puree是什么意思 puree的中文翻译、读音、例句

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puree是什么意思 puree的中文翻译、读音、例句

2023-05-14 08:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: puree通常被翻译为"肉泥、捣碎"的意思,puree是什么意思 puree的中文翻译、读音、例句,作为名词时有"被爱慕的人"的意思,在线发音:[py`re:],puree在法语中经常以名词形式出现,在《法法汉-法法汉词典》中,共找到10个与puree相关的释义和例句。




1. You can make a delicious vegetable purée by blending cooked vegetables with a little milk or cream.


2. She applied a small amount of hair purée to her damp hair to create a textured, tousled look.





例句:Fully ripe luscious nangka (jackfruit) pulp is processed into puree, which is added into a rich ice cream base. (香甜的熟菠萝蜜被做成果酱,然后加入浓郁的奶油中。)


例句:In a separate bowl, stir raspberry puree and cream cheese until smooth. (在一个单独的碗中,将树莓酱和乳脂芝士搅拌至均匀平滑。)


例句:The topping is frequently sweetened with sugar and flavored or topped with puree or compote of fruit. (乳酪蛋糕最上层经常会放些经过处理的美味糊糊或是水果。)

4.菜泥 、菜泥

例句:It is a country where the thrills and spills read like index entries from a modern-day Odyssey and where life is both as moreish, and occasionally as hard to swallow, as a bowlful of durian puree. (翻译:在这个国家进行探险旅行你会体验到惊险与,就象经历现代版的《奥德赛》。这里生活之美好仿佛满满一碗榴莲浓汤一样令人回味无穷,同样,生活之艰辛又令人偶尔有食不下咽的感觉。)


puree一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fruit puree([水]果泥)、ochre puree([网络] 赭石泥)、orange puree(橙泥)等常见短语中出现较多。

fruit puree[水]果泥ochre puree[网络] 赭石泥orange puree橙泥peach puree桃[子]果泥tomato puree番茄糊;番茄酱vegetable puree蔬菜泥例句

1. The topping is frequently sweetened with sugar and flavored or topped with puree or compote of fruit. (翻译:乳酪蛋糕最上层经常会放些经过处理的美味糊糊或是水果。)

2. It is a country where the thrills and spills read like index entries from a modern-day Odyssey and where life is both as moreish, and occasionally as hard to swallow, as a bowlful of durian puree. (翻译:在这个国家进行探险旅行你会体验到惊险与,就象经历现代版的《奥德赛》。这里生活之美好仿佛满满一碗榴莲浓汤一样令人回味无穷,同样,生活之艰辛又令人偶尔有食不下咽的感觉。)

3. Pan seared fresh goose liver on green apples, coriander flavored turnip puree, calvados reduction (翻译:锅煎鲜鹅肝配烤青苹果,香菜芥蓝酱及白兰地汁)

4. To blend means to puree, or turn to a thick liquid, in a liquidizer. (翻译:混合成浓汤,或是在榨汁机里变成浓浓的液体。)

5. Drain the puree on cheesecloth in a colander to remove excess water. (翻译:最后把南瓜泥放在一块粗棉布上过滤掉多余的水分。)

6. As she does every morning, she washed, then gobbled down her breakfast of raspberry puree and fresh hazelnut. (翻译:像往常一样梳洗之后 便开始用早餐,面包和鲜果)

7. Danielle, there is nothing abnormal about basil puree. (翻译:Danielle,罗勒汤没什么不正常的啊.)

8. It's a lemon cake with a lemon curd filling, meringue frosting, and garnished with a bit of blueberry and raspberry puree. (翻译:柠檬蛋糕 夹心是柠檬酱 蛋白糖霜 配上一点蓝莓和覆盆子果泥)

9. Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree. (翻译:洋葱可以煮熟,捣成泥。)

10. I puree them alive after I've hunted them down with my dogs. (翻译:我先让我的狗抓住她们, 然后把她们生吞活剥了!)

11. - It's a sticky toffee pudding with candied fennel, a chantilly cream, and a fig-lemon puree. (翻译:这是太妃糖浆布丁 配蜜渍茴香和小奶油 以及无花果柠檬果泥)

12. Well mix the red currant puree and whipped cream mixture and pour into ice cream maker, stirring for about 40 minutes. (翻译:将红醋栗泥和鲜奶油混合均匀,倒入冰淇淋机中,搅拌约40分钟。)

13. Puree beans with an immersion blender or potato masher, or remove half of them and puree in a processor or blender. (翻译:将豆子放进浸泡搅拌器或马铃薯搅拌器研成糊状,或者将它们取走一半,并放入料理机或搅拌器中研成糊状。)

14. Poached Asparagus, Potato Puree, Three Citrus Beurre Blanc. (翻译:煮芦笋,土豆泥,柑橘牛油沙司。)




'purée' 的发音是 [pjuˈreɪ],其中第一个音节 pju 读作 /pju/,意味着这个单词的发音比较有音韵调节。同时也要注意到最后一个音节 reɪ 读作 /reɪ/,这个音节的发音要比英语中的“r”硬一些。


1. To make a smooth purée, you need to blend the ingredients well. (制作顺滑的泥,需要把原料搅拌匀)

2. The chef says that the secret to a good purée is to avoid overcooking the vegetables. (厨师说,制作好的泥的秘诀是不要把蔬菜煮过头)




1. This soup is made from a purée of fresh vegetables. (这道汤是由新鲜蔬菜制成的泥汁)

2. The recipe calls for a purée of apples, cinnamon, and sugar. (菜谱要求用苹果、肉桂和糖制成泥状)


'purée' 在烹饪中有着广泛的用途。它可以用于制作汤、酱料、婴儿食品等等。另外,'purée' 还可以作为动词使用,表示把食物压成泥状。


1. The chef used a purée of roasted vegetables to make the sauce for the pasta. (厨师用烤蔬菜泥制作了面酱)

2. The baby's food needs to be puréed before it's served. (婴儿食品在上桌前需要把食物压成泥状)

3. The recipe calls for puréeing the soup in a blender until it's smooth. (这个菜谱要求用搅拌机把汤制成顺滑的泥)

4. The chef's specialty is puréed soups, which are always a hit with the customers. (厨师的拿手菜是泥状汤,总是令顾客满意的)

5. The roasted vegetable purée can be used as a dip for vegetables or as a spread for bread. (烤蔬菜泥可作为蔬菜蘸酱或面包涂饰使用)

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