第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图

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第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图

2023-01-22 08:26| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


第一章 使用 matplotlib 绘制折线图第二章 使用 matplotlib 绘制条形图第三章 使用 matplotlib 绘制直方图第四章 使用 matplotlib 绘制散点图第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图第六章 使用 matplotlib 绘制热力图第七章 使用 matplotlib 绘制堆叠条形图第八章 使用 matplotlib 在一个画布内绘制多个图

文章目录 系列文章目录 前言 一、什么是饼图? 二、饼图的绘制 三、应用场景 * 1.适用场景 2.不适用场景 四、总结 前言





A pie chart, or pie chart, is a statistical chart that divides a circle into several sectors. In the pie chart, the arc length of each fan represents the proportion of the species to the total, and these fans together happen to be a complete circle.



The most prominent function of the pie chart is to show the “proportion”. Traditionally, people also use pie charts to compare the size of the fan, so as to gain an understanding of the data. However, because human perception of “angle” is not as good as “length”, pie charts are often incompetent when accurate numerical values are needed (especially when the values are close or large), so it is recommended to use bar charts instead.



When in use, it is necessary to make sure that the total data of each sector is equal to 100%; avoid more than 5 sectors and keep the chart as concise and clear as possible.




Let’s look at the drawing of the pie chart through an example. The sample code is as follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight') languages = ['JavaScript', 'HTML/CSS', 'SQL', 'Python', 'Java'] popularity = [59219, 55466, 47544, 36443, 35917] plt.pie(popularity) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()

在上面的代码中,我们只要将一个列表传入到 pie 函数中,便可以绘制一个饼图。代码执行后得到的图形如下图所示:

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图我们不知道上面饼图中每个扇区代表的数据,所以让我们为每个扇区贴上标签。 [En]

We don’t know the data represented by each sector from the pie chart above, so let’s label each sector.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight') languages = ['JavaScript', 'HTML/CSS', 'SQL', 'Python', 'Java'] popularity = [59219, 55466, 47544, 36443, 35917] plt.pie(popularity, labels=languages) plt.tight_layout() plt.show()

为了给每个扇形打上标签,我们只需要传入参数 labels 即可。代码执行后得到的图形如下图所示:

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图除了标记每个扇区,我们还可以在图表上标记每个扇区的百分比。示例代码如下: [En]

In addition to labeling each sector, we can also mark the percentage of each sector on the graph. The example code is as follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight') languages = ['JavaScript', 'HTML/CSS', 'SQL', 'Python', 'Java'] popularity = [59219, 55466, 47544, 36443, 35917] plt.pie(popularity, labels=languages, autopct='%1.1f%%') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()

上面的代码中,我们通过参数 autopct 为每个扇形标上占比。代码执行后得到的图形如下图所示:

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图在上图中,风扇是从大到小逆时针排列的。一般来说,我们习惯于顺时针。让我们用参数设置顺时针方向。示例代码如下: [En]

In the figure above, the fan is arranged counterclockwise from large to small. In general, we are used to clockwise. Let’s set the clockwise direction with parameters. The example code is as follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight') languages = ['JavaScript', 'HTML/CSS', 'SQL', 'Python', 'Java'] popularity = [59219, 55466, 47544, 36443, 35917] plt.pie(popularity, labels=languages, autopct='%1.1f%%', counterclock=False, startangle=90) plt.title('top5 编程语言占比') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()

上面代码中,通过设置参数 counterclock 为 False,使得方向改为顺时针方向,通过设置参数 startangle 为 90,将最大扇形放在 12 点钟方向。代码执行后得到的图形如下图所示:

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图有时,为了强调一个风扇,我们将风扇从整个圈子中分离出来。示例代码如下: [En]

Sometimes, in order to emphasize a fan, we detach the fan from the whole circle. The sample code is as follows:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('fivethirtyeight') languages = ['JavaScript', 'HTML/CSS', 'SQL', 'Python', 'Java'] popularity = [59219, 55466, 47544, 36443, 35917] plt.pie(popularity, labels=languages, autopct='%1.1f%%', counterclock=False, startangle=90,explode=[0,0,0.1,0,0]) plt.title('top5 编程语言占比') plt.tight_layout() plt.show()

在上面的代码中,我们通过设置参数 explode 来强调 SQL 这个扇形,要强调那个扇形,就把相应的值设置成非 0。代码执行后得到的图形如下图所示:

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图 三、应用场景 1.适用场景 希望突出一部分在整体中的比例,特别是当该部分的比例达到整体的25%或50%时 [En]

want to highlight the proportion of a part in the whole, especially when the proportion of that part reaches 25% or 50% of the total.*


there are significant differences among different classifications.*


the size of the charting space that needs to be determined (there will not be more canvas space as the classification increases).*


if the variables are independent of each other and do not form a whole, then you cannot use a pie chart.*


because the pie chart uses area instead of length, it makes it more difficult to compare the various data. Therefore, when you need to compare the data, to distinguish which is big or small, especially when the data is close, the bar chart is more appropriate.*


Pie chart is not recommended when there are too many categories, otherwise the reading will be poor.*




In this chapter, we talk about the drawing of the pie chart and the applicable and inapplicable scenes of the pie chart.

上一章 使用 matplotlib 绘制散点图

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/mr_songw/article/details/124317403Author: mr_songwTitle: 第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图

相关阅读 Title: pandas将某一列变为索引_Pandas| pd.melt()使用示例



The specific contents of the work are as follows, mainly to convert a two-dimensional table into an one-dimensional table, such as the following figure (the table is a substitute):

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图




Next, let’s introduce the whole process in detail.




First, read the table in the traditional way:

import pandas as pddata1 = pd.read_excel('高中生数量.xlsx')data1

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图

发现索引列没有被识别,产生了Unnamed: 0列,所以我们应该把第一列设置为索引列,代码如下:

import pandas as pddata1 = pd.read_excel('高中生数量.xlsx',index_col=0)  #index_col用来设置索引列data1

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图



In this way, the form can be read and recognized normally.




This step is mainly to reset the index column to a normal column, so as to facilitate the next step, the code is as follows


第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图



这一步主要用到pandas的melt函数,melt是逆转操作函数,可以将列名转换为列数据(columns name → column values),重构DataFrame,用法如下:

pandas.melt(frame, id_vars=None, value_vars=None, var_name=None, value_name='value', col_level=None)


frame:要处理的数据集;id_vars:不需要被转换的列名;value_vars:需要转换的列名,如果剩下的列全部都要转换,就不用写了;var_name和value_name是自定义设置对应的列名;col_level :如果列是MultiIndex,则使用此级别。


data3=data2.melt(id_vars='index', var_name='year',value_name='stu_num')data3

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图 4.把第一列设置为索引列



To prevent the saved table from having a numeric index, you need to set the first column as the index column:


第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图 5.保存表格 data4.to_excel('转换后表格.xlsx')



When it’s done, the above code can be done with 1 line of code:

data=data.reset_index().melt('index', var_name='col').set_index('index')

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图

第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图


第五章 使用 matplotlib 绘制饼图


Original: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_35950078/article/details/112495066Author: 氢气青丘Title: pandas将某一列变为索引_Pandas| pd.melt()使用示例






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