Cleansing the Threshold ~by Priscilla Van Sutphin

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Cleansing the Threshold ~by Priscilla Van Sutphin

2023-03-19 19:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


“The Spirit of Burning is at hand for The Church.  I will cleanse My Threshing Floors and there will no longer be merchants in The House of The LORD.

For just as I went into the temple in Jerusalem and drove out the money-changers when I was on earth, I will once again cleanse the temple of your heart, and of the whole of My Church.

Mammon has ruled long enough and the gospel should be FREE to all who want to hear.

The worker is worthy of his or her wages, but there is no fee demanded in the true church, just as Peter said, silver and gold I do not have, but what I have I GIVE FREELY is the standard you will walk in.  People are more important than buildings.

Where is the house you will build for Me, when I have taken up residence in every heart that has said yes to Me?

For men will burn down your buildings out of their insanity and rage.  They will think they are doing My Father a favor when they murder you or drive you out of a place.

And those who have turned like Judas to the side of the wickedly religious harlot church will not think twice to report you to false authorities to do with you what they want.

Not one word of My Book will be left undone.  For I AM NOT A MAN that I should lie, nor a son of man that I would change My Mind!  I WILL separate the chaff from the wheat in this hour of power. 

There will not be ability to hide from Me.  Yet I AM NOT the harsh taskmaster.  I AM NOT the religious one.

The religious are full of rules, but no grace.  They are out of balance.  I said they are full of dead men’s bones.  They strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.

I AM ARISING in your hearts and will light up all the darkness within and without!  You will be SO JOYOUS when I do this, that you will be full of ecstasy.  It will be like living a dream for you have no paradigm for what I AM about to do.

Hold on to Me beloveds for it’s going to be a very exciting ride.  The coursers they come!  Get ready!  Get ready!

Expect and do not doubt that I have your best interest in mind in all I do, no matter how it looks.  Time is not going to fade in the distance.

Summary judgments have been issued in the courts of heaven for those reprobate in mind and heart. Nothing will stop My judgments from being fulfilled.

Yet My heart is ever broken for all that the enemy has done to capture the minds and hearts of so many.  So I AM executing a marvelous Plan I’ve had ‘up My sleeve’ for a very long time.

There is going to be some noise in the heavens as this Plan comes to fruition.  So be not surprised nor afraid.

The enemy shows his hand, but so will I.  Be utterly wise in looking to ME for all you need to know, for all you need to do.”

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, that tithe mint, anise, and cumin, and have left those things that be of more charge of the law, doom, and mercy, and faith. And it behooved to do these things [And these things it behooved, or needed, to do], and not to leave those. Blind leaders, cleansing a gnat, but swallowing a camel. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, that cleanse the cup and the platter withoutforth [that make clean that thing of the cup and of the platter, that is withoutforth]; but within ye be full of raven and uncleanness. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first the cup and the platter withinforth, that that that is withoutforth be made clean. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, that be like to sepulchres whited [that be like to sepulchres made white], which withoutforth seem fair to men; but within they be full of bones of dead men, and of all filth.  So [and] ye withoutforth seem just to men [So and ye forsooth withoutforth appear rightful to men]; but within ye be full of hypocrisy and wickedness. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, that build [the] sepulchres of prophets, and make fair the burials of just men, and say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we should not have been their fellows in the blood of prophets.  And so ye be in witnessing to yourselves [And so ye be into witnessing to yourselves], that ye be the sons of them that slew the prophets.  And full-fill ye the measure of your fathers. [And fill ye the measure of your fathers.] Ye adders, and adders’ brood [Ye serpents, fruits of adders], how shall ye flee from the doom of hell?  Therefore lo! I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes [Therefore lo! I send to you prophets, and wise men, and scribes, or writers]; and of them ye shall slay and crucify, and of them ye shall scourge in your synagogues, and shall pursue from city into city; that all the just blood come on [upon] you, that was shed on the earth, from the blood of just Abel [till] to the blood of Zacharias, the son of Barachias, whom ye slew betwixt the temple and the altar [whom ye slew between the temple and the altar].”  Matthew 23:23-35 WB

References I was led to:

“Leaders & Entrepreneurs — “Men Don’t Follow Titles, They Follow Courage“”

“He Walks With Us — “Threshold Covenant“”

“Yes, every cooking pot in Yerushalayim and Y’hudah will be consecrated to Adonai-Tzva’ot. Everyone who offers sacrifices will come, take them and use them to stew the meat. When that day comes, there will no longer be merchants in the house of Adonai-Tzva’ot.”   Zechariah 14:21 CJB

“For The LORD washeth away the filths of the daughters of Zion, and washeth (away) the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof, in the spirit of doom, and in the spirit of heat (by the spirit of judgement, and by the spirit of burning).”    Isaiah 4:4 WB


~ Priscilla Van Sutphin

Priscilla Van Sutphin of Upstream MinistriesPRISCILLA VAN SUTPHIN is the founder of Upstream Ministries, California, online at and Upstream. Donate to Upstream: via secure Paypal by sending as gift to or send to: Upstream, PMB 545, 14311 Newport Blvd, Suite G, Tustin, CA 92780, USA.

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