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2023-04-13 12:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Firstly please allow me to laugh loudly!首先,请允许我大声地笑一次!

2、Firstly of all, the interviewee must pay attention to his or her appearance.首先的是,受访者一定要注意他或她的外表。

3、It makes you look firstly at how you're treated and secondly how you treat everybody else.它让你首先看别人怎样对待你,其次看你怎样对待别人。

4、We firstly should solve this problem.我们首先应解决这问题。

5、Firstly the magnetic recording and replaying principle is introduced.首先介绍视频信号的磁记录与重放原理。

6、But stomata width firstly decreased, then increased.气孔密度呈现先升高后降低。

7、And firstly you are to choose a piece of material.不过你需要先选一块料子。

8、This article firstly introduces the basic knowledge of cryptology involved.本文首先对文中涉及的密码学的基础知识进行了介绍。

9、Firstly you should provide context, both for the practice and the practitioner.首先,你需要为实践和实践者提供环境。

10、The fist part pursues the ancient Hellenic consciousness, the spirit mode of west firstly show.第一部分,追寻古希腊的自我意识,西方精神模式初次显现。

11、When making ceramic, a ceramist should firstly form an imagination, so a motif comes into being.陶艺在制作前必须有一个想象,这时陶艺设计的意念就产生了。

12、A scheme of network represention for truss is firstly proposed and discussed in the paper.本文首先提出并讨论了桁架的网络化方案。

13、When you intend to criticize the others, you should firstly wonder whether you are prefect.要批评别人时,先想想自已是否完美无缺。

14、As the founder of pragmatism, firstly and mostly Peirce was a logician.作为实用主义的鼻祖,皮尔士首先和主要是一位逻辑学家。

15、The subfamily Bocchinae is firstly recorded from China.栉爪螯蜂亚科为中国首次记录。

16、Genes of ethylene receptor were cloned and characterized firstly in Arabidopsis Thaliana.乙烯受体基因首先在拟南芥中被克隆并证实了其功能。

17、So Flanders became one of the areas that capitalist sprout firstly emerged.佛兰德尔由此成为最早出现资本主义萌芽性质的地区之一。

18、Firstly we want about one container 20 feet.第一次我们要一个20尺的集装箱。

19、She needed to firstly overwhelm her rivals by her vigor. No matter what, she should buy one first.无论多烂的房子,走进去第一件事情就想给个价儿,先从气势上把对手压倒,买下再说。

20、However, Almunia knows he must firstly oust current Arsenal number one Jens Lehmann.然而,阿尔穆尼亚很清楚眼前的目标是超越现在阿森纳的一号门将延斯?莱曼。

21、Clinically, the baffle tongue is firstly positioned in the lengthways long groove on the push rod.临床时,挡舌首先处在推杆上的纵向长凹槽中。

22、Firstly put some silver cleaner on a cotton pad and use it on the chronometer.先在物品栏里把棉垫和银器清洗剂组合,用在表上。

23、This thesis firstly introduces the manifestations of vulgarization of the mass media.本文首先介绍了大众传媒低俗化的表现方式。

24、The basic idea of CSVC is surveyed firstly and a novel CSVC model is presented.总结了协调二级电压控制(CSVC)的基本思想,提出了一种新的CSVC模型。

25、Firstly the dynamic models of sonar array are given.首先给出声纳基阵的动力学模型。

26、Firstly because it has an impact on the quality of DNA sequence synthesis;因为,首先它直接影响着DNA 序列的合成质量;

27、Firstly you would need to improve your confidence level if you have low self-esteem.如果你有轻度自卑,首先你需要提高你的自信度。

28、It firstly appeared in the folk buildings in the region south to Yangtse River.它最初出现于江南地区民间建筑中,进而逐渐为官式建筑吸纳采用。

29、Al ball skewing rolling pass design firstly has used design project of two grooves rolling.铝球斜轧模具设计首次采用了双头轧制的设计方案。

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