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#Python| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


具体的URL来自 (For some reason they skipped 03) ...all the way to...


所需税前年收入$ 20,260 $ 42,786 $ 51,642 $ 64,767 $ 34,325 $ 42,305 $ 47,345 $ 53,206 $ 34,325 $ 47,691 $ 56,934 $ 66,997


阿拉巴马州$ 20,260 $ 42,786 $ 51,642 $ 64,767 $ 34,325 $ 42,305 $ 47,345 $ 53,206 $ 34,325 $ 47,691 $ 56,934 $ 66,997




怀俄明州$ 20,867 $ 42,689 $ 52,007 $ 65,892 $ 34,988 $ 41,887 $ 46,983 $ 53,549 $ 34,988 $ 47,826 $ 57,391 $ 68,424


import requests, bs4 res = requests.get('') res.raise_for_status() states = bs4.BeautifulSoup(res.text)'h1') table = states.find_all('table')[1] rows = table.find_all('tr', 'odd')[4:] result=[] result.append(state_name) result.append(rows)

当我在Python Console中查看state_name和行时,它会给我html元素

[Living Wag...Alabama]

[import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from urllib.parse import urljoin # python2 -> from urlparse import urljoin base = "" res = requests.get(base) res.raise_for_status() states = [] # Get all state urls and state name from the anchor tags on the base page. # td + td skips the first td which is *Required annual income before taxes* # get all the anchors inside each li that are children of the # ul with the css class "states list". for a in BeautifulSoup(res.text, "html.parser").select("ul.states.list-unstyled li a"): # The hrefs look like "/states/51/locations". # We want everything before /locations so we split on / from the right -> /states/51/ # and join to the base url. The anchor text also holds the state name, # so we return the full url and the state, i.e " "Alabama". states.append((urljoin(base, a["href"].rsplit("/", 1)[0]), a.text)) def parse(soup): # Get the second table, indexing in css starts at 1, so table:nth-of-type(2)" gets the second table. table = soup.select_one("table:nth-of-type(2)") # To get the text, we just need find all the tds and call .text on each. # Each td we want has the css class "odd results", td + td starts from the second as we don't want the first. return [td.text.strip() for td in table.select_one("tr.odd.results").select("td + td")] # Unpack the url and state from each tuple in our states list. for url, state in states: soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser") print(state, parse(soup))


Alabama ['$21,144', '$43,213', '$53,468', '$67,788', '$34,783', '$41,847', '$46,876', '$52,531', '$34,783', '$48,108', '$58,748', '$70,014'] Alaska ['$24,070', '$49,295', '$60,933', '$79,871', '$38,561', '$47,136', '$52,233', '$61,531', '$38,561', '$54,433', '$66,316', '$82,403'] Arizona ['$21,587', '$47,153', '$59,462', '$78,112', '$36,332', '$44,913', '$50,200', '$58,615', '$36,332', '$52,483', '$65,047', '$80,739'] Arkansas ['$19,765', '$41,000', '$50,887', '$65,091', '$33,351', '$40,337', '$45,445', '$51,377', '$33,351', '$45,976', '$56,257', '$67,354'] California ['$26,249', '$55,810', '$64,262', '$81,451', '$42,433', '$52,529', '$57,986', '$68,826', '$42,433', '$61,328', '$70,088', '$84,192'] Colorado ['$23,573', '$51,936', '$61,989', '$79,343', '$38,805', '$47,627', '$52,932', '$62,313', '$38,805', '$57,283', '$67,593', '$81,978'] Connecticut ['$25,215', '$54,932', '$64,882', '$80,020', '$39,636', '$48,787', '$53,857', '$61,074', '$39,636', '$60,074', '$70,267', '$82,606']


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