
您所在的位置:网站首页 ps颜色改变不了 【讨论】ps打开图片变黯淡饱和度变低、windows一团糟的色彩管理


2023-11-15 10:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






1. 图片未指定色彩配置文件或者使用了错误的配置文件在网上搜索 “ps导出图片变色”,一般帖子会告诉你是因为图片按照其他的色彩配置文件储存的,打开的时候没有选择对应的配置文件,而导出的时候图片变样是因为没有把色彩配置文件嵌入或者将图片本身的色彩转化为sRGB。


2. 设置了校样颜色,导致颜色变成了黯淡的CMYK色


设置校样颜色为 "显示器RGB" 有用,但是在图层管理器和取色器仍然显显示黯淡的颜色。

3. 文档的色彩模式实际上是CMYK或者其他色彩模式/位深




1. 设置校样颜色为 "显示器RGB" 有用,但是在图层管理器和取色器仍然显显示黯淡的颜色

2.  指定色彩配置文件无效。

3. 取消应用色彩配置文件无效。


视频评论区 我节选一些其中的评论,

Joel Steppat:



Windows and most oft its Programms are not properly colormanaged, i imagine you are limiting your monitors colorspace through your calibration. If you calibrate your monitor for sRGB then colormanaged applications will use the calibrated colorspace. Windows can only do a one dimensional adjustment, even if you load the calibrated profile through your calibration Software, it only essentialy changes the brightness oft colors (gamma), or l-component of the lab-colorspace.

Colormanaged applications take the whole profile into consideration, which means it does a full three dimensional transformation(lab). Essentially if you have calibrated your monitor to sRGB and it has a bigger native colorspace you will get a very noticable difference between colormanaged and non-colormanaged applications. Photoshop is probably displaying the right color. Hope this helped somewhat and i was clear enough. Greetings from germany.

Taran Van Hemert (提问者):


But i thought that creating the color profile, which is noticeably applied to my screen, WAS color managing everything...

Joel Steppat:

我还以为微软会在Windows 10中更好地处理色彩管理,但他们决定让应用程序开发人员决定他们是否需要色彩管理以及如何实现它。你不是唯一碰到这个问题的人: https://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/4231117

因此,唯一能显示正确颜色的应用程序是颜色管理应用程序,如Adobe程序。如果你开始在Adobe应用程序之间出现不一致的情况,请使用Adobe Bridge,在那里配置所有的颜色设置,并将它们同步。




I also thought that Microsoft would handle colormanagement better in Windows 10, but they decided to let the app developers decide If they want colormanagement and how they implement it. You are not the only one with that problem: https://www.dpreview.com/forums/thread/4231117

So the only applications that show the right color are colormanagement applications like the Adobe programms. If you ever start having inconsistencies between Adobe applications, use Adobe Bridge and configure all colorsettings there and sync them.All we can do ist complain to Microsoft to implement proper colormanagement.

and the whole thing can get rather complicated as even some apps that claim to have proper colormanagement dont do it right as even the rendering intent can change how color gets converted from one colorspace to another.And If an Image ist not tagged with a colorspace it will just use your monitorprofile.


你所看到的应用到你的屏幕上的并不是颜色配置文件,而是*校准*。校准确保你的显示器显示的颜色尽可能的中性,没有意外的色调。配置文件描述了你的屏幕可以实际呈现哪些颜色,以及为此要使用哪些RGB值。根据我(有限的)经验,大多数现代显示器在偏红/偏黄的区域超过了定义的sRGB颜色。因此,为了在这样的显示器上显示适当的sRGB 255红色,必须减少红色通道。如果为显示器设置了颜色配置文件,Photoshop就会这样做。其他大多数应用程序则没有,所以它们显示的颜色更加饱和。




what you see getting applied to your screen isn't the color profile, it's the *calibration*. Calibration makes sure your monitor is displaying colors as neutral as possible, without unintended tints. The profile describes which colors your screen can actually render and what RGB values to use for that. From my (limited) experience, most modern monitors exceed the defined sRGB colors in the reddish / yellowish area. So to display a proper sRGB 255 red on such a monitor , the red channel has to be decreased. Photoshop does that if a color profile is set for the monitor. Most other applications do not, so they display color more saturated.

All the above is assuming you have an sRGB Monitor and the image has an sRGB profile assigned (or the image has no profile and sRGB is the default color profile in PS).

If you are using an AdobeRGB capable monitor and the image uses an sRGB profile (or has no profile with sRGB set as Default in Photoshop) , that would also account for the loss of saturation, as outside Photoshop the image would be shown oversaturated.

I notice the exact same thing with my images in PS and outside, an increase in saturation (mostly red & yellow) and darkened shadows. Then I switched on color management in XnViewMP and suddenly my images looked like in PS.

Taran Van Hemert (提问者):


我可以在Premiere中通过 "首选项 "打开或关闭校准功能,但我实际上从未使用过它。


但是,如果几乎每个人都在使用显示sRGB比它更饱和的屏幕,那么我不应该为此而调色吗?否则,我就会在Premiere中提高饱和度,把它调回"我认为应该有的位置,从而使那些在过度饱和的显示器上观看视频的人得到超级高的饱和度的颜色...... (吐槽:这就是发生在我身上的事)

I fear that this might be the correct answer.I can turn calibration on and off in Premiere, from the Preferences panel, but I've literally never used it.

It has the same effect as in Photoshop - desaturating the colors, and raising the blacks to be brighter.

But if nearly EVERYONE is using screens that show sRGB as being more saturated than it should be, shouldn't I grade for that anyway? Otherwise, I'm gonna boost the saturation of stuff in Premiere to put it "back" to where I think it should be, resulting in super DUPER saturated colors for people who watch the videos on their over-saturated displays...

Simon Garrett:

你没有做错什么。 Windows桌面没有色彩管理。 事实上,Windows本身并没有色彩管理;是程序在进行(或不进行)色彩管理,除了提供机制来告诉程序哪个是默认的显示器配置文件外,Windows本身没有做任何色彩管理。


请注意,有很多程序仍然没有正确的色彩管理。 IE和Edge都没有正确的色彩管理。 奇怪的是,它们使用嵌入式图像配置文件,而不是显示器配置文件(它们总是使用sRGB作为显示器配置文件)。 新的Windows 10照片应用程序没有色彩管理,尽管以前的Windows照片查看器有色彩管理。 它在W10中仍然提供,但被削弱了(谷歌知道如何启用它)。

即使是有色彩管理的浏览器,也常常不进行色彩管理,除非是带有嵌入式配置文件的图像。 这很重要,因为在网页上,大多数彩色元素都不是图片,而是没有配置文件的gif或png。 它们总是想显示为sRGB,但一些浏览器(与W3C标准相悖)不认为没有配置文件的图形元素是sRGB,而是对它们进行过度饱和。

有两个浏览器在这方面表现良好。Vivaldi(另一位网友)和我认为Chrome是最适合广色域显示器的,因为它们现在假定任何没有嵌入配置文件的东西都是sRGB。 其次是Firefox,因为它可以设置为无配置文件的色彩管理元素(但愚蠢的是这不是默认设置)。 IE和Edge在宽幅显示器上是没用的。 所有东西都是超饱和的。

You're not doing anything wrong.  Windows desktop is not colour-managed.  In fact Windows itself isn't colour managed; it's programs that are (or are not) colour managed, Windows itself does nothing for colour management except provide the mechanism to tell programs which is the default monitor profile.

Hence the desktop will always look over-saturated on a wide-gamut monitor.

Note that a ton of programs are still not properly colour-managed.  IE and Edge are not properly colour managed.  Wierdly, they use embedded image profiles but not the monitor profile (they always use sRGB as the monitor profile).  The new Windows 10 Photos app is not colour managed, though the previous Windows Photo Viewer is colour managed.  It is still supplied in W10, but crippled (Google for how to enable it).

Even browsers that are colour managed often do not colour manage except for images with embedded profiles.  This matters, as on web pages, most coloured elements are not pictures but are gif or png with no profiles.  They are invariably intended to be displayed as sRGB, but some browsers (counter to W3C guidelines) don't assume graphic elements with no profiles are sRGB, and over-saturate them.

Two browsers are well-behaved in this respect: Vivaldi and I think Chrome are best for wide-gamut monitors, as they now assume anything without an embedded profile is sRGB.  Firefox comes next, as it can be set to colour-managed elements with no profiles (but stupidly it's not the default behaviour).  IE and Edge are useless with a wide-gamut monitor.  Everything is hyper-saturated.








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