in addition / in addition to 用法與中文意思!用英文表達「此外、另外」! – 全民學英文

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in addition / in addition to 用法與中文意思!用英文表達「此外、另外」! – 全民學英文

#in addition / in addition to 用法與中文意思!用英文表達「此外、另外」! – 全民學英文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

in addition / in addition to 用法與中文意思in addition / in addition to 用法與中文意思

in addition 中文意思是指「此外、除了」的意思,addition 本身是「加、加法」的意思,但是當 addition 前面加上了 in,變成 in addition 這個英文片語的時候,意思就稍微不同了。

下面列舉出 in addition/in addition to的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,趕快學起來吧! addition 此外、另外、除了 [英文片語]

in addition 是個很常用的英文片語,中文意思是指「此外、除了」的意思。In addition 詞性為副詞,用法接近於 additionally、besides。

in addition相關英文例句:

例:He is a professor. In addition, he is a youtuber.他是個教授,此外,他還是個youtuber。 addition to 此外、除了

另外一提,in addition to 也是很常見的用法,in addition to 中文意思是「除了…,還有…」的意思。in addition to 很常放在句首。in addition to 的英文用法跟as well as 是差不多的。

As well as 的完整用法,可以參考下面文章。

as well as到底怎麼用?跟著範例輕鬆學會”as well as”!

in addition to 的常見句子結構為:in addition to + 名詞, 補充的資訊

例:In addition to English, she is also learning Spanish.除了英文,她也在學西班牙文。

例:In addition to English, he has to study Japanese.除了英文外,他還得學日語。

例:In addition to the day job, she was also a mom and a yoga teacher and active in her local community.除了日常工作外,她還是媽媽和瑜伽老師,並活躍於當地社區。

上面就是 in addition / in addition to 的用法教學啦,趕快學起來吧!

總結 addition to 常放句首,用法跟 As well as 差不多。 addition 意思則是「此外、除此之外」,常接於某句後面,接 in addition之後,後面再接補充的資訊。


更多英文片語 想要說出更多資訊?你必學的6個連接詞彙 不要只會用and!三分鐘學會作文轉乘詞

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