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2024-03-11 05:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

At first, when we set out,

The willows were fresh and green;

Now, when we shall be returning,

The snow will be falling clouds.

Long and tedious will be our marching;

We shall hunger;we shall thirst.

Our hearts are wounded with grief,

And no one knows our sadness.

2.半形似型(韵体):William Jennings的译本可以作为《诗经》韵体译本的代表,他在导言中分析了《诗经》的诗章的字数和行数,还分析了原诗的押韵方式。他努力保持汉语原诗的外在形式,特别是用韵。他认为Victor von Strauss德语的韵体译文是非常成功的,他也要照此办理,他说道:“If it will detract in any degree from the apathy shown by English people towards the literature of the Far East,let me say in conclusion that though the‘Poetry Classic’of the ancient Chinese may be despised as poetry, and may be looked upon only as rhymed prose, yet it has at least the merit of its age, and in one important respect it surpasses such poetry as that of Burns, and Byron, and Heine, and many other popular balladists: ithas the merit of a great morality. ”《小雅·采薇》的第6章在他的笔下是这样的:

At first, when we started on our track,

The willows green were growing.

And now, when we think of the journey back,

’Tis raining fast and snowing.

And tedious and slow the march will be,

And food and drink will fail us.

Ah, hard to bear is the misery!

None knows what grief assails us.

他在用韵以后自然出现了吕叔湘先生在《中诗英译比录》(书林出版社,1988年)中指出的3项弊端:一曰趁韵(例如“…be/…misery”),二曰颠倒词语以求协律(例如,“The willows green…”),三曰增删及更易原诗意义(例如,“hard to bear is the misery”)。但是,从总体来说,他的译文使读者感到是在读“诗”,有一种“声美”的享受。

3.神似型(自由体):以Ezra Pound的译文为代表,庞德的意象派理论认为:诗要具体,避免抽象;形式上要允许连行,不要切成一行行;要精练,不用废字,不用修饰,不要用诗来叙述、描写等等。他的诗歌理论受到中国诗歌的影响,他在翻译《诗经》的时候却又像在创作自己的诗歌。正如The Nation在一篇书评中所说的:“Pound has put a great book into living English measures。”《小雅·采薇》的这段译文在他的笔下是这样的:

Willows were green when we set out,

it’s blowin’an’snowin’as we go

down this road, muddy and slow,

hungry and thirsty and blue a doubt

(no one feels half of what we know).


4.半形似型(无韵体):Arthur Waley的译本可以作为这种“无韵体”的代表。这里所谓的“无韵体”用范存忠先生在“Chinese Poetry and English Translation”(《外国语》,1981年)一文中的说法,是“用一个重读音节来代表一个汉字,在每行译诗中含有一定数目的重读音节和不定数目的非重读音节。他将这种格律比之于英诗的无韵体,但并不到处拘泥格式。”《小雅·采薇》的译文是个典型的例子:

Long ago, when we started,

The willows spread their shade.

Now that we turn back

The snow flakes fly.

The march before us is long,

We are thirsty and hungry,

Our hearts are stricken with sorrow,

But no one listens to our plaint.

他以自己的独特方式向英语读者再现了《诗经》的风貌,1987年版的前言对他的成就做了比较公允的评价:“The interpretation of The Book of Songs is filled with difficulties, both the philological interpretation of individual words and lines and of whole poems. Arthur Waley was a scholar in his own right, as well as being a remarkably gifted translator; and he has done his best in these translations (which are at the same time interpretations) to restore to the Songs some of the freshness of their Chou origins. ”


When I left here,

Willows shed tear.

I come back now,

Snow bends the bough.

Long, long the way;

Hard, hard the day.

Hunger and thirst

Press me the worst.

My grief o’erflows.

Who knows?Who knows?





Long ago when we set off,

Thick, thick were the willow shades.

Now that we start for home,

Heavy, heavy are the rain and snow.

Long, long is the march before us,

We are hungry and thirsty.

Our hearts are pain-stricken,

Nobody knows our woe.


中华人民共和国成立以后,我国的译者也不乏佳译,例如,杨宪益等人译的《周南·汉广》(引自Selections from the Book of Songs,中国文学杂志社,1983年),“南有乔木,不可休息。汉有游女,不可求思。汉之广矣,不可泳思!江之水矣,不可方思!”:

In the south there is a high tree;

It gives no shelter.

Beyond the Han roams a maid;

I cannot reach her.

Ah, the Han it is so wide

I cannot swim it,

And the Yangzi is so long

I cannot pass it!



A tree in the South, so tall

It gives no cover:

A goddess by the Han

So lovely she stuns her lover.

Oh, the Han is too broad to be swum,

And the Yangtze’s too long, too tong.

Robert Burton所译的《郑风·子衿》(引自The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry, Columbia University Press, 1984),“青青子衿,悠悠我心。纵我不往,子宁不嗣音?”也是得心应手之作:

Blue blue your collar,

sad sad my heart.

though I do not go to you,

why don’t you send word?

诗体的译文也有不少值得玩味的篇章,例如John A. Turner的《邶凤·静女》(引自A Golden Treasury of Chinese Poetry,香港中文大学,1976年),“静女其姝,俟我于城隅。爱而不见, 搔首踟蹰”:

That gentle maid so sweet

Said by the curtain-wall we’d meet.

Then as I came she hid away,

To leave me mopping in dismay.

Helen Waddel所译的《邶风·匏有苦叶》(转引自An Anthology of World Poetry,Harcourt,Brace&World In.,1936年)“匏有苦叶,济有深涉。深则厉,浅则揭。”虽然译文与原文有所出入,但是,读来倒也觉得还有道理:

The gourd has still its bitter leaves,

And deep the crossing at the ford.

I wait my lord.






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