The problem is her pitbull

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The problem is her pitbull

2023-10-31 00:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

problem - unmanageable, recalcitrant, troublesome, difficult, disobedient, uncontrollable, delinquent, unruly, misfortune, drawback, hiccup, setback, hurdle, obstacle, difficult situation, hitch, mishap, stumbling block, headache, plight, catch, snag, complication, trouble, quandary

pitbull - mastiff, pit bull

the - these, its, strange, the-special, the-self, unknown, a, impregnable, especial, distinguished, spectacular, unequaled, single, almighty, the whole, the-individual, itself, unheard-of, individual, invincible, unusual, sole, specific, occasional, the-specific




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