mand 词根词缀

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mand 词根词缀

2023-04-10 22:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

词根:-mand-, -mend-


【词根来源】:来源于拉丁语动词mand.o, mand.are, mand.avi, mand.atus(命令,委托)。

【同源单词】:command, commandant, commandeer, commander, demand

词根:mand, mend = to order(命令), to entrust(委托)

  来自拉丁语的mand,mend意为 to order,to entrust。同义词根有来自拉丁语的ordin,意为to order。   (*拉丁文mandare (= to command,to entrust)——英文字根字典)


1. mandatory (和命令有关mand (=order))   adj. 命令的;受委托的;强制的,义务的   n.受托管理国,受托管理者   The hour of morning exercise is mandatory during basic training.在基础训练期间必须保证晨练的时间。

2. commandeer (严厉命令com (=intensive) + mand(=order))   vt.征用;强征入伍;霸占   The FBI agent commandeered a private vehicle to chase the suspect.联邦调查局特工为追击嫌疑人征用一辆私家车。

3. commend (完全委托 com (=intensive) + mend (=entrust,order)) + for +sth; sb + to +sb 称赞;赞赏;委托,托付   commendation n.称赞   commendable adj.值得称赞的   With some trepidation,I commended my young son to the boarding school's care.把我儿子托付给寄宿学校,我很担心。

4. remand (命令向后发送 re (=back) + mand (=order))   vt.将(犯人)还押候审;将(案件)发回原审法院重审   n.还押;发回重审   After having testified,the prisoner was remanded to his prison cell.罪犯在法庭上作证后被押回牢房候审。

5. command v.命令;指挥,统率;控制;博得;俯瞰 n.命令,指挥权;运用能力 *com (=intensive)   command the air /sea拥有制空/制海权;Great men command our respect.传人值得我们尊敬;The hill commands a fine view.这座小山的俯瞰视野很好;chain of command指挥系统;I am at your command.服从你的命令;command module (宇宙(指令舱;command post指挥所(缩写:C.P);have a good/great command of the English language 精通英语

6. commanding adj.指挥的;有权威架子的;居高临下的 *com (=together)   commanding officer 指挥官;commanding ship 指挥舰 ;in a commanding tone 以权威的口气;in a commanding position 站在指挥的位置上

7. commander n.指挥官;司令官;海军中校   commandant n.指挥官;司令   commander-in-chief总司令

8. commandment n.戒律 *com (=together)   the Ten Commandments [基督教]十诚

9. commando n.突击队(员) *com (=together)

10. countermand v.取消,撤回(命令等)*counter (=against)

11. demand v./n.要求;需要 *de (= down)   demand an apology from her要求她道歉

12. recommend v.推荐,举荐;劝说,劝告;使受欢迎 *re (= again),com (=intensive)   Behavior of this sort will not recommend you.那样的行为使你无法获得别人的好感。

13. recommendation n.推荐,举荐;劝告;推荐信;长处 *re (= again),com (=intensive)   letter of recommendation 推荐信

14. reprimand v./n.申斥,斥责 *re (=again),pri




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