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姓名相关姓 Surname 或者 Family name氏(先秦)Secondary surname 或者 Clan name (比如孔子姓是子,氏是孔)名 Given name字 Courtesy name 或者 Style号 Art name名讳 True name乳名 Birth name法号 Dharma name训名 School name诨名 Nickname避讳 Taboo of names 或者 Naming Taboo,并且可以解释:A naming taboo is a Chinese cultural taboo against calling out given names of the rulling emperor, former emperors of the ongoing dynasty, one's own ancestors, or other exalted people. 【例句:为了避讳,李世勣也被称为李勣,名字中的“世”字被省略。Due to a naming taboo, Li Shiji was also known as Li Ji, where the character Shi in his name was omitted. 】帝王及爵位相关天命 Mandate of Heaven天子 Son of the Heavenly King谥号 Posthumous name (比如汉武帝的武、晋元帝的元)庙号 Temple name(比如唐太宗的太宗、元世祖的世祖)年号 Era name 或者 Reign name(比如贞观、嘉靖、康熙)尊号 Regnal name(比如武则天的则天)诏书 (Imperial) Edict罪己诏 Edict of Introspection 【例句:汉武帝下了罪己诏。The Emperor Wu of Han issued an edict of introspection.】奏章 Memorial to the emperor中央集权 Centralization of authority龙袍 Panlong Robe 或者 Chinese Imperial Dragon Robe爵位 Nobility rank皇帝 Emperor。具体的皇帝,如果用谥号/庙号:Emperor 谥号/庙号 of 朝代,比如汉武帝 Emperor Wu of Han,唐太宗 Emperor Taizong of Tang。如果用年号,就是年号+ Emperor,比如康熙 Kangxi Emperor。不正规但比较常见的写法是直接音译,比如Han Wudi,但是对于不著名的皇帝,这样写容易让人误解。王(最高统治者)King王(爵位)Prince太子 Crown Prince九爵 Nine orders of nobility亲王 (Imperial) Prince,imperial一般会省略,比如燕王 Prince of Yan。如果要加谥号,谥号跟在Prince之后,比如燕荣王 Prince Rong of Yan王府 Princely Establishments世子 Designated heir郡王 Prefectural/Commanderial Prince 或者 Prince of Prefecture/Commandery 或者 Second-degree Prince。比如任城郡王 Prince of Rencheng Prefecture。如果要加谥号,谥号也跟在Prince之后,比如海陵剌王 Prince La of Hailing Prefecture。以下公侯伯子男与此类似。国公 Duke郡公 Prefectural/Commanderial Duke 或者 Duke of Prefecture/Commandery 或者 Second-degree Duke县公 County Duke 或者 Duke of County 或者 Third-degree Duke侯爵 Marquis伯爵 Count子爵 Viscount男爵 Baron乡侯 Marquis of District 西乡侯 Marquis of Xi District亭侯 Marquis of Village 汉寿亭侯 Marquis of Hanshou Village世袭的 Hereditary 【例句:秦朝之前,一些官职是可以世袭的。Before the Qin dynasty, some official positions were hereditary.】追封 Posthumous enfeoffment 动词为 Posthumously crown/name/title/grant sb xxx【例句:岳飞被追封为鄂王。Yue Fei was posthumously granted Prince of E.】封建(指周朝的分封) Enfeoffment,或见下文的分封制。 动词to enfeoff或者fief。【例句:姜子牙被封到了齐国。Jiang Ziya was fiefed to Qi.】封建(指“封建社会”、“封建思想”)Fengjian,然后用一句话详细解释,比如 cultural elements and ideologies (usually negative) of the traditional Chinese feudal society食邑 Feudatory land封禅:一般的处理方式是说Fengshan然后解释,比如a type of ceremony held on Mount Tai where the emperor would offer sacrifices to the heavenly king先帝 the Late Emperor后宫相关后宫 Harem皇后 Empress太后 Empress Dowager太皇太后 Grand Empress Dowager夫人 Madame贵人 Nobel Lady贵嫔 Noble Imperial Concubines贵姬 Noble Concubine世妇 Hereditary Consorts妃子统称 Consort 或 highly-ranked imperial concubines皇太妃 Consort Dowager贵妃 Noble Consort淑妃 Pure Consort贤妃 Able Consort德妃 Virtuous Consort惠妃 Gracious Consort丽妃 Beautiful Consort华妃 Splendid Consort昭仪 Lady of Bright Deportment昭华 Lady of Bright Magnificence婕妤 Lady of Handsome Fairness娙娥 Lady of Graceful Beauty荣华 Lady of Lovely Countenance充服/充衣 Lady of Complete Deportment充容 Lady of Complete Countenance充媛 Lady of Complete Beauty修仪 Lady of Cultivated Deportment修容 Lady of Cultivated Countenance顺成 Lady of Humble Capability充华 Lady of Sufficient Countenance承徽 Lady of Inherit Honor列荣 Lady of Kind Honor淑媛 Lady of Pure Beauty淑仪 Lady of Pure Appearance淑容 Lady of Pure Countenance宝林 Lady of Treasure采女 Lady of Elegance良娣 Lady of Excellence选侍 Lady of Selected Service美人 Beauty良人 Virtuous Lady 或者 Lady of Virtue才人 Talented Lady 或者 Lady of Talents中才人 Lady of Regular Talents鹾人 Desirable Lady八子(汉朝)Consort七子(汉朝)Lady宫人 Palace Women 或者 Courtier长使(汉朝) Senior Palace Woman少使(汉朝) Junior Palace Woman公主 Princess,具体的公主就是Princess + 称号,比如平阳公主是Princess Pingyang,文成公主是Princess Wencheng长公主 Emperor's Sister太子妃 Crown Princess常在(清朝)First-Class/Senior Female Attendant答应(清朝)Second-Class/Junior Female Attendant官僚相关官 Bureaucrat official吏 Government staff 或者 Lesser functionaries士大夫 Scholar-official 或者 literati-bureaucrat衙门 Administrative Office官员或军阀的派系 Clique,比如奉系军阀 Fengtian Clique,阉党 Eunuch Clique/Wei Zhongxian Clique,东林党 Donglin Clique(也叫Donglin Society)文官 Civil officials武官 Military officials散官 Prestige titles勋官 Dignities世官 Hereditary officials流官 Circulating officials丞相/宰相 Chancellor司马 Chancellor of Wars(注意和州司马区别,州司马是Prefectural-level discipline inspector)司徒 Chancellor of Masses司空 Chancellor of Constructions 或者 Chancellor of Works太常卿 Minister of Ceremonies卫尉卿 Minister of Defense 或者 Minister of Guards光禄卿 Minister of Imperial Household廷尉(后来的大理寺卿) Minister of Justice宗正 Minister of Royal Clan大司农 Minister of Finance中书令 Secretariat Director中书舍人 Secretariat Drafter中书门下 Secretariat-Chancellery同中书门下平章事 Joint Manager of Affairs with the Secretariat-Chancellery中散大夫 Grand Master of Palace Leisure内廷 Inner Court外廷 Outer Court大理寺 Imperial Court of Justice 或者 The Grand Court of Revision鸿卢寺 Office of Foreign Affairs或者 Court of State Ceremonial光禄寺 Office of Imperial Kitchen/Entertainment苑马寺 Imperial Pasturage Office太常寺 Court of Imperial Sacrifices寺卿 Chief Minister少卿 Vice Minister枢密院 Chief Military Commission枢密使 Commissioners-in-Chief通政司 Office of Transmission著作局 Editorial office转运使 Transport Commissioner处置使 Supervisory Commissioner, an official that arranges and disposes of matters黜陟使 Personnel Evaluation Commissioner, an official that evaluates, promotes or demotes other officials钦天监 Directorate of Astronomy钦天监监正 Director of Astronomy国子监 Directorate of Education/National Academy国子监祭酒 Chancellor of the National Academy将作院 Imperial Manufactories Commission御史台 Censorate御史 Censors监察御史 Investigating Censors谏官 Remonstrators言官 Critics法司 Judicial office翰林院 Hanlin Academy, an organization in the central court with scholars who did drafting and editing works for the emperor太医院 Imperial Academy of Medicine教坊司 Imperial office of music东宫 The House of Crown Prince 或者 The Eastern Palace for Crown Prince谏议大夫 Supervisory officer光禄大夫 Grand Master of the Palace 其中金紫光禄大夫在后面加with golden seal and purple ribbon,银青光禄大夫在后面加with silver seal and blue ribbon假节:一般说Jiajie,然后解释,an official with a special warrant/permission to represent the emperor平章政事 Chief Administrator参知政事 Assistant Administrator主簿 Recorder 或者 assistant magistrate主书 Assistant drafters主事 Director/secretary of xxx section in xxx ministry主司 Examiner 或者 recruiter,相当于古代政府的HR兼 Concurrent,比如巡抚兼提督军务 Grand Coordinator and Concurrent Superintendent of Military Affairs外戚 imperial relatives on the maternal line 或者 emperor's maternal relatives宦官/太监 eunuch奏章 Memorial to the emperor俸禄 Salary for imperial officials钦差大臣 Imperial government inspector监正 Supervisor of xxx directorate大将军 General-in-Chief偏将军 Lieutenant-General前/后/左/右将军 General of the Vanguard/Rear/Left/Right裨將軍 Major-General中郎 Inner Gentleman中郎将 General of the Court Gentlemen 或者 General of the Household车骑将军 Cheqi General 或者 General of Chariots and Cavalry骠骑将军 Piaoqi General 或者 General of Agile Cavalry校尉 Retainers千牛卫 Imperial personal guard千牛备身 Swordsmen in the personal guard宗人府 Imperial Clan Court詹事府 Supervisorate of Imperial Instruction总督:明朝: Supreme Commander of + 地名; 清朝: Viceroy of + 地名,比如直隶总督是Viceroy of Zhili,两广总督是Viceroy of Guangdong and Guangxi,两江总督是Viceroy of Juangsu and Jiangxi千总 Company commander of 1000 men,或者 Regimental commander把总 Commander of 400 men,或者 Battalion commander都护 Protector大都护 Grand Protector都督 Commander节度使:一般就叫Jiedushi,然后解释一下说是一种Regional military governor,经常会形成Warlord刺史 Cishi, 州的长官,解释为 inspector of a province/prefecture,或者 provincial/prefectural inspector/protector。【对于州的翻译,见行政区划相关,下同】州牧 Zhoumu, 解释为 the provincial-level governor,或者 provincial governor太守 Taishou, 解释为 the prefectural-level governor,或者 prefectural administrator县令 Xianling, 解释为 the county-level governor 或者 county magistrate京兆尹 Mayor of Capital City 或者 Metropolitan governor of the capital city考功 Rating of performance称职 Superior/Good rating平常 Adequate rating不称职 Inadequate rating自陈 To confess sb's own faults京察 Capital evaluation外察 Outer evaluation大夫 Grand Officials三公 Three Councillors/Dukes太傅 Grand Tutor太保 Grand Guard太师 Grand Preceptor三孤 Three Solitaries少傅 Junior Tutor少保 Junior Guard少师 Junior Preceptor同知 Vice xxx佥事 Assistant xxx品秩 Grade/Rank in the Bureaucracy升迁、右迁 Promotion贬官、左迁 Relegation,如果是从首都贬到地方,也可以是 Banishment 【例句:永贞革新失败后,刘禹锡被贬为朗州司马。After the failure of Yongzhen Reform, Liu Yuxi was banished to Langzhou and relegated to 】正一品 First Grade/Rank Officials从一品 Sub-First Grade/Rank Officials正四品上 Upper Fourth Grade/Rank Official正四品下 Lower Fourth Grade/Rank Official从四品上 Upper Sub-Fourth Grade/Rank Official从四品下 Lower Sub-Fourth Grade/Rank Official另外官品还有一种简记法,比如正一品是1a,从一品是1b,正四品上是4a,正四品下是4a',从四品上是4b,从四品下是4b'【例句:在清朝,工部尚书的品秩是从一品。In the Qing Dynasty, the Minister of Works was at the sub-first grade.】粮食相关五谷 Five Grains粟/谷 Foxtail millet稻 Rice麦 Wheat稷/粱 Chinese Maize豆 Bean黍/糜 Proso millet, Hog millet 或者 White millet菽 Soybeans房穀 House grain散穀 Loose grain角穀 Horn grain芒穀 Beard grain舆穀 Cart grain面粉 Flour菰/苽 Wild rice芥 Chinese mustard葵 Chinese mallow韭 Chinese chives藿 Soybean leaf薇 Wild peas薤 Chinese onion葱 Spring onion艾 Chinese mugwort蓼 Chinese knotweed荏/苏子 Purple perilla 或者 Shiso芜菁 Turnip榛 Asian hazel李 Plum梅 Furry plum杏 Apricots 或者 Asian plum柰 Chinese crabapple杨梅 Chinese bayberry柿子 Oriental persimmon 或者 Kaki 或者 Korean Mongo山楂 Chinese hawberry桑葚 Mulberry枸杞 Wolfberry 或者 Goji荔枝 Lychee枣 Jujube 或者 Chinese date麻 Hemp棉 Cotton制度相关禅让制 Abdicating and passing down the throne郡县制 Administrative system with prefectures and counties,有的地方也说成commanderies and districts分封制:这个说法太多了,我觉得比较靠谱的是Feudalism system 或者 Enfeoffment system。有的文章用的Tributary system,个人觉得不靠谱,那是藩属国而不是诸侯国。分封的诸侯国:这个说法也很多,常见的有Principality,Feudatory state 以及 Vassal state,但我比较喜欢第一个,因为后两种通常指的是欧洲那种诸侯国或者附庸国;到了战国就可以直接说State了,比如秦国就是State Qin,魏国是State Wei,卫国是State Wey诸侯本人:Feudal lords宗法制:其实就是以血缘为准的嫡长子继承其余分封的制度,有人用Patriarchy这个词,但是这个词只强调了父系血统,却没有强调继承。也有用Primogeniture,但这个词更多是指嫡长子继承的现象,作为制度似乎差了点意思。我比较喜欢的处理方法是直接说Zongfa system,然后再用一两句话解释,比如the wife's eldest son will inherit the lineage of the clan, while younger sons of the wife and sons of concubines will not be regarded as rightful successors of the clan. The eldest son will also inherit the noble title of his father and majority share of the heritage.礼乐制度 Rites and Music Principals漕运:一般来说就是Caoyun,然后解释是 ground and water transportation operated/controlled by the government茶马交易 Tea-Horse Trading羁縻制度 Jimi system (A special type of administrative system enforced by Tang and Song dynasties in remote areas where hereditary tribal rulers receive duties from the central court while keeping the high degree of autonomy),和后来明朝的土司制度相似 Tusi system (土司本人有时翻译成Chieftains或者Local headmen),有的地方也用halter-and-bridle system来描述井田制 Hashtag-shaped field system 或者 Well-like field system,但显然前一个对外国人来说更直白均田制 Equal-field system察举制:这个貌似没见过专门的对应,所以就还是直接说Cha Ju system,然后加以说明,比如nominate (recommend) prospective government officials based on their filial morality and honesty九品中正制:记得在哪里见过它被叫做Nine-rank system,但是这么说了也等于没说,所以我觉得还是按照上面的处理,说拼音Jiu Pin Zhong Zheng system 然后加说明,比如nominate government officials based on their social status in the hierarchy of nine grades三省 Three Departments六部 Six Ministries 或者 Six Boards二十四司 Twenty-Four Bureaus中书省 Department of Imperial Secretariats门下省 Department of Chancellors尚书省 Department of Imperial Affairs吏部 Ministry of Personnel户部 Ministry of Revenue 或者 Ministry of Household Registration礼部 Ministry of Rites兵部 Ministry of National Defense 或者 Ministry of Wars刑部 Ministry of Justice 或者 Ministry of Punishments工部 Ministry of Constructions 或者 Ministry of Works内阁(明)Grand Secretariat大学士(明)Grand SecretariesT内府 Palace Treasury追封 Posthumous enfeoffment宵禁 Curfew四民 Four occupations(士农工商分别是gentry scholars, peasants, craftsmen以及merchants)奉朝请 People who qualified for imperial audiences藩镇:一般就叫Fanzhen,然后解释一下就是各地被Jiedushi来管理(administrate)形成的local militia forces募兵制 Professional Militia system府兵制 Local Militia system 或者 Fubing system辽朝南/北面官 Southern/Northern Administration,可以解释一下,南面官一般是managing Han-related matters,而北面官一般是managing Khitan-related matters猛安 Meng'an, the Jurchen chiliarch谋克 Mouke, the Jurchen centurion八旗制度: Eight Banners,具体的一般正xx旗是Plain,比如正红旗是Plain Red Banner,镶xx旗是Bordered,比如镶黄旗是Bordered Yellow Banner行政区划相关行政区划 Administrative division首先是现代的:一级:省 Province,自治区 Autonomous Region,特别行政区 Special Administrative Region (SAR),直辖市 (Directly-controlled) Municipality。副省级 Sub-provincial level。二级:地级 Prefectural-level,地区 Prefecture,盟 Leagues/Aimag。三级:县 County,县级市 County-level,旗 Banners/Hoxu。四级:乡 Township,苏木 Sum。五级:村 Village。古代的行政区划多半是通过层级和现代对应的,但因为层级经过多次变迁,导致同一名称的区划在不同时代的对应或许不同。比如,州在隋朝之前为一级行政区,一般翻译为Province,但在元朝之后一般视作二级行政区,一般翻译为Prefecture。唐宋时期有不同的意见,如果把道、路看做是一级政区,那么州是二级行政区,如果把道、路只看做是监察区,那么州是直辖于朝廷的。隋朝先是取消了郡,然后又把州级改名为郡级,造成了更多的翻译混乱,因此在隋唐宋期间,州翻译成Province和Prefecture的都有。秦朝的郡虽为一级行政区,但也一般对应Prefecture或Commandary。为了方便整理,以下为反向对应:Province:州(先秦、汉、魏晋南北朝;隋、唐、辽、宋、金,需联系上下文)、郡(隋,需联系上下文)、行省或布政使司(元、明、清)Circuit:道(唐、辽)、路(宋)、军(唐、五代,比如归义军、定难军、静海军)Grand Protectorate:大都护府(唐)Protectorate:都护府(汉、唐)Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs:宣政院(元)Regional Military Commission:都司(明)Prefecture:郡(秦、汉、魏晋南北朝;隋,需联系上下文)、州(唐、辽、宋、金,需联系上下文;元、明、清)、府(辽,需联系上下文;宋、元、明、清)、军(宋,需联系上下文)、监(宋,需联系上下文)、路(元)、直隶厅(明、清)Commandary:郡(秦、汉、魏晋南北朝)、都督府(唐)、军(宋,需联系上下文)、监(宋,需联系上下文)County:县(秦以来所有朝代)、道或邑(汉)、军(辽)、散厅(明、清)、散州(清)Township:乡(秦以来所有朝代)Village:村或里(秦以来所有朝代)东晋南朝时的侨置:Migrated,比如侨置县 Migrated county土断:lassifying people according to their present habitation科举相关科举考试 Imperial Exams进士 Nominees who passed the highest-level Imperial Examinations (court exams 殿试),有地方直接说是Jinshi(复数Jinshies)并解释是Imperial examination graduates,其中进士及第是distinguished jinshies,进士出身是xxx with jinshi background,同进士出身是xxx with courtesy jinshi background贡士 Nominees who passed the national-level Imperial Examinations官生 Official students恩生 Studnets by grace举人 Recommendees/nominees who passed the local-level (provincial-level) Imperial Examinations,也有的借用Licentiates的说法秀才/生员 Scholars/Educated people (qualified for local-level Imperial Examinations),也有借用Bachelor或者Postgraduates的说法童生 Students haven't qualified for the local-level Imperial Examinations,也有借用Undergraduates的说法八股文 Eight-legged essay乡试 Provincial/Local-level Exams会试 Capital Metropolitan Exams历政 Probationary service观政 Observer period试职 Acting appointment实授 Substantive appointment刑罚相关凌迟 Death by a thousand cuts 或者就叫 Lingchi 然后解释是一种cruel execution腰斩 Death by cutting the waist绞刑 Death by hanging 或者 Strangulation车裂 Death by dismembering the body 或者描述更直白一点 tearing off the head and limbs by attaching them to chariots大辟 Death penalty廷杖 Tingzhang, a type of punishment that the guilty official would be spanked by wooden planks流放 Be banished/exiled to + 地名黥/默/刺字 Be tattooed on the face with indelible ink劓 Cutting off the criminal's nose膑/刖 Removal of the kneecap刑名 Principles of laws五刑 Five Punishments笞 Beating by a light bamboo cane杖 Beating by a large stick徒 Imprisonment炮烙 Death by tying to a hot pillar拶(就是夹手指) Squeezing of the fingers between sticks斩/枭首 Decapitation充军 Banish to a military post as a punishment连坐 implicate and punish the criminal's relatives查抄/抄家 Confiscation of properties赐死 Forced suicide八议 Eight Deliberations,解释一下就是 When these 8 conditions are met, nobles or high-ranking officials have the privilege of being exempted from the punishment.某某律 一般叫做xx code,比如唐律 Tang Code,开皇律 Kaihuang Code,永徽律 Yonghui Code,大明律 Grand/Great Ming Code十恶不赦之罪 The Ten Abominations谋反 Plotting a rebellion谋大逆 Plotting great sedition, or trying to destroy imperial temples or tombs大不敬 Great irreverence, or showing significant disrespect to the emperor先秦相关旧石器时代 Paleolithic 或者 Old Stone Age新石器时代 Neolithic 或者 New Stone Age部落联盟 Tribal Union传说时代 Mythical history 或者 Legendary history半信史(主要指夏和武丁之前的商,有时也指西周共和元年前的历史)Semi-legendary history信史 Faithful history 或者 Testable history三皇五帝 Three Sovereigns and Five Legends 或者统称为 Legendary Ancient Sages黄帝 Huang Di,Huang Ti 或者 Yellow Emperor炎帝 Yan Di,Yan Ti,Yan Emperor 或者 Flame Emperor华夏部 Huaxia Tribal Union九黎部 Jiuli Tribal Union 或者 Tribal Union of Nine Lis三代 Great Reigns of Three Generations尧天舜日 Great Reigns of Yao and Shun禅让制 Abdicating and passing down the throne大禹 Yu, the Great夏朝 Xia dynasty 或者 Hsia dynasty商朝 Shang dynasty殷墟 Ruins of Yin, Relic of Yin 或者直接Yinxu或Yin Xu甲骨文 Scripts on oracle bones青铜年代 Bronze Age周朝 Zhou dynasty 或者 Chou dynasty西周 Western Zhou天命 Mandate of Heaven天子 Son of the Heavenly King周公旦 Ji Dan, the Duke of Zhou分封制:见前文分封的诸侯国:见前文宗法制:见前文礼乐制度 Rites and Music Principals周礼 Rituals of Zhou 或者 Rites of Zhou成康之治 Great Reigns of Kings Cheng and Kang昭王伐楚 Campaign against Chu during King Zhao's Reign穆天子之旅 Journey of King Mu穆天子传 Tale of King Mu国人暴动 Riot of people in the capital city 或者 Riot of capital city residents烽火戏诸侯 War Signal Drama 或者 Fake War Signals东周 Eastern Zhou春秋(年代,书见下文) Spring and Autumn Period战国 Warring States Period春秋五霸 Five Hegemons尊王攘夷 Respect the Zhou king and help him to defeat foreign barbarians吴越争霸 Contention of Wu and Yue 或者 Rivalry between Wu and Yue战国七雄:貌似没有专门的说法,一般就是the Seven Warring States百家争鸣 Hundred Schools of Thoughts儒家 Confucianism 或 School of Ru(不常用)孔子 Confucius孟子 Mencius荀子 Xuncius 或 Xunzi道家 Taoism 或 Daoism老子 Lao Tzu 或 Laozi庄子 Chuang Tzu 或 Zhuangzi无为 wu-wei,解释为 action of actionless道德经 Tao Te Ching墨家 Mohism法家 Legalism名家 Logicianism 或者 School of Names阴阳家 Naturalism,School of Naturalists 或者 School of Yin and Yang纵横家 School of Diplomacy小说家 School of Minor Talks杂家 Syncretism农家 Agriculturalism医家 School of Medicine兵家 School of Military孙子兵法 The Art of War 或者 Art of Wars孙子 Sun Tzu四书五经 Four Books and Five Classics论语 Analects of Confucius 或者直接 Lun Yu大学 Great Learning 或者直接 Da Xue中庸 Doctrine of the Mean 或者直接 Zhong Yong诗经 Classic of Poetry, Classic of Songs 或者 Shijing书经 Book of Documents礼记 Book of Rites 或者 Classic of Rites易经 Book of Changes 或者 I-Ching春秋(书) Annals of Spring and Autumn 或者 Annals of Chunqiu六韬 Six Secret Teachings商君书 The Book of Lord Shang管子 Guanzi韩非子 Han Feizi法经 Canon of Laws尸子 Shizi列子 Liezi竹书纪年 Bamboo Annals战国四公子 Four Lords of Warring States,具体就是Lord+称号,比如春申君是Lord Chunshen食客 Retainer商鞅变法 Reform of Shang Yang in State Qin胡服骑射 Riding and shooting in nomadic dress井田制 Hashtag-shaped field system 或者 Well-like field system,但显然前一个对外国人来说更直白都江堰 Dujiangyan Water Conservancy Project太傅 Grand Tutor太保 Grand Guard太师 Grand Preceptor先秦时期的国君,一般就是King (Duke) + 名字或谥号 + 朝代/国家,比如商纣王King Zhou of Shang,周武王 King Wu of Zhou,齐桓公 Duke Huan of Qi,越王勾践 King Gou Jian of Yue东周各国国名,一般直接写拼音,或者在前面加State。比如赵国State Zhao,魏国State Wei,卫国State Wey。秦汉相关秦朝 Qin dynasty 或者 Chin dynasty秦始皇 Qin Shi Huang Emperor, First Emperor of Qin, Shi Huangdi 或者 Shi Huang Ti秦二世 Qin Ershi Emperor 或者 Second Emperor of Qin兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors焚书坑儒 Burning of Books and Burying of Confucianism Scholars陈胜吴广大泽乡起义 Dazexiang Uprising郡县制 Administrative system with prefectures and counties,有的地方也说成commanderies and districts灵渠 Ling Canal阿房宫 Epang Palace封禅:一般的处理方式是说Fengshan然后解释,比如a type of ceremony held on Mount Tai where the emperor would offer sacrifices to the heavenly king楚汉战争 Chu-Han Contention西楚霸王 Prince of Western Chu汉朝 Han dynasty匈奴:现在一般都叫Xiongnu了,以前很多人叫他们Huns,但是这个争议比较大,因为这个词原本是指欧洲的匈人的冒顿单于 Modu Chanyu军臣单于 Gunchen Chanyu东胡 Donghu 或者 Eastern Hu游牧民族 Nomadic people南蛮 Southern barbarians百越 Hundred Yue Tribes 或者 Hundred Viet Tribes文景之治 Great Reigns of Emperors Wen and Jing七国之乱 Rebellion of seven feudatory states罢黜百家独尊儒术 (to) promote Confucianism and suppress other schools of thoughts史记 Record of the Grand Historian 或者就叫 Shiji二十四史 The 24 Official History Accounts 或者 The 24 Official Histories丝绸之路 Silk Road龟兹:现在一般就叫Qiuci,但比较老的文献用的是Kucha,Kutsi或者Kucina,即库车焉耆 Yanqi,旧文献一般是Karachar或者Karasahr疏勒:常见的就是Shule,或者用现地名喀什Kashgar来指代月氏 Yueh-Chi, Yue-Chi或者Yuezhi, 或者比较老的文献上用的是 Ro-Chi康居 Sogdiana大宛 Dayuan 或 Tayuan拔汗那(其实就是费尔干纳) Ferghana大夏 Bactria朝鲜半岛汉四郡 Four Commanderies of Han in the Korean Peninsula 或者 Four Prefectures of Han in the Korean Peninsula贵霜 Kushan Empire安息/帕提亚帝国 Parthia Empire大秦/罗马帝国 Roman Empire河西走廊 River-west Corridor 或者 Hexi Corridor 玉门关 Yumen Pass 或者 Jade Gate Pass,Pass也可以换成Fortress罪己诏 Edict of Introspection西域都护府(西汉) West(ern) Region Protectorate西域长史府(东汉)West(ern) Region Chief Administration Bureau高句丽 Goguryeo哀牢 Ailao夜郎 Yelang新朝 Xin dynasty光武中兴 The Great Reign of Emperor Guangwu造纸术 Paper-making technology黄巾起义 Yellow Turbans Uprising太平道 Taiping Sect of Taoism吕布 Lyu Bu,Lv Bu 或者 Lu Bu赤壁之战 Battle of Red Cliffs察举制:见前文九品中正制:见前文三公九卿 Three Councillors/Dukes and Nine Ministers/Chamberlains丞相/宰相 Chancellor司马 Chancellor of Wars(注意和州司马区别,州司马是Prefecture-level discipline inspector)司徒 Chancellor of Masses司空 Chancellor of Constructions 或者 Chancellor of Works太常卿 Minister of Ceremonies卫尉卿 Minister of Defense 或者 Minister of Guards光禄卿 Minister of Imperial Household廷尉(后来的大理寺卿) Minister of Justice宗正 Minister of Royal Clan大司农 Minister of Finance刺史 Cishi, 州的长官,解释为 inspector of a province/prefecture,或者 provincial/prefectural inspector/protector。【对于州的翻译,见行政区划相关,下同】别驾 Biejia 州刺史的副官 deputy provincial/prefectural inspector/protector州牧 Mu, 解释为 the provincial-level governor,或者 provincial governor太守 Taishou, 解释为 the prefectural-level governor,或者 prefectural administrator县令 Xianling, 解释为 the county-level governor 或者 county magistrate汉朝皇帝的叫法,举两个例子,剩下的都一样:汉高祖 Emperor Gaozu of Han,汉武帝 Emperor Wu of Han大将军 General-in-chief中郎 Inner Gentleman中郎将 Leader of court gentlemen车骑将军 Cheqi General,或者 General of Chariots and Cavalry汉赋 Rhapsody poetry of Han dynasty 或者就叫 Fu Poetry汉书 Book of Han后汉书 Book of Later Han盐铁论 Discourses on Salt and Iron 或者 Debate on Salt and Iron盐铁专营 Imperial monopoly on salt and iron榷酒 Imperial monopoly on alcohol均输法 Junshu Method,然后解释 A policy of converting tribute items into commodities and selling them at high prices in the neighboring areas平准法 Pingzhun Method,然后解释 A policy of placing the trade of important commodities under imperial control金缕玉衣 A jade suit with golden wires九章算术 Nine Chapters of Mathematics昭君出塞 Wang Zhaojun's Marriage to Xiongnu十常侍 the Ten Attendants魏晋南北朝相关三国 Three Kingdoms六出祁山 Zhuge Liang's northern expeditions/campaigns against Cao Wei竹林七贤 Seven Sages in the Bamboo Forest三国志 Records of the Three Kingdoms裴松之三国志注 Annotations to Records of the Three Kingdoms出师表 一般就是Chushi Biao或者Chu Shi Biao,偶尔有意译版Memorial on going to the front。前后出师表分别加Former和Later翻车 keel waterwheel晋朝 Jin dynasty八王之乱 The War of Eight Princes永嘉之变 Disaster of Yongjia五胡乱华 Five groups of barbarians invaded Northern China鲜卑 Xianbei 或者 Siber(不常用)嚈哒 Hephthalite罽宾(犍陀罗)Gandhara十六国 Sixteen Kingdoms 或者 Sixteen States (少见)祖逖北伐 Northern Expeditions of Zu Ti兰亭集序 Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Poems书圣(王羲之)the Master of Chinese calligraphy田园诗 Poetry of Chinese Fields and Gardens山水诗 Poetry of Chinese Landscapes清谈:貌似没有很好的对应,直接说Qingtan或则Pure Conversation,然后解释,比如a popular type of conversations about Taoist philosophies in Jin dynasty淝水之战 Battle of Fei River参合陂之战 Battle of Canhe Slope十六国具体国名,举几个例子:前秦 Kingdom of Former Qin,后燕 Kingdom of Later Yan,西凉 Kingdom of Western Liang晋书 Book of Jin南北朝 Southern and Northern dynasties北魏 Northern Wei 或者 Tuoba Wei东魏 Eastern Wei西魏 Western Wei北齐 Northern Qi 或者 Northern Chi北周 Northern Zhou 或者 Northern Chou南朝宋 Liu Song南朝齐 Southern Qi 或者 Southern Chi南朝梁 Liang dynasty 或者 Southern Liang南朝陈 Chen dynasty 或者 Southern Chen孝文帝改革 The Reform of Emperor Xiaowen汉化 Sinicization(动词 Sinicize)【例句:宇文泰是汉化的胡人。Yuwen Tai is a sinicized barbarian.】鲜卑化 Xianbeilization 或 胡化 nomadicization云冈石窟 Yungang Grottoes龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes鸠摩罗什 Kumarajiva达摩 Bodhidharma禅宗 Zen净土宗 Pure Land Buddhism 或者 Amidish(但是有争议)华严宗 Flower Garland School天台宗 Tiantai School 或者 Tendai School密宗 Esoteric School法相宗 Faxiang School,Dharma Characteristic School 或者 East Asian Yogacara妙法莲华经 Lotus Sutra柔然:一般就是Rouran,以前有个争议性蛮大的Avar六镇起义 Riot of Six Military Towns河阴之变 Heyin Incident 或者 Heyin Massacre侯景之乱 the Rebellion of Hou Jing齐民要术 Essential Techniques for People's Welfare水经注 Commentary on the Water Classic世说新语 A New Account of Tales in the World吐谷浑 Tuyuhun Kingdom象雄/羊同 Zhang-Zhung孙波/苏毗 Sum Pa敕勒(其实就是铁勒、高车) Tiele关陇集团 the Guan-Long Group 或者 Military clans (group) of Guanzhong and Longxi士族 Nobel clans 或则 Shizu clans庶族 Normal clans 或者 Shuzu clans府兵制 Local Militia system 或者 Fubing system玉树后庭花 Jade Tree and Backyard Flowers南史 History of Southern Dynasties北史 History of Northern Dynasties魏书 Book of Wei北齐书 Book of Northern Qi周书 Book of Zhou宋书 Book of Song (注意和后面的宋史区分)齐书 Book of Qi(这是南朝齐的二十四史)梁书 Book of Liang陈书 Book of Chen玉台新咏 New Songs from the Jade Terrace华阳国志 Chronicles of Huayang千字文 Thousand Character Classic隋唐相关隋朝 Sui dynasty开皇之治 The Great Reign of Kaihuang科举考试 Imperial Exams大运河 the Grand Canal三省 Three Departments六部 Six Ministries 或者 Six Boards二十四司 Twenty-Four Bureaus中书省 Department of Imperial Secretariats门下省 Department of Chancellors尚书省 Department of Imperial Affairs吏部 Ministry of Personnel户部 Ministry of Revenue 或者 Ministry of Household Registration礼部 Ministry of Rites兵部 Ministry of National Defense 或者 Ministry of Wars刑部 Ministry of Justice 或者 Ministry of Punishments工部 Ministry of Constructions 或者 Ministry of Works突厥 Gokturks 或者 Tujue薛延陀 Xueyantuo 或者 Syr Tardush土门可汗 Bumin Khan/Qaghan达头可汗 Tardu Khan/Qaghan启民可汗 Yami Khan/Qaghan始毕可汗 Shibi Khan/Qaghan颉利可汗 Illig Khan/Qaghan突利可汗 Tolis Khan/Qaghan (本名阿史那什缽苾 Ashina Shibobi)俟力苾可汗 Qilibi Khan/Qaghan (本名阿史那思摩 Ashina Simo)隋朝皇帝:隋文帝 Emperor Wen of Sui,隋炀帝 Emperor Yang of Sui杨玄感叛乱 Revolt of Yang Xuangan瓦岗起义 Wagang Uprising均田制 Equal-field system租庸调制 一般直接是Zuyongdiao Policy,解释一下就是 A system of corvee and taxation formed in the Tang Dynasty, under which the tax was paid in the forms of grains, corvee, or textiles.新罗 Silla百济 Baekje奚 Xi people隋书 Book of Sui唐朝 Tang dynasty玄武门之变 The Xuanwu Gate Incident贞观之治 The Great Reign of Zhenguan昭陵六骏 Six Steeds of Zhao Tomb/Mausoleum高昌 Gocho,Qocho,Karahoja(一般特指唐初的麴氏高昌国)或者就是 Gaochang吐蕃 Tibetan Empire松赞干布 Songtsen Gampo伦钦/大贡论 Lonchen布达拉宫 Potala Palace文成公主 Princess Wencheng尺尊公主 Bhrikuti禄东赞 Gar Tongtsen Yulsung芒松芒赞 Mangsong Mangtsen赤松德赞 Trisong Detsen朗达玛 Langdarma逻些 就叫Lhasa苯教 Bon莲花生大师 Padmasambhava都护 Protector大都护 Grand Protector都督 Commander单于都护府 Chanyu Protectorate安北都护府 An'bei Protectorate 或者 Pacifying North Protectorate安西都护府 An'xi Protectorate 或者 Pacifying West Protectorate安西大都护府 Grand Protectorate of An'xi北庭都护府 Beiting Protectorate 或者 Beshbalik Protectorate北庭大都护府 Grand Protectorate of Beiting濛池都护府 Mengchi Protectorate昆凌都护府 Kunling Protectorate黑水都护府 Heishui Protectorate安东都护府 An'dong Protectorate 或者 Pacifying East Protectorate安南都护府 An'nan Protectorate 或者 Pacifying South Protectorate安西四镇 Four Military Towns/Stations/Garrisons of An'xi Protectorate熊津都督府 Ungjin Commandery吐火罗都督府 Tocharian Commandery条支都督府 Antiochia Commandery碎叶 Suyab别失八里 Beshbalik或者Beshbaliq,其实就是庭州Tingzhou拜火教 Zoroastrianism桃花石 Tabgach鄂尔浑碑铭 Orhun Inscriptions 或者 Orkhon Inscriptions厥特勤碑 Kul Tigin steles唐初十道:Ten Daos of Early Tang,道有时候也被翻译成Circuit或者Province长安东市 Eastern Market of Chang'an长安西市 Western Market of Chang'an大明宫 Daming Palace曲江池 Qujiang Pond 或者 Qujiangchi Lake宵禁 Curfew京兆尹 Mayor of Capital City武周 Second Zhou dynasty武则天 Empress Wu Zetian无字碑 Blank Monument of Wu Zetian萨珊波斯 Sassanian Persia倭马亚 Umayyad Caliphate阿拔斯(大食) Abbasside Caliphate怛罗斯之战 Battle of Talas开元盛世 Great Reign of Kaiyuan唐朝皇帝举例:唐太宗 Emperor Taizong of Tang,唐肃宗 Emperor Suzong of Tang。有两个特殊的,一个是唐玄宗,常见的当然是Emperor Xuanzong of Tang 或者 Emperor Ming of Tang,但是有个很狗血的说法是Illustrious August(“灿烂/杰出的帝王”),真是不知道谁最早翻译的,幸好用的人也不多,只在一些比较老的文献里见过;另一个是唐宣宗,一般需要写成Xuānzong,从而和唐玄宗区分。但是很多时候这种特殊字符很难输入,因此不少人会处理成 Xuanzong II,或者在后面打个括号加上Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (9th Century)杨贵妃 Lady Yang荔枝 Lychee霓裳羽衣曲 The Song of Feathered Clothes with Colors of Rainbow唐诗 Tang Poetry近体诗 Regulated verse律诗 Eight-line regulated verse五/七律 Five/Seven-character eight-line regulated verse排律 Extended form of eight-line regulated verse绝句 Four-line regulated verse 或者 Chinese quatrain韵律 tonal meter李白 Li Bai 或者 Li Bo杜甫 Du Fu 或者 Tu Fu诗仙 Master of Poetry,Genius of Poetry 或者 God of Poetry诗圣 Sage of Poetry诗佛(王维) Buddha of Poetry诗鬼(李贺)Phantom of Poetry 或者 Ghost of Poetry诗骨(陈子昂)Bone of Poetry 或者 Stand of Poetry诗杰(王勃)The Outstanding Poet诗奴(孟郊)Slave of Poetry 或者 Prisoner of Poetry诗魔(白居易)Devil of Poetry 或者 Demon of Poetry诗豪(刘禹锡)Elite of Poetry 或者 Hero of Poetry诗狂(贺知章)The Mad Poet诗瓢(唐求)The Calabash Poet唐诗三百首 Three Hundred Tang Poems一些十分著名的诗作题目的著名英文翻译:静夜思 Quiet Night Thoughts,春怨 Spring Lament,蜀道难 The Hard Road to Shu,春日醉起言志 Waking from Drunkenness on a Spring Day,月下独酌 Drinking Alone by Moonlight,春望 A Spring View,秋日夔府咏怀奉寄郑监李宾客一百韵 Autumn Day in Kui Prefecture,兵车行 Ballard of a War Chariot,相思 One-Hearted,春晓 Spring Morning,清来 Qingming Festival,秋夕 Autumn Evening,琵琶行 Ballard of the Biwa,长恨歌 Song of Everlasting Sorrow,饮中八仙歌 Song of Eight Immortals of the Wine Cup,登高 On the Height,鹿柴 A Hut in the Deer Grounds,茅屋为秋风所破歌 Song of My Cottage Unroofed By Autumn Gales,赋得古原草送别 Farewell at Ancient Meadowland,登乐游原 Atop Mount Leyou,登鹳雀楼 Climbing White Stork Tower,悯农 The Peasant's Lot,凉州词 Liangzhou Verses,泊秦淮 Mooring on Qinhuai River,望岳 Mountain Gazing,将进酒 Please Drink Up,登幽州台歌 Up on Youzhou Vista,过故人庄 Passing by a Friend's Farmhouse,山居秋暝 Life in the Mountains on an Autumn Evening,闻官军收河南河北 Upon Hearing of Recovery of Henan and Hebei,江雪 In the River, In the Snow,滁州西涧 West Ravine in Chuzhou骈文 Pianwen, a type of rhythmical prose with perfect parallel lines古文运动 Classic/Ancient Prose Movement日本遣唐使 Japanese missions to Imperial China 或者 Kento Shi开元占经 Treatise on Astrology of the Kaiyuan Era筒车 hydrolic scoopwheel曲辕犁 curve-beam ploughshare 或者 Jiangdong ploughshare安禄山 An Lushan 或者Ann Ruckshen安史之乱 An Lushan's Rebellion 或者 An-Shi Rebellion回纥汗国 Uighur Khanate 或者 Uyghur Khanate汗庭 Khan's Court药罗葛氏 Yaglakar clan仆固怀恩 Pugu Huai'en 或者 Puku Huai'en怀仁可汗 Kutlug Bilge Qaghan 原名为 Kutluk Boyla(骨力裴罗)英武可汗 Bayanchur Qaghan牟羽可汗 Bogu Qaghan长寿天亲可汗 Changshou Tianqin Qaghan 原名为 Tun Baga Tarkhan忠贞可汗 Kulug Qaghan奉诚可汗 Qutluq Bilge Qaghan阿跌氏 Adiz clan突骑施 Turgesh葛逻禄 Karluks黠戛斯 Kirgis 或者 Kyrghiz节度使:见前文藩镇:见前文募兵制:Professional Militia system府兵制 Local Militia system 或者 Fubing system折冲府:就是Zhechong Fu,然后解释一下说是府兵制下形成的一种军队编制基层编制(basic-level local military division)。进一步的解释:A Zhechong Fu is responsible for the organization and training of soldiers. In times of war, soldiers from its area might be drafted. These soldiers would work as farmers in spring and summer, and undergo military training in winter. They need to prepare their own weapons when they go to war, but they are exempt from taxes and their families have a higher social status.十二卫军/十六卫军 12/16 divisions of Imperial Guards左/右卫大将军 Grand General of Left/Right Guard左/右武卫将军 General of Left/Right Martial Guard左/右骁卫中郎将 Deputy General of Left/Right Brave Guard左/右监门卫长史 Secretary General of Left/Right Palace Gate Guard左/右威卫参军 Inspector of Left/Right Prestige (Mighty) Guard盐业专售 Salt Commission渤海国 Balhea 或者 Pohai南诏国 Nanzhao Kingdom牛李党争 Factional Struggles between Niu and Li Parties (Cliques)甘露之变 Ganlu Incident 或者 Sweet Dew Incident唐蕃会盟 Tang-Tibetan Meeting会昌毁佛 Anti-Buddhism Campaign/Persecution in the Reign of Huichang归义军 Guiyi Circuit黄巢起义 Huang Chao('s) Uprising旧唐书 Old Book of Tang新唐书 New Book of Tang边塞诗 Poetry of Military Service 或者 Frontier Poetry唐会要 Institutional History of Tang通典 Comprehensive Documents酉阳杂俎 Miscellaneous Morsels from Youyang大唐西域记 The Grand/Great Tang Record on the Western Region给事郎 Supervising Secretary进奏院 Capital Liaison Office按察使 Surveillance Commissioner刺史 Cishi, 州的长官,解释为 provincial/prefectural governor。【对于州的翻译,见行政区划相关,下同】长史 Zhangshi 州刺史的副官,deputy provincial/prefectural governor司马 Sima 州刺史的副官,一般无实权,名义上掌管风纪,provincial/prefectural discipline inspector 唐初八史(指唐初编写的八部正史,包括晋书、隋书、南史、北史等)Eight Historiographies compiled in early Tang dynasty五代宋元相关五代十国 Five dynasties and ten kingdoms沙陀人 Shatuo people幽云十六州 16 Prefectures (provinces) of You and Yun旧五代史 Old History of the Five Dynasties新五代史 New History of the Five Dynasties 或者 Historical Records of the Five Dynasties宋朝 Song dynasty 或者 Sung dynasty陈桥兵变 Incident of Chenqiao Station 或者 The Mutiny of Chenqiao Station杯酒释兵权 Dismissing generals from their duties during a banquet路 Circuit 或者 Lu府 Prefecture 或者 Fu契丹 Khitan辽朝 Liao dynasty辽朝南/北面官 Southern/Northern Administration,可以解释一下,南面官一般是managing Han-related matters,而北面官一般是managing Khitan-related matters耶律 Yelu 或者 Yelyu阿保机 Abaoji睡王(辽穆宗)The Sleeping Emperor澶渊之盟 Treaty of Chanyuan岁币 Annual Tributes党项 Tangut People西夏 Western Xia 或者 Xixia于阗王国 Khotan Kingdom黑汗 Kara Khanid六谷部 Liugu Tribal Confederation,Liangzhoufu Tibetans,或者 Lingchu Serkap唃厮啰国 Tsongkha西州回鹘 Xizhou Uighurs 或者 Gaochang Uighurs大理国 Dali Kingdom西南夷 Southwestern Barbarians唐宋八大家 the Eight Prose Masters of Tang and Song清明上河图 Along the River During the Qingming Festival梦溪笔谈 Dream Pool Essays熙宁改革(王安石变法)Reform of Xining 或者 Wang Anshi's Reform青苗法 Green Sprouts Law保甲法 一般就是Baojia system,解释一下就是 a community-based militia, household registration, and tax management system宋词 Lyric Poetry 或者就说 Ci豪放派 Bold faction 或者 Unconstrained faction婉约派 Restrained faction词牌:一般直接说Cipai,然后解释,比如the format/pattern and genre of a lyric poetry based on the rhythm and tunes。以xxx为词牌:to the tune of xxx词牌名经常就音译了,但一些常见的词牌名也有意译:满江红 Full River in Red,江城子Riverside City,西江月 The Moon on the West River,木兰花 Magnolia Flower,减字木兰花 Shortened Magnolia Flower,采桑子 Plucking Mulberry Leaves,如梦令 Like a Dream,蝶恋花 Butterfly Loves Flowers,浣溪沙 Silk-washing Stream,沁园春 Spring in Princess Qinshui's Garden,风入松 Wind between Pine Trees,小重山 Little Heavy Mountains,水调歌头 Water Melody,虞美人 Lady Yu,满庭芳 Scent Fills the Hall,汉宫春 Spring in the Han Palace,水龙吟 Dragon Intonation in the Water,菩萨蛮 Bodhisattva Headdress,渔家傲 Fisherman's Pride,临江仙 Riverside Fairies,念奴娇 Song of a Hundred Syllables花石纲 The shipping of rare rocks女真 Jurchen 或者 Nuchen金朝 Jurchen Jin dynasty 或者 Jinn dynasty,在不发生混淆的情况下可以用Jin dynasty完颜 Wanyan猛安 Meng'an, the Jurchen chiliarch谋克 Mouke, the Jurchen centurion耶律大石西征 The Expedition of Dashi西辽 Qara Khitan,Kara Khitai 或者 Western Liao虎思斡耳朵(八剌沙衮)Balasagun 或者 Hoosihorde,斡耳朵就是Horde,大帐卡特万之战 Battle of Qatwan花剌子模 Khwarazmian kingdom 火寻花剌子模沙 Khwarazmshah 即花剌子模的国王靖康之变 Incident of Jingkang岳家军 Yue Fei's Army或者Yue's Circuit绍兴和议 the Compromise of Shaoxing海陵王 Prince of Hailing in Jurchen Jin Dynasty卫绍王 Prince Shao of Wei in Jurchen Jin Dynasty交子 Jiaozi, the paper currency活字印刷术 Movable Type Printing或者Typographic Printing Technology宋明理学 Neo-Confucianism程朱理学 Cheng-Zhu School of Rationality 或者 Cheng-Zhu Rationalist Dualism格物致知 Investigation of Things陆王心学 Lu-Wang School of Innate Knowing 或者 Yangmingism知行合一 Integration of Knowledge and Action陈叶事功学派(永嘉学派)Yongjia School张载-罗钦顺-王夫之气学派 The School of Qi (Chi, vital life energy)宋四大书 Four Great Books of Song太平广记 Extensive Records of the Taiping Era太平御览 Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era文苑英华 Finest Blossoms in the Garden of Literature册府元龟 Archival Palace as the Great Oracle 或者 Models from the Archives宋朝皇帝举两个例子,宋神宗 Emperor Shenzong of Song,宋高宗 Emperor Gaozong of Song,别的都是这个格式,辽金也一样五大名窑 Five Great Kilns,具体的包括汝窑 Ru ware、钧窑 Jun ware、定窑 Ding ware、官窑 Guan ware 和哥窑 Ge ware宋史 History of Song金史 History of Jin辽史 History of Liao蒙古汗国 Mongol Khanate蒙古帝国 Mongol Empire肯特山/布尔罕山/狼居胥山 Khentii Mountains斡难河 Onon River大斡耳朵 Grand Horde乃蛮部 Naimans屈出律 Kuchlug塔塔尔部 Tatars克烈部 Keraites泰赤乌部 Taichiud蔑儿乞部 Merkit俺巴孩汗 Ambaghai Khan王汗 Ong Khan 或者本名 Toghrul太阳汗 Tayang Khan扎木合 Jamukha十三翼之战 Battle of 13 Battalions孛儿只斤 Borjigin成吉思汗 Genghis Khan铁木真 Temujin术赤 Jochi察合台 Chagatai窝阔台 Ogedei托雷 Tolui贵由 Guyuk蒙哥 Mongke木华黎 Muqali拔都 Batu Khan旭烈兀 Hulagu Khan速不台 Subutai哲别 Jebei 或者 Jebe阿里不哥 Ariq Boke忽必烈 Kublai金帐汗国 Golden Horde Khanate伊尔汗国 Ilkhanate察合台汗国 Chagatai Khanate窝阔台汗国 Ogedei Khanate忽里勒台大会(库里台大会) Kurultai 或 Qoriltay高丽 Goryeo元朝 Yuan dynasty达鲁花赤 Darughachi色目人 Semu people 或者 Colored-eye people汉人 Han people in the north南人 Southerners可敦 Khatun 蒙古帝国的皇后乃马真后 Toregene Khatun海迷失后 Qaimish Khatun行省:全称是行中书省 Branch Secretariats,一般就叫 Province宣政院 Bureau of Buddhism and Tibetan Affairs戊戌选试 Confucianism exams under Mongols in 1238海都之乱 Kaidu–Kublai war大都之变 The Incident of Kanbaliq武仁之约 The Agreement between Wuzong and Renzong emperors英宗改制 Reforms of Emperor Yingzong of Yuan南坡之变 The assassinate at the southern hill天历之变/两都之战 War of the Two Capitals至正新政 Reforms of Emperor Shun of Yuan红巾起义 Red Turbans Rebellion元顺帝 Emperor Shun of Yuan元曲 Yuan Qu, a type of poetry based on tunes of music 或者 Tune poetry元史 History of Yuan新元史 New History of Yuan授时历 Calendar of Fixing Time 或者 Shoushi Calendar宋朝时的吐蕃诸部 Era of Fragmentation of Tibet西藏法王 Prince of Dharma噶当派 Kadam噶举派 Kagyu格鲁派 Gelug萨迦派 Sakya宁玛派 Nyingma觉囊派 Jonang仲敦巴 Dromton萨迦班智达 Sakya Pandita八思巴 Phagpa元大都 Khanbaliq或者Dadu上都 Xanadu或者Shangdu和林 Karakorum王保保 Koke Temur孛罗帖木儿 Bolad Temur卓里克图汗也速迭儿 Jorightu Khan Yesüder大元通制 Comprehensive Institutions of the Great Yuan奎章阁学士院 Pavilion of the Star of Literature经世大典 Institutional Compendium of Yuan三字经 Three Character Classic百家姓 Hundred Family Surnames元末三史 (指脱脱主编的辽宋金三部正史) Three Historiographies compiled in late Yuan dynasty王祯农书 Wang Zhen's Book on Agriculture农桑辑要 Summary of Agriculture明清相关明朝 Ming dynasty明教 Manicheism明初四大案 Four Major Cases of Early Ming Dynasty空印案 Pre-stamped Documents Case风闻言事 Impeach with hearsay大学士 Grand Secretariat捕鱼儿海之战 Battle of Buir Lake脱古思帖木儿 Togus Temur (Uskhal Khan)靖难之役 Incident of Jingnan 或者 Jingnan Campaign永乐盛世 the Great Reign of Yong'le Emperor永乐大典 Yong'le Encyclopedia 或者 Yong'le Canon郑和下西洋 Ming treasure voyages led by Zheng He (Cheng Ho)仁宣之治 Great Reigns of Emperor Renzong and Emperor Xuanzong土木堡之变 Incident of Tumu Fortress 或者 Tumu Fortress Crisis夺门之变 The Palace-Gate Incident (The Restoration of Emperor Yingzong)大礼仪之争 The Great Controversy of Rites倭寇 Japanese Pirates隆庆新政 Reform of Longqing Emperor张居正改革 Zhang Juzheng's Reform一条鞭法 Single whip law,解释一下就是 a tax system combining agricultural tax, servitude and other taxes into one single tax levied on a per-acre basis俺答封贡 The Investiture of Altan Khan 或者 The Surrender of Tumod Mongols万历中兴 Reign of Wanli Emperor万历三大征 Three Great Military Campaigns of Wanli Emperor明末三大案 Three Cases of the Ming Court移宫案 the Palace-Shifting Case红丸案 the Red Pill Case梃击案 the Club Hitting Case国本之争 The Great Controversy of the Crown Prince妖书案 The incident of delusive books东林党争 Factional/Clique Struggles of Donglin Society北元 Northern Yuan鞑靼 Tatar Mongols瓦剌(卫拉特)Oriats Mongols奴儿干都司 Nurgan Military Commission乌斯藏都司 U-Tsang Military Commission朵干都司 Do-Kham Military Commission(朵干是安多Amdo和康区Kham的合成)帕木竹巴 Phagmodrupa仁蚌巴 Rinpungpa藏巴汗 Tsangpa朝贡国 Tributary States进贡 Pay the tribute高丽 Goryeo李氏朝鲜 Joseon琉球王国 Ryukyu Kingdom俺答汗 Altan Khan蒙古左翼和右翼 Left Wing/Right Wing of Mongols亦力把里(东察合台汗国,可以叫Eastern Chagatai Khanate或Moghulistan,但这个音其实就是伊犁)Ili-baliq、Illiq 或者 Ili,也作 Ghulja叶尔羌汗国 Yarkand Khanate 或者 Yarkent Khanate吐鲁番汗国 Turpan Khanate土默特部 Tumod哈密国 Kara Del克里雅 Keriya巴尔楚克 Barchuk厂卫 Secret police agency of Ming dynasty东厂 Eastern Depot 或者 Dongchang secret police agency西厂 Western Depot 或者 Xichang secret police agency锦衣卫 Embroidered-uniform Guards李自成起义 Li Zicheng Uprising郑成功 Kosinga 或者 Koxinga("国姓爷")南明 Southern Ming 或者 Regimes of Ming Loyalists in the South明史 History of Ming明朝皇帝:常见的有两套说法,一种是年号+Emperor,一种是Emperor + 庙号。比如朱元璋可以是Hongwu Emperor,也可以是Emperor Taizu of Ming;朱由检可以是Chongzhen Emperor,也可以是Emperor Sizong of Ming。宗人府 Imperial Clan Court都司(都指挥使司) Regional military commissions卫所 Military settlements,其中卫是major military settlements, 所是minor military settlements五军都督府 Five Chief Military Commissions班军 Periodical rotation of duties民户 Civilian families军户 Military families屯田 Part-time farming边 Frontiers镇 Defense Area九边 Nine (frontier) garrisons (along the Great Wall)总兵 Regional Commanders总旗 Platoon Commanders小旗 Squad Commanders京营 Imperial guards京师 The Metropolitan Area of Capital(s)直隶州 Independent subprefecture交趾 Jiaozhi 或者 Chiaochih提刑按察司 Provincial Surveillance Office都转运盐使司 Salt Distribution Commissions市舶提举司 Maritime Trade Commissions巡检司 Provincial Police Office宣慰司/安抚司/招讨司 Pacification Office承宣布政司 Provincial Administration Office分守道 General Administration Circuit督册道 Provincial Census Circuit督粮道 Provincial Tax Circuit道台 Circuit Intendant农政全书 The Complete Book of Agricultural Affairs清朝 Qing dynasty, Tsing dynasty 或者 Ching dynasty满族 Manchus满洲 Manchuria爱新觉罗 Aisin Gioro努尔哈赤 Nurhaci皇太极 Hong Taiji多铎 Prince Dodo多尔衮 Dorgon叶赫那拉 Yehe Nara山海关 Shanhai Pass林丹汗 Ligdan Khan铁帽子王 Iron-Cap Princes八旗制度:the Eight Banners,具体的一般正xx旗是Plain,比如正红旗是Plain Red Banner,镶xx旗是Bordered,比如镶黄旗是Bordered Yellow Banner摊丁入亩 A reform that abolished the poll tax and merged it into the agricultural tax内务府 Office of Imperial Household议政王大臣会议 Deliberative Council of Princes and Ministers扬州十日 Ten Days of Desperate in Yangzhou,Yangzhou Massacre 或者 Ten-day Massacre of Yangzhou(其实最常见的是第二种,第一种我在一篇非学术论文里见过一次。但我觉得第一种更好一些,因为massacre这个词比较诡异,比如美国的波士顿惨案、肯特州立大学惨案这种死了个位数人的也叫massacre,门槛貌似是死5个人左右,体现不出像扬州十日这样的大规模屠杀。扬州十日这个级别的事件应该有自己的专用名词,后面的南京大屠杀也同理,有叫Nanjing Massacre,也有叫专门的名字Rape of Nanjing)三藩之乱 Revolt of Three Feudatories鳌拜 Oboi准噶尔汗国 Dzungar Khanate噶尔丹 Galdan Boshugtu Khan乌兰布通之战 Battle of Ulan Butung昭莫多之战 Battle of Jao Modo科布多 Khobdo塔里木盆地 Tarim Basin塔克拉玛干沙漠 Taklimakan Desert 或者 Taklamagan Desert和硕特汗国 Khoshut Khanate 或者 Qoshot Khanate喀尔喀蒙古 Khalkha乌里雅苏台 Uliastai唐努乌梁海 Tannu Uriankhai宁古塔 Nimguta赫图阿拉 Hetu Ala康乾盛世 Great Reign of Kangxi, Yongzheng and Qianlong Emperors 或者 Great Reign of Three Emperors四库全书 Complete Book Collection in Four Sections军机处 Grand Council of State (originally for military emergencies)军机大臣 Military Chancellor 或者也有人说 Shumi(其实就是枢密)驻札大臣 Amban库伦办事大臣 Amban of Kulun驻藏大臣 Imperial Residents in Tibet伊犁将军 General of Ili理藩院 Board for the Administration of Outlying Regions 或者 Office of Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs尼布楚条约 Treaty of Nerchinsk文字狱 Literary Inquisition汤若望 Johann Adam Schall von Bell南怀仁 Ferdinand Verbist同文馆 School of Combined Learning大小和卓之乱 the Rebellion of Altishahr Khojas和珅 Niohuru Heshen避暑山庄 Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde鸦片战争 the First Opium War南京条约 Treaty of Nanjing虎门条约 Treaty of the Bogue黄埔条约 Treaty of Whampoa望厦条约 Treaty of Wanghia割地 Cede,名词Cession。比如割让青岛给德国,动词可以说Cede Tsingtao/Qingdao to Germany,作为名词词组可以说the cession/ceding of Tsingtao to Germany太平天国 Taiping Rebellion天王(洪秀全)Heavenly King/Prince捻军 Nian Rebellion湘军 Xiang Army 或者 Hunan Army第二次鸦片战争 the Second Opium War北京条约 Treaty of Peking 或者 Convention of Peking天津条约 1858 Treaty of Tientsin瑷珲条约 Treaty of Aigun中俄勘分西北界约记 Treaty of Tarbagatai中俄交收伊犁条约 Treaty of Livadia伊犁条约 Treaty of Saint Petersburg商埠 Treaty ports 或者 Trading ports租界 Concessions中法战争 Sino-French War中法新约 Sino-French Treaty of Tientsin洋务运动 Self-Strengthening Movement总理衙门 Office for the General Management of Affairs Concerning the Various Countries唐胥铁路 Kaiping Colliery Tramway(开平煤矿铁路)开平煤矿 Kaiping Mines汉阳兵工厂 Hanyang Arsenal汉阳铁厂 Hanyang Ironmaking Plant安庆内军械所 Anqing Imperial Arsenal福州船政局 Foochow Mawei Arsenal江南机器制造总局 Jiangnan Manufacturing Bureau轮船招商局 China Merchants Steam Navigation Company上海机器织布局 Shanghai Mechanical Textile Bureau天津电报总局 Tianjin Telegraph Bureau兰州织呢局 Lanzhou Machinery Woolen Factory电政总局 Imperial Chinese Telegraph Administration同治陕甘之变 Dungan Revolt洪福汗国 Jetti Shahar Khanate戊戌变法 Wuxu Reform 或者 Hundred-day Reform戊戌六君子 Six gentlemen/martyrs of the Hundred Days' Reform北洋水师 Beiyang Fleet甲午战争 First Sino-Japanese War 或者 War of Jiawu Year马关条约 Treaty of Shimonoseki三国干涉还辽 The Triple Intervention曹州巨野教案 Juye Incident义和团 Boxers八国联军 Eight-Nation Alliance辛丑条约 Boxer Protocol东南互保 Mutual Protection of Southeast China慈禧太后 Empress Dowager Cixi兴中会 Revive China Society檀香山 Honolulu预备立宪 Constitutionalization Movement钦定宪法大纲 Principles of the Constitution武卫军 Wuwei Corps广胜军 Guangdong Victorious Army保路运动 Railway Protection Movement辛亥革命 Xinhai Revolution孙中山 Sun Yat-Sen清代总督:Viceroy of + 地名,比如直隶总督是Viceroy of Zhili,两广总督是Viceroy of Guangdong and Guangxi,两江总督是Viceroy of Juangsu and Jiangxi千总 Company commander of 1000 men把总 Commander of 400 men九门提督 Nine Gates Infantry Commander僧格林沁 Sengge Rinchen清朝皇帝:一般就是年号+Emperor,比如康熙是Kangxi Emperor,光绪是Guangxu Emperor。溥仪一般就叫Puyi比较多。清史稿 Draft History of Qing小冰期 Little Ice Age北洋水师学堂 Tianjin Naval Academy保定军校 Baoding Military Academy湖北学堂 Hubei Military Academy钦定授时通考 Imperial-Issued References on Agricultural Calendars特殊人名地名相关


曾国藩 Tseng Kuo-fan李鸿章 Li Hung-chang左宗棠 Tso Tsung-t'ang (General Tso)张之洞 Chang Chih-tung胡林翼 Hu Lin-i丁汝昌 Ting Ju-ch'ang冯子材 Feng Tzu-ts'ai翁同龢 Weng T'ung-ho曾国荃 Tseng Kuo-chüan康有为 K'ang Yu-wei 或 Hong Yauh-waih梁启超 Liang Ch'i-ch'ao谭嗣同 Tan Ssu-T'ung崇厚 Ch'ung-hou盛宣怀 Sheng Hsüan-huai张勋 Chang Hsün荣禄 Jung-lu袁世凯 Yüan Shih-k'ai邓世昌 Teng Shih-Ch'ang赵尔丰 Chao Erh-feng叶志超 Yeh Chih-ch'ao聂士成 Nieh Shih-ch'eng唐景崧 T'ang Ching-sung蔡锷 Tsai O洪秀全 Hung Hsiu-ch'üan杨秀清 Yang Hsiu-Ch'ing冯云山 Fung Wan-Saan


匈奴:现在一般都叫Xiongnu了,以前很多人叫他们Huns,但是这个争议比较大,因为这个词原本是指欧洲的匈人的东胡 Donghu 或者 Eastern Hu南蛮 Southern barbarians百越 Hundred Yue Tribes 或者 Hundred Viet Tribes丝绸之路 Silk Road龟兹:现在一般就叫Qiuci,但比较老的文献用的是Kucha,Kutsi或者Kucina,即库车焉耆 Yanqi,旧文献一般是Karachar或者Karasahr疏勒:常见的就是Shule,或者用现地名喀什Kashgar来指代月氏 Yueh-Chi, Yue-Chi或者Yuezhi, 或者比较老的文献上用的是 Ro-Chi康居 Sogdiana大宛 Dayuan 或 Tayuan拔汗那(其实就是费尔干纳)Ferghana大夏 Bactria朝鲜半岛汉四郡 Four Commanderies of Han in the Korean Peninsula 或者 Four Prefectures of Han in the Korean Peninsula贵霜 Kushan Empire安息/帕提亚帝国 Parthia Empire大秦/罗马帝国 Roman Empire河西走廊 River-west Corridor 或者 Hexi Corridor 玉门关 Yumen Pass 或者 Jade Gate Pass,Pass也可以换成Fortress高句丽 Goguryeo哀牢 Ailao夜郎 Yelang鲜卑 Xianbei 或者 Siber(不常用)嚈哒 Hephthalite罽宾(犍陀罗)Gandhara柔然:一般就是Rouran,以前有个争议性蛮大的Avar吐谷浑 Tuyuhun Kingdom象雄/羊同 Zhang-Zhung孙波/苏毗 Sum Pa敕勒(其实就是铁勒、高车) Tiele突厥 Gokturks 或者 Tujue薛延陀 Xueyantuo 或者 Syr Tardush新罗 Silla百济 Baekje高昌 Gocho,Qocho,Karahoja(一般特指唐初的麴氏高昌国)或者就是 Gaochang吐蕃 Tibetan Empire布达拉宫 Potala Palace安西四镇 Four Military Towns/Stations/Garrisons of An'xi Protectorate熊津都督府 Ungjin Commandery吐火罗都督府 Tocharian Commandery条支都督府 Antiochia Commandery碎叶 Suyab别失八里 Beshbalik或者Beshbaliq,其实就是庭州Tingzhou萨珊波斯 Sassanian Persia倭马亚 Umayyad Caliphate阿拔斯(大食) Abbasside Caliphate怛罗斯Talas回纥汗国 Uighur Khanate 或者 Uyghur Khanate突骑施 Turgesh葛逻禄 Karluks黠戛斯 Kirgis 或者 Kyrghiz渤海国 Balhea 或者 Pohai南诏国 Nanzhao Kingdom归义军 Guiyi Circuit幽云十六州 The 16 Prefectures (provinces) of You and Yun党项 Tangut People西夏 Western Xia 或者 Xixia于阗王国 Khotan Kingdom黑汗 Kara Khanid六谷部 Liugu Tribal Confederation,Liangzhoufu Tibetans,或者 Lingchu Serkap唃厮啰国 Tsongkha西州回鹘 Xizhou Uighurs 或者 Gaochang Uighurs大理国 Dali Kingdom西南夷 Southwestern Barbarians西辽 Qara Khitan,Kara Khitai 或者 Western Liao虎思斡耳朵(八剌沙衮)Balasagun 或者 Hoosihorde,斡耳朵就是Horde,大帐花剌子模 Khwarazmian kingdom 火寻花剌子模沙 Khwarazmshah 即花剌子模的国王蒙古汗国 Mongol Khanate蒙古帝国 Mongol Empire肯特山/布尔罕山/狼居胥山 Khentii Mountains斡难河 Onon River大斡耳朵 Grand Horde乃蛮部 Naimans屈出律 Kuchlug塔塔尔部 Tatars克烈部 Keraites泰赤乌部 Taichiud蔑儿乞部 Merkit元大都 Khanbaliq或者Dadu上都 Xanadu或者Shangdu和林 Karakorum鞑靼 Tatar Mongols瓦剌(卫拉特)Oriats Mongols奴儿干都司 Nurgan Military Commission乌斯藏都司 U-Tsang Military Commission朵干都司 Do-Kham Military Commission(朵干是安多Amdo和康区Kham的合成)帕木竹巴 Phagmodrupa仁蚌巴 Rinpungpa藏巴汗 Tsangpa高丽 Goryeo李氏朝鲜 Joseon琉球王国 Ryukyu Kingdom俺答汗 Altan Khan蒙古左翼和右翼 Left Wing/Righ Wing of Mongols亦力把里(东察合台汗国,可以叫Eastern Chagatai Khanate或Moghulistan,但这个音其实就是伊犁)Ili-baliq、Illiq 或者 Ili,也作 Ghulja叶尔羌汗国 Yarkand Khanate 或者 Yarkent Khanate吐鲁番汗国 Turpan Khanate土默特部 Tumod哈密国 Kara Del克里雅 Keriya巴尔楚克 Barchuk九边 Nine (frontier) garrisons (along the Great Wall)交趾 Jiaozhi 或者 Chiaochih山海关 Shanhai Pass科布多 Khobdo塔里木盆地 Tarim Basin塔克拉玛干沙漠 Taklimakan Desert 或者 Taklamagan Desert和硕特汗国 Khoshut Khanate 或者 Qoshot Khanate准噶尔汗国 Dzungar Khanate喀尔喀蒙古 Khalkha乌里雅苏台 Uliastai唐努乌梁海 Tannu Uriankhai宁古塔 Nimguta赫图阿拉 Hetu Ala黑龙江城 Saghalien Ula 或者 Sakhalin Ula瑷珲 Aigun避暑山庄 Summer Mountain Resort in Chengde汉地十八省 China Proper(国内目前似乎比较批判这个概念,但是在美国学术圈比较常用,并且在学术研究的语境下其实是中性的,指的是用省府县来管理的区域,区别于驻扎大臣或将军等特殊行政方式的区域)檀香山 Honolulu冈仁波齐 Mount Kailash葱岭 Pamir Plateau兴都库什山 Hindukush Mountains燕然山 Khangai Mountains罗布泊 Lop叶尔羌/鸦儿看 Yarkent 或者 Yarkand玉兹 Juz拉达克 Ladakh列城 Leh那曲 Nagqu普兰 Burang仰吉萨尔 Yengisar 即英吉沙乌兹根 Uzgen且末 Qarqan 或 Qiemo若羌 Ruoqiang 或 Karkilik乌什 Uqturpan塔城 Qoqek 或 Tacheng


珠穆朗玛峰 Mt Everest(埃弗勒斯峰,现在还在广泛使用)乔戈里峰 Mt Godwin Austin(戈德文·奥斯丁山)或者 Savage Mountain (野人山),现在的拼写为Qokori 或 Chogori,或者用编号K2指代祁连山 Richthofen Range(李希霍芬岭),此外祁连山的其他非拼音写法还包括South Range、Tsilien Mountains 和 Chileb Mountains托来南山 Alexander III Range(亚历山大三世岭)阿尔金山 Ustun Tagh(乌斯坦山)此外阿尔金山的其他非拼音写法还包括Altun Mountains 和 Altyn-Tagh党河南山 Humboldt Chain(洪堡山脉)吐尔根达坂山 Ritter Range(里特尔山脉)祁漫塔格山 Columbus Range(哥伦布山脉)大通山 Suess Mountains(苏斯山脉)鄂拉山 Semenow Mountains(赛米诺山脉)木孜塔格峰(昆仑山主峰之一) Prshewalski Mountain(普尔热瓦尔斯基山)或 Mt Elisee Reclus (雷克吕斯山), 现在的拼写为 Ulugh Muztagh布喀达坂峰(青海最高峰) Mt Ferrier(费雷尔山),现在的拼写是Bukadaban Peak 或者 Bokalik Tagh(博卡雷克塔格山)库木布彦山 Mt Kreml (克里姆林山)冈扎日山(可可西里山脉主峰) King Oscar Mountain(奥斯卡王山),现在的拼写是Kangzhagri希夏邦马峰 Gosainthan(高僧赞峰)尕玛日岗 Mt Jachar(雅察尔山),现在的拼写是Gamari Gang阿尼玛卿山 Sary Dangero Mountains,现在的拼写是Amne Machin Mountains大连 Port Arthur(亚瑟港)金州湾 Society Bay(社会湾)辽宁广鹿岛 Elliot Island(艾利奥特岛)辽宁獐子岛 Blonde Island(金发岛)嵊泗列岛 Saddle Group(马鞍列岛)福建南碇岛 Chapel Island(教堂岛)汕头湾 Hope Bay(希望湾)大亚湾 Bias Bay(偏见湾)大鹏湾 Mirs Bay(幻影湾)上川岛 St John Island(圣约翰岛)湛江 Fort Bayard(白瓦特堡)海南峻壁角 Cape Morne(莫恩角)海南锦母角 Cape Bastion(堡垒角)海南尖峰岭 Mt Etna(埃特纳山)需要区分的词


东周魏国 State Wei;卫国 State Wey山西 Shanxi;陕西 Shaanxi


唐玄宗 Emperor Xuanzong of Tang;唐宣宗 Emperor Xuanzong II of Tang(见上文)东周魏国 State Wei;三国魏国 Wei Kingdom或Wei Dynasty或Cao Wei;冉魏 Ran Wei;北魏 Northern Wei 或 Tuoba Wei东周吴国 State Wu;三国吴 Wu Kingdom;五代十国的吴国 Yang Wu Kingdom晋朝 Jin Dynasty;金朝 Jurchen Jin Dynasty 或 Jinn Dynasty南朝宋 Liu Song;南宋 Southern Song项羽时代的汉王 Prince of Han;韩王 Prince of Hann





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