
您所在的位置:网站首页 process的名词复数 易混词辨析:proceed、progress、procedure、process


2024-07-13 22:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





一位听众来信询问 “proceed”、“progress”、“procedure”、“process” 之间的区别。这四个单词在含义上有容易混淆的地方。本期节目先对比 “proceed” 和 “progress” 用作动词,谈论事情的 “进行” 和 “进展” 之间的区别;再对比 “procedure” 和 “process” 用作名词,谈论做某事的 “程序,步骤” 和 “过程” 之间的区别。



Feifei大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目。我是菲菲。

BethAnd I'm Beth. This week we are answering this question:

QuestionHi. I would like to know the difference between 'proceed', 'progress', 'procedure' and 'process'.

Feifei谢谢这位听友发来的问题。问题中的四个单词 “proceed”、“progress”、“procedure” 和 “process” 在含义上有容易混淆的地方。本期节目将分为两部分讲解这四个单词的用法。

首先,我们来对比分析 “proceed” 和 “progress” 作动词时的区别。

Beth'Proceed' has a general meaning of 'continue or carry on as planned'.

Feifei“Proceed” 这个词很常用,口语和写作中都能用得到。它的意思是 “按照计划继续做某事,朝特定的方向继续进行”。“Proceed” 常用在与工作有关的语境中。请听两个例句。

ExamplesPreparations for the concert are proceeding as expected.(音乐会的筹备工作正在按计划进行。)

The event was too complicated, so they decided not to proceed.(那场活动过于复杂,因此他们决定不继续推进了。)

Beth'Progress' also means 'to continue', but it also has the extra meaning of development.

Feifei单词 “progress” 也有 “进行” 的意思,相比 “proceed”,“progress” 指的 “进行” 包含了 “在成长或前进的同时继续” 的意思。请听两个例句。

ExamplesI haven't progressed in my German class. I just can't remember anything!(我的德语没有进步,我什么都记不住。)

Her project is progressing well. She's made some interesting discoveries.(她的项目进展顺利。她有了一些很有趣的发现。)

Beth'Progress', as a noun, has the same meaning.

Feifei“Progress” 也可以作名词使用,指 “进展,进步”。比如:“to make progress” 的意思是 “取得进步”。听下面的两个例句。

ExamplesI haven't made any progress in my German class. I can't remember anything!(我的德语没有进步,我什么都不记得了。)

She's making progress with her project. She's made some interesting discoveries.(她的项目取得了进展。她有了一些很有趣的发现。)

BethNote that as a verb, the stress is on the second syllable: progress. And the noun has the stress on the first syllable: PROgress.

Feifei是的,大家要注意,“progress” 作动词的时候,重音在第二个音节上,读作 /prəˈɡres/;作名词的时候,重音在第一个音节上,读作 /ˈprəʊɡres/。

下面我们接着来对比 “process” 和 “procedure” 的区别。

BethA 'process' is a way of doing something, particularly a series of tasks that will result in an outcome.

Feifei“Process” 作名词时的意思是 “过程”,常和与时间有关的单词连用。比如:“long process(漫长的过程)”、“slow process(缓慢的过程)” 和 “to delay the process of something(延迟某事的进程)”。请听例句。

ExampleFeeling settled after moving to a new country can be a long process. There's so much to do and get used to.(搬到另一个国家后要安定下来可能是一个漫长的过程。因为有太多事情要做,有很多事情要习惯。)

BethA 'procedure' is a set of instructions or actions that helps you to complete something, and it's usually the most accepted or official way of doing something.

Feifei“Procedure” 作名词时的意思是 “程序,步骤”。“Procedure” 通常是帮助你完成某事的一组指令或动作,而这些 “步骤” 通常是做某事最被认可和接受的方式。

Listen to this example.

ExampleWhat's the procedure for applying for a passport?(申办护照的程序是什么?)

Feifei所以,“procedure” 指 “程序,步骤”;“process” 指 “过程”。

比如:要烹饪一顿大餐是 “a long process(一个漫长的过程)”,按照菜谱,每做一道菜都要遵循 “a procedure(一系列的步骤)”。

ExamplesCooking a roast dinner for ten people was a long process.(为十个人准备一顿烤肉大餐是一个漫长的过程。)

We need to follow the recipe card. Let's go through the procedure together.(我们得按照菜谱做菜,咱们一起按步骤来做吧。)

Feifei因为 “procedure” 指 “做某事的正式的程序,步骤”,所以它常与 “established(既定的)”、“correct(正确的)” 和 “safety(安全)” 等单词连用。请听两个例句。

ExamplesPlease make sure you follow the safety procedures whilst working in this environment.(在这种环境中工作时,请确保遵循安全程序。)

What is the correct procedure for making complaints?(投诉的正确程序是什么?)

BethWe hope this has helped you in distinguishing the difference between these four words.

Remember, if you have a question about the English language you'd like to ask us, please send us an email. Our email address is: [email protected]

Feifei你也可以通过微博向我们提问。我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。下次再会。





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