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2024-07-09 12:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

文章目录 gzip包keras读取mnist数据集本地读取mnist数据集下载数据集解压读取方法一方法二 gzip包读取 读取bytes数据 注:import导入的包如果未安装使用pip安装


如果仅仅是读取.gz文件使用gzip包即可。 例子:当前目录有一个input.gz文件,用以下代码来读取:

import gzip with gzip.open('input.gz') as file: all_content = file.read()


keras读取mnist数据集 from tensorflow import keras (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() 本地读取mnist数据集 下载数据集 数据集下载地址数据集界面: 解压读取 方法一 from mnist import MNIST mndata = MNIST('samples') images, labels = mndata.load_training() # or images, labels = mndata.load_testing() index = random.randrange(0, len(images)) # choose an index ;-) print(mndata.display(images[index])) 方法二


from mlxtend.data import loadlocal_mnist import platform if not platform.system() == 'Windows': X, y = loadlocal_mnist( images_path='train-images.idx3-ubyte', labels_path='train-labels.idx1-ubyte') else: X, y = loadlocal_mnist( images_path='train-images.idx3-ubyte', labels_path='train-labels.idx1-ubyte') print('Dimensions: %s x %s' % (X.shape[0], X.shape[1])) print('\n1st row', X[0]) gzip包读取 import gzip import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt with gzip.open('train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz') as all_img: all_img = all_img.read() # print(all_img[:4]) # print((len(all_img)-16)/784) img1 = all_img[16:16+784] img = [] for i in range(28): for j in range(28): img.append(img1[28*i+j]) #print(img) img = np.array(img).reshape(28, 28) print(img.shape) plt.imshow(img) plt.show() 读取bytes数据

参考stackoverflowConvert bytes to a string

>>> b"abcde" b'abcde' # utf-8 is used here because it is a very common encoding, but you # need to use the encoding your data is actually in. >>> b"abcde".decode("utf-8") 'abcde'




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