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2023-07-07 20:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、But behind the scenes Mr. Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.但在幕后,凯恩先生将会不声不响地工作,努力把交易做成。

2、Talk quietly in the reading room in order not to disturb others.在阅览室里, 不要大声说话, 以免妨碍别人。

3、Some people pray for the soul of one of the brothers, others quietly grieved.一些人为其中一个兄弟的灵魂祈祷,另一些人则默默地哀悼。

4、But China is quietly starting to win plaudits for its efforts to protect intellectual property.但中国为保护知识产权所做的努力正在悄然赢得赞赏。

5、Benedick was quietly seated reading in an arbour.培尼狄克静静地坐在凉亭里看书。

6、"We wouldn't get in the way," Suzanne promised. "We'd just stand quietly in a corner."“我们不会妨碍你的,”苏珊保证说,“我们就在角落里安安静静地站着。”

7、Working quietly behind the scenes, America’s wild bees help with pollination chores.尽管在后台默默地工作着,美国的野蜂却在帮助做授粉的烦琐工作。

8、"We shall creep out quietly into the butler's pantry—" cried the Mole.“我们要悄悄爬出来,溜到备膳室去——”鼹鼠莫尔叫道。

9、The Japanese quietly and uncomplainingly take the stairs to their offices.日本人安静地,毫无怨言得爬楼梯到办公室。

10、So she went quietly to the kitchen and salted the soup.于是,她轻轻的来到厨房,给汤加了一些盐。

11、Floret few people in the room quietly waiting for news.小花几个人在房间里静静等候消息。

12、It sat quietly on the shelf right next to my old reliable.它就静静地躺在架子上,正好紧挨着我信赖的那个老牌子。

13、The Salinger ranks areholding tight, albeit as quietly as their famous client.塞林格的朋友保持守口如瓶,就像他们著名的委托人一样低调。

14、We sat quietly in each other's arms, and I finally felt at peace and was content.我们相互拥抱着静静地坐着,我终于感觉到平静和满足。

15、If I stay out late, I close the front door quietly on my return.如果我很晚回家,我就静悄悄的把前门关上。

16、Sat quietly through the duration of the speech.在演讲期间安静地坐着

17、Just then, he noticed that the lawyer was quietly banging his head against the wall.就在这时候,总裁注意到老太太的律师静静地转过身,背朝着他把头靠在墙上。

18、That Mr Nozoe was quietly asked to step down without any proof of wrongdoing is also typical.而没有任何野副州旦犯错的证据就可以将其辞退也是日本公司的典型行为。

19、At dusk, I like sitting on men's weeping willow quietly watching the sunset.黄昏,我喜欢坐在塘边的垂柳上静静地看着夕阳。

20、The old cat quietly packed up in his sleep那只老猫在睡梦中静静地死去。

21、Play quietly like Eddie.像艾迪那样安安静静地玩。

22、To speak quietly and privately, as by way of gossip, slander, or intrigue.私语暗中秘密地及私下里说,如通过说闲话、诽谤或搞阴谋的方式

23、The lawyer paused and unfolded his arms, laying one clenched fist quietly on the table.律师闭上口,摊开双臂,把一只捏紧的拳头轻轻搁在桌子上。

24、The implicit contract: quietly subsidize her holiday.含蓄合同:悄悄地补贴她的假期花费。

25、An 'Institute of Civil Society' has quietly opened at the local Sun Yat-sen University.一所‘公民社会学院’在当地的中山大学静静的成立了。

26、Meanwhile, my friends and family were quietly stockpiling babies.同时,我的朋友和家庭成员已经悄声无息地在囤积婴儿了。

27、Hawthorn a person sitting quietly while listening to the voices of lotus floor.一个人静静的坐在荷塘边,听荷花落地的声音。

28、Mindfulness meditation means sitting quietly with attention to the present moment.正念修行意味着安静的坐着,全神贯注于当下。

29、If you want to hum the piece quietly to yourself, that's fine.如果你想自己跟着曲子小声哼哼,那很好。

30、After receiving absolution and the last unction, he quietly died.领过圣餐、行过涂敷圣油仪式后,他平静地死去了。

quietly翻译ad. 安静地, 沉着地, 秘密地 详情




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