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2024-07-09 17:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



1.1 总体流程设计




1.2 语料库收集






1.3 主要程序介绍


#!/usr/bin/env python3 # _*_ coding:utf-8 _*_ from tkinter import * import time from speech_test import * ''' 定义消息发送函数: 1、在的文本控件中实时添加时间; 2、获取的文本内容,添加到列表分区的文本中; 3、将的文本内容清空。 ''' def msgsend(): msg = '我:' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) + '\n' # print(msg) txt_msglist.insert(END, msg, 'green') # 添加时间 query = txt_msgsend.get('0.0', END) #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 print(query) result = main(query) #问题输入模型入口 print('result:',result) txt_msglist.insert(END, txt_msgsend.get('0.0', END)) # 获取发送消息,添加文本到消息列表 txt_msglist.insert(END, '\n') txt_msgsend.delete('0.0', END) # 清空发送消息 robot = '小Y:' + time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) + '\n' txt_msglist.insert(END, robot, 'red') txt_msglist.insert(END, result+'\n') '''定义取消发送 消息 函数''' def cancel(): txt_msgsend.delete('0.0', END) # 取消发送消息,即清空发送消息 '''绑定up键''' def msgsendEvent(event): if event.keysym == 'Up': msgsend() tk = Tk() tk.title('聊天窗口') '''创建分区''' f_msglist = Frame(height=300, width=300) # 创建 f_msgsend = Frame(height=300, width=300) # 创建 f_floor = Frame(height=100, width=300) # 创建 f_right = Frame(height=700, width=100) # 创建 '''创建控件''' txt_msglist = Text(f_msglist) # 消息列表分区中创建文本控件 txt_msglist.tag_config('green', foreground='blue') # 消息列表分区中创建标签 txt_msglist.tag_config('red', foreground='red') # 消息列表分区中创建标签 txt_msgsend = Text(f_msgsend) # 发送消息分区中创建文本控件 txt_show = Text(f_msglist) # 消息列表分区中创建文本控件 txt_show.tag_config('red', foreground='red') # 消息列表分区中创建标签 txt_showsend = Text(f_msgsend) # 发送消息分区中创建文本控件 txt_msgsend.bind('', msgsendEvent) # 发送消息分区中,绑定‘UP’键与消息发送。 '''txt_right = Text(f_right) #图片显示分区创建文本控件''' button_send = Button(f_floor, text='Send',command=msgsend) # 按钮分区中创建按钮并绑定发送消息函数 button_cancel = Button(f_floor, text='Cancel', command=cancel) # 分区中创建取消按钮并绑定取消函数 '''分区布局''' f_msglist.grid(row=0, column=0) # 消息列表分区 f_msgsend.grid(row=1, column=0) # 发送消息分区 f_floor.grid(row=2, column=0) # 按钮分区 f_right.grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=3) # 图片显示分区 txt_msglist.grid() # 消息列表文本控件加载 txt_msgsend.grid() # 消息发送文本控件加载 button_send.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) # 发送按钮控件加载 button_cancel.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) # 取消按钮控件加载 tk.mainloop()


#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import logging logging.getLogger("requests").setLevel(logging.WARNING) import csv import jieba import pickle from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz import math from scipy import sparse from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix import jieba.posseg as pseg import sys import pandas as pd from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from speech_recognition import * import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") def load_label_url(): with open('znwd_label_url.csv','r',encoding='utf-8') as f: name_id = {} label_url = csv.reader(f) header = next(label_url) for power_name_id in label_url: name_id[power_name_id[0]] = power_name_id[1] return name_id def load_cut_save(filename,load = False): jieba.load_userdict('UserDefined_words.txt') corpus = [] label = [] with open(filename,'rt',encoding='utf-8') as f: data_corpus = csv.reader(f) header = next(data_corpus) for words in data_corpus: word = jieba.cut(words[1]) doc = [] for x in word: if x not in stop_words and not x.isdigit(): doc.append(x) corpus.append(' '.join(doc)) label.append(words[0]) if load == True: with open('corpus.oj','wb') as f: pickle.dump(corpus,f) with open('label.oj','wb') as f: pickle.dump(label,f) return corpus,label def train_model(): with open('corpus.oj','rb') as f_corpus: corpus = pickle.load(f_corpus) with open('label.oj','rb') as f_label: label = pickle.load(f_label,encoding='bytes') vectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=1) transformer = TfidfTransformer() tfidf = transformer.fit_transform(vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus)) words_frequency = vectorizer.fit_transform(corpus) word = vectorizer.get_feature_names() saved = input_tfidf(vectorizer.vocabulary_,sparse.csc_matrix(words_frequency),len(corpus)) model = MultinomialNB(),label) with open('model.oj','wb') as f_model: pickle.dump(model,f_model) with open('idf.oj','wb') as f_idf: pickle.dump(saved,f_idf) return model,tfidf,label class input_tfidf(object): def __init__(self,feature_index,frequency,docs): self.feature_index = feature_index self.frequency = frequency = docs self.len = len(feature_index) def key_count(self,input_words): keys = jieba.cut(input_words) count = {} for key in keys: num = count.get(key, 0) count[key] = num + 1 return count def getTdidf(self,input_words): count = self.key_count(input_words) result = lil_matrix((1, self.len)) frequency = sparse.csc_matrix(self.frequency) for x in count: word = self.feature_index.get(x) if word != None and word>=0: word_frequency = frequency.getcol(word) feature_docs = word_frequency.sum() tfidf = count.get(x) * (math.log(( / (feature_docs+1))+1) result[0, word] = tfidf return result def model_predict(input_str): f = open('idf.oj','rb') idf = pickle.load(f) f.close() f = open('model.oj','rb') model = pickle.load(f) f.close() tfidf = idf.getTdidf(input_str) classifiction = (model.predict(tfidf)) # print(model.predict_proba(tfidf)) prob = model.predict_proba(tfidf).max() name_id = load_label_url() if prob >= 0.5: answer1 = str(classifiction[0],'utf-8') else: answer1 = None return answer1 def similarity(input_questions): with open('corpus_1233.oj', 'rb') as f: corpus = pickle.load(f,encoding='bytes') with open('question_1233.oj', 'rb') as f: question = pickle.load(f,encoding='bytes') with open('answer_1233.oj', 'rb') as f: answer = pickle.load(f,encoding='bytes') text = {} train = [] answer2 = [] for key, value in enumerate(corpus): similarity = fuzz.ratio(input_questions, value) if similarity > 40: text[key] = similarity if len(text) >= 3: train = sorted(text.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True) # print(u"与您提的疑问相似的问题有\n") for i in range(3): an = {"question":question[train[i][0]],"answer":answer[train[i][0]]} answer2.append(an) # print("%d、" % (i + 1), \ # " 问题:%s\n" % str(question[train[i][0]],'utf-8'), \ # " 答案:%s" % str(answer[train[i][0]],'utf-8')) elif len(text) == 2: train = sorted(text.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True) # print("与您提的疑问相似的问题有\n") for i in range(2): an = {"question":question[train[i][0]],"answer":answer[train[i][0]]} answer2.append(an) # print("%d、" % (i + 1), \ # " 问题:%s\n" % str(question[train[i][0]],'utf-8'), \ # " 答案:%s" % str(answer[train[i][0]],'utf-8')) elif len(text) == 1: an = {"question": question[list(text.keys())[0]], "answer": answer[list(text.keys())[0]]} answer2.append(an) # print("与您提的疑问相似的问题有:\n", \ # " 问题:%s" % str(question[text.keys()[0]],'utf-8'), \ # " 答案:%s" % str(answer[text.keys()[0]],'utf-8')) else: # print("您所提的疑问无其他相似问题!") an = {"question":None,"answer":None} answer2.append(an) return answer2 def get_greeting(input_questions,question,answer): text = {} for key, value in enumerate(question): similarity = fuzz.ratio(input_questions, value) if similarity > 60: text[key] = similarity if len(text) > 0: train = sorted(text.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True) answer3 = answer[train[0][0]] else: answer3 = None return answer3 def sim(doc): input_questions = '' input_words = jieba.cut(doc) for x in input_words: if x not in stop_words: input_questions += x answer2 = similarity(input_questions) return answer2 def ans_show(returnSet): if returnSet[2] is not None: ans = "%s"%returnSet[2] elif returnSet[0] is not None: ans = "您的问题属于专栏\n"%returnSet[0] ans1 = "" if returnSet[1][0]['question'] is not None: ans1 = "小Y还知道其他一些问题例如:\n" ans2 = "" for i in range(len(returnSet[1])): ans2 = ans2 + "%d、" % (i + 1) + " 问题:%s\n" % str(returnSet[1][i]['question'],'utf-8') + " 答案:%s" % str(returnSet[1][i]['answer'],'utf-8') ans1 = ans1 + ans2 ans = ans + ans1 elif returnSet[1][0]['question'] is not None: ans1 = "小Y知道相似的问题:\n" ans2 = "" for i in range(len(returnSet[1])): ans2 = ans2 + "%d、" % (i + 1) + " 问题:%s\n" % str(returnSet[1][i]['question'], 'utf-8') + " 答案:%s" % str(returnSet[1][i]['answer'], 'utf-8') ans = ans1 + ans2 else: ans = "您问的问题太过深奥,Mike才疏学浅暂时无法为您解答,待我读书破万卷后成为您的百科机器人" return ans with open('stop_words.txt', 'rb') as f: stop_words = question_greeting = [] answer_greeting = [] with open("greeting.csv", 'r',encoding='utf-8') as f: greeting = csv.reader(f) header = next(greeting) for words in greeting: question_greeting.append(words[0]) answer_greeting.append(words[1]) filename = 'znwd_corpus.csv' corpus, label = load_cut_save(filename,load=False) def main(question): if question != None: query = question #########此处会因语音无法识别还报错 print("我 > %s" %query) ############## answer3 = get_greeting(query,question_greeting,answer_greeting) # print(answer3) if answer3 is None: answer1 = model_predict(query) answer2 = sim(query) else: answer1 = None answer2 = None ans = [answer1,answer2,answer3] result = ans_show(ans) else: result = "输入有误请重新输入!" query = None return result










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