
您所在的位置:网站首页 python的网站评论信息抓取论文 爬取京东商品评论信息


2023-05-09 11:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



















 2.Htmls 页面解析





     查找方法:find    遍历方法:for循环



1 def jd_crawl_comment(item_id,pagenum): 2 3 list_ =[] 4 start_page = 1 5 end_page = pagenum 6 for p in range(start_page, end_page + 1): 7 print(p) 8 #productid = 3048505 9 url = 'https://club.jd.com/comment/productPageComments.action?callback=fetchJSON_comment98vv995&productId='+str(item_id)+'&score=0&sortType=5&page={}&pageSize=10&isShadowSku=0&fold=1' 10 url = url.format(p) 11 print(url) 12 #仿造请求头,骗过浏览器 13 headers = { 14 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36', 15 'Referer': 'https://item.jd.com/1981570.html' 16 } 17 #发起请求 18 #request = urllib.request.Request(url=url, headers=headers) 19 #得到响应 20 content = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') 21 #去掉多余得到json格式 22 content = content.strip('fetchJSON_comment98vv995();') 23 print(content)




1 def jd_crawl_comment(item_id,pagenum): 2 3 list_ =[] 4 start_page = 1 5 end_page = pagenum 6 for p in range(start_page, end_page + 1): 7 print(p) 8 #productid = 3048505 9 url = 'https://club.jd.com/comment/productPageComments.action?callback=fetchJSON_comment98vv995&productId='+str(item_id)+'&score=0&sortType=5&page={}&pageSize=10&isShadowSku=0&fold=1' 10 url = url.format(p) 11 print(url) 12 #仿造请求头,骗过浏览器 13 headers = { 14 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36', 15 'Referer': 'https://item.jd.com/1981570.html' 16 } 17 #发起请求 18 #request = urllib.request.Request(url=url, headers=headers) 19 #得到响应 20 content = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') 21 #去掉多余得到json格式 22 content = content.strip('fetchJSON_comment98vv995();') 23 print(content) 24 obj = json.loads(content) 25 26 comments = obj['comments'] 27 print(comments) 28 fp = open('jingdong.txt', 'a', encoding='gbk') 29 for comment in comments: 30 # print(comment) 31 name = comment['referenceName'] 32 33 id = comment['id'] 34 35 con = comment['content'] 36 37 creationTime = comment['creationTime'] 38 39 img_url = comment['userImageUrl'] 40 score = comment['score'] 41 item = { 42 'name': name, 43 'id': id, 44 'con': con, 45 'time': creationTime, 46 'img_url': img_url, 47 } 48 string = str(item) 49 50 print(id, con, score, creationTime) 51 list_.append([id, con, score, creationTime]) 52 fp.write(string + '\n') 53 54 fp.close() 55 print('%s-page---finish' % p) 56 #print(list_) 57 time.sleep(5) 58 return list_ 59 def write_to_csv(list_,header,outputfile): 60 with open(outputfile, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline='') as f: 61 writer = csv.writer(f) 62 writer.writerow(header) 63 for l in list_: 64 writer.writerow(l) 65 f.close()












1 def wordcloud_京东_商品评论(filename,output): 2 # 生成词云的方法 3 f = open(filename,encoding='utf8') 4 data = pd.read_csv(f) 5 6 string = '' 7 comments = data['评论'] 8 for c in comments: 9 string += str(c) + '\n' 10 print(string) 11 cut = " ".join(jieba.cut(string)) 12 # stopwords remove 13 stopwords = ['其他', '很多', '不是', '非常', '这个', '那个', '真的', '可以', '没有'] 14 for word in stopwords: 15 cut = cut.replace(word,'') 16 d = path.dirname(__file__) 17 18 cloud = WordCloud( # 设置字体,不指定就会出现乱码 19 scale=4, 20 font_path=path.join(d, 'simhei.ttf'), 21 background_color='white', 22 max_words=2000, 23 max_font_size=1550, 24 min_font_size=2, 25 collocations=False, 26 relative_scaling=0.4, 27 prefer_horizontal=1) 28 wc = cloud.generate_from_text(cut) 29 wc.to_file(output)





1 def 词频_京东商品评论_柱状图(inputfile, topN): 2 # 柱状图显示词频前N 3 f = open(inputfile, encoding='utf8') 4 data = pd.read_csv(f) 5 6 string = '' 7 comments = data['评论'] 8 for c in comments: 9 string += str(c) + '\n' 10 print(string) 11 12 txt = string 13 words = jieba.lcut(txt) 14 dic_ = {} #创建字典 15 stopwords = ['其他', '很多', '不是', '非常', '这个', '那个', '真的', '可以', '没有',"就是","这里"] 16 17 for word in words: 18 if len(word) == 1: 19 continue 20 else: 21 rword = word 22 dic_[rword] = dic_.get(rword,0) + 1 23 for word in stopwords: 24 try: 25 del(dic_[word]) 26 except: 27 pass 28 items = list(dic_.items()) 29 # 排序 按词频率 30 items.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse =True) 31 32 labels = [] 33 sizes = [] 34 n = topN 35 wordlist = list() 36 for i in range(n): 37 word,count = items[i] 38 labels.append(word) 39 sizes.append(count) 40 wordlist.append(word) 41 42 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] 43 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False 44 f, ax = plt.subplots() 45 # 横向图 46 rect = ax.barh(range(len(sizes)), sizes, tick_label='') 47 plt.yticks(np.arange(len(labels)), labels) 48 plt.legend((rect,), ("前十关键词",)) 49 plt.savefig('前十关键词.jpg') 50 return labels,sizes




def 评价_时间_分布散点图(inputfile,output,title,columns): if inputfile.endswith('.xlsx') or inputfile.endswith('.xls'): data = pd.read_excel(inputfile) else: f = open(inputfile, encoding='utf8') data = pd.read_csv(f) timing = data['时间'] dic_ = {} for t in timing: print(t) t = t.split(' ')[0] t = t.split('-') month = t[0]+'-'+t[1] # 从具体时间中 提取出月份的数据 if month not in dic_.keys(): dic_[month] = 1 else: dic_[month] +=1 plt.scatter(dic_.keys(),dic_.values(),alpha=0.8,marker='o') plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'simhei' plt.title(title) plt.xlabel('月份') plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') plt.ylabel('评价数量') plt.savefig(output) #plt.show()










1 import requests 2 import json 3 import csv 4 import time 5 def jd_crawl_comment(item_id,pagenum): 6 7 list_ =[] 8 start_page = 1 9 end_page = pagenum 10 for p in range(start_page, end_page + 1): 11 print(p) 12 #productid = 3048505 13 url = 'https://club.jd.com/comment/productPageComments.action?callback=fetchJSON_comment98vv995&productId='+str(item_id)+'&score=0&sortType=5&page={}&pageSize=10&isShadowSku=0&fold=1' 14 url = url.format(p) 15 print(url) 16 #仿造请求头,骗过浏览器 17 headers = { 18 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/75.0.3770.142 Safari/537.36', 19 'Referer': 'https://item.jd.com/1981570.html' 20 } 21 #发起请求 22 #request = urllib.request.Request(url=url, headers=headers) 23 #得到响应 24 content = requests.get(url=url,headers=headers).content.decode('gbk') 25 #去掉多余得到json格式 26 content = content.strip('fetchJSON_comment98vv995();') 27 print(content) 28 obj = json.loads(content) 29 30 comments = obj['comments'] 31 print(comments) 32 fp = open('jingdong.txt', 'a', encoding='gbk') 33 for comment in comments: 34 # print(comment) 35 name = comment['referenceName'] 36 37 id = comment['id'] 38 39 con = comment['content'] 40 41 creationTime = comment['creationTime'] 42 43 img_url = comment['userImageUrl'] 44 score = comment['score'] 45 item = { 46 'name': name, 47 'id': id, 48 'con': con, 49 'time': creationTime, 50 'img_url': img_url, 51 } 52 string = str(item) 53 54 print(id, con, score, creationTime) 55 list_.append([id, con, score, creationTime]) 56 fp.write(string + '\n') 57 58 fp.close() 59 print('%s-page---finish' % p) 60 #print(list_) 61 time.sleep(5) 62 return list_ 63 def write_to_csv(list_,header,outputfile): 64 with open(outputfile, 'w', encoding='utf8', newline='') as f: 65 writer = csv.writer(f) 66 writer.writerow(header) 67 for l in list_: 68 writer.writerow(l) 69 f.close() 70 71 if __name__ == "__main__": 72 list_ = jd_crawl_comment(100009464799,pagenum=20) 73 outputfile = '京东商品评论数据.csv' 74 header = ['id','评论','打分','时间'] 75 write_to_csv(list_,header,outputfile) 76 77 import pandas as pd 78 from os import path 79 import jieba 80 import numpy as np 81 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 82 from wordcloud import WordCloud 83 84 def wordcloud_京东_商品评论(filename,output): 85 # 生成词云的方法 86 f = open(filename,encoding='utf8') 87 data = pd.read_csv(f) 88 89 string = '' 90 comments = data['评论'] 91 for c in comments: 92 string += str(c) + '\n' 93 print(string) 94 cut = " ".join(jieba.cut(string)) 95 # stopwords remove 96 stopwords = ['其他', '很多', '不是', '非常', '这个', '那个', '真的', '可以', '没有'] 97 for word in stopwords: 98 cut = cut.replace(word,'') 99 d = path.dirname(__file__) 100 101 cloud = WordCloud( # 设置字体,不指定就会出现乱码 102 scale=4, 103 font_path=path.join(d, 'simhei.ttf'), 104 background_color='white', 105 max_words=2000, 106 max_font_size=1550, 107 min_font_size=2, 108 collocations=False, 109 relative_scaling=0.4, 110 prefer_horizontal=1) 111 wc = cloud.generate_from_text(cut) 112 wc.to_file(output) 113 114 115 116 117 def 词频_京东商品评论_柱状图(inputfile, topN): 118 # 柱状图显示词频前N 119 f = open(inputfile, encoding='utf8') 120 data = pd.read_csv(f) 121 122 string = '' 123 comments = data['评论'] 124 for c in comments: 125 string += str(c) + '\n' 126 print(string) 127 128 txt = string 129 words = jieba.lcut(txt) 130 dic_ = {} #创建字典 131 stopwords = ['其他', '很多', '不是', '非常', '这个', '那个', '真的', '可以', '没有',"就是","这里"] 132 133 for word in words: 134 if len(word) == 1: 135 continue 136 else: 137 rword = word 138 dic_[rword] = dic_.get(rword,0) + 1 139 for word in stopwords: 140 try: 141 del(dic_[word]) 142 except: 143 pass 144 items = list(dic_.items()) 145 # 排序 按词频率 146 items.sort(key=lambda x:x[1], reverse =True) 147 148 labels = [] 149 sizes = [] 150 n = topN 151 wordlist = list() 152 for i in range(n): 153 word,count = items[i] 154 labels.append(word) 155 sizes.append(count) 156 wordlist.append(word) 157 158 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] 159 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False 160 f, ax = plt.subplots() 161 # 横向图 162 rect = ax.barh(range(len(sizes)), sizes, tick_label='') 163 plt.yticks(np.arange(len(labels)), labels) 164 plt.legend((rect,), ("前十关键词",)) 165 plt.savefig('前十关键词.jpg') 166 return labels,sizes 167 def 评价_时间_分布散点图(inputfile,output,title,columns): 168 if inputfile.endswith('.xlsx') or inputfile.endswith('.xls'): 169 data = pd.read_excel(inputfile) 170 else: 171 f = open(inputfile, encoding='utf8') 172 data = pd.read_csv(f) 173 timing = data['时间'] 174 dic_ = {} 175 for t in timing: 176 177 print(t) 178 t = t.split(' ')[0] 179 t = t.split('-') 180 month = t[0]+'-'+t[1] 181 # 从具体时间中 提取出月份的数据 182 if month not in dic_.keys(): 183 dic_[month] = 1 184 else: 185 dic_[month] +=1 186 plt.scatter(dic_.keys(),dic_.values(),alpha=0.8,marker='o') 187 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = 'simhei' 188 plt.title(title) 189 190 plt.xlabel('月份') 191 plt.xticks(rotation='vertical') 192 plt.ylabel('评价数量') 193 194 plt.savefig(output) 195 #plt.show() 196 197 if __name__=='__main__': 198 filename = '京东商品评论数据.csv' 199 评价_时间_分布散点图(filename, '打分分布散点图(月份)', '打分分布散点图(月份)', []) 200 wordcloud_京东_商品评论(filename, filename + '词云.jpg') 201 词频_京东商品评论_柱状图(filename, 10)


(五)、总结(10 分)


结论:1、通过对京东评论信息的爬取分析得出评论笔记本电脑的十大关键词之首是速度,人们对笔记本电脑最为重视的是速度。            2、通过散点图得知对021—11这一产品的打分数量较多,无论从平时还是从某一月份来比较亦是如此,所以该产品的购买量应该会比较高。 已达到预期的目标,通过爬虫技术对爬取到的评论信息有了了解,发现人们不同产品的关注点是有所不同的,好的产品不会受到时间的而得到更少评价。


收获:1、第一次做主题式爬虫项目,做起来出现了不少问题,但也通过了一些手段来加以修改,现已经能较好地运用Python来爬取网页信息。             2、当爬取到自己所需的东西时还是有不小的成就感的。 建议:对python库的运用还不够娴熟,在编程过程中,有些信息的爬取还较为繁琐,自己有时候也难以解决,需要加强对Python的学习,提高自己对Python应用能力。




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