Linux C 读取文件夹下所有文件(包括子文件夹)的文件名

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Linux C 读取文件夹下所有文件(包括子文件夹)的文件名

2023-03-01 12:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Linux C  下面读取文件夹要用到结构体struct dirent,在头#include 中,如下:

复制代码 #include struct dirent { long d_ino; /* inode number 索引节点号 */ off_t d_off; /* offset to this dirent 在目录文件中的偏移 */ unsigned short d_reclen; /* length of this d_name 文件名长 */ unsigned char d_type; /* the type of d_name 文件类型 */ char d_name [NAME_MAX+1]; /* file name (null-terminated) 文件名,最长255字符 */ } 复制代码




复制代码 1 #include 2 #include 3 #include 4 #include 5 #include 6 int readFileList(char *basePath) 7 { 8 DIR *dir; 9 struct dirent *ptr; 10 char base[1000]; 11 12 if ((dir=opendir(basePath)) == NULL) 13 { 14 perror("Open dir error..."); 15 exit(1); 16 } 17 18 while ((ptr=readdir(dir)) != NULL) 19 { 20 if(strcmp(ptr->d_name,".")==0 || strcmp(ptr->d_name,"..")==0) ///current dir OR parrent dir 21 continue; 22 else if(ptr->d_type == 8) ///file 23 printf("d_name:%s/%s\n",basePath,ptr->d_name); 24 else if(ptr->d_type == 10) ///link file 25 printf("d_name:%s/%s\n",basePath,ptr->d_name); 26 else if(ptr->d_type == 4) ///dir 27 { 28 memset(base,'\0',sizeof(base)); 29 strcpy(base,basePath); 30 strcat(base,"/"); 31 strcat(base,ptr->d_name); 32 readFileList(base); 33 } 34 } 35 closedir(dir); 36 return 1; 37 } 38 39 int main(void) 40 { 41 DIR *dir; 42 char basePath[1000]; 43 44 ///get the current absoulte path 45 memset(basePath,'\0',sizeof(basePath)); 46 getcwd(basePath, 999); 47 printf("the current dir is : %s\n",basePath); 48 49 ///get the file list 50 memset(basePath,'\0',sizeof(basePath)); 51 strcpy(basePath,"./XL"); 52 readFileList(basePath); 53 return 0; 54 } 复制代码

执行输出 :




linux C 遍历目录及其子目录


1 #include 2 #include 3 #include 4 #include 5 #include 6 #include 7 #include 8 using namespace std; 9 void listDir(char *path) 10 { 11 DIR *pDir ; 12 struct dirent *ent ; 13 int i=0 ; 14 char childpath[512]; 15 16 pDir=opendir(path); 17 memset(childpath,0,sizeof(childpath)); 18 19 20 while((ent=readdir(pDir))!=NULL) 21 { 22 23 if(ent->d_type & DT_DIR) 24 { 25 26 if(strcmp(ent->d_name,".")==0 || strcmp(ent->d_name,"..")==0) 27 continue; 28 29 sprintf(childpath,"%s/%s",path,ent->d_name); 30 printf("path:%s/n",childpath); 31 32 listDir(childpath); 33 34 } 35 else 36 { 37 coutd_name, ".", 1) == 0) 23 continue; 24 strcpy(filename[len++], file->d_name); //保存遍历到的文件名 25 //判断该文件是否是目录,及是否已搜索了三层,这里我定义只搜索了三层目录,太深就不搜了,省得搜出太多文件 26 if(stat(file->d_name, &sb) >= 0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode) && depth d_name, depth + 1); 29 } 30 } 31 closedir(d); 32 return 0; 33 } 34 int main() 35 { 36 int depth = 1; 37 int i; 38 trave_dir("/usr/keygoe/ini/", depth); 39 for(i = 0; i < len; i++) 40 { 41 printf("%s\t", filename[i]); 42 } 43 printf("\n"); 44 return 0; 45 }

Linux下C语言遍历文件夹学习了LINUX下用C语言遍历文件夹,一些心得struct dirent中的几个成员:d_type:4表示为目录,8表示为文件d_reclen:16表示子目录或文件,24表示非子目录经过本人亲自试验发现:d_reclen:16表示子目录或以.开头的隐藏文件,24表示普通文本文件,28为二进制文件,等等d_name:目录或文件的名称具体代码如下,仅供参考

1 #include 2 #include 3 #include 4 void List(char *path) 5 { 6 struct dirent* ent = NULL; 7 DIR *pDir; 8 pDir=opendir(path); 9 while (NULL != (ent=readdir(pDir))) 10 { 11 if (ent->d_reclen==24) 12 { 13 if (ent->d_type==8) 14 { 15 printf("普通文件:%s\n", ent->d_name); 16 } 17 else 18 { 19 printf("子目录:%s\n",ent->d_name); 20 List(ent->d_name); 21 printf("返回%s\n",ent->d_name); 22 } 23 } 24 } 25 } 26 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 27 { 28 List(argv[1]); 29 return 0; 30 }


1 void List(char *path) 2 { 3 printf("路径为[%s]\n", path); 4 5 struct dirent* ent = NULL; 6 DIR *pDir; 7 pDir=opendir(path); 8 //d_reclen:16表示子目录或以.开头的隐藏文件,24表示普通文本文件,28为二进制文件,还有其他…… 9 while (NULL != (ent=readdir(pDir))) 10 { 11 printf("reclen=%d type=%d\t", ent->d_reclen, ent->d_type); 12 if (ent->d_reclen==24) 13 { 14 //d_type:4表示为目录,8表示为文件 15 if (ent->d_type==8) 16 { 17 printf("普通文件[%s]\n", ent->d_name); 18 } 19 } 20 else if(ent->d_reclen==16) 21 { 22 printf("[.]开头的子目录或隐藏文件[%s]\n",ent->d_name); 23 } 24 else 25 { 26 printf("其他文件[%s]\n", ent->d_name); 27 } 28 } 29 } 1 #include 2 #include 3 #include 4 #include 5 6 void dir_scan(char *path, char *file); 7 int count = 0; 8 9 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 10 { 11 struct stat s; 12 13 if(argc != 2){ 14 printf("one direction requried\n"); 15 exit(1); 16 } 17 if(lstat(argv[1], &s) < 0){ 18 printf("lstat error\n"); 19 exit(2); 20 } 21 //判断一个路径是否是目录 22 if(!S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)){ 23 printf("%s is not a direction name\n", argv[1]); 24 exit(3); 25 } 26 27 dir_scan("", argv[1]); 28 29 printf("total: %d files\n", count); 30 31 exit(0); 32 } 33 34 void dir_scan(char *path, char *file) 35 { 36 struct stat s; 37 DIR *dir; 38 struct dirent *dt; 39 char dirname[50]; 40 41 memset(dirname, 0, 50*sizeof(char)); 42 strcpy(dirname, path); 43 44 if(lstat(file, &s) < 0){ 45 printf("lstat error\n"); 46 } 47 48 if(S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)){ 49 strcpy(dirname+strlen(dirname), file); 50 strcpy(dirname+strlen(dirname), "/"); 51 if((dir = opendir(file)) == NULL){ 52 printf("opendir %s/%s error\n"); 53 exit(4); 54 } 55 if(chdir(file) < 0) { 56 printf("chdir error\n"); 57 exit(5); 58 } 59 while((dt = readdir(dir)) != NULL){ 60 if(dt->d_name[0] == '.'){ 61 continue; 62 } 63 64 dir_scan(dirname, dt->d_name); 65 } 66 if(chdir("..") < 0){ 67 printf("chdir error\n"); 68 exit(6); 69 } 70 }else{ 71 printf("%s%s\n", dirname, file); 72 count++; 73 } 74 }

linux c 下如何获得目录下的文件数目。

1 int main(int argc, char **argv) 2 { 3 DIR * pdir; 4 struct dirent * pdirent; 5 struct stat f_ftime; 6 int fcnt;/*文件数目统计*/ 7 pdir=opendir("./"); 8 if(pdir==NULL) 9 { return(-1); } 10 fcnt=0; 11 for(pdirent=readdir(pdir);pdirent!=NULL;pdirent=readdir(pdir)) 12 { 13 if(strcmp(pdirent->d_name,".")==0||strcmp(pdirent->d_name,"..")==0) continue; 14 if(stat(pdirent->d_name,&f_ftime)!=0) return -1 ; 15 if(S_ISDIR(f_ftime.st_mode)) continue; /*子目录跳过*/ 16 fcnt++; 17 printf("文件:%s\n",pdirent->d_name); 18 } 19 printf("文件总数%d\n",fcnt); 20 closedir(pdir); 21 return 0; 22 } 23 #include 24 #include 25 #include 26 #include 27 #include 28 29 void printdir(char *dir, int depth) 30 { 31 DIR *dp; 32 struct dirent *entry; 33 struct stat statbuf; 34 35 if((dp = opendir(dir)) == NULL) { 36 fprintf(stderr, "cannot open directory: %s\n ", dir); 37 return; 38 } 39 chdir(dir); 40 while((entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { 41 lstat(entry-> d_name,&statbuf); 42 if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) { 43 /**//* Found a directory, but ignore . and .. */ 44 if(strcmp( ". ",entry-> d_name) == 0 || 45 strcmp( ".. ",entry-> d_name) == 0) 46 continue; 47 printf( "%*s%s/\n ",depth, " ",entry-> d_name); 48 /**//* Recurse at a new indent level */ 49 printdir(entry-> d_name,depth+4); 50 } 51 else printf( "%*s%s\n ",depth, " ",entry-> d_name); 52 } 53 chdir( ".. "); 54 closedir(dp); 55 } 56 57 /**//* Now we move onto the main function. */ 58 59 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) 60 { 61 char *topdir, pwd[2]= ". "; 62 if (argc != 2) 63 topdir=pwd; 64 else 65 topdir=argv[1]; 66 67 printf( "Directory scan of %s\n ",topdir); 68 printdir(topdir,0); 69 printf( "done.\n "); 70 71 exit(0); 72 }


关于readdir返回值中struct dirent.d_type的取值问题:

unsigned char d_type

    This is the type of the file, possibly unknown. The following constants are defined for its value:

    DT_UNKNOWN        The type is unknown. Only some filesystems have full support to return the type of the file, others might always return this value.


    DT_REG        A regular file.


    DT_DIR        A directory.


    DT_FIFO        A named pipe, or FIFO. See FIFO Special Files.


    DT_SOCK        A local-domain socket.


    DT_CHR        A character device.


    DT_BLK        A block device.


    DT_LNK        A symbolic link. 


具体数值 enum { DT_UNKNOWN = 0, # define DT_UNKNOWN DT_UNKNOWN DT_FIFO = 1, # define DT_FIFO DT_FIFO DT_CHR = 2, # define DT_CHR DT_CHR DT_DIR = 4, # define DT_DIR DT_DIR DT_BLK = 6, # define DT_BLK DT_BLK DT_REG = 8, # define DT_REG DT_REG DT_LNK = 10, # define DT_LNK DT_LNK DT_SOCK = 12, # define DT_SOCK DT_SOCK DT_WHT = 14 # define DT_WHT DT_WHT };






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