Python 程序 测试字符串是否包含列表中的元素

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Python 程序 测试字符串是否包含列表中的元素

2023-02-01 08:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Python 程序 测试字符串是否包含列表中的元素


使用的方法 使用嵌套的For循环

使用List Comprehension


使用 find() 函数


假设我们已经取得了一个 输入字符串 和 输入列表。 我们现在要检查输入字符串是否至少包含一个输入列表元素。

输入 inputString = "tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding" inputList = ['hello', 'tutorialspoint', 'python'] 输出 YES, the string contains elements from the input list

在上面的例子中,输入字符串包含 ” tutorialspoint” ,所以答案是肯定的。

方法1:使用嵌套的For循环 算法(步骤)




使用 split() 函数(将一个字符串分割成一个列表。我们可以定义分隔符;默认的分隔符是任何空格)将输入的字符串分割成一个单词的列表。


使用 for循环 遍历上述拆分后的单词列表。

使用另一个 嵌套的for循环 来遍历输入列表

使用 if条件 语句来检查两个元素是否相等。

如果条件为真,将 temp_flag 设为1。

如果temp_flag变为1,使用 break 语句中断循环。





# input string inputString = "tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding" # input list inputList = ['hello', 'tutorialspoint', 'python'] # printing the input string print("Input string:", inputString) # printing input list print("Input List:", inputList) # splitting the input string into a list of words wordsList = inputString.split(" ") # temporary flag variable temp_flag = 0 # traversing through the above-split words list for p in wordsList: # traversing through the input list for q in inputList: # checking whether both the elements are equal if p == q: # Set the value of temp_flag by 1 if the condition is true temp_flag = 1 # breaking from the loop if the temp_flag becomes 1 break # checking whether the value of temp_flag is 1 if temp_flag == 1: # printing "YES” if the condition is true print("YES, the string contains elements from the input list") else: # else print "NO" print("NO, the string does not contain elements from the input list") 输出


Input string: tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding Input List: ['hello', 'tutorialspoint', 'python'] YES, the string contains elements from the input list 方法2:使用List Comprehension 列表理解


bool()函数 – 返回一个给定对象的布尔值



# input string inputString = "tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding" # input list inputList = ['hello', 'tutorialspoint', 'python'] # printing the input string print("Input string:", inputString) # printing input list print("Input List:", inputList) print() # checking whether the input string contains the list element # using list comprehension output = [i for i in inputList if(i in inputString)] # printing the resulting output as boolean print("Checking whether input string contains the list element:", bool(output)) 输出 Input string: tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding Input List: ['hello', 'tutorialspoint', 'python'] Checking whether input string contains the list element: True 方法3:使用any()函数

any()函数在迭代器中的任何项目为真时返回 真 ,否则返回假。

语法 any(iterable) 例子


# input string inputString = "tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding" # input list inputList = ['bat', 'cat', 'dog'] # printing the input string print("Input string:", inputString) # printing input list print("Input List:", inputList) print() # checking whether the input string contains the list element # using any() function output = any(k in inputString for k in inputList) print("Checking whether input string contains the list element:", bool(output)) 输出 Input string: tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding Input List: ['bat', 'cat', 'dog'] Checking whether input string contains the list element: False 方法4:使用find()函数

在这个方法中,我们使用 find() 方法查看该词是否存在于列表中,否则返回 -1 。



语法 string.find(value, start, end) 例子


# input string inputString = "tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding" # input list inputList = ['bat', 'cat', 'dog'] # printing the input string print("Input string:", inputString) # printing input list print("Input List:", inputList) print() # Assuming the result as False initially reslt = False # intilializig a variable with 0 count = 0 # travsering through the input list for item in inputList: # checking whether the current list item is found in the string if(inputString.find(item) != -1): # incrementing the count value by 1 if the condition is true count += 1 # checking whether the count value is greater than or equal to 1 if(count >= 1): # assign result as True if the condition is true reslt = True print("Checking whether input string contains the list element:", bool(reslt)) 输出 Input string: tutorialspoint is a best learning platform for coding Input List: ['bat', 'cat', 'dog'] Checking whether input string contains the list element: False 总结





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