for the reason that是什么意思

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for the reason that是什么意思

#for the reason that是什么意思| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Riding is my favorite for the reason that it doesn't lead to aerial pollution.




Love pleases more than marriages, for the reason that romances are more enjoyable than history.

恋爱比婚姻更令人愉快, 就像浪漫故事比历史更令人愉悦.



We decided against installing new heating apparatus, for the reason that it would be too costly.

我们决定不安装新的暖气设备, 因为代价太高.


相关短语 the big lie 弥天大谎, 不断重复谎言以骗取人们相信的宣传伎俩; the big stick (非正式)大棒政策,武力威胁; the Big Three三巨头 the Big Four 英超四大豪门; give someone the big E (英,非正式)(尤指无情或轻蔑地)拒绝某人; as for 至于, 关于;说起; at the worst在最坏的情况下, 在最不利的情况下, 考虑到最不利的方面;大不了; at the word of command一声令下;一听到命令声 at the wheel掌舵,控制,指挥; at the weekend在周末; at the very startadv.一开始;劈头 at the very least[用于加强语气]一点,丝毫; at the very beginning of在一开始 at the turn of在轮到的时候 at the top of在…顶上;在顶部;在...最高地位 at the top在顶端 at the time ofadv.在…的时候; at the time在那时, 在那段时间;当时;旋; at the thought of一想到…(就); at the suggestion of在…的建议下; 今日热词 热门搜索 安乐窝 好运气 光棍节 乱弹琴 oxymorons washings nulliparae nutters washes hypothesized pyres moos psychological lymph nodes pear smart 陷阱 大数据 putrefies sort forgotten juttying Kuwaitis longs 精彩推荐 for the reason that相关阅读 2017年阿斯塔纳世博会也是一个解决问题的平台 for the reason that相关阅读 520网络情人节来了,来学习下公主抱的英语说法吧! for the reason that相关阅读 5月1日起在动车上吸烟将被禁乘火车180天 for the reason that相关阅读 2022年世界互联网大会乌镇峰会 2022 World Internet Conference (WIC) Wuzhen Summit for the reason that相关阅读 5·20爱的表白日:怎么用中文表白? for the reason that相关阅读 9岁女孩写“最悲伤”作文:如果我能活着长大 for the reason that相关阅读 2030年我国人均预期寿命将达到79岁 for the reason that相关阅读 2022年剑桥商务英语(BEC)考试时间 for the reason that相关阅读 2016欧洲杯:黑马克罗地亚2-1战胜卫冕冠军西班牙 for the reason that相关阅读 2020“美国小姐”花落24岁女博士 选美现场表演做实验 for the reason that相关阅读 86版《西游记》导演杨洁去世 谢谢给我们一个有趣的童年 for the reason that相关阅读 48个国际音标发音下载 for the reason that相关阅读 2022年全国两会看点前瞻 for the reason that相关阅读 10个冷艳技能打造神探夏洛克 for the reason that相关阅读 90后成“白帽黑客”主力 for the reason that相关阅读 2017考研拉开大幕:报名人数创历史新高 for the reason that相关阅读 2018拜年邮票发行 for the reason that相关阅读 5个技巧,练就地道英语发音 for the reason that相关阅读 2018上海国际半程马拉松赛即日开启预报名,你准备好了么? for the reason that相关阅读 13亿人民迎来新的一年—兔年 for the reason that相关阅读 2019年!月球上或将拥有4G手机网络 for the reason that相关阅读 2014世界杯开幕式英文报道 for the reason that相关阅读 2016年为国际豆类年 for the reason that相关阅读 1995年以来,澳大利亚大堡礁珊瑚减少逾50% 用户纠错 请选择错误类型(可多选): 其他错误(选填): 提交成功 小编会尽快处理






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