Depreciation of PPE

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Depreciation of PPE

#Depreciation of PPE| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Depreciation of PPE- PPE 后续计量-折旧摊销


Depreciation of PPE- PPE 后续计量-折旧摊销

Depreciation of PPE- PPE 后续计量-折旧摊销

IAS 16 allows two methods of depreciation

Straight line

Depreciation = (cost –residual value)/Useful economic life


(cost – residual value) * % (depreciated rate)

Reducing balance (Depreciated on Net book value)

Depreciation = NBV @ opening * % (depreciated rate)

Additional factors to consider

Depreciation starts when the asset is ready for its intended use and not from when it starts to be used, until the asset is derecognized , even if it is idle.

The useful life of assets and depreciation method should be reviewed at least at each financial year end, and when necessary, revised. (IAS 8)

Separate component of PPE should be capitalized as separate assets and depreciated over their useful lives

No depreciation for land




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