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2023-08-09 01:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、If we decentralize, the provinces will have more autonomy.我们把权力下放, 各省就有更多的自主权.

2、Although geographically linked, the two provinces have long fought for political ascendancy.尽管地理相连,这两个省长久以来都在为政治优势而竞争。

3、The two provinces are demarcated by a river两省以河流分界。

4、In each of the 12 provinces of the Netherlands, there exists a special design of the shoes.在荷兰的12个省中,每个省都有专门设计的鞋子。

5、The boundaries of provinces are marked with dotted lines.省界用虚线标出。

6、R-the provinces in the order of size.按面积大小依次排列各省。

7、Shandong is the last of the provinces the Yellow River flows through.旁白:山东省是黄河流经的最后一个省份。

8、Japan : I have a great job of memorizing the passages provinces ourselves.日本:我有一个伟大的机票省自己的工作记忆.

9、Japan : I have a great job of memorizing the passages provinces ourselves日本:我有一个伟大的机票省自己的工作记忆

10、characteristic of the provinces or their people.以区域或者区域当中的人为特点。

11、We do not require all provinces to follow the example of Henan Province.不要所有的省都照河南那样办。

12、There are also a number of such cadres in the provinces and municipalities盛市也有一批这样的干部。

13、Five of the six provinces are to become autonomous regions in a new federal system of government.在新的联邦政府体制下,6个省中的5个将成为自治区。

14、The river flows across three provinces to the sea.这条河流经三个省入海。

15、Q:Which are the provinces of the Atlantic region?大西洋区域有哪些省份?

16、The show will tour the provinces after it closes in London.这一团体结束在伦敦的演出后,将到全国各地巡回演出。

17、Wuxi Taihu in the west coast city, Su, Zhejiang, Anhui provinces junction.位于无锡市西部的太湖之滨,苏、浙、皖三省交界处。

18、The four provinces are riven by deep family and tribal conflicts.这四个省被深重的家族和部落纠纷弄得四分五裂。

19、the maritime provinces of Canada加拿大滨海诸省

20、What are the provinces of the Atlantic Region?大西洋地区包括哪些省?

21、some provinces had proved recreant; renegade supporters of the usurper.一些省份被证实叛变了;支持篡位者的变节者。

22、It runs through nine provinces and flows to Bohai Sea in Shangdong Province.它流经九个省,流入山东的渤海。

23、Jiangxi is one of the provinces for severe soil and water loss.摘要江西是我国水土流失较严重的省份之一。

24、Florence is one of the most important provinces around Italy.佛罗伦萨是意大利最重要的省份之一。

25、And religion are endemic producers of finite provinces of meaning.因为艺术和宗教制造出特定的意义领域。

26、Guangdong is one of the provinces in China.广东是中国的一个省份。

27、one of the three prairie provinces in central Canada.加拿大中部草原三省中的一个省。

28、The Reason of the Establishment of Roman Provinces in the History罗马行省建立的历史动因

29、Which provinces are joined to New Brunswick by land?哪些省与新布伦斯维克省接壤?

30、It can be one city, several provinces or the whole country.可以是一个城市、几个省,或者整个国家。

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