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#rarely造句| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Influenza is basically an extreme upper respiratory infection, and, by itself, is rarely fatal.流感基本上是极端的上呼吸道的感染,它本身很少是致命的。

2、This kind of performance is rarely acceptable in the real world of data warehousing.在实际的数据仓库中,这样的性能是难以接受的。

3、And yet we rarely choose action over inaction.还有,我们很少选择面对事情无所作为。

4、Rarely did he fail to keep his promise.他真的很难得失信。

5、He very rarely puts his threat into practice-usually it's just saber -rattling.他的恐吓威胁是很少见诸行动的,通常只是张牙舞爪,装模作样罢了!

6、I rarely see one that really impresses me.好莱坞的电影几乎都一样。我很少看到真让我印象深刻的。

7、Yet Tanka people rarely voiced regret for the passing of their old ways.然而,疍家人很少对放弃过去的生活表示遗憾。

8、Mr Abhisit travels in a bulletproof Mercedes that rarely leaves the capital.阿披实先生坐在防弹奔驰车里四处奔波,但他很少离开首都。

9、He's a player who rarely seems to get the credit he deserves.他这个选手好像很少得到应得的赞扬。

10、Rarely can Miyazawa’s fellow northerners have faced such a test of true grit.宫泽的东北同乡们很少能遇到这样的对真实毅力的考验。

11、Histidine a basic amino acid formed only rarely in proteins.是蛋白质中少有的一种碱性氨基酸。

12、Deflation was not only unthinkable but rarely mentioned in the press.通货紧缩在那时是不可想象的,连媒体也很少提及这一点。

13、One person may spend hours on the phone, while another rarely makes calls.一个人可能花几个小时打电话,而另一个人很少打电话。

14、The history of the post office is rarely of interest to anyone but the uniquely eager philatelist.一提到邮局的历史,除了那些特别痴迷的集邮家外,恐怕很难再有谁会感兴趣。

15、Taproot long-conic, rarely fusiform.直根长圆锥形,很少纺锤形。

16、Rarely do the Amish marry outside their sect.amish人很少和他们宗派以外的人通婚。

17、However, dating under the spotlight rarely leads to long-lasting love.但这种聚光灯下的约会难以产生持久的爱情。

18、Father and daughter have rarely discussed it since.从那以后,父女二人几乎没有谈论过此事。

19、Well, matters of the heart rarely adhere to hard-boiled logic.这么说吧,感情这方面的东西很少能够遵循无情的逻辑。

20、He rarely mingles with persons of his own rank in society.他几乎不与和他身份相同的人交往。

21、The fact that children from poor families rarely have the antifeedant and choosy food.事实也说明,贫困家庭的孩子很少有拒食和挑食的。

22、Rarely has he been so helpful.他很少像现在这样肯帮忙的。

23、The two rarely speak on the phone, but they do send each other long emails.她们两个几乎不通电话,但她们的确互相发送长长的电子邮件。

24、Venus rarely goes out of phase, but fortunately, this will only be retrograde for six weeks.金星很少异相,不过幸运的是,这次逆行只有六周。

25、Even worse, these conditions are likely to occur only rarely and sporadically更糟的是,这些情况可能很少发生且具有偶然性(使得问题很难被监测和重现)。

26、GUI testing is rarely enough.仅进行GUI测试是不够的。

27、Of course, XML is rarely intended primarily as a format for humans to look at directly.当然,XML的主要目的并不是作为供人类直接查看的一种格式。

28、Truth is, a pet should die rarely in MC, if you pay attention.事实是,如果你控制好宠物的话,在MC宠物基本上不会死。

29、The truly poor rarely cause massive instability.真正的穷人很少造成不稳定。

30、More rarely duck, goose, gammon, Turkey or game are eaten.更很少鸭,鹅,金门,火鸡或游戏也吃。

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