something or someone”如:water/heat retention 水分保持/热量滞留。

In Norway the shared responsibilities of parental care after a baby is born sees dads actively taking three months paternity leave. 40% of women sit on directorate boards in Norway, and although this is enforced through quotas, there does seem to be a general acceptance that both parents can have careers that fit around young family life.


paternity leave

paternity leave /pəˈtɜː.nɪ.ti ˌliːv/ 表示“陪产假(法律上允许父亲离开工作的一段时间,以便他可以照顾他的、新生的婴儿)”,英文解释为“a period of time that a father is legally allowed to be away from his job so that he can spend time with his new baby”

maternity leave表示“产假”,英文解释为“a period of paid absence from work, in Britain currently six months, to which a woman is legally entitled during the months immediately before and after childbirth”。


熟词僻义,1)表示“参加考试”,英文解释为“to do an exam”举个 :

Candidates will sit the examinations in July. 考生将在七月参加考试。

电影《阿里的婚礼》(Ali's Wedding)中的台词提到:My father makes me sit the exam.

2)表示“成为(官方组织的)成员;(在…中)任职”,英文解释为“to be a member of an official group”举个 :

I'm going to besitting on the committee for one more year. 我将再任一年的委员会委员。


1)directorate /daɪˈrek.tər.ət/ 表示“董事会,理事会,指导委员会”,英文解释为“a group of directors”

2)表示“(负责特定事物的)专署,专门机构”,英文解释为“a department or organization that is responsible for one particular thing”如:the Norwegian fish and game directorate 挪威渔业与野生动物署。


quota /ˈkwəʊtə/ 表示“定额;限额;配额”,英文解释为“an official limit on the number or amount of something that is allowed in a particular period”举个 :

The government has decided to scrap quotas on car imports. 政府决定取消汽车进口配额。

We need to ensure women feel confident that they can do both – be mums and career women. Women bring other skillsets to the table, such as fantastic time management and multitasking skills from having not one job, but two.



skillset = skill set /ˈskɪl ˌset/ 表示“综合技能,技能组合”,英文解释为“the range of things that someone is good at, especially things that are useful in a particular job

bring sth to the table

Bring something to the table是一个英语习语,意思是为会议、讨论或合作等活动贡献有价值的意见、想法、技能、资源或经验。它通常用于描述参与者需要做出实际贡献,而不是只是被动地倾听别人的意见。这个习语也可以用于描述一项工作或任务需要具备某些必要的技能或特点才能成功完成。

Mentoring programmes, flexible working, better communication and adaptable approaches to new ways of working have to be supported and implemented from the top. They help reduce barriers to create a more level playing field for women in the workplace.


flexible working

flexible working /ˌflek.sɪ.bəl ˈwɜː.kɪŋ/ 表示“弹性工作时间(雇主允许员工选择工作时间,其余时间任其自由支配,如照顾孩子等)”,英文解释为“a situation in which an employer allows people to choose the times that they work so that they can do other things, for example spend time with their children”举个 :

Employers can help women by offering childcare and flexible working. 雇主可以通过提供儿童托管和弹性工作时间来帮助女性。


梅西现在能算最伟大的球王了吗文中提到,level熟词僻义,作形容词,表示“得分相同”,英文解释为“having the same score as sb”举个 :

France took an early lead but Wales soon drew level (= scored the same number of points) . 法国队开始领先,但很快就被威尔士队把比分扳平。

类似的也可以表示“相等的;等量的;高度相等的,等高的”,英文解释为“having the same value, amount, number of points, etc.”

- 今日盘点 -

board、pressing、highlight、reveal、overqualified、parental leave、mindset、embedded、working life、breadwinner、firsthand、nurture、compassionate leave、bound、retention、paternity leave、sit、directorate、quota、skillset、bring sth to the table、flexible working、level

- Generated By ChatGPT -

As a highly qualified professional, John was overqualified for his current job. The pressing need to provide for his family as the breadwinner made him feel embedded in his working life. He struggled with his mindset, feeling bound by limited options. But then, his boss highlighted his skillset and how he could bring something valuable to the table. It was revealed that the company had a new policy for parental leave, paternity leave, and compassionate leave. John sat at his desk, feeling grateful for this level of support from the directorate. With flexible working, he could nurture his family while retaining his job. This gave him firsthand experience of how compassionate policies can increase retention rates.

之前我发现我一直没有注意公众号文章的这两个部分,也就是总结和Generated by ChatGPT的部分,我今天惊奇的发现这个由ChatGPT生成的部分很像是我们小学进行语文学习的时候,学了一个新鲜的词儿的时候,老师会让你用它来进行造句,这不就是一个大型用英语单词造句的实例嘛,不错不错~




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