
您所在的位置:网站首页 plant-based翻译 2023年翻译硕士考研:英语翻译基础:一周热词汇总


2023-03-22 18:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 一起向未来 Together for a Shared Future

2. 北京冬季奥运会 Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games

3. 中国女足 China Women's National Football Team

4. 北京冬奥会中国体育代表团 Chinese delegation for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games

5. 冰墩墩/雪容融 Bing Dwen Dwen/Shuey Rhon Rhon

6. 未经核实名单 Unverified List

7. 就近入学 be admitted to neighborhood primary schools

30.8. 北京中轴线 The Central Axis of Beijing

31.9. 短道速滑 short track speed skating

10. 绿色办奥.共享办奥.开放办奥.廉洁办奥 deliver an Olympics in 2022 with a "green, inclusive, open and clean" approach

11. 冰雪运动 winter sports

12. 金融标准化 financial standardization

13. 生态农场 ecological farms

14. 冰舞 ice dancing

15. 速度滑冰 Speed Skating

16. 人民币国际化 internationalization of the renminbi (RMB)

17. 演员天价片酬 sky-high remuneration of actors and actresses

18. 城镇环境基础设施建设 the construction of urban environmental infrastructure

19. 加息 rate hike

20. 电子竞技 electronic sports/e-sports

21. 超级碗 Super Bowl

22.“双一流”"Double First-Class" initiative

23. 情人节 Valentine’s Day

24. 元宵节 the Lantern Festival

25. 汤圆 glue pudding/sweet dumpling

26. 盲盒 mystery boxes

27. 个人所得税 personal income tax

28. 全国土壤普查 national soil survey

29. 六税两费 six local taxes and two fees

32.米胶协定 Rubber-Rice Pact

33.新能源汽车 new energy vehicle

34.绿色发展 green development

35.尾号限行 traffic restrictions based on the last digit of license plate numbers

36.潮汐车道 reversible lanes


2)证监会China Securities Regulatory Commission

3)公募基金 publicly-offered funds

4)养老金 pension

5)老龄化社会 aging society

6)《新时代的中国青年》白皮书 white paper titled "Youth of China in the New Era"

7)新时代的中国青年China's youth in the new era

8)蓬勃向上的中国青年形象the vibrant and energetic image of the Chinese youth

9)共青团the Communist Youth League of China (CYLC)

10)公开道歉Public apology

11)国家植物园 National Botanical Garden

12)国家生物安全 national biosecurity

13)濒危植物物种 endangered plant species

14)迁地保护 off-site conservation

15)千篇一律的论调Stereotyped views

16)装有防疫物资的货运班列 a freight train loaded with anti-COVID-19 supplies;

17)集装箱 container;

18)新冠病毒检测试剂盒 COVID-19 virus test kits;

19)防护服 protective clothing;

20)抗疫前线 anti-epidemic front;

21)提高频率 to increase the frequency

22)客机 passenger plane;

23)机组人员 crew members;

24)俯冲 nosedive;

25)应急机制 the emergency response mechanism;

26)全力搜救 all-out search and rescue efforts;

27)妥善处置善后 the proper settlement of the aftermath of the crash;

28)飞机残骸 plane wreckage;

29)家属援助family assistance;

30)后勤保障logistics support

1)印花税 stamp tax

2)增值税 value-added tax

3)财政支出 fiscal spending

4)财政收入 fiscal revenue

5)国家植物园 National Botanical Garden


7)national biosecurity


9)endangered plant species


11)off-site conservation

12)新时代的中国青年Youth of China in the New Era

13)不畏浮云遮望眼We must not let our vision be blocked by floating clouds

14)中国特色自由贸易港 free trade port with Chinese characteristics

15)国际免税购物中心 international duty-free shopping mall

16)离岛免税政策 offshore duty-free policies

17)高水平开放 high-standard opening-up

18)诚信经营 trusted business operations

19)不景气 slump (衰退 recession)

20)二板市场 the second board market

21)中国创业板 China Growth Enterprise Market

22)首次上市 IPOs (initial public offering)

23)市场资本总额 market capitalization

24)法人股 institutional shares

25)内部股(非上市招股) private company shares

26)牛市 bull market

27)法律风险 legal risk

28)风险管理 risk management

29)坚持严格的贷款标准 maintain strong underwriting standards

30)六大风险 risks in 6 key areas (U.S. Federal Reserve criterion)

31)信用风险 credit risk

32)供给学派 supply-side economist

33)第一产业(农业) agriculture (primary industry)

34)第二产业(工业) manufacturing industry (secondary industry)

35)第三产业(服务业) service industry (tertiary industry)

36)主要经济指标 major economic indicators

37)国内生产总值 GDP gross domestic product (商品和劳务币值总和,不包括海外收入支出)

38)国民生产总值 GNP gross national product(商品和劳务币值总和,包括海外收入支出)

39)人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita

40)宏观经济 macro economy

41)互助基金 mutual fund

42)扩大内需 expand domestic demand

43)改善居民心理预期 inspire the general public's confidence in the future needs

44)鼓励增加即期消费 encourage more immediate consumption

45)积极诚意 positive sincerity;

46)实现停火 to achieve a ceasefire;

47)一国安全不能以损害他国安全为代价 one country’s security cannot be at the expense of others’ security;

48)人道主义危机 a humanitarian crisis;

49)撤侨 evacuation of nationals;

50)外国侨民撤离专列 special evacuation trains for foreign nationals;

51)防止对平民的伤害 to prevent harm to civilians;

52)避免冲突升级 to prevent the conflict from escalating

53)直播打赏to tip in livestreaming;

54)诱导打赏to induce the viewers to tip;

55)营造虚假人气to put up fake viewer counts and sales data;

56)劣迹艺人entertainers who have broken the law or transgressed social morality;

57)封号to ban the internet accounts;

58)复出to make a comeback;

59)僵尸粉ghost followers

闭门搞建设pursue development behind closed doors

核心舱core module

在轨be in orbit

交会对接rendezvous and docking

舱外活动extravehicular activities

饮用水drinking water

太阳电池翼solar cell wings

发电能力power generation capacity

核心技术验证the verification of key technologies

中国特色自由贸易港 free trade port with Chinese characteristics

国际免税购物中心international duty-free shopping mall

离岛免税政策offshore duty-free policies

高水平开放high-standard opening-up

诚信经营trusted business operations

基础教育强师计划 plan to strengthen basic education teacher force

高质量教育体系 high-quality education system

高等教育 higher education

职业教育 vocational education

全民国家安全教育日National Security Education Day

总体国家安全观the overall national security outlook

高质量教育体系high-quality education system

高等教育higher education

职业教育vocational education

基础教育强师计划 plan to strengthen basic education teacher force

重污染天气 heavily polluted weather

地表水 surface water

细颗粒物(PM2.5)平均浓度 average concentration of airborne particles PM2.5

以人为本的社会 people-first society

廉租房 low-rent house

廉租房项目low-rent housing program

经济适用房 economically affordable house

二手房 resold apartment

小型和中型不动产small and medium-sized condominiums

中低收入家庭 low- and middle-income families

高收入家庭 high-income families

中等收入阶层 middle-income bracket

房地产real estate

多渠道解决住房问题 an integrated effort to solve housing problems

保持社会稳定 to maintain social stability

城市贫困人口urban poor

低收入城市居民的住房困难housing difficulties of low-income urban residents

增加“两限房”供给 to increase supply of reasonably priced housing

抑制高端房产需求 to curb demand for high-end housing

防止房价过热 to prevent overheating in housing prices

囤积和投机土地和房地产 to hoard and speculate land and houses

次贷危机 subprime crisis

世界一流航天发射场 world-leading spacecraft launch site

天和核心舱 space station core module Tianhe

嫦娥五号探月任务 the Chang'e-5 lunar mission

天问一号火星探测器 the Tianwen-1 Mars probe

大推力运载火箭 high thrust carrier rockets

实体经济 the real economy

务实合作 practical cooperation

天和核心舱space station core module Tianhe

嫦娥五号探月任务the Chang'e-5 lunar mission

天问一号火星探测器the Tianwen-1 Mars probe

大推力运载火箭high thrust carrier rockets

世界一流航天发射场 world-leading spacecraft launch site

核酸检测 nucleic acid testing

动态清零 dynamic zero-COVID policy

道琼斯工业平均指数The Dow Jones industrial average

数字经济健康发展 sound development of digital economy

网络强国战 national cyber development strategy

国家大数据战略 national big data strategy

关键核心技术 key and core technologies

加强国际合作,创造良好环境 to strengthen cooperation with the international community and create an excellent environment

促进中国经济社会发展 to promote China's economic and social development

增进中国人民同世界各国人民的友谊与合作 to increase friendship and cooperation between Chinese and the peoples of other countries

粮食总产量 grain output

第三大贸易国 the third largest trading nation

世界第四大经济体 world's fourth largest economy

国家税收 government revenue

外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves

更加开放的经济体more open economy

加快发展债券市场 to accelerate development of the bond market

稳步发展期货市场 to steadily develop the futures market

创业板市场 growth enterprise market

中小企业板 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) board

市值 market capitalization(指已发行股票的总值)

印花税 stamp tax

国家开发银行 China Development Bank

创业板块市场 market for growth enterprises

债券市场 bond market

期货市场 futures market

提高上市公司质量 improve the performance of listed companies

维护公开公平公正的市场秩序 to maintain an open, fair and equitable market environment

医疗保障 medical insurance

公共卫生服务 health care

医疗改革 healthcare reform

社会保障体系 social security system

医疗改革初步方案 preliminary plan on the health care reform

公开征求意见 to solicit opinions from the general public

基本医疗保险 basic medical insurance

安全、有效、方便、价廉的基本医疗卫生服务 safe, effective, convenient and affordable basic medical and health service

人人享有基本医疗卫生服务 to provide everyone with access to basic medical and health services




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